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Dr. Teow is currently an Associate Professor at UKM. She completed her undergraduate and obtained Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Chemical Engineering from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2010. She continued her Ph.D study and graduated from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia in 2014. She has been involved in membrane technology for more than 10 years. Her research activities are principally dedicated in the fields of membrane synthesis and characterization, membrane application for water purification and wastewater treatment, membrane fouling, integration of nanoparticle technology and membrane technology for mixed-matrix membrane synthesis, water disinfection technology, and adsorption. She has authored several publications and has collaborated with companies such as Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd., Infineon Technologies (Kulim) Sdn. Bhd., and Sime Darby Research Sdn. Bhd. in applying membrane for wastewater treatment, reclamation, and reuse.
Doktor Falsafah , USM , 2014 |
Sarjana Muda , UTAR , 2011 |
TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING - MATERIAL AND POLYMER (Integration of Nanoparticles Technology and Membrane Technology for Water and Wastewater Treatment) |
Zhen Hong Chang, Leow Hui Ting Lyly, Yeit Haan Teow, Swee Pin Yeap, Jing Yao Sum. (2023). Insight Into Polydopamine Coating On Microfiltration Membrane With Controlled Surface Pore Size For Enhanced Membrane Rejection. - Polymer. 1-10. |
Maha Mohammad Al-rajabi, Yeit Haan Teow. (2023). Synthesis Of Thermoresponsive Composite Hydrogel From Pluronic F127 Reinforced By Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches-extracted Cellulose For Silver Sulfadiazine Drug Delivery. - Sustainable Chemistry And Pharmacy. 1-18. |
Nur Ameera Rosli, Yeit Haan Teow, Ebrahim Mahmoudi. (2023). Optimisation For The Synthesis Of Uniformly Dispersed Antimicrobial Ag/go Nanohybrid Latex Film. - Journal Of Industrial And Engineering Chemistry. 149-168. |
Lyly Leow Hui Ting, Yeit Haan Teow, Ebrahim Mahmoudi, Boon Seng Ooi. (2023). Development And Optimization Of Low Surface Free Energy Of Rgo-pvdf Mixed Matrix Membrane For Membrane Distillation. - Separation And Purification Technology. 1-13. |
Maha Mohammad Al-rajabi, Yeit Haan Teow. (2023). Temperature-responsive Hydrogel For Silver Sulfadiazine Drug Delivery: Optimized Design And In Vitro/in Vivo Evaluation. - Gels. 1-23. |
Atiqah Salleh, Norlaila Mustafa, Yeit Haan Teow, Mohd Nor Fatimah , Fauzul Azim Khairudin, Ishak Ahmad And Mh Busra Fauzi. (2022). Dual-layered Approach Of Ovine Collagen-gelatin/cellulose Hybrid Biomatrix Containing Graphene Oxide-silver Nanoparticles For Cutaneous Wound Healing: Fabrication, Physicochemical, Cytotoxicity And An. - Biomedicines. 1-17. |
Nor Naimah Rosyadah Ahmad, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Ebrahim Mahmoudi, Wei Lun Ang, Choe Peng Leo, Yeit Haan Teow. (2022). An Overview Of The Modification Strategies In Developing Antifouling Nanofiltration Membranes. - Membranes. 1-30. |
Nor Naimah Rosyadah Ahmad, Wei Lun Ang, Yeit Haan Teow, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Nidal Hilal. (2022). Nanofiltration Membrane Processes For Water Recycling, Reuse And Product Recovery Within Various Industries: A Review. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 1-20. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Cheah Yi Hui, Ho Kah Chun, Ebrahim Mahmoudi. (2022). Treatment Of Semiconductor-industry Wastewater With The Application Of Ceramic Membrane And Polymeric Membrane. - Journal Of Cleaner Production. 1-11. |
Yu-hsuan Chiao, Arijit Sengupta, Micah Belle Marie Yap Ang, Shu-ting Chen, Teow Yeit Haan, Jorge Almodovar, Wei-song Hung And S. Ranil Wickremasinghe. (2021). Application Of Zwitterions In Forward Osmosis: A Short Review. - Polymers. 1-18. |
Nur Ameera Rosli, Teow Yeit Haan, Ebrahim Mahmoudi. (2021). Current Approaches For The Exploration Of Antimicrobial Activities Of Nanoparticles. - Science And Technology Of Advanced Materials. 885-907. |
Yeit Haan Teow, Boon Seng Ooi, Abdul Latif Ahmad, Jit Kang Lim. (2021). Investigation Of Anti-fouling And Uv-cleaning Properties Of Pvdf/tio2 Mixed-matrix Membrane For Humic Acid Removal. - Membranes. 1-22. |
Kah Chun Ho, Yeit Haan Teow, Jing Yao Sum, Zhe Jia Ng, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2021). Water Pathways Through The Ages: Integrated Laundry Wastewater Treatment For Pollution Prevention. - Science Of The Total Environment. 1-17. |
K.c. Ho, Y.x. Teoh, Y.h. Teow, A.w. Mohammad. (2021). Life Cycle Assessment (lca) Of Electrically-enhanced Pome Filtration: Environmental Impacts Of Conductive-membrane Formulation And Process Operating Parameters. - Journal Of Environmental Management. 1-16. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Wan Nur Athirah Wan Mohammad Hamdan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2021). Preparation Of Palm Oil Industrys Biomass-based Graphene Composite For The Adsorptive Removal Of Methylene Blue. - Adsorption Science And Technology. 1-11. |
Wong Siew Ming, Muhammad Zikri Aiman Zulkifli, Darman Nordin, Teow Yeit Haan. (2021). Synthesis Of Cellulose/nano-hydroxyapatite Composite Hydrogel Absorbent For Removal Of Heavy Metal Ions From Palm Oil Mill Effluents. - Journal Of Polymers And The Environment. 4106-4119. |
Maha Mohammad Al-rajabi, Teow Yeit Haan. (2021). Green Synthesis Of Thermo-responsive Hydrogel From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches Cellulose For Sustained Drug Delivery. - Polymers. 1-21. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Siti Norashiqin Amirudin, Kah Chun Ho. (2020). Sustainable Approach To The Synthesis Of Cellulose Membrane From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch For Dye Wastewater Treatment. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 1-9. |
Ebrahim Mahmoudi, Lay Yong Ng, Wei Lun Ang, Yeit Haan Teow, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2020). Improving Membrane Bioreactor Performance Through The Synergistic Effect Of Silver-decorated Graphene Oxide In Composite Membranes. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 1-12. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Siti Aisyah Tajudin, Kah Chun Ho, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2020). Synthesis And Characterization Of Graphene Shell Composite From Oil Palm Frond Juice For The Treatment Of Dye Containing Wastewater. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 1-7. |
Noorini Izzati Mohamad Mazuki, Yeit Haan Teow, Kah Chun Ho, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2020). Techno-economic Analysis Of Single Disinfection Units And Integrated Disinfection Systems For Sewage Effluent Reclamation. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 1-11. |
Ho Kah Chun, Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2019). Optimization Of Nanocomposite Conductive Membrane Formulation And Operating Parameters For Electrically-enhanced Palm Oil Mill Effluent Filtration Using Response Surface Methodology. - Process Safety And Environmental Protection. 297-308. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2019). New Generation Nanomaterials For Water Desalination: A Review. - Desalination. 2-17. |
Ho Kah Chun, Teow Yeit Haan. Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Ang Wei Lun, Lee Pak Hoe. (2018). Development Of Graphene Oxide (go)/multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (mwcnts) Nanocomposite Conductive Membranes For Electrically Enhanced Fouling Mitigation. - Journal Of Membrane Science. . |
Teow Yeit Haan, Woo Sing Yee, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). Studies On The Surface Properties And Fabrication Method Of Mixed-matrix Membrane For Textile Industry Wastewater Treatment. - Desalination And Water Treatment. . |
Woon Chan Chong, Ying Tao Chung, Yeit Haan Teow, Masniroszaime Md Zain, Ebrahim Mahmoudi, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). Environmental Impact Of Nanomaterials In Composite Membranes: Life Cycle Assessment Of Algal Membrane Photoreactor Using Polyvinylidene Fluoride - Composite Membrane. - Journal Of Cleaner Production. . |
Siti Nur Hatika Abu Bakar, Hassimi Abu Hasan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Siti Rozaimah Sheikh Abdullah, Teow Yeit Haan, Rahmat Ngteni And Khairul Muis Mohamed. (2018). A Review Of Moving-bed Biofilm Reactor Technology For Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment. - Journal Of Cleaner Production. 1532-1545. |
K.c. Ho, Y.h. Teow, W.l. Ang, A.w. Mohammad. (2017). Novel Go/ Omwcnts Mixed-matrix Membrane With Enhanced Antifouling Property For Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment. - Separation And Purification Technology. . |
Ho Kah Chun, Teow Yeit Haan, Ang Wei Lun, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2017). Novel Go/ Omwcnts Mixed-matrix Membrane With Enhanced Antifouling Property For Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment. - Separation And Purification Technology. 337-349. |
A.w. Mohammad, Y.h. Teow, W.l. Ang, Y.t. Chung, D.l. Oatley-radcliffe, N. Hilal. (2015). Nanofiltration Membranes Review: Recent Advances And Future Prospects. - Desalination. 226-254. |
Ang W.l., Mohammad A.w., Teow Y.h., Benamor A., Hilal N..
