imran ho bin abdullah @ ho yee beng;norsimah mat awal;azhar bin jaludin;nor fariza binti mohd nor;marlyna bt. maros;saadiyah binti darus;intan safinaz bt. zainudin;norwati bt. md. yusof;afendi bin hamat;tan kim hua;kesumawati binti a. bakar;zaharom bin ri. (2022). kajian kulturomik akal budi melayu. - . . |
nor fariza mohd nor. (2022). celebrating 40 years of look east policy (lep) with the celebration of diplomacy between malaysia & japan festival as a catalyst for cultural tourism. - kr8tif express. 1-8. |
nor fariza mohd nor. (2022). article writing workshop: preparation for publication. - . 1-68. |
nor fariza mohd nor. (2022). chapter 3 - reviewing the literature in research. - . 1-13. |
nor fariza mohd nor. (2022). chapter 2 - writing the statement of the problem. - . 1-8. |
nor fariza mohd nor. (2022). chapter 1 - introduction to research. - . 1-16. |
nor fariza mohd nor. (2022). lecture series part ii on critical discourse as a visiting professor at universitas negeri yogyakarta, indonesia, from 9th may to 27th july, 2022. - . 1-152. |
nor fariza mohd nor, tasha erina taufek, azhar jaludin, sabrina tiun, jamaluddin aziz, lam kuok choy. (2022). does opinion matter? a sentiment analysis of opinion news about climate change in news discourse. - malaysian corpus research symposium. 1-20. |
nor fariza mohd nor. (2022). lecture series on critical discourse analysis as visiting professor at universitas negeri yogyakarta, indonesia, from 9th may to 27th july, 2022. - . 1-135. |
nor fariza mohd nor, tasha erina taufek, azhar jaludin, sabrina tiun, lam kuok choy, jamaludin aziz. (2022). thematic analysis of climate change in an english online newspaper in malaysia. - maal asia pacific conference 2022. 1-19. |