mengling wu, jingzu gao, naeem hayat, siyu long, qing yang, abdullah al mamun. (2024). modelling the significance of food delivery service quality on customer satisfaction and reuse intention. - plos one. 1-19. |
qing yang, mengling wu, abdullah al mamun, jingzu gao, muhammad mehedi masud. (2024). organic food production among chinese urban botanists. - humanities and social sciences communications. 1-14. |
marvello yang, jingzu gao, qing yang, abdullah al mamun, mohammad masukujjaman, mohammad enamul hoque. (2024). modeling the intention to consume and willingness to pay premium price for 3d printed food in an emerging economy. - humanities and social sciences communications. 1-14. |
marvello yang, abdullah al mamun, jingzu gao, muhammad khalilur rahman, anas a. salameh, syed shah alam. (2024). predicting m-health acceptance from the perspective of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. - scientific reports. 1-18. |
hong yingxiu, abdullah al mamun, qing yang, mohammad masukujjaman. (2024). predicting sustainable fashion consumption intentions and practices. - scientific reports. 1-19. |
jingzu gao, abdullah al mamun, qing yang, muhammad khalilur rahman, muhammad mehedi masud. (2024). environmental and health values, beliefs, norms and compatibility on intention to adopt hydroponic farming among unemployed youth. - scientific reports. 1-12. |
abdullah al mamun, yue ma, mohammad nurul hassan reza, jawaria ahmad, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain and zhai lili. (2024). predicting attitude and intention to reduce food waste using the environmental values-beliefs-norms model and the theory of planned behavior. - food quality and preference. 1-13. |
norzalita abd aziz, abdullah al mamun, mohammad nurul hassan reza and farzana naznen. (2024). the impact of big data analytics on innovation capability and sustainability performance of hotels: evidence from an emerging economy. - journal of enterprise information management. 1044-1068. |
qing yang, abdullah al mamun, mohammad nurul hassan reza, farzana naznen. (2024). modelling the significance of value-belief-norm framework to predict mass adoption potentials of internet of things-enabled wearable fitness devices. - heliyon. 1-18. |
marvello yang, mohammad nurul hassan reza, qing yang, abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat. (2024). modelling the mass consumption potential of plant based meat: evidence from an emerging economy. - heliyon. 1-14. |
qing yang, lyu xinyue, mohammad enamul hoque, abdullah al mamun, muhammad khalilur rahman, jian yao. (2023). modelling the mass consumption potential of organic food: evidence from an emerging economy. - plos one. 1-20. |
tee mcxin, abdullah al mamun, anas a. salameh. (2023). modelling the mass adoption potentials of ebikes among malaysian youth. - environmental science and pollution research. 95475-95492. |
mengling wu, abdullah al mamun, qing yang, jingzu gao, muhammad khalilur rahman, samer ali al shami. (2023). modeling the intention and donation of second hand clothing in the context of an emerging economy. - scientific reports. 1-14. |
xueyun zhong, abdullah al mamun, mohammad masukujjaman, muhammad khalilur rahman, jingzu gao, qing yang. (2023). modelling the significance of organizational conditions on quiet quitting intention among gen z workforce in an emerging economy. - scientific reports. 1-18. |
saad mahmood bhatti, abdullah al mamun, mengling wu, farzana naznen, sara kanwal, zafir khan mohamed makhbul. (2023). modeling the significance of green orientation and culture on green innovation performance: moderating effect of firm size and green implementation. - environmental science and pollution research. 99855-99874. |
long siyu, abdullah al mamun, qing yang, jingzu gao, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain, samer ali al-shami. (2023). modelling the mass adoption of mobile payment for e-hailing services using sem-mga. - plos one. 1-20. |
zhitan feng, abdullah al mamun, mohammad masukujjaman, qing yang. (2023). modeling the significance of advertising values on online impulse buying behavior. - humanities & social sciences communications. 1-17. |
xiao han, abdullah al mamun, mohammad masukujjaman, qing yang. (2023). modelling the significance of strategic orientation on green innovation: mediation of green dynamic capabilities. - humanities & social sciences communications. 1-15. |
syed ali fazal, naeem hayat, abdullah al mamun. (2023). renewable energy and sustainable development investigating intention and consumption among low income households in an emerging economy. - sustainability. 1-19. |
xuelin chen, mohammad masukujjaman, abdullah al mamun, jingzu gao, zafir khan mohamed makhbul. (2023). modeling the significance of work culture on burnout, satisfaction, and psychological distress among the gen-z workforce in an emerging country. - humanities and social sciences communications. 1-12. |
