rizal rahman. (2023). article evaluation: the role of local expert in the constitution-building process: the case of indonesian constitutional commission. - international journal of public law and policy. 1-22. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2023). representation power of the attorney general. - basic course on federal constitution iii. 1-21. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2023). prosecutor power of the attorney general. - basic course on federal constitution ii. 1-28. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2023). review: ai artificial intelligence: between ethical issues and necessary legal protection. - uum journal of legal studies. 1-9. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2023). review notes: are the laws for us or against us? reinventing environmental sanitation laws in nigeria. - administrative and environtmental law review. 1-14. |
rizal rahman. (2022). reviewer comments - how media representation of crime violate fair trail (an iranian cases study). - sn social sciences. 1-16. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). electronic evidence. - . 1-96. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). cyber law lecture: chronology of events. - . 1-5. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). cybercrimes - penal code and computer crimes act. - . 1-97. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). cybercrimes - content dissemination. - . 1-113. |
rizal rahman. (2022). review - knowledge of money laundering to rationalize money mule job acceptance among higher learning students in malaysia. - international journal of asia pacific studies. 1-2. |
mohamad rizal abd rahman, nazura bt. abdul manap, siti norul huda bt. sheikh abdullah, masnizah binti mohd. (2022). kajian kes-kes jenayah siber yang diputuskan di mahkamah malaysia. - . 1-4. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). law of contract. - . 1-24. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). law of agency. - . 1-3. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). law of partnership. - . 1-5. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). transaksi komersial dalam talian. - . . |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). law of sale of goods. - . 1-4. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman, habibah omar, marzaitul azura binti mokhtar, afiq mohd noor. (2022). a malaysian common-law model of constitutional monarchy in assuring stability of government. - a malaysian common-law model of constitutional monarchy in assuring stability of government focus group discussion. 1-4. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). law of hire-purchase. - . 1-5. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). law of insurance and takaful. - . 1-12. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). mock trial. - . 1-6. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). review notes - afghanistan's administrative decision: a comparative study of judicial oversight. - . 1-16. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2022). manuscript review form - intermediaries' liability and artificial intelligence-based content moderation in malaysia: a reflection of mkini dot com. - . 1-14. |
rizal rahman. (2022). review - revisiting due diligence in cyberspace: crafting international laws arsenal against transboundary botnets. - international journal of law and information technology. 1-37. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2021). kuasa viral: di mana noktahnya. - . 1-7. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2021). media x lex: sejauh mana kita beretika. - ceramah kursus etika perundangan (uuk 4244). 1-27. |
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2021). adakah pandemik covid 19 menyebabkan berlakunya peningkatan dalam kes penipuan maya?. - . 1-2. |
mohammad rizal abdul rahman. (2021). cybercrimes: penalcode & computer crimes act. - . 1-97. |
rizal rahman. (2021). undang-undang kontrak. - program buffet undang-undang. 1-25. |
mohammad rizal abdul rahman. (2021). cybercrimes: content dissemination. - . 1-111. |
mohammad rizal abdul rahman. (2021). electronic evidence. - . 1-96. |
mohamad rizal abd rahman. (2020). cyber law lecture (uk 4643): electronic commerce. - . 1-67. |
ramalinggam a/l a.rajamanickam;mohamad rizal bin abd rahman. (2020). penilaian kefahaman tentang penggunaan keterangan dna dalam proses perbicaraan jenayah di malaysia. - . . |
mohamad rizal abd rahman. (2020). cyber law lecture (uk 4643): electronic evidence. - . 1-96. |
rizal rahman. (2020). cyber law lecture (uk 4643): cybercrimes - content dissemination. - . 1-111. |
mohamad rizal abd rahman. (2020). cyber law lecture (uk 4643): cybercrimes - penal code & computer crimes act. - . 1-97. |
rizal rahman. (2020). cyber law lecture (uk 4643): chronology of events.. - . 1-5. |
mohamad rizal abd rahman. (2020). panduan mock trial tx6134. - . 1-6. |
mohamad rizal abd rahman. (2020). panduan mock trial tx6134 (november 2020). - . 1-10. |