sue lin ngan, ah choy er, puan yatim, bing shen how, chun hsion lim, wendy pei qin ng, yi herng chan, hon loong lam. (2022). social sustainability of palm oil industry: a review. - frontiers in sustainability: sustainable supply chain management. 1-16. |
puan yatim. (2022). inflation inequality is the real worry now. - the new straits times. 1. |
puan yatim. (2022). coping with rising prices and shrinkflation. - the new straits times. 1-3. |
puan yatim, ngan sue lin. (2022). enabling circular practices for sustainable production and consumption (spc) through deployment of digitalization technologies: overview of current solutions and future trends. - 17th conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems (sdewes). 247. |
sharifah azlina syed anuar, puan yatim, mohd mohid rahmat. (2021). director multiple identities, identifications and oversight board tasks a scoping review on the antecedents. - international management & accounting conference (imac) 10. 146-147. |
sue lin ngan, bing shen how, sin yong teng, wei dong leong, adrian chun minh loy, puan yatim, michael angelo b. promentilla, hon loong lam. (2020). a hybrid approach to prioritize risk mitigation strategies for biomass polygeneration systems. - renewable and sustainable energy reviews. 1-27. |
sue lin ngan, bing shen how, sin yong teng, michael angelo b. promentilla, puan yatim, ah choy er, hon loong lam. (2019). prioritization of sustainability indicators for promoting the circular economy: the case of developing countries. - renewable and sustainable energy reviews. 314-331. |
sue lin ngan, michael angelo b. promentilla, puan yatim, hon loong lam. (2019). a novel risk assessment model for green finance: the case of malaysian oil palm biomass industry. - process integration and optimization for sustainability. 75-88. |
sue lin ngan, micahel angelo b. promentille, puan yatim, hon loong lam, ah choy er. (2018). developing sustainability index for malaysian palm oil industry with fuzzy analytic network process. - chemical engineering transactions. . |
puan yatim, ngan sue lin & hon loong lam. (2018). sustainable supply chain: feedstock logistics issues of palm oil biomass industry in malaysia. - transition towards 100% renewable energy: selected papers from the world renewable energy congress wrec201. . |
sue lin ngan, bing shen how, michael angelo b. promentille, puan yatim, hon loong lam. (2018). integrating stakeholder role in mitigating risks for future cleaner production. - chemical engineering transactions. . |
takiah mohd iskandar, adibah jamil, puan yatim, zuraidah mohd sanusi. (2018). the role of internal audit and audit committee in the implementation of enterprise risk management. - international journal of business and globalisation. . |
puan yatim. (2017). csr in a controversial industry: the case of malaysian oil palm companies. - international of journal of sustainable society. . |
mohd. hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah, hawati janor, mohamad abdul hamid, puan yatim. (2017). the effect of enterprise risk management on firm value: evidence from malaysian technology firms. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-15. |
puan yatim, ngan sue lin, hon loong lam & er ah choy. (2017). overview of the key risks in the pioneering stage of the malaysian biomass industry. - clean technologies and environmental policy. . |
puan yatim, ngan sue lin, hon loong lam. (2017). financing green growth in malaysia: enabling conditions and challenges. - chemical engineering transactions. . |
sue lin ngan, hon loong lam, puan yatim. (2016). review of key risks of financing low carbon technology project. - iclca2016 international conference of low carbon asia. . |
ros zam zam sapian, puan yatim. (2016). the lead-lag relationships of equity fund flows: evidence of an emerging market. - 4th indonesian financial management association (ifma) international conference. . |
puan yatim, takiah mohd iskandar, elsie nga. (2016). board attributes and foreign shareholdings in malaysian listed firms. - journal of management and governance. 32. |
puan yatim, mohd-noor mamat, suhaiza hanim mohamad zailani, shamshubaridah ramlee. (2016). energy policy shifts towards sustainable energy future for malaysia. - clean technologies and environmental policy. 1685-1695. |
puan yatim. (2016). cop21: making a difference through renewable energy. - impak doe malaysia. 4-5. |
puan yatim. (2016). cop21: the 2015 paris climate change conference. - impak. 1-3. |
ros zam zam sapian & puan yatim. (2015). investor equity flows: who makes the first move?. - . . |
puan yatim, suhaiza hanim mohamad zailani, shamshubaridah ramlee, mohd noor mamat. (2015). energy policy governance in malaysia: is there coordination within fragmentation?. - 10th conference on sustainable development of energy water and environment systems. 395. |