Hybrid Chitosan/fecl |
Yeit Haan Teow, Ernie Zulkifli, S. Ranil Wikramasinghe. (2023). Performance And Resilience Of The Polycera® Titan Membrane For Industrial Wastewater Treatment. - Water Science And Technology. 1056-1071. |
Yogadevan Vijayan, Yeit Haan Teow, Maha Mohammad Al-rajabi & S. Ranil Wikramasinghe. (2023). A Sustainable Development Approach Of Silica Recovery And Treatment Of Semiconductor-industry Wastewater Using Ceramic Membranes. - Separation Science And Technology. 1133-1144. |
Huey Ling Tan, Amirah Syafiqah Ahmad Arifin, Yeit Haan Teow, Ying Pei Lim. (2022). Rubber Glove Wastewater Treatment By Integrated Fixed-film Activated Sludge Using Polyvinyl Alcohol Gel Beads: Effect Of Hydraulic Retention Time And Percent Of Biomass Carriers. - Desalination And Water Treatment. 213-219. |
Lyly Leow Hui Ting, Teow Yeit Haan. (2022). Functional Nanomaterial Based Membrane In Membrane Distillation For Water Reclamation. - Desalination And Water Treatment. 14-30. |
Yeit Haan Teow, Meng Teck Chong, Kah Chun Ho, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2021). Comparative Environmental Impact Evaluation Using Life Cycle Assessment Approach: A Case Study Of Integrated Membrane-filtration System For The Treatment Of Aerobically-digested Palm Oil Mill Effluent. - Sustainable Environment Research. 1-14. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Loh Wei Chean, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2020). Thermo-responsive Antifouling Study Of Commercial Polycera® Membranes For Pome Treatment. - Membrane Water Treatment. 97-109. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Wong Zhong Huo, Mohd Sobri Takriff, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). Fouling Behaviours Of Two Stages Microalgae/membrane Filtration System Applied To Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment. - Membrane Water Treatment. . |
Nurul 'adilah Rosnan, Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). The Effect Of Zno Loading For The Enhancement Of Psf/zno-go Mixed Matrix Membrane Performance. - Sains Malaysiana. . |
Al-amshawee Sajjad, Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). Sustainable Approach For Recycling Palm Oil Mill Effluent (pome) Using Integrated Biofilm /membrane Filtration System For Internal Plant Usage. - Jurnal Teknologi. . |
Teow Yeit Haan, Mohd Syahmi Hafizi Ghani, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). Physical And Chemical Cleaning For Nanofiltration/reverse Osmosis (nf/ro) Membranes In Treatment Of Tertiary Palm Oil Mill Effluent (pome) For Water Reclamation. - Jurnal Kejuruteraan. . |
Mohd Syahmi Hafizi Ghani, Teow Yeit Haan, Ang Wei Lun, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Rahmat Ngteni, Khairul Muis Mohamed Yusof. (2018). Fouling Assessment Of Tertiary Palm Oil Mill Effluent (pome) Membrane Treatment For Water Reclamation. - Journal Of Water Reuse And Desalination. . |
Teow Yeit Haan, Mubassir Shah, Ho Kah Chun & Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). A Study On Membrane Technology For Surface Water Treatment: Synthesis, Characterization And Performance Test. - Membrane Water Treatment. . |
Zhen Hong Chang, Leow Hui Ting Lyly, Yeit Haan Teow, Swee Pin Yeap, Jing Yao Sum. (2023). Insight Into Polydopamine Coating On Microfiltration Membrane With Controlled Surface Pore Size For Enhanced Membrane Rejection. - Polymer. 1-10. |
Yeit Haan Teow, Ernie Zulkifli, S. Ranil Wikramasinghe. (2023). Performance And Resilience Of The Polycera® Titan Membrane For Industrial Wastewater Treatment. - Water Science And Technology. 1056-1071. |
Yogadevan Vijayan, Yeit Haan Teow, Maha Mohammad Al-rajabi & S. Ranil Wikramasinghe. (2023). A Sustainable Development Approach Of Silica Recovery And Treatment Of Semiconductor-industry Wastewater Using Ceramic Membranes. - Separation Science And Technology. 1133-1144. |
Maha Mohammad Al-rajabi, Yeit Haan Teow. (2023). Synthesis Of Thermoresponsive Composite Hydrogel From Pluronic F127 Reinforced By Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches-extracted Cellulose For Silver Sulfadiazine Drug Delivery. - Sustainable Chemistry And Pharmacy. 1-18. |
Lyly Leow Hui Ting, Yeit Haan Teow, Ebrahim Mahmoudi, Boon Seng Ooi. (2023). Development And Optimization Of Low Surface Free Energy Of Rgo-pvdf Mixed Matrix Membrane For Membrane Distillation. - Separation And Purification Technology. 1-13. |
Nur Ameera Rosli, Yeit Haan Teow, Ebrahim Mahmoudi. (2023). Optimisation For The Synthesis Of Uniformly Dispersed Antimicrobial Ag/go Nanohybrid Latex Film. - Journal Of Industrial And Engineering Chemistry. 149-168. |
Maha Mohammad Al-rajabi, Yeit Haan Teow. (2023). Temperature-responsive Hydrogel For Silver Sulfadiazine Drug Delivery: Optimized Design And In Vitro/in Vivo Evaluation. - Gels. 1-23. |
Yui Moon Chen, Kah Chun Ho, Mieow Kee Chan, Yeit Haan Teow, Aida Isma Mohamad Idris. (2023). Optimization Of Antifouling Properties Of Mixed Matrix Membrane Synthesized Via In-situ Colloidal Precipitation. - Journal Of Membrane Science & Research. 1-11. |
Lyly Leow Hui Ting, Teow Yeit Haan. (2022). Functional Nanomaterial Based Membrane In Membrane Distillation For Water Reclamation. - Desalination And Water Treatment. 14-30. |
Chong Zheng Lee, Kah Chun Ho, Mieow Kee Chan, Yeit Haan Teow. (2022). Effect Of Carbon Nanomaterials Concentration In Nanocomposite Membrane For Methyl Blue Dye Removal. - Jurnal Teknologi. 19-27. |
Nor Naimah Rosyadah Ahmad, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Ebrahim Mahmoudi, Wei Lun Ang, Choe Peng Leo, Yeit Haan Teow. (2022). An Overview Of The Modification Strategies In Developing Antifouling Nanofiltration Membranes. - Membranes. 1-30. |
Kah Chun Ho, Sahira Mohammad Raffi, Yeit Haan Teow. (2022). Synthesis Of Mwcnts/tio2 Photocatalytic Nanocomposite Membrane Via In-situ Colloidal Precipitation Method For Methyl Orange Removal. - International Journal Of Nanoelectronics And Materials. 207-222. |
Huey Ling Tan, Amirah Syafiqah Ahmad Arifin, Yeit Haan Teow, Ying Pei Lim. (2022). Rubber Glove Wastewater Treatment By Integrated Fixed-film Activated Sludge Using Polyvinyl Alcohol Gel Beads: Effect Of Hydraulic Retention Time And Percent Of Biomass Carriers. - Desalination And Water Treatment. 213-219. |
