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sorfina amran, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, hanee f. hizaddin, abdullah amru indera luthfi, ahmad alhadid and mohamed kamel hadj-kali. (2023). extraction of pyrrole from its mixture with n-hexadecane using ionic liquids and their binary mixtures. - molecules. 1-21. |
nuraishah abd rahim, abdullah amru indera luthfi, nurul adela bukhari, jian ping tan, peer mohamed abdul & shareena fairuz abdul manaf. (2023). biotechnological enhancement of lactic acid conversion from pretreated palm kernel cake hydrolysate by actinobacillus succinogenes 130z. - scientific reports. 1-15. |
abdullah amru indera luthfi, peer mohamed abdul, jamaliah md jahim, nurul sakinah engliman, nur syakina jamali, jian ping tan, shareena fairuz abdul manaf, mohd shaiful sajab, nurul adela bukhari. (2023). isolation and characterization of biohydrogen-producing bacteria for biohydrogen fermentation using oil palm biomass-based carbon source. - applied sciences. 1-18. |
nurul adela bukhari, soh kheang loh, abdullah amru indera luthfi, abu bakar nasrin, peer mohamed abdul. (2023). prospects and state-of-the-art in production of bio-based succinic acid from oil palm trunk. - journal of oil palm research. 555-581. |
siti aisyah syazwani zaidi, cham eng kwan, denesh mohan, shuhaida harun, abdullah amru indera luthfi, mohd shaiful sajab. (2023). evaluating the stability of pla-lignin filament produced by bench-top extruder for sustainable 3d printing. - materials. 1-12. |
shareena fairuz abdul manaf, abdullah amru indera luthfi, jian ping tan, peer mohamed abdul, nur syakina jamali. (2023). kinetic study and model of fermentation parameters affected growth and xylitol production in bioreactor by kluyveromyces marxianus atcc 36,907. - biomass conversion and biorefinery. 7247-7263. |
hikmah bajunaid hariz, siti aisyah syazwani zaidi,abdullah amru indera luthfi,nurul adela bukhari,mohd shaiful sajab, masturah markom, shuhaida harun,jian ping tan gong tao ding,peer mohamed abdul. (2023). succinic acid production from oil palm biomass a prospective plastic pollution solution. - fermentation. 1-27. |
ker yee tey, jian ping tan, swee keong yeap, ning he, nurul adela bukhari, yew woh hui, abdullah amru indera luthfi, shareena fairuz abdul manaf. (2023). current analysis on 1,3-propanediol production from glycerol via pure wild strain fermentation. - journal of environmental chemical engineering. 1-18. |
nurul adela bukhari, abdullah amru indera luthfi, nuraishah abd rahim, abu bakar nasrin, mohamad azri sukiran, soh kheang loh. (2023). biomass deacetylation at moderate solid loading improves sugar recovery and succinic acid production. - fermentation. 1-15. |