yue ma, abdullah al mamun, mohd helmi ali, mohammad enamul hoque, zhai lili. (2023). modeling the intention and adoption of food waste prevention practices among chinese households. - humanities and social sciences communications. 1-12. |
farzana naznen, abdullah al mamun, muhammad khalilur rahman. (2023). modelling social entrepreneurial intention among university students in bangladesh using value-belief-norm framework. - current psychology. 31110-31127. |
marvello yang, abdullah al mamun, anas a. salameh. (2023). leadership, capability and performance: a study among private higher education institutions in indonesia. - heliyon. 1-13. |
xuelin chen, abdullah al mamun, mohammad enamul hoque, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain, qing yang. (2023). work design, employee wellbeing, and retention intention: a case study of chinas young workforce. - heliyon. 1-14. |
samer ali al-shami, abdullah al mamun, nurulizwa rashid, boon chew. (2023). happiness at workplace on innovative work behaviour and organisation citizenship behaviour through moderating effect of innovative behaviour. - heliyon. 1-12. |
rulia akhtar, muhammad mehedi masud, abdullah al mamun, abu naser mohammad saif. (2023). energy consumption, co2 emissions, foreign direct investment, and economic growth in malaysia: an nardl technique. - environmental science and pollution research. 63096-63108. |
hery verianto the, marvello yang, syed ali fazal, maran, jingzu gao, qing yang, abdullah al mamun. (2023). modeling the significance of dynamic capability on the performance of microfinance institutions. - plos one. 1-15. |
abdullah al mamun, farzana naznen, qing yang, mohd helmi ali, nik mohd hazrul nik hashim. (2023). modelling the significance of celebrity endorsement and consumer interest on attitude, purchase intention, and willingness to pay a premium price for green skincare products. - heliyon. 1-16. |
lin xiaofang, abdullah al mamun, qing yang, mohammad masukujjaman. (2023). examining the effect of logistics service quality on customer satisfaction and re-use intention. - plos one. 1-24. |
naeem hayat, anas a. salameh, abdullah al mamun, syed shah alam, noor raihani zainol. (2023). exploring the mass adoption potentials of wearable fitness devices in malaysia. - digital health. 1-13. |
xuelin chen, abdullah al mamun, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain, jingzu gao, qing yang, sayed samer ali al-shami. (2023). envisaging the job satisfaction and turnover intention among the young workforce: evidence from an emerging economy. - plos one. 1-21. |
qing yang, abdullah al mamun, farzana naznen, long siyu, zafir khan mohamed makhbul. (2023). modelling the significance of health values, beliefs and norms on the intention to consume and the consumption of organic foods. - heliyon. 1-13. |
wong may yee, abdullah al mamun, xueyun zhong, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain, qing yang. (2023). modelling the significance of psychological, social, and situational factors on work efficiency and the preference for working from home in southeast asia. - heliyon. 1-15. |
syed ali fazal, abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, sandy francis peris, mohd helmi ali, hasmida jamaluddin. (2023). progressing sustainable development through social entrepreneurship: modelling intentional predictors for bangladesh using the value-belief-norm model. - sustainability. 1-19. |
abdullah al mamun, muhammad khalilur rahman, muhammad mehedi masud, muhammad mohiuddin. (2023). willingness to pay premium prices for green buildings: evidence from an emerging economy. - environmental science and pollution research. 78718-78734. |
abdullah al mamun, farzana naznen, gao jingzu, qing yang. (2023). predicting the intention and adoption of hydroponic farming among chinese urbanites. - heliyon. 1-15. |
abdullah al mamun, farzana naznen, marvello yang, qing yang, mengling wu, mohammad masukujjaman. (2023). predicting the intention and adoption of wearable payment devices using hybrid sem-neural network analysis. - scientific reports. 1-17. |
abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, muhammad mohiuddin, anas a. salameh, syed shah alam. (2023). green gardening practices among urban botanists: using the value-belief-norm model. - sage open. 1-16. |
muhammad mehedi masud, nusrat jafrin, abu naser mohammad saif, abdullah al mamun. (2023). the moderating effect of corporate social responsibility between green human resource management and organizations environmental performance. - journal of environmental planning and management. 2424-2446. |
jawaria ahmad, abdullah al mamun, mohammad nurul hassan reza, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, khairul anuar mohd ali. (2023). green human resource management, competitive advantages, and green ambidexterity: using partial least squares structural equation modeling and necessary condition analysis. - environmental science and pollution research. 57938-57957. |