Atiqah Salleh, Norlaila Mustafa, Yeit Haan Teow, Mohd Nor Fatimah , Fauzul Azim Khairudin, Ishak Ahmad And Mh Busra Fauzi. (2022). Dual-layered Approach Of Ovine Collagen-gelatin/cellulose Hybrid Biomatrix Containing Graphene Oxide-silver Nanoparticles For Cutaneous Wound Healing: Fabrication, Physicochemical, Cytotoxicity And An. - Biomedicines. 1-17. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Cheah Yi Hui, Ho Kah Chun, Ebrahim Mahmoudi. (2022). Treatment Of Semiconductor-industry Wastewater With The Application Of Ceramic Membrane And Polymeric Membrane. - Journal Of Cleaner Production. 1-11. |
Nor Naimah Rosyadah Ahmad, Wei Lun Ang, Yeit Haan Teow, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Nidal Hilal. (2022). Nanofiltration Membrane Processes For Water Recycling, Reuse And Product Recovery Within Various Industries: A Review. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 1-20. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Sharmila Pragash Sundaram, Najah Hafizah Musa, Syarifah Nornabilah Syed Muaz, Shakir Ahmad Mohamed Sultan, Nur Ameera Rosli. (2021). Perbandingan Bioreaktor Membran Dan Bioreaktor Membran Berelektrik Untuk Rawatan Air Sisa Kilang Minyak Kelapa Sawit. - Malaysian Journal Of Analytical Sciences. 215-223. |
Yeit Haan Teow, Meng Teck Chong, Kah Chun Ho, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2021). Comparative Environmental Impact Evaluation Using Life Cycle Assessment Approach: A Case Study Of Integrated Membrane-filtration System For The Treatment Of Aerobically-digested Palm Oil Mill Effluent. - Sustainable Environment Research. 1-14. |
Nur Ameera Rosli, Teow Yeit Haan, Ebrahim Mahmoudi. (2021). Current Approaches For The Exploration Of Antimicrobial Activities Of Nanoparticles. - Science And Technology Of Advanced Materials. 885-907. |
Nur Ameera Rosli, Teow Yeit Haan. (2021). Effect Of Ph On The Dispersion Property Of Sulphur Nanoparticles In Natural Rubber. - Asm Science Journal. 1-6. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Wan Nur Athirah Wan Mohammad Hamdan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2021). Preparation Of Palm Oil Industrys Biomass-based Graphene Composite For The Adsorptive Removal Of Methylene Blue. - Adsorption Science And Technology. 1-11. |
Maha Mohammad Al-rajabi, Teow Yeit Haan. (2021). Effect Of Sodium Hydroxide/urea/deionised Water Solution Ratio On The Solubility Of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches Extracted Biocellulose. - Asm Science Journal. 1-6. |
Yu-hsuan Chiao, Arijit Sengupta, Micah Belle Marie Yap Ang, Shu-ting Chen, Teow Yeit Haan, Jorge Almodovar, Wei-song Hung And S. Ranil Wickremasinghe. (2021). Application Of Zwitterions In Forward Osmosis: A Short Review. - Polymers. 1-18. |
Yeit Haan Teow, Boon Seng Ooi, Abdul Latif Ahmad, Jit Kang Lim. (2021). Investigation Of Anti-fouling And Uv-cleaning Properties Of Pvdf/tio2 Mixed-matrix Membrane For Humic Acid Removal. - Membranes. 1-22. |
Lam Ai Xin, Teow Yeit Haan, Ho Kah Chun. (2021). Effect Of Monomers For The Synthesis Of Chitosan-based Hydrogel. - International Journal Of Nanoelectronics And Materials. 113-126. |
Maha Mohammad Al-rajabi, Teow Yeit Haan. (2021). Green Synthesis Of Thermo-responsive Hydrogel From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches Cellulose For Sustained Drug Delivery. - Polymers. 1-21. |
Wong Siew Ming, Muhammad Zikri Aiman Zulkifli, Darman Nordin, Teow Yeit Haan. (2021). Synthesis Of Cellulose/nano-hydroxyapatite Composite Hydrogel Absorbent For Removal Of Heavy Metal Ions From Palm Oil Mill Effluents. - Journal Of Polymers And The Environment. 4106-4119. |
K.c. Ho, Y.x. Teoh, Y.h. Teow, A.w. Mohammad. (2021). Life Cycle Assessment (lca) Of Electrically-enhanced Pome Filtration: Environmental Impacts Of Conductive-membrane Formulation And Process Operating Parameters. - Journal Of Environmental Management. 1-16. |
Kah Chun Ho, Yeit Haan Teow, Jing Yao Sum, Zhe Jia Ng, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2021). Water Pathways Through The Ages: Integrated Laundry Wastewater Treatment For Pollution Prevention. - Science Of The Total Environment. 1-17. |
Ebrahim Mahmoudi, Lay Yong Ng, Wei Lun Ang, Yeit Haan Teow, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2020). Improving Membrane Bioreactor Performance Through The Synergistic Effect Of Silver-decorated Graphene Oxide In Composite Membranes. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 1-12. |
Zhe Jia Ng, Yeit Haan Teow, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Kah Chun Ho, Swee Pin Yeap. (2020). Synthesis Of Silica-coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Effect Of Particle Sizes And Silica Coating. - International Journal Of Nanoelectronics And Materials. 565-576. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Loh Wei Chean, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2020). Thermo-responsive Antifouling Study Of Commercial Polycera® Membranes For Pome Treatment. - Membrane Water Treatment. 97-109. |
Noorini Izzati Mohamad Mazuki, Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2020). A Comparative Study On Treatment Technologies For Sewage Reclamation: A Focus On The Disinfection Process. - Iium Engineering Journal. 80-99. |
Noorini Izzati Mohamad Mazuki, Yeit Haan Teow, Kah Chun Ho, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2020). Techno-economic Analysis Of Single Disinfection Units And Integrated Disinfection Systems For Sewage Effluent Reclamation. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 1-11. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Siti Aisyah Tajudin, Kah Chun Ho, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2020). Synthesis And Characterization Of Graphene Shell Composite From Oil Palm Frond Juice For The Treatment Of Dye Containing Wastewater. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 1-7. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Siti Norashiqin Amirudin, Kah Chun Ho. (2020). Sustainable Approach To The Synthesis Of Cellulose Membrane From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch For Dye Wastewater Treatment. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 1-9. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Kushalini Rames. (2019). Hidrogel Bersifat Peka Terhadap Rangsangan Suhu Untuk Penjerapan Dan Pembebasan Dadah. - Malaysian Journal Of Analytical Sciences. 390-400. |
