Penerbitan Berimpak Tinggi

c.h. chin, s. abdullah, s.s.k. singh, a.k. ariffin, d. schramm.  (2023).  on the need to evaluate the probabilistic of fatigue life assessment of random strain loading considering load sequence effects.  - engineering failure analysis.  1-17. 

c.h. chin, s. abdullah a, s.s.k. singh, d. schramm, a.k. ariffin.  (2023).  strain generation for fatigue-durability predictions considering load sequence effect of random vibration loading.  - international journal of fatigue.  1-18. 

iszan hana kaharudin, mohammad syuhaimi ab-rahman, roslan abd-shukor, azami zaharim, mohd jailani mohd nor, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, shahrom md zain, afiq hipni, kamisah osman, ruszymah idrus.  (2022).  how does supervision technique affect research? towards sustainable performance: publication and students from pure and social sciences.  - sustainability.  1-18. 

a. arifin , s. abdullah , a.k. ariffin , n. jamaludin , s.s.k. singh.  (2022).  characterising the stress ratio effect for fatigue crack propagation parameters of sae 1045 steel based on magnetic flux leakage.  - theoretical and applied fracture mechanics.  1-11. 

mohammad syuhaimi ab-rahman, i-shyan hwang, abdul rahman mohd yusoff, abdul wahab mohamad, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, juwairiyyah abdul rahman, mohd jailani mohd nor and iszan hana kaharudin.  (2022).  a global program-educational-objectives comparative study for malaysian electrical and electronic engineering graduates.  - sustainability.  1-29. 

ramzi adriman, israr bin m. ibrahim, syifaul huzni, syarizal fonna, ahmad kamal ariffin.  (2021).  improving half-cell potential survey through computational inverse analysis for quantitative corrosion profiling.  - case studies in construction materials.  1-13. 

c. h. chin, s. abdullah, s. s. k. singh, a. k. ariffin & d. schramm.  (2021).  computing low-frequency vibration energy with hölder singularities as durability predictive criterion of random road excitation.  - soft computing.  6469-6487. 

l. abdullah, s.s.k. singh, s. abdullah, a.h. azman, a.k. ariffin.  (2021).  fatigue reliability and hazard assessment of road load strain data for determining the fatigue life characteristics.  - engineering failure analysis.  1-14. 

mahammadsalman warimani, muhammad hanafi azami, sher afghan khan, ahmad faris ismail, sanisah saharina, ahmad kamal ariffin.  (2021).  internal flow dynamics and performance of pulse detonation engine with alternative fuels.  - energy.  1-10. 

c.h. chin, s. abdullah, s.s.k. singh, d. schramm, a.k. ariffin.  (2021).  durability prediction of coil spring through multibody-dynamics-based strain generation.  - mechanical systems and signal processing.  580-601. 

u. bhardwaj, a.p. teixeira, c. guedes soares, a.k. arifin, s.s. singh.  (2021).  evidence based risk analysis of fire and explosion accident scenarios in fpsos.  - reliability engineering & system safety.  1-16. 

s.s.k. singh , s. abdullah, a.k. ariffin.  (2020).  fatigue reliability assessment in time domain using stochastic- induced random stress loads due to limited experimental data.  - engineering failure analysis.  1-15. 

c.h. chin, s. abdullah, s.s.k. singh, a.k. ariffin, d. schramm.  (2020).  durability assessment of suspension coil spring considering the multifractality of road excitations.  - measurement.  1-14. 

m.z. umar, v. vavilov, h. abdullah, a.k. ariffin.  (2019).  quantitative study of local heat sources by ultrasonic infrared thermography: an approach for estimating total energy released by low energy impact damage in c/c composite.  - composites part b.  167-173. 

sinan q. salih, mohammed suleman aldlemy, mohammad rasidi rasani, a. k. ariffin, tuan mohammad yusoff shah tuan ya, nadhir al-ansari, zaher mundher yaseen & kwok-wing chau.  (2019).  thin and sharp edges bodies-fluid interaction simulation using cut-cell immersed boundary method.  - engineering applications of computational fluid mechanics.  860-877. 