lu mingxiao, abdullah al mamun, xuelin chen, qing yang, mohammad masukujjaman. (2023). quiet quitting during covid 19: the role of psychological empowerment. - humanities & social sciences communications. 1-16. |
mengling wu, abdullah al mamun, qing yang, muhammad mehedi masud. (2023). modeling the reuse intention and practices of secondhand clothing: evidence from a developing nation. - humanities & social sciences communications. 1-12. |
abdullah al mamun, qing yang, farzana naznen, norzalita abd aziz, muhammad mehedi masud. (2023). modelling the mass adoption potential of food waste composting among rural chinese farmers. - heliyon. 1-17. |
qing yang, abdullah al mamun, jingzu gao, zafir khan mohamed makhbul. (2023). modeling the intention and usage of medicine vending machine: using partial least squares-structural equation modelling and necessary condition analysis. - digital health. 1-15. |
qing yang, abdullah al mamun, gao jingzu, long siyu, muhammad mehedi masud. (2023). social entrepreneurial intention among working adults: an emerging country context. - frontiers in psychology. 1-13. |
syed ali fazal, abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, sandy francis peris, mohd helmi ali, hasmida jamaluddin. (2023). progressing sustainable development through social entrepreneurship: modelling intentional predictors for bangladesh using the value belief norm model. - sustainability. 1-19. |
jawaria ahmad, abdullah al mamun, mohammad masukujjaman, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, khairul anuar mohd ali. (2023). modeling the workplace pro-environmental behavior through green human resource management and organizational culture: evidence from an emerging economy. - heliyon. 1-17. |
naeem hayat, abdullah al mamun, anas a. salameh, mohd helmi ali, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain and noor raihani zainol. (2022). exploring the smart wearable payment device adoption intention: using the symmetrical and asymmetrical analysis methods. - frontiers in psychology. 1-14. |
abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, huynh thi my dieu, noor raihani zainol, anas a. salameh. (2022). covid-19 preventive behaviors among university students in southeast asia: effect of knowledge, concern, awareness and perceived risk. - frontiers in public health. 1-14. |
syed ali fazal, abdullah al mamun, ali saleh alshebami, rajennd muniady, mohd helmi ali, sayed samer ali al shami, salem handhal al marri, abdullah hamoud ali seraj, murad thomran, faiz algobaei. (2022). entrepreneurial motivation, competency and micro-enterprise sustainability performance: evidence from an emerging economy. - sustainability. 1-22. |
muhammad mehedi masud, rulia akhtar, abdullah al mamun, md. sayed uddin, long siyu, qing yang. (2022). modelling the sustainable agriculture management adaptation practices: using adaptive capacity as a mediator. - frontiers in environmental science. 1-13. |
dewan muhammad nur - a yazdani, tanvir abir, qing yang, jamee ahmad, abdullah al mamun, noor raihani zainol, kaniz kakon, shasha wang, kingsley emwinyore agho. (2022). social media addiction and emotions during the disaster recovery period: the moderating role of post covid timing. - plos one. 1-17. |
zou xinyan, abdullah al mamun, mohd helmi ali, long siyu, qing yang, naeem hayat. (2022). modeling the adoption of medical wearable devices among the senior adults: using hybrid sem-neural network approach. - frontiers in public health. 1-14. |
abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, muhammad mohiuddin, anas a. salameh, noor raihani zainol. (2022). modelling energy conservation behaviour among chinese households under the premises of value-belief-norm theory. - frontiers in energy research. 1-14. |
palash basak, tanvir abir, abdullah al mamun, noor raihani zainol, mansura khanam, md. rashidul haque, abul hasnat milton, kingsley e. agho. (2022). a global study on the correlates of gross domestic product (gdp) and covid-19 vaccine distribution. - vaccines. 1-13. |
qing yang, naeem hayat, abdullah al mamun, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, noor raihani zainol. (2022). sustainable customer retention through social media marketing activities: using hybrid sem-neural network approach. - plos one. 1-23. |
zhai lili, abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, anas a. salameh, qing yang, mohd helmi ali. (2022). celebrity endorsement, brand equity, and green cosmetics purchase intention among chinese youth. - frontiers in psychology. 1-15. |
tiw kai chi, thai sin yi, abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, anas a. salameh, qing yang. (2022). predicting the intention to pursue certified professional accountancy qualification among the accounting students. - frontiers in psychology. 1-13. |