Ho Kah Chun, Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2019). Optimization Of Nanocomposite Conductive Membrane Formulation And Operating Parameters For Electrically-enhanced Palm Oil Mill Effluent Filtration Using Response Surface Methodology. - Process Safety And Environmental Protection. 297-308. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2019). New Generation Nanomaterials For Water Desalination: A Review. - Desalination. 2-17. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Mubassir Shah, Ho Kah Chun & Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). A Study On Membrane Technology For Surface Water Treatment: Synthesis, Characterization And Performance Test. - Membrane Water Treatment. . |
Al-amshawee Sajjad, Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). Sustainable Approach For Recycling Palm Oil Mill Effluent (pome) Using Integrated Biofilm /membrane Filtration System For Internal Plant Usage. - Jurnal Teknologi. . |
Teow Yeit Haan, Woo Sing Yee, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). Studies On The Surface Properties And Fabrication Method Of Mixed-matrix Membrane For Textile Industry Wastewater Treatment. - Desalination And Water Treatment. . |
Nurul 'adilah Rosnan, Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). The Effect Of Zno Loading For The Enhancement Of Psf/zno-go Mixed Matrix Membrane Performance. - Sains Malaysiana. . |
Siti Nur Hatika Abu Bakar, Hassimi Abu Hasan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Siti Rozaimah Sheikh Abdullah, Teow Yeit Haan, Rahmat Ngteni And Khairul Muis Mohamed. (2018). A Review Of Moving-bed Biofilm Reactor Technology For Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment. - Journal Of Cleaner Production. 1532-1545. |
Ho Kah Chun, Teow Yeit Haan. Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Ang Wei Lun, Lee Pak Hoe. (2018). Development Of Graphene Oxide (go)/multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (mwcnts) Nanocomposite Conductive Membranes For Electrically Enhanced Fouling Mitigation. - Journal Of Membrane Science. . |
Yeit Haan Teow, Li Ming Kam, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). Synthesis Of Cellulose Hydrogel For Copper (ii) Ions Adsorption. - Journal Of Environmental Chemical Engineering. . |
Teow Yeit Haan, Wong Zhong Huo, Mohd Sobri Takriff, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). Fouling Behaviours Of Two Stages Microalgae/membrane Filtration System Applied To Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment. - Membrane Water Treatment. . |
Woon Chan Chong, Ying Tao Chung, Yeit Haan Teow, Masniroszaime Md Zain, Ebrahim Mahmoudi, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2018). Environmental Impact Of Nanomaterials In Composite Membranes: Life Cycle Assessment Of Algal Membrane Photoreactor Using Polyvinylidene Fluoride - Composite Membrane. - Journal Of Cleaner Production. . |
Mohd Syahmi Hafizi Ghani, Teow Yeit Haan, Ang Wei Lun, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Rahmat Ngteni, Khairul Muis Mohamed Yusof. (2018). Fouling Assessment Of Tertiary Palm Oil Mill Effluent (pome) Membrane Treatment For Water Reclamation. - Journal Of Water Reuse And Desalination. . |
Chai Pui Vun, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Teow Yeit Haan, Ebrahim Mahmoudi. (2017). Evaluation Of Iron Oxide Decorated On Graphene Oxide (fe3o4/go) Nanohybrid Incorporated In Psf Membrane At Different Molar Ratios For Congo Red Rejection. - Jurnal Teknologi. 73-81. |
K.c. Ho, Y.h. Teow, W.l. Ang, A.w. Mohammad. (2017). Novel Go/ Omwcnts Mixed-matrix Membrane With Enhanced Antifouling Property For Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment. - Separation And Purification Technology. . |
K.c. Ho, Y.h. Teow, W.l. Ang, A.w. Mohammad. (2017). An Overview Of Electrically-enhanced Membrane Bioreactor (embr) For Fouling Suppression. - Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology Review. . |
Ho Kah Chun, Teow Yeit Haan, Ang Wei Lun, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2017). Novel Go/ Omwcnts Mixed-matrix Membrane With Enhanced Antifouling Property For Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment. - Separation And Purification Technology. 337-349. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Ooi Boon Seng, Abdul Latif Ahmad. (2017). Fouling Behaviours Of Pvdf-tio2 Mixed-matrix Membrane Applied To Humic Acid Treatment. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 89-98. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Ooi Boon Seng, Abdul Latif Ahmad. (2017). Study On Pvdf-tio2 Mixed-matrix Membrane Behaviour Towards Humic Acid Adsorption. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 99-106. |
Chai Pui Vun, Ebrahim Mahmoudi, Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2017). Preparation Of Novel Polysulfone-fe3o4/go Mixed-matrix Membrane For Humic Acid Rejection. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 83-88. |
Ho Kah Chun, Teow Yeit Haan, Ang Wei Lun, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2017). An Overview Of Electrically-enhanced Membrane Bioreactor (embr) For Fouling Suppression. - Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology Review. 128-138. |
Teow Yeit Haan. (2016). Characterization And Performance Evaluation Of Ultrafiltration Membrane For Humic Acid Removal. - Indian Journal Of Science And Technology. 1-8. |
Chai Pui Vun, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Teow Yeit Haan, Ebrahim Mahmoudi. (2016). Evaluation Of Iron Oxide Decorated On Graphene Oxide (fe3o4/go) Nanohybrid Incorporated In Psf Membrane Performance At Different Molar Ratios. - Jurnal Teknologi. 367-372. |
Mohd Sobri Takriff, Muhamad Zuhairi Zakaria, Mohd Shaiful Sajab, Yeit Haan Teow. (2016). Pre-treatments Anaerobic Palm Oil Mill Effluent (pome) For Microalgae Treatment. - Indian Journal Of Science & Technology. 1-8. |
A.w. Mohammad, Y.h. Teow, W.l. Ang, Y.t. Chung, D.l. Oatley-radcliffe, N. Hilal. (2015). Nanofiltration Membranes Review: Recent Advances And Future Prospects. - Desalination. 226-254. |
Ang W.l., Mohammad A.w., Teow Y.h., Benamor A., Hilal N..