n.i.i. mansor, s. abdullah, a.k. ariffin.  (2019).  effect of loading sequences on fatigue crack growth and crack closure in api x65 steel.  - marine structures. 

dinesh ragurajan, mohsen golieskardi, meenaloshini satgunam, md enamul hoque, angela min hwei ng, mariyam jameelah ghazali, ahmad kamal ariffin.  (2018).  advanced 3y-tzp bioceramic doped with al2o3 and mno2 particles potentially for biomedical applications: study on mechanical and degradation properties.  - journal of materials research and technology. 

d.a. wahab, e. blanco-davis, a.k. ariffin, j. wang.  (2018).  a review on the applicability of remanufacturing in extending the life cycle of marine or offshore components and structures.  - ocean engineering. 

d. ragurajan, m. satgunam, m. golieskardi, a.k. ariffin and m.j. ghazali.  (2016).  effect of air sintering on microstructural and mechanical properties of aluminum oxide / manganese oxide doped y- tzp.  - journal of the australian ceramic society.  128-133. 

othman a., abdullah s., ariffin a.k., mohamed n.a.n..  (2016).  investigating the crushing behavior of quasi-static oblique loading on polymeric foam filled pultruded composite square tubes.  - composites part b: engineering.  493-514. 

m. imran, s.f. eric lim, i.s. putra, a.k. ariffin, c.j. tan, j. purbolaksono.  (2015).  assessment of a planar inclusion in a solid cylinder.  - engineering failure analysis.  236-246. 

m.r. jamli, a.k. ariffin, d.a. wahab.  (2015).  incorporating feedforward neural network within finite element analysis for l-bending springback prediction.  - expert systems with applications.  2604-2614. 

djamaluddin f., abdullah s., ariffin a.k., nopiah z.m..  (2015).  non-linear finite element analysis of bitubal circular tubes for progressive and bending collapses.  - international journal of mechanical sciences.  228-236. 

djamaluddin f., abdullah s., ariffin a.k., nopiah z.m..  (2015).  optimization of foam-filled double circular tubes under axial and oblique impact loading conditions.  - thin-walled structures.  1-11. 

zulkifli mohd nopiah, ahmad kadri junoh and ahmad kamal ariffin.  (2015).  a novel hybrid fuzzy nonlinear weighted goal programming for optimising interior acoustics level in car cabin.  - journal of vibration and control.  1721-1744. 

eshkoor r.a., ude a.u., sulong a.b., zulkifli r., ariffin a.k., azhari c.h..  (2015).  energy absorption and load carrying capability of woven natural silk epoxy - triggered composite tubes.  - composites part b: engineering.  10-18. 

othman a., abdullah s., ariffin a.k., mohamed n.a.n..  (2014).  investigating the quasi-static axial crushing behavior of polymeric foam-filled composite pultrusion square tubes.  - materials and design.  446 - 459. 

a.u. ude, r.a. eshkoor, r. zulkifili, a.k. ariffin, a.w. dzuraidah, c.h. azhari.  (2014).  bombyx mori silk fibre and its composite: a review of contemporary developments.  - materials and design.  57(2014):298-305. 

n. i. i. mansor, s. abdullah, a. k. ariffin & j, syarif.  (2014).  a review of the fatigue failure mechanism of metallic materials under a corroded environment.  - engineering failure analysis.  42 (2014) 353-365. 

r.a. eshkoor, a.u. ude, s.a. oshkovr, a.b. sulong, r. zulkifli, a.k. ariffin, c.h. azhari.  (2014).  failure mechanism of woven natural silk/epoxy rectangular composite tubes under axial quasi-static crushing test using trigger mechanism.  - international journal of impact engineering.  53-61. 

m.r. jamli, a.k. ariffin, d.a. wahab.  (2014).  integration of feedforward neural network and finite element in the draw-bend springback prediction.  - expert systems with applications.  3662-3670. 

a. m. t. ariffin, s. abdullah, md. rafiquzzaman, r. zulkifli, d. a. wahab & a. k. ariffin.  (2014).  investigation of the behaviour of a chopped strand mat/woven roving/foam-klegecell composite lamination structure during charpy testing.  - materials and design.  59:475-485. 