li luyao, abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, qing yang, mohammad enamul hoque, noor raihani zainol. (2022). predicting the intention to adopt wearable payment devices in china: the use of hybrid sem-neural network approach. - plos one. 1-21. |
abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, muhammad mohiuddin, anas a. salameh, mohd helmi ali and noor raihani zainol. (2022). modelling the significance of value-belief-norm theory in predicting workplace energy conservation behaviour. - frontiers in energy research. 1-15. |
naeem hayat, noor raihani zainol, anas a. salameh, abdullah al mamun, qing yang, mohd fairuz md. salleh. (2022). how health motivation moderates the effect of intention and usage of wearable medical devices? an empirical study in malaysia. - frontiers in public health. 1-13. |
abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, muhammad mehedi masud, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, taslima jannat, mohd fairuz md. salleh. (2022). modelling the significance of value-belief-norm theory in predicting solid waste management intention and behavior. - frontiers in environmental science. 1-12. |
yun ai, muhammad khalilur rahman, md. shah newaz, md. abu issa gazi, md. atikur rahaman, abdullah al mamun, xia chen. (2022). determinants of patients' satisfaction and trust toward healthcare service environment in general practice clinics. - frontiers in psychology. 1-19. |
samer ali al-shami, salem aldahmani, massila kamalrudin, nabil hasan al-kumaim, abdullah al mamun, mohammed al-shami, mustafa musa jaber. (2022). a model of motivational and technological factors influencing massive open online courses continuous intention to use. - sustainability. 1-24. |
abdullah al mamun, muhammad khalilur rahman, qing yang, taslima jannat, anas a. salameh, syed ali fazal. (2022). predicting the willingness and purchase of travel insurance during the covid-19 pandemic. - frontiers in public health. 1-12. |
suguna sinniah, abdullah al mamun, mohd fairuz md. salleh, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, naeem hayat. (2022). modelling the significance of motivation on job satisfaction and performance among the academicians: the use of hybrid structural equation modeling-artificial neural network analysis. - frontiers in psychology. 1-14. |
qing yang, abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, gao jingzu, mohammad enamul hoque, anas a. salameh. (2022). modelling the intention and adoption of wearable fitness devices: a study using sem-pls analysis. - frontiers in public health. 1-12. |
qing yang, abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, mohd fairuz md. salleh, gao jingzu, noor raihani zainol. (2022). modelling the mass adoption potential of wearable medical devices. - plos one. 1-18. |
naeem hayat, abdullah al mamun, anas a. salameh, qing yang, noor raihani zainol, zafir khan mohamed makhbul. (2022). a fuzzy set analysis of conservative agriculture practices adoption: role of farmer orientations and attitude. - frontiers in psychology. 1-12. |
wan nurulasiah binti wan mustapa, naeem hayat, syed ali fazal, abdullah al mamun, anas a. salameh, noor raihani zainol. (2022). modeling the significance of sustainability orientation on the sustainability performance of micro-enterprises in an emerging economy. - frontiers in psychology. 1-14. |
abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, syed ali fazal, anas a. salameh, noor raihani zainol, zafir khan mohamed makhbul. (2022). the mediating role of innovation between strategic orientation and performance: evidence from malaysian manufacturing smes. - frontiers in psychology. 1-12. |
abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, muhammad mehedi masud, qing yang, anas a. salameh, mohd fairuz md. salleh. (2022). energy conservation behaviour among the malaysian youth: a study under the premises of value-belief-norm model. - frontiers in energy research. 1-10. |
qing yang, abdullah al mamun, naeem hayat, mohd fairuz md salleh, anas a. salameh, zafir khan mohamed makhbul. (2022). predicting the mass adoption of edoctor apps during covid-19 in china using hybrid sem-neural network analysis. - frontiers in public health. 1-17. |
c. a. malarvizhi, abdullah al mamun, sreenivasan jayashree, farzana naznen, tanvir abir. (2022). predicting the intention and adoption of near field communication mobile payment. - frontiers in psychology. 1-12. |
karina wiramihardja, varha ndary, abdullah al mamun, uma thevi munikrishnan, qing yang, anas a. salamah, naeem hayat. (2022). sustainable economic development through entrepreneurship: a study on attitude, opportunity recognition, and entrepreneurial intention among university students in malaysia. - frontiers in psychology. 1-13. |