Najiyah Safwa Khashi'ie, Norihan Md Arifin, Ioan Pop, Roslinda Nazar, Ezad Hafidz Hafidzuddin, Nadihah Wahi. (2020). Thermal marangoni flow past a permeable stretching/shrinking sheet in a hybrid Cu-Al2O3/water nanofluid. - Sains Malaysiana. 211-222. |
Anuar Jamaludin, Kohilavani Naganthran, Roslinda Nazar, Ioan Pop. (2020). MHD mixed convection stagnation-point flow of Cu-Al2O3/water hybrid nanofluid over a permeable stretching/shrinking surface with heat source/sink. - European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids. 71-80. |
Kohilavani Naganthran, Ishak Hashim, Roslinda Nazar. (2020). Triple solutions of carreau thin film flow with thermocapillarity and injection on an unsteady stretching sheet. - Energies. 1-17. |
Nurul Syuhada Ismail, Norihan Md Arifin, Roslinda Nazar, Norfifah Bachok. (2019). Stability analysis of unsteady MHD stagnation point flow and heat transfer over a shrinking sheet in the presence of viscous dissipation. - Chinese Journal of Physics. . |
Rahimah Jusoh, Roslinda Nazar, Ioan Pop. (2019). Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow and Heat Transfer of Nanofluids past a Bidirectional Exponential Permeable Stretching/Shrinking Sheet With Viscous Dissipation Effect. - Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME. . |
Kohilavani Naganthran, Roslinda Nazar, Ioan Pop. (2019). Effects of heat generation/absorption in the Jeffrey fluid past a permeable stretching/shrinking disc. - Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 1-12. |
Nur Syuhada Ismail, Norihan M. Arifin, Roslinda Nazar, Norfifah Bachok. (2019). Stability analysis of stagnation-point flow and heat transfer over an exponentially shrinking sheet with heat generation. - Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 107-122. |
Shahirah Abu Bakar, Norihan Md Arifin, Fadzilah Md Ali, Norfifah Bachok, Roslinda Nazar, Ioan Pop. (2018). A stability analysis on mixed convection boundary layer flow along a permeable vertical cylinder in a porous medium filled with a nanofluid and thermal radiation. - Applied Sciences. 1-13. |
Anuar Jamaludin, Roslinda Nazar, Ioan Pop. (2018). Ingham problem for mixed convection flow of a nanofluid over a moving vertical plate with suction and injection effects. - Sains Malaysiana. . |
Kohilavani Naganthran, Roslinda Nazar, Ioan Pop. (2018). Dual solutions of three-dimensional flow and heat transfer over a non-linearly stretching/shrinking sheet. - Indian Journal of Physics. . |