mohd sabri ismail, nurulkamal masseran. (2023). modeling the characteristics of unhealthy air pollution events using bivariate copulas. - symmetry. 1-19. |
nurulkamal masseran. (2022). multifractal characteristics on temporal maximum of air pollution series. - mathematics. 1-15. |
nurulkamal masseran. (2022). multifractal characteristics on multiple pollution variables in malaysia. - bulletin of the malaysian mathematical sciences society. 325-344. |
muhammad aslam mohd safari, nurulkamal masseran, muhammad hilmi abdul majid. (2022). wind energy potential assessment using weibull distribution with various numerical estimation methods: a case study in mersing and port dickson, malaysia. - theoretical and applied climatology. 1085-1110. |
nurulkamal masseran, muhammad aslam mohd safari. (2022). statistical modeling on the severity of unhealthy air pollution events in malaysia. - mathematics. 1-16. |
nurulkamal masseran. (2022). power-law behaviors of the severity levels of unhealthy air pollution events. - natural hazards. 1749-1766. |
muhammad aslam mohd safari, nurulkamal masseran, muhammad hilmi abdul majid. (2021). robust and efficient reliability estimation for exponential distribution. - computers, materials & continua. 2807-2824. |
nurulkamal masseran. (2021). modelling the characteristics of unhealthy air pollution events: a copula approach. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-18. |
nurulkamal masseran. (2021). power-law behaviors of the duration size of unhealthy air pollution events. - stochastic environmental research and risk assessment. 1499-1508. |
nurulkamal masseran, muhammad aslam mohd safari. (2021). mixed pot-bm approach for modeling unhealthy air pollution events. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-17. |