Penerbitan WOS

Nor Asyikin Mohd Tahir, Shamin Mohd Saffian, Farida Hanim Islahudin, Abdul Halim Abdul Gafor, Hanita Othman, Hamizah Abdul Manan, Mohd Makmor-Bakry.  (2020).  Effects of CST3 Gene G73A Polymorphism on Cystatin C in a Prospective Multiethnic Cohort Study.  - Nephron.  204-212. 

Chua Ming Hui, Farida Islahudin, Nurul Ain Mohd Tahir, Nur Jannah Azman, Zarihasyum Wan Zein.  (2020).  Factors Influencing Intravenous to Oral Antibiotic Switch Among Private Healthcare Providers in Malaysia.  - Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.  697-701. 

Tengku Nur Izzati Tengku Abd Kadir, Farida Islahudin, Muhammad Zulhilmi Abdullah, Norkasihan Ibrahim and Pau Kiew Bing.  (2019).  Assessing Individual Medication Adherence among Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: A Multi-centered Study.  - Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International.  1-11. 

Kong Lai San, Farida Islahudin, Leelavathi Muthupalaniappen, Chong Wei Wen.  (2019).  Knowledge and Expectations on Antibiotic Use among Older Adults in Malaysia: A Cross-Sectional Survey.  - Geriatrics.  1-16. 

Chin Chiang Toh, Farida Islahudin, Adli Ali, Noraida Mohamed Shah.  (2018).  Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy among pediatric patients: labeled and off-labeled indications.  - Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 

Hamiza Aziz, Ernieda Hatah, Mohd Makmor Bakry, Farida Islahudin, Najwa Ahmad Hamdi, Ivy Mok Pok Wan.  (2018).  Qualitative exploration of factors for medication adherence among subsidized and self-paying patients in Malaysia.  - BMC Health Service Research. 

Nor Asyikin Mohd Tahir, Abdul Halim Abdul Gafor, Farida Hanim Islahudin, Shamin Mohd Saffian, Hamizah Abdul Manan, Hanita Othman, Mohd Makmor-Bakry.  (2018).  Agreement between Creatinine and Cystatin C-Based Equations in the Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate among Malaysian Patients with Renal Impairment.  - Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. 

Loke, M. Y., Gan, L. L. Y. & Islahudin, F..  (2018).  Awareness of medication related falls and preferred interventions among the elderly.  - Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.. 

Ngadimon IW, Islahudin F, Mohamed Shah N, Md Hatah E, Makmor-Bakry M.  (2017).  Improving shared decision-making in adolescents through antibiotic education.  - International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.  120-125. 

Noraida Mohamed Shah, Billy Lim Tzyy Nan, Nies Yong Hui, Farida Hanim Islahudin, Ernieda Mhd Hatah.  (2017).  Knowledge and perception of breast cancer and its treatment among Malaysian women: Role of religion.  - Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.  955-962. 

Nur Sabrina Mohd Abdul Latiff, Nurulumi Ahmad and Farida Islahudin.  (2016).  Complications associated with malnutrition in elective surgical patients in a Malaysian setting.  - Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.  1321-1325. 

Farida Islahudin, Nur Hazalina Md Salleh and Endang Kumolosasi.  (2016).  Ischemic heart disease: effectiveness and safety of statin treatment in a malaysian tertiary healthcare facility.  - Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.  1793-1798. 

N. M. Ariffin, F. Islahudin, M. Makmor-bakry, E. Kumolosasi, R. N. Mudin, U. K. Shamsudin, M. H. A. Hamid, W. M. Keong, A. H. S. M. Haq and S. F. Abu.  (2016).  Pattern of antimalarial drug use in Malaysia.  - Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.  423-427. 

Farida Islahudin, Kar Yee Lim.  (2016).  Antibiotic Knowledge and Willingness to Engage in Shared Decision-Making among Urban Children.  - Latin American Journal of Pharmacy.  26-31. 

Chew Chin Yong, Farida Islahudin and Noraida Mohamed Shah.  (2015).  Knowledge, Attitude and Perception of Parents on the Use of Cough and Cold Medications in Children.  - Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.  512-525. 

Rahela Ambras Khan, Mohd Makmor-Bakry, Farida Islahudin.  (2015).  Appropriate antibiotic administration in critically ill patients with pneumonia.  - Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.  299-305. 

Haarathi Chandriah, Endang Kumolosasi, Farida Islahudin, Mohd Makmor-Bakry.  (2015).  Effectiveness and Safety of a 10mg Warfarin Initiation Nomogram in Asian Population.  - Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.  927-932. 

Farida Islahudin, Alyaa Madihah Ahmad Tamezi, Noraida Mohamed Shah.  (2014).  Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices about Antibiotic Use among the General Public in Malaysia.  - The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.  1474-1482. 

Farida Islahudin, Hui-Yeah Ong.  (2014).  Appropriate vancomycin use in a Malaysian tertiary hospital based on current HICPAC recommendations..  - The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries.  1267-1271. 

Nur Sufiza Ahmad, Farida Islahudin, Thomas Paradaithathu.  (2014).  Factors associated with good glycemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus..  - Journal of Diabetes Investigation.  563-569.