nuraqilah nasuha salimin, sallehuddin mohamed haris, mohd hanif md saad. (2023). analytical formulation for optimisation of torque density in magnetic gears. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 219-228. |
muhammad amzie muhammad fauzi, shafrida sahrani, mohamad hanif md saad, sallehuddin mohamed haris, muhd zamry abu samah. (2022). a conceptual design of cloud-based autonomous ground vehicle robot navigation control for ir4.0 applications. - journal of information system and technology management. 164-175. |
norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, mohammad soleimani amiri, mien van. (2022). a robust adaptive-fuzzy-proportional-derivative controller for a rehabilitation lower limb exoskeleton. - engineering science and technology, an international journal. 1-14. |
arshed abdulhamed mohammed & sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2022). using energy time frequency of hilbert huang transform to analyze the performance of the variable valve timing engine. - scientific reports. 1-10. |
karrar h. al-waeli, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zuliani binti zulkoffli, mohammad soleimani amiri. (2021). offline ann-pid controller tuning on a multi-joints lower limb exoskeleton for gait rehabilitation. - ieee access. 7360-7374. |
norazam aliman, rizauddinramli, and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2021). hybrid design of model reference adaptive controller and pid controller for lower limb exoskeleton application. - 3rd symposium on intelligent manufacturing and mechatronics (symposimm 2020). 539-553. |
norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2021). conceptual design of mechatronic products using pds-triz. - international journal of product development. 303-326. |
sallehuddin mohamed haris and meor iqram meor ahmad. (2021). special issue on: mechatronics in automotive vehicles. - international journal of advanced mechatronic systems. 1-2. |
sallehuddin mohamed haris and meor iqram meor ahmad. (2021). mechatronics in automotive vehicles, international journal of advanced mechatronic system. - inderscience enterprises ltd.. 1-54. |
norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed hris. (2021). teknologi logik kabur dalam robotik rehabilitasi. - . 236. |
mohamad hanif bin md saad;aini bt. hussain;sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;m a hannan;mohd asyraf bin zulkifley. (2020). similarity search based event detection rule and template generation via the use of entropy and information gain approach. - . . |
n.n.m. nasir, s. abdullah, s.s.k. singh, s.m. haris. (2020). risk-based life assessment of prediction models on suspension system for various road profiles. - engineering failure analysis. 1-19. |
sallehuddin mohamed haris, aghil shavalipour, zulkifli mohd. nopiah. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen, model dan simulasi. - . 13. |
mohamad hanif bin md saad;aini bt. hussain;sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;zulkhairi bin zainol abidin;fazida hanim binti hashim;mohd faisal bin ibrahim. (2020). developement of smart building monitoring and management using complex event processing approach. - . . |
mohamad hanif bin md saad;aini bt. hussain;sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;rizauddin bin ramli;mohd asyraf bin zulkifley. (2020). design and implementation of a parallelized complex event processing platform for internet of things application. - . . |
khairul anuar juhari, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zunaidi ibrahim & abdullah zawawi mohamed. (2020). development of floor mapping mobile robot algorithm using enhanced artificial neuro-based slam (anbs). - jurnal kejuruteraan. 59-64. |
zikrul hakiem bin ishak, sallehuddin mohamed haris, wang long. (2020). geospatial information system based on indoor plan ukm (fkab). - jurnal kejuruteraan. 183-193. |
arshed abdulhamed mohammed, sallehuddin mohamed haris, wessam al azzawi. (2020). estimation of the ultimate tensile strength and yield strength for the pure metals and alloys by using the acoustic wave properties. - scientific reports. 1-12. |
r samin, n azman, mz nuawi, sm haris, ja ghani. (2020). optimization of the surface roughness for titanium ti6a14v in turning process using taguchi method. - test engineering and management. 1072-1078. |
mohd. zaki nuawi, mohd shukry abdul majid, nawal aswan abdul jalil, sallehuddin ohamed haris, shahrum abdullah, mohammad rasidi mohammad rasani. (2019). enhancing the material properties characteristics study by monitoring the mechanical structure based on non-conventional modal analysis. - . 1-5. |
nadia nurnajihah m. nasir, salvinder singh, shahrum abdullah and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2019). accelerating the fatigue analysis based on strain signal using hilbert huang transform. - international journal of structural integrity. 118-132. |
norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2019). design of locomotive lower limb exoskeleton with malaysian anthropometric characteristics. - international journal of mechanical engineering and robotics research. . |
yat sheng kong, shahrum abdullah, dieter schramm, mohd zaidi omar, sallehuddin mohd. haris. (2019). optimization of spring fatigue life prediction model for vehicle ride using hybrid multi-layer perceptron artificial neural networks. - mechanical systems and signal processing. 597-621. |
y.s. kong, s. abdullah, d. schramm, m.z. omar, s.m. haris. (2019). evaluation of energy-based model generated strain signals for carbon steel spring fatigue life assessment. - metals. . |
mat tahir, m.f., abdullah, m.f., mohamed haris, s., nuawi, m.z., abdullah, s.. (2019). characterisation of mechanical behaviour of polymer using i-kaz 4d analysis method via ball impact testing.. - proceedings of recent advances in automotive engineering. 118-119. |
y.s. kong, s. abdullah, d. schramm, m.z. omar, s.m. haris. (2019). development of multiple linear regression-based models for fatigue life evaluation of automotive coil springs. - mechanical systems and signal processing. 675-695. |
khairul anuar juhari, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, abdullah zawawi mohamed. (2019). development of floor mapping mobile robot algorithm using enhanced artificial neuro-based slam (anbs). - 6th international conference on advanced processes and systems in manufacturing. 14. |
y. s. kong, s. abdullah, d. schramm, m. z. omar, s. m. haris. (2019). design of artificial neural network using particle swarm optimisation for automotive spring durability. - journal of mechanical science and technology. 1-9. |
y.s.kong, s.abdullah, d.schramm, m.z.omar, s.m.haris. (2019). correlation of uniaxial and multiaxial fatigue models for automobile spring life assessment. - experimental techniques. 1-19. |
yat sheng kong, shahrum abdullah, dieter schramm, mohd zaidi omar, sallehuddin mohd. haris. (2018). vibration fatigue analysis of carbon steel coil spring under various road excitations. - metals. . |
n.n.m. nasir, s. abdullah, s.s.k. singh & s.m. haris. (2018). extreme condition strain signal reliability assessment using empirical mode decomposition. - proceedings of mechanical engineering research day 2018. . |
sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;mohd. jailani bin mohd nor;shahrir bin abdullah;azli bin arifin;zulkhairi bin zainol abidin;azhari bin shamsudeen;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani. (2018). active torque control of a magnetic gear system. - . . |
norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2018). design of locomotive lower limb exoskeleton with malaysian anthropometric characteristics. - 2018 international conference on mechanical engineering and design. 141-146. |
norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2018). modeling and co-simulation of actuator control for lower limb exoskeleton. - 2018 3rd international conference on control and robotics engineering(iccre). . |
rostam salleh, sallehudin mohamed haris, rizauddin ramli. (2018). early fire detection and classification using support machines (svm). - journal of advanced research in dynamical & control systems. . |
rostam salleh, sallehudin mohamed haris, rizauddin ramli. (2018). approach fire size classification using artificial neural network (ann). - journal of advanced research in dynamical & control systems. . |
ahmad ruzaini rahim and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2018). a software tool for multiple model adaptive control design in active suspension system applications. - international journal of engineering & technology. . |
nadia nurnajihah mohamad nasir, shahrum abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh, sallehudin mohd haris. (2018). evaluation of reliability-based fatigue strain data analysis for an automobile suspension under various road condition. - international journal of integrated engineering. . |
nadia nurnajihah mohamad nasir, shahrum abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh, mohd faridz yunoh, mohd zaki nuawi, sallehudin mohd haris. (2018). time-frequency strain data analysis of suspension using the hilbert-huang transform. - journal of mechanical engineering. . |
arshed abdulhamed mohammed, sallehuddin mohamed haris, mohd zaki nuawi. (2018). role of piezoelectric elements in finding the mechanical properties of solid industrial materials. - applied sciences. . |
y. s. kong, s. abdullah, d. schramm, m. z. omar, s. m. haris, t. bruckmann and f. kracht. (2018). characterizing spring durability for automotive ride using artificial neural network analysis. - international journal of engineering & technology. . |
norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2017). design and development of lower limb exoskeletons: a survey. - robotics and autonomous systems. 102-116. |
