Nadiah Rosly, Loo Guo Hou, Mohamad Aznan Shuhaili, Reynu Rajan, Nik Ritza Kosai. (2019). Oesophageal perforation following transoesophageal echocardiography: A case report on successful conservative management. - International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. 161-164. |
Lai Jun Hai, Loo Guo Hou, Mohamad Aznan Shuhaili, Nik Ritza Kosai. (2019). A novel alternative to suture passer for closure of fascial defect in laparoscopic ventral hernia repair: A case report. - International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. 276-280. |
Asif Sukri, Alfizah Hanafiah, Nik Ritza Kosai, Mustafa Mohamed Taher, Isa Mohamed Rose & Ramelah Mohamed. (2019). Optimization of cryopreserved single cell suspension of gastric epithelial cells for successful DOTSCANTM antibody microarray. - Sains Malaysiana. 1105-1110. |
Loo Guo Hou, Anusha Prabakaran, Reynu Rajan, Fatimah Binti Mohd Nor, Nik Ritza Kosai. (2019). Concurrent bariatric surgery and surgical resection of massive localized lymphedema of the thigh. A case report.. - Annals of Medicine and Surgery. 53-56. |
Loo Gou Hou, Reynu Rajan, Nik Ritza Kosai Nik Mahmood. (2019). Staple-line post primary sleeve gastrectomy. A two patient case series and literature review. - Annals of Medicine and Surgery. 72-76. |
Diana Mellisa Dualim, Loo Guo Hou, Reynu Rajan. Nik Ritza Kosai Nik Mahmood. (2019). Jejunal GIST: Hunting down an unusual cause of gastrointestinal bleed using double balloon enteroscopy. A case report. - International Journal of Surgery Case Report. 303-306. |
Hui Ying Khoo, Kelvin Voon, Keat How Teoh, Shyang Yee Lim, Premnath Nagalingam, Mohamad Aznan Shuhaili, Reynu Rajan, Mustafa Mohammed Taher, Nik Ritza Kosai. (2018). Esophageal cancer in Malaysia: The need for early detection. - Disease of the Esophagus. . |
Hassan S, Kosai NR, Reynu R, Shuhaili Ma, Sutton PA, Smith DC. (2018). Extensive rectus sheath hematoma secondary to erroneous technique of anticoagulant injection. - Medicine & Health. 291-295. |
Nik Kosai , Anitha Haniffa, Razman Jarmin, Srijit Das, Reynu Rajan, Hanafiah Harunarashid. (2017). Paget-Schroetter Syndrome in 52-Year-old Male:an Interesting Case Report. - Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. 104-106. |
Tan Han Loong, Ngiu Chai Soon, Nik Ritza Kosai Nik Mahmood, Jeevinesh Naidu, Rafiz Abdul Rani, Nazefah Abdul Hamid, Marjanu Hikmah Elias, Isa Mohamed Rose, Azmi Tamil, Norfilza M. Mokhtar, Raja Affendi Raja Ali. (2017). Serum pepsinogen and gastrin 17 as potential biomarkers for pre malignant lesions in the gastric corpus. - Biomedical Reports. 460-468. |
Reynu R, Kosai NR. (2017). Innovations in Obesity and Metabolic Surgery:Boon or Bane?. - Medicine & Health. 1-3. |
Gendeh HS, Imran FH, Kosai NR, Gendeh BS, Ramzisham AR, Kelly EG. (2017). Left Facial Tumour. What Is It?. - Medicine and Health. 154-155. |
Reynu R, Neeraj K, Kosai NR. (2017). Single Incision Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery:Challenging the Conventional. - Medicine and Health. 143-149. |
MOHD FIRDAUS, HARDIP SINGH GENDEH, NIK RITZA KOSAI, FARRAH HANI IMRAN, RAMZISHAM ABDUL RAHMAN. (2016). An Innovative Technique For Surgical Positioning in Head and Neck Surgery. - Medicine and Health. 101-104. |
N.R Kosai , R Reynu ,H.S Gendeh, Srijit Das, M. Lakdawala. (2016). Concurrent Mesh Repair of a Morgagni and Umbilical Hernia During a Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy In a Morbidly Obese Individual. - Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University (JKIMSU). 87-92. |
Gendeh HS, Kosai NR, Belani LK, Taher MM, Reynu R, Ramzisham AR. (2015). An abdominal mass: A case of jekyll and hyde. - Medicine & Health. 156-158. |