Hybrid Chitosan/fecl |
Maha Mohammad Al-rajabi, Teow Yeit Haan. (2021). Influence Of Vertical Diffusion Cell Set-up On In Vitro Silver Sulfadiazine Drug Release From Thermo-responsive Cellulose Hydrogel. - Materials Science Forum. 19-26. |
Y. H. Teow, M. I. Solihuddin. (2020). Process Synthesis And Optimization Of Sio2/pvdf Mixedmatrix Membrane For Oil-water Emulsion Separation. - Iop Conf. Series: Earth And Environmental Science. 1-8. |
Maha Mohammad Al-rajabi, Teow Yeit Haan. (2024). Sustainable Approaches In Pharmaceutical Sciences. - . 26. |
Nur Ameera Rosli, Teow Yeit Haan, Ebrahim Mahmoudi. (2023). Silver-graphene Nanohybrod: Antimicrobial Action And Mechanical Enhancement In Rubber. - . 158. |
Nor Naimah Rosyadah Ahmad, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Wei Lun Ang And Yeit Haan Teow. (2023). Nanofiltration For Sustainability Reuse, Recycle And Resource Recovery. - . 17. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Ho Kah Chun, Chien Hwa Chong. (2023). Genomics Approach To Bioremediation: Principles, Tools, And Emerging Technologies. - . 560. |
Wei Lun Ang, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Nor Naimah Rosyadah Ahmad And Yeit Haan Teow. (2023). Nanofiltration For Sustainability Reuse, Recycle And Resource Recovery. - . 13. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Mohd Shukrie Yusoff. (2022). Utilization Of Waste For The Generation Of Value-added Products. - . 28. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Ho Kah Chun, Sumith Ranil Wickramasinghe, Mahmood Gheni Jebur, Chang Zhen Hong. (2022). Integrated Environmental Technologies For Wastewater Treatment And Sustainable Development. - . 31. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Noorini Izzati Mohamad Mazuki, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2020). Choosing Disinfection Alternatives For Bio-effluent Treatment: A Summary Of Existing And Emerging Technologies. - . 172. |
Ho Kah Chun, Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2020). Agro-industrial Wastewater: Treatment Using Active Antifouling Carbon Nano-membrane. - . 196. |
Maha Mohammad Al-rajabi, Teow Yeit Haan. (2024). Sustainable Approaches In Pharmaceutical Sciences. - . 26. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Ho Kah Chun, Chien Hwa Chong. (2023). Genomics Approach To Bioremediation: Principles, Tools, And Emerging Technologies. - . 560. |
Wei Lun Ang, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Nor Naimah Rosyadah Ahmad And Yeit Haan Teow. (2023). Nanofiltration For Sustainability Reuse, Recycle And Resource Recovery. - . 13. |
Nor Naimah Rosyadah Ahmad, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Wei Lun Ang And Yeit Haan Teow. (2023). Nanofiltration For Sustainability Reuse, Recycle And Resource Recovery. - . 17. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Ho Kah Chun, Sumith Ranil Wickramasinghe, Mahmood Gheni Jebur, Chang Zhen Hong. (2022). Integrated Environmental Technologies For Wastewater Treatment And Sustainable Development. - . 31. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Mohd Shukrie Yusoff. (2022). Utilization Of Waste For The Generation Of Value-added Products. - . 28. |
Teow Yeit Haan. (2021). Coached By The Pros Series: Charting The Course Beyond The Horizon. - How To Uplift Your Team And Transform Your Organisation. 8. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Sum Jing Yao, Ho Kah Chun, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2021). Osmosis Engineering. - . 43. |
Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Teow Yeit Haan, Ho Kah Chun, Nurul 'adilah Rosnan. (2019). Nanomaterials For Food Applications. - . 20. |
Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Teow Yeit Haan, Chong Woon Chan, Ho Kah Chun. (2019). Membrane Separation Principles And Applications. - . 70. |
Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Teow Yeit Haan, Nidal Hilal. (2024). Nanofiltration For Sustainability: Reuse, Recycle And Resource Recovery. - . 369. |
Nur Ameera Rosli, Teow Yeit Haan, Ebrahim Mahmoudi. (2023). Silver-graphene Nanohybrod: Antimicrobial Action And Mechanical Enhancement In Rubber. - . 158. |
Ho Kah Chun, Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2020). Agro-industrial Wastewater: Treatment Using Active Antifouling Carbon Nano-membrane. - . 196. |
Teow Yeit Haan, Noorini Izzati Mohamad Mazuki, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2020). Choosing Disinfection Alternatives For Bio-effluent Treatment: A Summary Of Existing And Emerging Technologies. - . 172. |
Teow Yeit Haan;abdul Wahab Bin Mohammad. (2022). Development Of A Compact Integrated Solution Multifunctional Adsorption-membranes System For Sustainable Wastewater Reclamation From Domestic Sewage. - . . |
Teow Yeit Haan;abdul Wahab Bin Mohammad;ebrahim Mahmoudi. (2022). Fouling Behavior Of Ceramic Membrane Filtration System For Semiconductor-industry Wastewater Treatment. - . . |
Abdul Wahab Bin Mohammad;teow Yeit Haan;siti Hajar Binti Mohammad. (2021). Development And Surface Interaction Study Of Low-fouling Nanofiltration Membranes For Desalination. - . . |
Abdul Wahab Bin Mohammad;teow Yeit Haan;ang Wei Lun;mahmoudi Ebrahim. (2021). Green Synthesis Of Multifunctional Silver-graphene-silica Composite From Waste Cooking Oil Feedstock For Wastewater Treatment. - . . |
Teow Yeit Haan;abdul Wahab Bin Mohammad;mohd Sobri Bin Takriff;hamidun Bin Bunawan;nazlina Haiza Binti Mohd Yasin. (2021). Nanobiotechnology Approach To Remediate Eco-symbiosis For The Conservation Of Catchment Lake At Ukm. - . . |
Teow Yeit Haan;abdul Wahab Bin Mohammad;mohd Cairul Iqbal Bin Mohd Amin;ng Shiow Fern;mohd Shaiful Bin Sajab;nur Hidayatul Nazirah Binti Kamarudin. (2021). Green Synthesis Of Thermo-responsive Bio-cellulose Hydrogel Facial Mask From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch. - . . |
Teow Yeit Haan. (2020). Pandemik Beri Peluang Terbaik Beralih Ke Ir4.0. - Berita Harian. 11. |
Teow Yeit Haan;abdul Wahab Bin Mohammad;mohd Sobri Bin Takriff. (2020). Fouling Behavior And Cleaning Property Of Different Commercial Membranes Applied For Tertiary Palm Oil Mill Effluent (pome) Treatment. - . . |
Teow Yeit Haan. (2020). Ubah Persepsi Industri Minyak Sawit Pemusnah Alam. - Berita Harian. 12. |
Maha Al-rajabi, Teow Yeit Haan. (2020). Influence Of Vertical Diffusion Cell Set-up On In-vitro Silver Sulfadiazine Drug Release From Thermo-responsive Cellulose Hydrogel. - 13th International Unimas Engineering Conference (encon2020). 79. |
Hamidun Bin Bunawan;nazlina Bt. Ibrahim;zeti Azura Binti Mohamed Hussein;noraini Binti Talip;teow Yeit Haan. (2020). Construction Of The Synthetic Rice Tungro Bacilliform Virus For Rapid Screening Of Resistant Rice Varieties Against Tungro Disease. - . 1-10. |
Hamidun Bin Bunawan;noraini Binti Talip;marlia Binti Mohd Hanafiah;teow Yeit Haan;low Chen Fei. (2019). Discovery Of Trichoderma Species: A Potent Biological Control Against Papaya Dieback Disease. - . . |
Teow Yeit Haan. (2019). Zero Waste Palm Oil Processing: An Industry-university Initiative. - Research Bulletin Innovate Faculty Of Engineering Built Environment. 32. |
Teow Yeit Haan. (2019). Iem Gives Back- Rohingya Children. - Research Bulletin Innovate Faculty Of Engineering. 32. |