y.s. kong, s. abdullah, m.z. omar, s.m. haris. (2017). the need to generate a force time history towards life assessment of a coil spring. - journal of mechanical engineering. 11-26. |
y.s. kong, s. abdullah, d. schramm , m.z. omar, s.m. haris, t. bruckmann. (2017). mission profiling of road data measurement for coil spring fatigue life. - measurement. 99-110. |
sallehuddin mohamed haris dan shahrum abdullah. (2017). editorial. - international journal of advanced mechatronic systems. 125-126. |
n. n. m. nasir, s. abdullah, s. s. k. singh, m.f. yunoh, m. z. nuawi, s. m. haris. (2017). time-frequency strain data analysis of suspension using the hilbert-huang transform. - international conference on recent advances in automotive engineering & mobility research recar 2017. . |
hoo c.l., haris s.m., chung e.c.y.. (2016). simulation of tuning gains decoupling effect for pi related control. - icic express letters. 2327-2332. |
y. s. kong, s. abdullah, m. z. omar & s. m. haris. (2016). failure assessment of a leaf spring eye design under various load cases. - engineering failure analysis. 146-159. |
zaliha wahid; sallehuddin mohamed haris; nizaroyani saibani; jaharah a. ghani; rozli zulkifli; mohd radzi abu mansor. (2016). examination achievement of engineering students from ukm and ude: a comparison. - pertanika journal of social sciences and humanities. 229-238. |
sallehuddin m. haris & wajdi s. aboud. (2016). multiple model adaptive control of a nonlinear active vehicle suspension. - 2016 international conference on advanced mechatronic systems, icamechs 2016, melbourne, australia. . |
y. s. kong, s. abdullah, m. z. omar & s. m. haris. (2016). side force analysis of suspension strut under various load cases. - jurnal teknologi. 85-90. |
arshed abdulhamed mohammed, sallehuddin mohamed haris, mohd zaki nuawi. (2016). utilizing hilbert huang transform in detection some of mechanical properties of the refractory metals. - mechanical systems and signal processing. 449-461. |
mohd aizat ahmad tarmizi, rizauddin ramli and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2016). trajectory planning and simulation of 4-dof reciprocating gait orthosis. - contemporary engineering sciences. 1297-1304. |
sallehuddin mohamed haris, aghil shavalipour, zulkifli mohd nopiah and yuzita yaacob. (2015). multiple model adaptive control design: a computer algebra approach. - proc. of the third intl. conf. on advances in mechanical and automation engineering - mae 2015. 73-78. |
sallehuddin bin mohamed haris, mohd. zaki bin nuawi, rizauddin bin ramli. (2015). development of a multiple adaptive control design framework using algebraic polynomial spectral factorization for vehicles under variable loading conditions. - . . |
choon lih hoo, edwin chin yau chung, sallehuddin mohamed haris, nik abdullah nik mohamed. (2015). the boundary integral-error state, q(0)-e(0) plane for pi control. - icic express letters. 1797-1802. |
choon lih hoo, sallehuddin mohamed haris, edwin chin yau chung, nik abdullah nik mohamed. (2015). the generalisation and decoupling mode of pi-based control: theoretical approach. - icic express letters. 1991-1996. |
chalang hama rashed mohammed, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zulkifli mohd nopiah. (2015). multiple model p+i with anti-windup control of a nonlinear hydro turbine. - icic express letters. 1841-1846. |
aghil shavalipour, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zulkifli mohd nopiah. (2015). symbolic parametric lqr controller design for an active vehicle suspension system. - journal of applied sciences. 1127-1132. |
aghil shavalipour, sallehuddin mohd haris, zulkifli mohd nopiah. (2015). algebraic h2 optimal control design in an active vehicle suspension application. - international review on modelling and simulations. 377-385. |
choon lih hoo, edwin chin yau chung, sallehuddin mohamed haris, nik abdullah nik mohamed. (2015). steady-state integral proportional integral controller for pi motor speed controllers: a theoretical approach. - icic express letters. 1777-1782. |
rizauddin bin ramli, mohd. marzuki bin mustafa, hafizah bt. husain, sallehuddin bin mohamed haris, dzuraidah binti abd. wahab, abdul yazid bin mohd kassim. (2015). stability control of active lower extremity orthotic manipulator for neurorehabilitation. - . . |
c.l. hoo, sallehuddin mohamed haris, edwin c. y. chung and nik abdullah nik mohamed. (2015). new integral antiwindup scheme for pi motor speed control. - asian journal of control. 2115-2132. |
mohammadi h., haris s.m.. (2015). optimizing vibration control in a cantilever beam with piezoelectric patches. - proceedings of 2014 international conference on modelling, identification and control, icmic 2014. 88-93. |