s. fonna, s. huzni, m. ridha, a.k. ariffin.  (2013).  inverse analysis using particle swarm optimization for detecting corrosion profile of rebar in concrete structure.  - engineering analysis with boundary elements.  37:585-593. 

r.a. eshkoor, s.a. oshkovr, a.b. sulong, r. zulkifli, a.k. ariffin, c.h. azhari.  (2013).  effect of trigger configuration on the crashworthiness characteristics of natural silk epoxy composite tubes.  - composites part b: engineering.  55:5-10. 

oshkovr, sa; taher, st; oshkour, aa; ariffin, ak; azhari, ch.  (2013).  finite element modelling of axially crushed silk/epoxy composite square tubes.  - composite structures.  95:411-418. 

a.u. ude, a.k. ariffin, c.h. azhari.  (2013).  impact damage characteristics in reinforced woven natural silk/epoxy composite face-sheet and sandwich foam, coremat and honeycomb materials.  - international journal of impact engineering.  58:31-38. 

r.a. eshkoor, s.a. oshkovr, a.b. sulong, r. zulkifli, a.k. ariffin, c.h. azhari.  (2013).  comparative research on the crashworthiness characteristics of woven natural silk/epoxy composite tubes.  - materials and design.  47:248-257. 

ude, a.u., ariffin, a.k., azhari, c.h..  (2013).  an experimental investigation on the response of woven natural silk fiber/epoxy sandwich composite panels under low velocity impact.  - fibers and polymers.  14(1):127-132. 

a.e. ismail, a.k. ariffin, s. abdullah, m.j. ghazali.  (2012).  stress intensity factors for surface cracks in round bar under single and combined loadings.  - meccanica.  47:1141-1156. 

s.a. oshkovr, r.a. eshkoor, s.t. taher, a.k. ariffin, c.h. azhari.  (2012).  crashworthiness characteristics investigation of silk/epoxy composite square tubes.  - composite structures.  94(8):2337-2342. 

beden, s.m., abdullah, s., ariffin, a.k..  (2012).  fatigue crack growth rate of api x70 steel pipelines under spectrum loading.  - international journal of pressure vessels and piping.  96-97:7-12. 

n.a. khadim, s. abdullah & a.k. ariffin.  (2012).  effective strain damage model associated with finite element modelling and experimental validation.  - international journal of fatigue.  36(1):194-205. 

s. ataollahi, s.t. taher, r.a. eshkoor, a.k. ariffin, c.h. azhari.  (2012).  energy absorption and failure response of silk/epoxy composite square tubes: experimental.  - composites: part b.  43(2):542-548. 

kadhim n.a., abdullah s., ariffin a.k..  (2011).  effect of the fatigue data editing technique associated with finite element analysis on the component fatigue design period.  - materials and design.  32(2):1020-1030. 

m.m. rahman, a.k. ariffin, s.s.m. nor & h.y. rahman.  (2011).  powder material parameters establishment through warm forming route.  - materials and design.  32(1):264-271. 

s.m. tahir, a.k. ariffin, m.s. anuar.  (2010).  finite element modelling of crack propagation in metal powder compaction using mohr-coulomb and elliptical cap yield criteria.  - powder technology.  202:162-170. 

r. hamid, a. s. m. z. hasan, and a. k. ariffin.  (2010).  sensivity of model parameter on dynamic behavior simulation of hpc.  - journal of materials in civil engineering.  22(12):1244-1251. 

r. hamid, a. s. m. z. hasan, and a. k. ariffin.  (2010).  sensitivity of model parameter on dynamic behavior simulation of hpc.  - journal of materials in civil engineering.  22(12):1244-1251. 

romlay, f.r.m., ouyang, h., ariffin, a.k., mohamed, n.a.n..  (2010).  modeling of fatigue crack propagation using dual boundary element method and gaussian monte carlo method.  - engineering analysis with boundary elements.  34(3):297-305. 

s.m. beden, s. abdullah, a.k. ariffin, n.a. al-asady.  (2010).  fatigue crack growth simulation of aluminium alloy under spectrum loadings.  - materials and design.  31(7):3449-3456.