noradiva bt. hamzah;ruhanita bt. maelah. (2023). corporate social and environmental strategy. - . . |
ruhanita bt. maelah;azlina binti ahmad;mohd rizal bin palil. (2021). accounting lab: towards work-integrated learning approach for undegraduate accounting students. - . . |
yusasniza binti mohd yunus;aini binti aman;ruhanita bt. maelah;zaini binti embong. (2021). enhancing mindfulness in information technology and work-life balance: the perspectives from global business services industry. - . . |
ruhanita maelah. (2020). krisis pandemik dedah kepentingan urus kewangan. - berita harian. 1-2. |
aini binti aman;zakiah muhammaddun binti mohamed;ruhanita bt. maelah;yusasniza binti mohd yunus;zaini binti embong;syaima`binti adznan. (2020). building talent for finance and accounting shared services industry: case studies of shared services centre in south east asia. - . . |
ruhanita maelah. (2020). important to ensure continuity of research during the pandemic. - new straits times. 1-3. |
haslina hassan, ruhanita maelah. (2020). management accounting information usefulness, digital inclusion and performance of smes. - world marketing conference 2020. 1-6. |
ruhanita maelah, aini aman, yusasniza mohd yunus, zaini embong, abdul aziz ahmad. (2020). teaching case managing talent in global business services environment. - 5th international case study conference. 1-14. |
aini binti aman;ruhanita bt. maelah;yusasniza binti mohd yunus. (2020). sustainable futures: professional accounting work in a global knowledge-based economy. - . . |
aini binti aman;mohamat sabri bin hassan;ruhanita bt. maelah;norman bin mohd saleh;yusasniza binti mohd yunus;syaima`binti adznan. (2019). enhancing graduates` employability through impact sourcing initiatives. - . 1-12. |