Ang Wei Lun;abdul Wahab Bin Mohammad;rosiah Binti Rohani;teow Yeit Haan;mohd Shaiful Bin Sajab. (2019). Palm Oil Mill Biogas Reactor Effluent Concentration For Production Of Organic Fertilizer And Water Reclamation Using An Integrated Forward Osmosis Membrane Process. - . . |
Abdul Wahab Bin Mohammad;jamaliah Binti Md Jahim;darman Bin Nordin;teow Yeit Haan. (2018). Graphene Sand Composite (gsc) Using Palm Oil Mill Effluent As Carbon Source: Characterization And Adsorptive Performance. - . . |
Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Siti 'aisyah Tajudin, Ho Kah Chun. (2018). Sustainable Practice On The Development Of Graphenic Adsorbent From Palm Oil Industry Biomass For Textile Industry Wastewater Treatment. - Cese 2018 - The Eleventh Annual Conference On The Challenge In Environmental Science And Engineering. . |
Chai Pui Vun, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Teow Yeit Haan, Ebrahim Mahmoudi. (2016). Evaluation Of Iron Oxide Decorated On Graphene Oxide (fe3o4/go) Nanohybrid Incorporated In Psf Membrane Performance At Different Molar Ratios. - National Congress On Membrane Technology 2016, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. . |
Teow Yeit Haan, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Wan Nur Athirah Wan Mohammad Hamdan, Mohd Syahmi Hafizi Ghani, Rahmat Ngteni, Khairul Muis Mohamed Yusof. (2016). Pilot-scale Integrated Pretreatment/membrane Filtration System For Aerobic Palm Oil Mill Effluent (pome) Treatment. - The 2016 International Conference On Membrane Water Treatment (amwt16), Jeju, Korea. . |
Teow Yeit Haan. (2016). Application Of Membrane Technology Towards Reuse Of Lake Water, Mine Water, And Tube Well Water. - 34th Conference Of The Asean Federation Of Engineering Organization, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippine. . |
Teow Yeit Haan,wong Zhong Huo, Mohd Sobri Takriff, Abdul Wahab Mohammad. (2016). Fouling Behaviours Of Two Stages Microalgae/membrane Filtration System Applied To Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment. - The 2016 World Congress On Advances In Civil, Environmental, And Materials Research (acem`16). . |
P.v. Chai, E. Mahmoudi, Y.h. Teow, A.w. Mohammad. (2015). Preparation Of Novel Polysulfone-fe3o4/go Mixed-matrix Membrane For Humic Acid Rejection. - International Conference On Environment 2015 (icenv 2015). . |
Y.h. Teow, A.l. Ahmad & B.s. Ooi. (2011). Surface Chemistry And Dispersion Property Of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles In Water Suspension. - Postgraduate Colloquium Of Environmental Research. . |
Ion-exchange Oligoether/Zwitterion Diblock Copolymers Membrane for Advanced Membrane Capacitive Deionization in Water Desalination , Ketua Projek , 22-01-2025 sehingga 21-01-2026 , Universiti |
Physiochemical Properties Correlations toward Rheological Behaviors and Its Mechanism Elucidation for Temperature-stimuli Nanofibrous Membrane , Ketua Projek , 01-10-2023 sehingga 30-09-2026 , Kebangsaan |
Reduced Graphene Oxide/Polyaniline Polymer Matrix with Enhanced Electrical Conductivity , Ketua Projek , 01-10-2023 sehingga 30-09-2025 , Universiti |
Dynamic Modelling of Water-Energy Nexus of Membrane-based Water Treatment Technologies through Multi Criteria Decision Analysis Model , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2023 sehingga 30-09-2025 , Antarabangsa |
Synergistic interaction and effect of MXenes-Graphene-Sn nanocomposite on the electrochemical properties of modified electrode for anodic oxidation in wastewater remediation , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2023 sehingga 30-09-2025 , Kebangsaan |
Immobilized microalgae-photocatalytic membrane technology for the elimination of emerging contaminants and viruses for high quality reclaimed domestic wastewater , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-12-2022 sehingga 30-11-2025 , Kebangsaan |
Teknologi Sisa Sifar , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-02-2011 sehingga 31-12-2030 , Kebangsaan |
Prototype Development of Membrane Plate Filter Press System - A Simultaneous Solution for Semiconductor-industry Wastewater Treatment and Silicon Recovery , Ketua Projek , 01-10-2021 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Universiti |
Fouling Behavior of Ceramic Membrane Filtration System for Semiconductor-industry Wastewater Treatment , Ketua Projek , 01-02-2021 sehingga 14-10-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Sustainable Development Approach In Semiconductor Industry- Recovery of Silica from Semiconductor-industry Sludge as Useful Resource and the Enhancement of Treated Water for Recycle and Reuse , Ketua Projek , 15-09-2020 sehingga 14-10-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Integrated Membrane Filtration System: A Practical Guide For Palm Oil Industry Wastewater Treatment , Ketua Projek , 17-08-2020 sehingga 16-02-2021 , Universiti |
Advanced ZnO-GO Nanocomposite In Membrane Synthesis And Bovine Serum Albumin Removal , Ketua Projek , 17-08-2020 sehingga 16-02-2021 , Universiti |
Choosing Disinfection Alternatives For Bio-effluent Treatment: A Summary Of Existing And Emerging Technologies , Ketua Projek , 17-08-2020 sehingga 16-02-2021 , Universiti |
Agro-industrial Wastewater: Treatment Using Active Antifouling Carbon Nano-membrane , Ketua Projek , 17-08-2020 sehingga 16-02-2021 , Universiti |
Development of a Compact Integrated Solution Multifunctional Adsorption-Membranes System for Sustainable Wastewater Reclamation from domestic sewage , Ketua Projek , 03-06-2019 sehingga 02-12-2021 , Universiti |
The effect of ZnO loading in ZnO-decorated GO nanocomposite material for the enhancement of PSF/ZnO-GO mixed-matrix membrane performance , Ketua Projek , 01-05-2018 sehingga 30-04-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Nanobiotechnology approach to remediate eco-symbiosis for the conservation of catchment lake at UKM , Ketua Projek , 15-11-2017 sehingga 14-11-2019 , Universiti |
Green synthesis of thermo-responsive bio-cellulose hydrogel facial mask from oil palm empty fruit bunch , Ketua Projek , 16-10-2017 sehingga 08-04-2021 , Universiti |
Fouling behavior and cleaning property of different commercial membranes applied for tertiary palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment , Ketua Projek , 01-05-2016 sehingga 30-04-2019 , Universiti |
Water Recycle and Reuse , Ketua Projek , 01-09-2014 sehingga 31-03-2019 , Kebangsaan |
Electro Oxidation for Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-04-2023 sehingga 30-11-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Elevating The Safety Of Rainwater Harvesting Systems For Non-Potable Uses Through Interdisciplinary Training , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2022 sehingga 15-11-2024 , Antarabangsa |