Kosai NR, Khan A, Mustafa MT, Zalizawati ZA, Mohd Firdaus CA, Leong JH. (2015). A rare case of a gastro-peritoneal fistula following laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy successfully treated with endoscopic stenting. - Medicine & Health. 159-164. |
NR Kosai, H Amin-Tai, HS Gendeh, S Salleh, R Reynu, MM Taher, PA Sutton, S Das. (2015). Pregnant and serve acute abdominal pain: A surgical diagnostic dilemma. - La Clinica Terapeutica. 110-113. |
Shahril K, Reynu R, Kosai NR, Bong JJ , Rozman Z, Yazmin Y, Mohd Ramzisham AR. (2015). Inferior vena cava tumour thrombectomy by novel endovascular approach. - Medicine & Health. 151-155. |
Nik Kosai, Reynu Rajan, Srijit Das. (2015). Knowledge and attitude of nursing personnel towards depression in general hospitals: The Korean perspective. - Journal of Korean Medical Science. 209-1210. |
Gendeh HS, Kosai NR, Belani LK, Taher MM, Reynu R, Ramzisham AR. (2015). An abdominal mass: A case of jekyll and hyde?. - Medicine & Health. 156-158. |
LKS Christopher, NR Kosai, R Reynu, KB Levin, MM Taher, PA Sutton, N Sukor, S Das. (2015). Effect of exercise on pulmonary function test in obese Malaysian patients. - La Clinica Terapeutica. 105-109. |
Kosai N, Gendeh H, Norfaezan A, Razman J, Sutton P, Das S. (2015). Prolapsing gastric polyp causing intermittent gastric outlet obstruction. - International Surgery. 1148-1152. |
Nik Kosai, Reynu Rajan, Srijit Das. (2015). Platelet changes in healthy male smokers. - Saudi Medical Journal. 1501. |
Divya Vanoh, Suzana Shahar, Nik Ritza Kosai Nik Mahmood. (2015). Association between nutrient adequacy and psychosocial factors with overall rate of weight loss after bariatric surgery. - Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 610-619. |
Reynu R, Kumar R, Kosai N R, Farizal F, Shuhaili MA, Razman J, Shahizon AMM. (2014). Vein of galen malformation. - Medicine & Health. 155-156. |
Reynu R, Kosai NR, Aznan M, Taher MM. (2014). Uncommon presentation of a common aesthetic procedure: Late infection of a ruptured silicone breast implant. - Medicine and Health. 85-88. |
H Anitha, Y F Lam, P A Sutton, N R Kosai, Srijit Das. (2014). Refeeding syndrome: The danger of feeding a starving man. - Clinica Terapeutica. 165(4):. |
MM Taher, NR Kosai, Gendeh HS. (2014). Creative treatment of early buried bumper syndrome. - Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons. 621-622. |
R.F. Jailani, N.R. Kosai, N.Y. Yaacob, R. Jarmin, P. Sutton, H. Harunarrashid, J. Murie, S. Das. (2014). Transarterial angioembolization versus surgery after failed endoscopic therapy for non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. - La Clinica Terapeutica. 243-247. |
M Abdikarim, S Shahari, M A Idris, H Hanafiah, N R Kosai, S Das. (2014). Misdiagnosed infected aneurysm presenting as pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO). - Clinica Terapeutica. 165(4):143-145. |
Kosai NR. (2013). Is bariatic surgery the cure for diabetes mellitus?. - Medicine and Health. 52-54. |
M.Y. Mohd Rizal, N.R. Kosai, P.A. Sutton, Z. Rozman, J. Razman, H. Harunarashid, S. Das. (2013). Arterial embolization of a bleeding gastric dieulafoy lesion : a case report. - Clinica Terapeutica. 25-27. |
S. Farag, P Sutton, K. S. Leow, N. R. Kosai, J Razman, H. Hanafiah, S. Das. (2013). Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome: An interesting case report. - La Clinica Terapeutica. 164(4):323-326. |
Yussra Y, Sutton PA, Kosai NR, Razman J, Mishra RK, Harunarashid H, Das S. (2013). Single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) inguinal hernia repair - recent clinical experiences of this novel technique. - Clinica Terapeutica. 425-428. |
J Evans, N Kosai, M Onwudike, H Harunarashid, S Das, S Shahari. (2012). The clinical and cost effectiveness of three day limb compression with Coban following surgery on varicose veins. - International Medical Journal. 19(4):337-338. |