asfarina zanudin. (2022). traumatic brain injury. - . 1-21. |
asfarina zanudin. (2022). spina bifida. - . 1-27. |
asfarina zanudin. (2022). muscular dystrophy. - . 1-18. |
asfarina zanudin. (2022). cerebral palsy. - . 1-51. |
nor azlin mohd nordin, asfarina zanudin, estu meilani, lim khee li, norazlina yaacob. (2022). buku nota klinikal fisioterapi limfedema. - . 1-21. |
muhammad farhan bin norhalim, asfarina binti zanudin. (2022). the effects of exercise programme on muscle strength and walking performance among children with prader-willi syndrome in malaysia: a case series study. - e- seminar penyelidikan prasiswazah fisioterapi. 1-14. |
vivian sheereen anak rantai, asfarina binti zanudin. (2022). development and feasibility of a home-based balance and vestibular exercises program for primary school children: a pilot study. - e-seminar penyelidikan prasiswazah fisioterapi. 1-15. |
rachel thomas, asfarina zanudin, yasmin hazrin, norshita mat nayan. (2022). establishing on context validity of scoscreen application. - 13th international symposium of health scinces. 1. |
nimale supramaniam, asfarina zanudin. (2022). physical activity, cardiorespiratory endurance and quality of life among children with disabilities. - 6th moh physiotherapy conference 2022. 1. |
dr riswadi azmi dr. wan farah wani wan fakhruddin dr. siti shuhaida shukor dr. mariam firdhaus mad nordin assoc. prof. dr. masitah ghazali ts. dr. abdul rahimi abdul rahman dr. mohd natashah norizan dr. asfarina zanudin capt. ts. dr. muhamad lazim talib d. (2021). strengthening government-university-industry and community collaboration. - . 122. |
sumaiyah mat, devinder kaur ajit singh, nor azlin mohd nordin, normala mesbah, deepashini harithasan, nor azura azmi, asfarina zanudin, ismarulyusda ishak. (2021). learning by doing for research methods project during covid-19 restrictions among physiotherapy undergraduates: challenges and lessons. - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi). 79-80. |
nor azlin mohd nordin, marina mah, asfarina zanudin, shazrina shafie, lim khee li, norazlina yaacob, nur hidayah ong abdullah. (2021). lymphedema management: module for physiotherapists. - . 1-110. |
asfarina binti zanudin. (2020). association between lung volume, endurance capacity and physical activity in university students. - . . |
nurfaradilla binti mohamad nasri;lilia bt. halim;faridah binti mydin kutty;asfarina binti zanudin. (2020). sociocultural dimensions of self-directed learning through the eyes of postgraduate students. - . . |
asfarina zanudin, siti nur akma kamarudin, nor azlin mohd nordin, manisah mohd ali, aizan sofia amin. (2019). hydrotherapy and motivational interviewing programme for children with disability: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial. - 12th international symposium of health sciences. 69. |
asfarina zanudin, chong ling fong, nor azizah mohamad. (2018). reliability of two-minute walk test among children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. - 10th annual malaysian rehabilitation medicine conference. . |
nor azlin mohd nordin, devinder kaur ajit singh, asfarina zanudin, nor azura azmi, normala mesbah, mohd azzuan ahmad, aida safra ruslan, zainura abd karim, siti nur akma kamarudin. (2018). fisioterapi bantu pemulihan fizikal - terapi senaman bantu pesakit bergerak. - kosmo - segmen k2 menyelami hidup anda. . |
asfarina zanudin, marietta l van der linden, kavi c jagadamma, tom h mercer. (2017). habitual physical activity in adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy and age-matched peers. - 2nd jkwpkl & putrajaya research day & 1st hrc research day. . |
asfarina zanudin, marietta van der linden, kavi c jagadamma, thomas h mercer. (2017). the effects of preliminary six week observation of 18 weeks pragmatic community exercise programme in adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy. - 1st hospital rehabilitasi cheras research day. . |
leonard jh, ayiesah r, vijayakumar p, hanif fmr, asfarina z, azlin mn.. (2010). physiotherapy clinical evaluation form (pcef)- reliability of an evaluation tool in clinical setting. - kongres pengajaran & pembelajaran 2010. . |
ayiesah r, leonard jh, nor azlin mn, vijakumar p & asfarina z. (2009). reliability and validity of a clinical evaluation tool to measure pt students competency skills in clinical setting. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran. . |
ayiesah r, azlin mn, vijakumar p, leonard jh & asfarina z. (2009). validity and reliability of a clinical evaluation tool to measure physiotherapy students competency skills in clinical settings. - kongres pengajaran pembelajaran ukm 2009. . |
ayiesah r, asfarina z, zaleha mi, ida kartini. (2009). perception of effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation program on physical function and mental health status among coronary artery disease patient in physiotherapy department, national heart institute. - journal of community health. . |
asfarina zainudin, leonard joseph henry. (2008). load of backpacks in boys and girls and its association with back pain. - 2nd malaysia conference of rehabilitation, november 7-9, 2008. . |