Optimizing multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite membrane for textile wastewater treatment , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-02-2022 sehingga 02-01-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Systematic investigation of physicochemical and antimicrobial behavior of silver decorated graphene oxide embedded membrane feed spacer , Penyelidik Bersama , 07-09-2021 sehingga 07-03-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Polishing of domestic wastewater and resources recovery by biofilm-phytoremediation process , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2021 sehingga 30-06-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Fabrication and Characterisation of Bilayered Graphene Oxide-Silver Nanoparticles Incorporated Hybrid Cellulose–Collagen as Cutaneous Template for Rapid Treatment of Chronic Skin Loss , Penyelidik Bersama , 10-12-2020 sehingga 09-12-2022 , Universiti |
Synthesis of light-sensitive buoyant photocatalyst composites through heat attachment of nitrogen-doped zinc oxide on perlite granules for degradation of chemical oxygen demand (COD} from river water , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-07-2020 sehingga 31-07-2022 , Universiti |
Green synthesis of multifunctional silver-graphene-silica composite from waste cooking oil feedstock for wastewater treatment , Penyelidik Bersama , 14-12-2018 sehingga 13-06-2021 , Universiti |
Development of a Compact Integrated Solution System for Sustainable Wastewater Reclamation from Malaysian Industries , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-12-2018 sehingga 27-06-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Construction of the Synthetic Rice Tungro Bacilliform Virus For Rapid Screening of Resistant Rice Varieties Against Tungro Disease , Penyelidik Bersama , 16-10-2017 sehingga 15-10-2019 , Kebangsaan |
Discovery of Trichoderma species: A Potent Biological Control Against Papaya Dieback Disease , Penyelidik Bersama , 19-12-2016 sehingga 18-12-2018 , Antarabangsa |
Palm Oil Mill Biogas Reactor Effluent Concentration for Production of Organic Fertilizer and Water Reclamation using an Integrated Forward Osmosis Membrane Process , Penyelidik Bersama , 24-10-2016 sehingga 23-04-2019 , Universiti |
R&D Project Study Proposal For The Development Of An Effective And Economic Disinfection Technology , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2016 sehingga 30-06-2017 , Kebangsaan |
Graphene Sand Composite (GSC) using Palm Oil Mill Effluent as Carbon Source: Characterization and Adsorptive Performance , Penyelidik Bersama , 02-11-2015 sehingga 01-11-2017 , Kebangsaan |
Phycoremediation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-06-2015 sehingga 30-09-2016 , Universiti |
Water Recycle and Reuse , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-09-2014 sehingga 31-03-2019 , Kebangsaan |
Development and Surface Interaction Study Of Low-Fouling Nanofiltration Membranes For Desalination , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2013 sehingga 31-12-2016 , Universiti |
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang / Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang , 2019 |
MyRA - Anugerah Kecemerlangan MyRA Prestasi 2021 (Penerbitan) - Sijil Penghargaan , 2023 |
Pencapaian MyRA Peringkat LESTARI bagi Tahun Penilaian 2024 , 2023 |
Anugerah Jaringan Industri , 2023 |
Best Presenter , 2023 |
Anugerah Inovasi e-Pembelajaran , 2021 |
MyRA - Anugerah Kecemerlangan MyRA Prestasi 2019 (Penyeliaan) - Sijil Penghargaan , 2021 |
MyRA - Anugerah Kecemerlangan MyRA Prestasi 2019 (Keseluruhan) - Sijil Penghargaan , 2021 |
Anugerah Bitara Penerbitan (Makalah) , 2019 |
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang , 2019 |
Pertandingan Inovasi Pengajaran & Pembelajaran , 2018 |
Geran Saintis Muda American Chemical Society (ACS) Imperatives Global (Gii) 2017 , 2017 |
Best Young Scientist Oral Presentation Award , 2017 |
Gold Medal IIDEX 2017 , 2017 |
Gold Medal IIDEX 2017 , 2017 |
Pengaruh Pembenaman ZnO-Go Ke Dalam Membran Matrik Bercampur PSF/ZnO-Go Untuk Penyingkiran BSA., NURUL `ADILAH BINTI ROSNAN, Sarjana |
Board of Engineering Malaysia (BEM) , 28-01-2014 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society (APCBEES) , 02-10-2012 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) , 19-01-2015 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
Institution of Chemical Engineers , 18-12-2014 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
The Institute of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) , 14-04-2017 sehingga 14-04-2017 , Kebangsaan |
The 6th IEM Design Competition 2017/2018 , 26-01-2018 sehingga 12-05-2018 , Kebangsaan |
APEC ACABT YES Challenge , 10-04-2018 sehingga 30-08-2018 , Antarabangsa |
The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia - Chemical Engineering Technical Division , 14-12-2019 sehingga 13-12-2020 , Kebangsaan |
The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia - Chemical Engineering Technical Division , 14-12-2019 sehingga 13-12-2020 , Kebangsaan |
The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia - Chemical Engineering Technical Division , 14-12-2019 sehingga 13-12-2020 , Kebangsaan |
2019 APEC YES Challenge , 12-04-2019 sehingga 08-09-2019 , Antarabangsa |
2019 APEC YES Challenge , 12-04-2019 sehingga 08-09-2019 , Antarabangsa |
2019 APEC YES Challenge , 12-04-2019 sehingga 08-09-2019 , Antarabangsa |
2020 APEC YES Challenge , 16-01-2020 sehingga 21-08-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Wakil Universiti "Malaysia Membrane Society (MYMembrane)" , 01-01-2020 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Kebangsaan |
AJK Mentor , 23-09-2020 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
AJK Majlis Anugerah , 23-09-2020 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
AJK Majlis Anugerah , 23-09-2020 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
Regional Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Conference (RCEUC) 2020 , 08-09-2020 sehingga 09-09-2020 , Kebangsaan |
Scientific and Technical Committee , 01-10-2020 sehingga 17-01-2021 , Kebangsaan |
YSN-ASM , 24-09-2020 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Kebangsaan |
CEO@Faculty Programme 2.0 "Coached by The Pros" Musim Tiga , 17-02-2020 sehingga 16-08-2020 , Kebangsaan |
The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) , 04-01-2021 sehingga 03-01-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Webinar for IChemE Members , 30-03-2021 sehingga 30-03-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Webinar for IChemE Members , 30-03-2021 sehingga 30-03-2021 , Antarabangsa |
FYP PRASISWAZAH , 01-06-2021 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Kebangsaan |
FYP PRASISWAZAH , 01-06-2021 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Kebangsaan |
FYP PRASISWAZAH , 01-06-2021 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Global Essay Competition 2021 , 25-02-2021 sehingga 16-04-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Global Essay Competition 2021 , 25-02-2021 sehingga 16-04-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang , 14-06-2019 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Daerah / Jajahan |
Seminar at University of Arkansas , 16-04-2021 sehingga 16-04-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Scientific and Technical Committee for International Conference of Sustainable Environmental Technology 2021 (ISET 2021) , 04-07-2021 sehingga 10-11-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Session Chair , 09-08-2021 sehingga 11-08-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Emerging Trends in Nanomaterials for Different Device Archiectures (ETNDDA-2021) , 15-09-2021 sehingga 28-11-2021 , Antarabangsa |