puan yatim, mohamad sabri hassan, shamshubaridah ramlee. (2015). corporate social responsibility: what are plantation companies in malaysia reporting?. - asian academic accounting association. . |
mohd hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah, mohamad abdul hamid, hawati janor, puan yatim. (2014). the implementation of enterprise risk management (erm)and firm performance : evidence from malaysian technology firms. - 16th malaysian finance association conference (mfa2014) / kuala lumpur. . |
yatim p., iskandar t.m., nga e.. (2014). board attributes and foreign shareholdings in malaysian listed firms. - journal of management and governance. . |
puan yatim. (2013). directors` remuneration and corporate governance in malaysia.. - the 7th asia pacific interdisciplinary research in accounting conference (apira 2013). . |
sa`adiah munir, norman mohd saleh, romlah jaffar and puan yatim. (2013). family ownership, related-party transactions and earnings quality. - asian academy of management journal of accounting and finance. 9(1):129-153. |
puan yatim, rasidah mohd said. (2012). corporate governance and profitability of malaysian commercial banks. - international conference on economics and finance. . |
puan yatim. (2012). boardroom pay, performance and corporate governancein malaysia. - corporate governance and business conference (cgbc2012). . |
mohamat sabri hassan, norman mohd saleh, puan yatim, mara ridhuan che abdul rahman. (2012). risk management committee and financial instrument disclosure. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 3:13-28. |
mohamat sabri hassan, norman mohd saleh, takiah mohd iskandar, puan yatim & rohayu abdul ghani. (2011). guide to assessing good governance in malaysia universities: a report to the ministry of higher education. - audit qualification and c. . |
noorhayati yusof ali, puan yatim, rasidah mohd said. (2011). leverage, family firms and ethnicity: evidence of malaysian non-financial public listed firms. - world business and economic research conference. . |
takiah mohd iskandar, norman mohd saleh, mohamat sabri hassan, puan yatim, rohayu abdul ghani. (2011). guide to assessing good governance in malaysian universities. - . 65. |
puan yatim. (2011). underpricing and board structures: an investigation of malaysian initial public offerings (ipos). - asian academy of management journal of accounting and finance. 7(1):73-93. |
puan yatim. (2011). corporate governance structures, leverage, and debt maturities of malaysian listed firms. - 8th workshop on corporate governance. . |
puan yatim, takiah mohd iskandar, elsie nga. (2011). foreign shareholdings and corporate governance structures of malaysian listed firms. - 12th annual conference asian academic accounting association. . |
elsie nga,takiah mohd iskandar,puan yatim. (2010). corporate governance practices and foreign ownership:the malaysian perspective. - proceedings of the malaysia~indonesia international conference on economics,management and accounting 2010:regional development in a era global innovation economy. . |
puan yatim. (2009). audit committee characteristics and risk management of malaysian listed firms. - malaysian accounting review. 8(1):19-36. |
puan yatim. (2009). governance structures and venture capital monitoring: the case of malaysian ipos listed on mesdaq board of bursa malaysia. - 32nd institute for small business and entrepreneurship conference 2009. . |
yatim p.. (2009). board structures and the establishment of a risk management committee by malaysian listed firms. - journal of management and governance. 14(1):17-36. |
puan yatim. (2008). underpricing and board structures: an investigation of malaysian ipos. - 4th european conference on management, leadership and governance, university of reading, uk. . |
sa`adiah munir, norman mohd salleh, romlah jaffar, puan yatim. (2008). the influence of family ownership on earnings quality: a study of malaysian firms. - asian academic accounting association conference. . |
puan yatim. (2008). underpricing and board structures: an investigation of malaysian ipos. - proceedings of the 4th european conference on management, leadership and governance. . |
soo-wah low, fauzias mat nor dan puan yatim. (2001). predicting corporate financial distress using logit model:the case of malaysia. - asian academy of management journal. 6(1):49-61. |
low soo wah, fauzias mat nor dan puan yatim. (2001). predicting corporate financial distress using the logit model:the case of malaysia.. - academy of international business for south east asia region 2001 conference, jakarta. . |
cik puan yatim dan hawati janor. (1999). modul pengajian jarak jauh ukm: prinsip pengurusan kewangan. - . . |