Penerbitan Lain-lain

tan geok chin;haliza binti zakaria;wong yin ping;muaatamarulain bin mustangin.  (2023).  the utility of dog1, a paternally imprinted gene in differentiating between complete and partial hydatidiform mole.  -

navin raj, norlia abdullah, ishamuddin ismail, wong yin pin, mohd imree azmi.  (2023).  a leafy conundrum - a case of recurrent with transformation of borderline to malignant phyllodes tumour with axillary metastases.  - college of surgeons academy of medicine - annual scientific congress 2023.  1. 

choo xiang tan, jia yee tan, azimatun noor aizuddin, wirda indah farouk, nurwardah alfian, yin ping wong, geok chin tan.  (2023).  upregulation of connexin 40 in the endothelial cells of placenta with acute chorioamnionitis.  - international congress of pathology and laboratory medicine (icpalm) 2023.  1. 

yin ping wong.  (2022).  infeksi gardnerella vaginalis semasa kehamilan: gambaran ringkas aspek klinikopatologi.  - buletin resmi fakulti perubatan ukm.  3-4. 

noradliyanti rusli, rabani remli, wong yin ping, suzana makpol, ng chen fei.  (2022).  intraepidermal nerve fiber density quantification in rats skin tissue.  - 30th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of neurosciences physical congress.  102. 

wong yin ping;cheah fook choe;clarence ko ching huat;wong kon ken;lim pei shan;tan geok chin;nor haslinda binti abd aziz;muhamad fakhri bin mohd saleh;chia wai kit.  (2022).  evaluation of the molecular mechanisms of cytokine and growth factor signaling in human placental trophoblast cell lines when co-infected with gardnerella vaginalis.  -

wai kit chia, yin ping wong, teck yee khong, kampan nirmala@chandralega, abd aziz nor haslinda, shuib salwati, geok chin tan.  (2021).  expression pattern of the rb transcriptional corepressor 1 (rb1) protein in hydatidiform moles.  - 2021 international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm 2021) and 18th annual scientific meeting, college of pathologists.  1. 

ooi kai shen, wong yin ping, cheah fook choe.  (2021).  the association between subclinical intrauterine infection in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, therapeutic hypothermia and clinical outcomes: a 10-year retrospective study.  - the 11th national paediatric research conference: 2nd paediatric bioethics symposium.  1. 

wai kit chia, yin ping wong, teck yee khong, kampan nirmala@chandralega, abd aziz nor haslinda, shuib salwati, geok chin tan.  (2021).  expression pattern of the rb transcriptional corepressor 1 (rb1) protein in hydatidiform moles.  - 2021 international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm 2021).  1. 

yin ping w, ka wen l, shahrun niza as, tan geok chin.  (2021).  spindle cell metaplasia in papillary thyroid carcinoma: a rare encounter.  - 23rd medical and health research week.  48. 

yin ping wong.  (2021).  kesan pandemik covid-19 kepada kehamilan dan plasenta.  - research medicine innovation (majalah resmi), fakulti perubatan ukm.  6-7. 

fazarina mohammed, yin ping wong, kan n hor, michael arnold, tan geok chin.  (2020).  an unusual case of cardiac rhabdomyoma with left ventricular outlet obstruction.  - international academy of pathology malaysian division 6th annual scientific meeting 2019.  18. 

yin ping wong, asmazila baharoom.  (2020).  sitologi aspirasi jarum halus (fnac) dalam penyaringan lesi payudara.  - majalah patologi.  1-5. 

mianxin chew, yin ping wong, norain karim, muaatamarulain mustangin, nurwardah alfian, geok chin tan.  (2019).  programmed death ligand 1, a poor prognostic marker in endometrial carcinoma.  - 11th malaysia indonesia brunei medical science conference 2019.  1. 

chiam tow swan, faizah mohd zaki, wong yin ping, cheah fook choe.  (2019).  procalcitonin levels in preterm infants with risk of sepsis in association with the severity of respiratory distress syndrome.  - the 10th international conference on clinical neonatology.  65. 

chiam tow swan, faizah mohd zaki, wong yin ping, cheah fook choe.  (2019).  procalcitonin levels in preterm infants with risk of sepsis in association with the severity of respiratory distress syndrome..  -

dr. wong yin ping, dr. suria hayati md. pauzi, asmazila baharoom, prof madya dr. nurismah md isa.  (2019).  penyaringan ketumbuhan melalui aspirasi jarum halus.  - majalah patologi.  1-5. 

yin ping wong.  (2019).  childhood medulloblastoma.  - paediatric and perinatal patology.  1. 

yin ping wong, asmazila baharoom, nurismah md isa.  (2019).  ujian papillomavirus (hpv): mengapa, siapa, bila dan bagaimana ?.  - majalah patologi.  1-5. 

wong yin ping;cheah fook choe;clarence ko ching huat;wong kon ken;tan geok chin;chia wai kit.  (2019).  a study on the effects of gardnerella vaginalis infection on various growth factor receptors in human trophoblast cell lines.  - 1-5. 

pei yeing teoh, geok chin tan, mahsin hakimah, yin ping wong.  (2018).  androgen receptor expression in triple negative breast carcinoma.  - 5th annual scientific meeting: breast and mediastinal pathology. 

dr. suria hayati md pauzi, dr. wong yin ping, dr. nordashima abd shukor.  (2018).  evaluasi nodus limfa sentinel.  - majalah patologi. 

geok chin tan, anushia swaminathan, abd fuaat azliana, beng kwang ng, pei shan lim, yin ping wong, fook choe cheah.  (2018).  increased syncytial knots in the placentae of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.  - 25th regional congress of the perinatal society of malaysia. 

anushia swaminathan, geok chin tan, chee hoe lai, yin ping wong, kon ken wong, fook choe cheah.  (2018).  the effects of gardnerella vaginalis intrauterine infection on rabbit foetal lung.  - international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine 2018. 

piao piao ang, karim norain, geok chin tan, yin ping wong.  (2018).  diagnostic value of ezh2 immunomarker in malignant effusion cytology.  - 5th annual scientific meeting: breast and mediastinal pathology. 

sn azwa, s shalwani, m fazarina, yp wong, nr tumian, s salwati, n. masir, nh hamidah.  (2016).  richter`s transformation in atypical chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a case report.  - 13th msh annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 

wint wint thu nyunt, yin ping wong, s fadilah s abdul wahid, wan fariza wan jamaludin.  (2015).  case report of diffuse large b cell lymphoma with chronic granulomatous inflammation.  - xllth malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. 

yp wong, mi nurismah, s noor sajida, e mohd shafbari, s ismail, as shamsul.  (2012).  the prevalence and prognostic significance of lymph node micrometastases among stages i and ii colorectal cancer.  - minggu penyelidikan perubatan dan kesihatan ke-14.