Penerbitan Berimpak Tinggi

anis syahira abdul halim, faridah mohamad, fisal ahmad, noraznawati ismail, tuan zainazor tuan chilek, ahmad shamsuddin ahmad, zaidi che cob, ku mohd kalkausar ku yusof.  (2021).  possible predation on commercial bivalves by tachypleus gigas: an assessment of horseshoe crab reintroduction in setiu lagoon of terengganu, malaysia.  - hydrobiologia.  841-855. 

noorashikin md. noor, moumita de, zaidi che cob, simon kumar das.  (2021).  welfare of scaleless fish, sagor catfish (hexanematichthys sagor) juveniles under different carbon dioxide concentrations.  - aquaculture research.  2980-2987. 

noorashikin md. noor, moumita de, amirah iskandar, wan leong keng, zaidi che cob, mazlan abd. ghaffar, simon kumar das.  (2019).  effects of elevated carbon dioxide on the growth and welfare of juvenile tiger grouper (epinephelus fuscoguttatus)×giant grouper (e. lanceolatus) hybrid.  - aquaculture.  1-8. 

nur-fauzana azmi, mazlan abd ghaffar, hassan hj.mohd daud, zaidi che cob.  (2018).  ultrastructural analysis of apicomplexa-like parasites in two conch species laevistrombus canarium and canarium urceus from johor straits, malaysia.  - journal of invertebrate pathology.  17-24. 

mohammad mokhtari, mazlan abd ghaffar, gires usup, zaidi che cob.  (2015).  determination of key environmental factors responsible for distribution patterns of fiddler crabs in a tropical mangrove ecosystem.  - plos one.  1-17. 

i. zamidi, a. samat, c.c. zaidi, a.g. mazlan, gazi mahabubul alam, abul quasem al-amin, k.d. simon.  (2012).  fecundity and temporal reproductive cycle of four finger threadfin (eleutheronema tetradactylum) in malaysian coastal water.  - asian journal of animal and veterinary advances.  7(11):1100-1109. 

a.g. mazlan, y.s. chung, c.c. zaidi, a. samat, a. arshad, y.g. seah, gazi mahabubul alam, & k.d. simon.  (2012).  meristic, morphometrics and length-weight relationship of tropical silverside, atherinomorus duodecimalis (valenciennes in cuvier and valenciennes, 1835) in seagrass and mangrove habitats of malaysia.  - asian journal of animal and veterinary advances.  7(10):921-927.