MRANTI Virtual World Engineering Day 2022 , 26-03-2022 sehingga 26-03-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Jawatankuasa e-Games Kesihatan Planet Bersempena dengan Minggu Sains Negara 2022 (MSN 2022) , 11-04-2022 sehingga 31-10-2022 , Kebangsaan |
2022 APEC YES Challenge , 15-06-2022 sehingga 17-09-2022 , Antarabangsa |
2022 APEC YES Challenge , 15-06-2022 sehingga 17-09-2022 , Antarabangsa |
The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) , 23-08-2022 sehingga 22-08-2022 , Kebangsaan |
National Innovation and Invention Competition through Exhibition 2022 , 18-07-2022 sehingga 25-07-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Malaysian Journal of Chemical Engineering and Technology (MJCET) , 01-05-2022 sehingga 30-04-2024 , Antarabangsa |
Evaluation of Electrospun Polymer Fiber as Sorbents for Oil Spill Removal , 21-09-2022 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
Study, design and development of carbon quantum dots-based graphitic carbon nitride (G-C3N4) nanocomposites in photo catalysis for environmental and energy applications , 29-06-2022 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) , 23-11-2022 sehingga 22-11-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Malaysia Membrane Society (MyMembrane) , 01-01-2022 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Teaching Professor , 14-10-2022 sehingga 16-12-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Best Presenter , 05-02-2023 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
20th EURECA Conference , 29-11-2023 sehingga 29-11-2023 , Kebangsaan |
BEST PAPER AWARD , 25-11-2023 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
ZnO Nanoparticles Modified by Carbon Dots for Enhanced Photocatalytic Removal , 30-12-2023 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
Surface Functionalization of Polymer Membrane in Enhancing Biocatalytic Removal of Water Micropollutants , 02-01-2024 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS, MALAYSIA , 24-02-2024 sehingga 23-02-2025 , Kebangsaan |
Young Scientists Network-Academy of Sciences Malaysia (YSN-ASM) , 01-01-2024 sehingga 31-12-2026 , Kebangsaan |
2024 APEC YES Challenge , 06-05-2024 sehingga 20-09-2024 , Antarabangsa |
Malaysia Membrane Society (MyMembrane) , 17-04-2024 sehingga 31-12-2025 , Kebangsaan |
The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) , 25-04-2024 sehingga 24-04-2025 , Kebangsaan |
SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL COMMITTEE , 16-06-2024 sehingga 01-10-2024 , Antarabangsa |
Professional Internship between Feng Chia University and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , 01-09-2024 sehingga 31-07-2024 , Antarabangsa |
Professional Internship between Feng Chia University and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , 01-08-2024 sehingga 07-09-2024 , Antarabangsa |
THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS, MALAYSIA , 14-02-2025 sehingga 13-02-2026 , Kebangsaan |
Ahli Jawatankuasa Sustainability Challenge 2023 , 01-01-2023 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Eksplorasi Makmal Kejuruteraa Kimia 2 , 03-04-2023 sehingga 06-06-2023 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Environmental Management of Wastewater Treatment – The Science, Technology, and Design , 03-05-2021 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Geran FRGS 2024 , 01-12-2023 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa 16th Asian Biohydrogen and Biorefinery Symposium (ABBS 2021): Navigating the Future Through Circular Bioeconomy , 01-03-2021 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Universiti |
Jawatankuasa Akreditasi Bagi Program Kejuruteraan Kimia , 23-01-2020 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Jawatankuasa Akreditasi EAC 2024 Bagi Program Kejuruteraan Kimia , 03-01-2023 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Akreditasi Program Kejuruteraan Kimia IChemE 2020 , 23-01-2020 sehingga 22-01-2022 , Universiti |
Jawatankuasa Fokus TERAS (Kebitaraan Holistik) , 01-04-2023 sehingga 30-04-2025 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Kumpulan Fokus TERAS UKM (Kebitaraan Prihatin) , 01-04-2023 sehingga 30-04-2025 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Majlis Mesra Graduan JKKP 2021 , 15-07-2021 sehingga 31-08-2021 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Jawatankuasa POME To Energy Workshop , 05-04-2016 sehingga 06-04-2016 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Panel Penilai Dana Penyelidikan Peringkat Fakulti , 01-06-2022 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Penyediaan Video Bagi Pembentangan Kongres dan pertandingan Inovasi Dalam pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (KINOVASI) 2021 , 01-08-2021 sehingga 18-08-2021 , Universiti |
Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan Lisan Bil. 12/2021 (M.JKKP) , 29-12-2021 sehingga 29-12-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan Lisan Bil. 23/2019 (P.CESPRO) , 14-06-2019 sehingga 14-06-2019 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan Lisan Bil. 33/2018 (P.CESPRO) , 02-11-2018 sehingga 02-11-2018 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Pertandingan Projek Makmal Bersepadu (ILAB) 2022 , 07-07-2022 sehingga 07-07-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Jawatankuasa Program Anugerah Projek Cemerlang Forbes Marshall 2024 , 01-05-2024 sehingga 26-06-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Program Hari Industri dan Keusahawanan Fakulti 2023 (HIKEF , 01-01-2023 sehingga 15-06-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Semakan Program Kejuruteraan Kimia Tahun 2020 , 23-01-2020 sehingga 22-01-2022 , Universiti |
Jawatankuasa Sustainability Challenge 2017 , 07-02-2017 sehingga 31-12-2017 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa UKM MLC 2021- 2022 , 01-01-2021 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Universiti |
Jawatankuasa pelaksana Program Hari Industri dan Keusahawanan FKAB , 02-06-2021 sehingga 04-06-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
PELANTIKAN SEBAGAI PANEL PENILAI DANA PENYELIDIKAN PERINGKAT FAKULTI , 02-05-2024 sehingga 01-05-2027 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Panel Penilai Geran Penyelidikan di bawah Dana UP Tahun 2022 , 01-06-2022 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Universiti |
Panel Penilai Geran Penyelidikan di bawah Dana UP Tahun 2023 , 01-05-2023 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Universiti |
Panel Penilai Geran Penyelidikan di bawah Dana UP Tahun 2024 , 30-07-2024 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Universiti |
Pengawas Untuk Peperiksaan (Akhir) Bagi Program Sarjana Kerja Kursus Semester I Sesi 2019/2020 , 03-01-2020 sehingga 03-01-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Pertandingan Projek Makmal Bersepadu JKKP 2023 , 27-03-2023 sehingga 21-06-2023 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Program Berkah Ramadan 2024 , 01-03-2024 sehingga 30-03-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
UKM Engineering Webinar Series 2021 , 01-02-2021 sehingga 31-07-2021 , Universiti |