arshed abdulhamed mohammed, sallehuddin mohamed haris, mohd zaki nuawi. (2015). using the pressure transmission coefficient of a transmitted wave to evaluate some of the mechanical properties of refractory metals. - ultrasonics. 133-140. |
y. s. kong, s. abdullah, m. z. omar & s. m. haris. (2015). side force analysis of suspension strut under various load cases. - 3rd international conference on recent advances in automotive engineering and mobility research (recar 2015). . |
reza alebrahim, sallehuddin mohammed haris, nik abdullah nik mohamed, shahrum abdullah. (2015). vibration analysis of self-healing hybrid composite beam under moving mass. - composite structures. 463-476. |
choon lih hoo, sallehuddin mohamed haris, edwin chin yau chung, nik abdullah nik mohamed. (2015). steady-state integral proportional integral controller for pi motor speed controllers. - journal of power electronics. 177-189. |
aghil shavalipour and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2014). algebraic approach to control car suspension system by using spectral factorization and sum of roots. - 2014 ieee international conference on industrial technology (icit). 24-28. |
hamed mohammadi & sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2014). optimizing vibration control in a cantilever beam with piezoelectric patches. - proceedings of 2014 international conference on modelling, identification and control, melbourne, australia, december 3-5, 2014. . |
r. alebrahim, m. iqram, m. farizal, s.s.k. singh, s.m. haris, a.k elwaleed and n. nikabdullah. (2014). control of crack propagation in composite fiberglass-polyester laminates using nitinol wire. - applied mechanics and materials. 108-112. |
aizzat s. yahaya rashid, rahizar ramli, sallehuddinmohamed haris and anuar alias. (2014). improving the dynamic characteristics of body-in-white structure using structural optimization. - scientific world journal. 2014:1-11. |
at-tasneem mohd amin, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2014). numerical vs symbolic computation: a study on the applicability of symbolic computation in stabilising control. - . 132. |
aghil shavalipour and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2014). an algorithm to estimate speed by colour-based object detection. - int. j. signal and imaging systems engineering. 203-210. |
wajdi s. aboud and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2014). output feedback vs. state feedback controllers in weighted multiple model adaptive control for mechatronic suspension system. - australian journal of basic and applied sciences. 84-87. |
aghil shavalipour and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2014). mixed h2/h-infinity with pole-placement control design outline for active suspension systems. - applied mechanics and materials. 152-157. |
rozli zulkifli, shahrum abdullah, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zulkifli mohd nopiah, zambri harun, mohd radzi abu mansor dan nor kamaliana khamis. (2014). automotive engineering and mobility research. - . 714. |
mohd. zaidi bin omar, azman bin jalar @ jalil, sallehuddin bin mohamed haris, mohd. zaki bin nuawi, shahrum bin abdullah. (2014). development of suspension system for heavy vehicles. - . . |
arshed abdulhamed mohammed, sallehuddin mohamed haris and mohd zaki nuawi. (2014). determination of static modulus of elasticity of refractory metals and alloys from acoustic impedance tests. - australian journal of basic and applied sciences. 126-129. |
wajdi s aboud, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2014). performance of robust mu-synthesis control for mechatronic suspension system. - applied mechanics and materials. . |
wajdi s. aboud, sallehuddin mohamed haris, yuzita yaacob. (2014). advances in the control of mechatronic suspension systems. - journal of zhejiang university science c. 848-860. |
arshed abdullah mohammed, sallehuddin mohamed haris, mohd zaki nuawi. (2014). a new way to find the modulus of elasticity. - journal of applied sciences. 2939-2952. |
arshed abdulhamed mohammed, sallehuddin mohamed haris and mohd zaki nuawi. (2014). influence of a silver epoxy dopant on the performance of broken piezoelectric ceramic transducer based on an analytical model. - smart materials and structures. 23:1-13. |
wajdi s. aboud, sallehuddin m. haris and yuzita yaacob. (2014). weighted multiple model adaptive pid control for a mechatronic suspension system. - icic express letters. 8(8):2335-2341. |
r. alebrahim, m.i.m ahmad, m. farizal, s. s k singh, sallehuddin mohamed haris, a. k. elwaleed, n. nikabdullah. (2014). control of crack propagation in composite fiberglass-polyester laminates using nitinol wire. - applied mechanics and materials. 108-112. |
reza alebrahim, nik abdullah nik mohamed, sallehuddin m haris, salvinder singh karam singh. (2013). vibration analysis of multi-cracked beam traversed by moving masses using discrete element technique. - applied mechanics and materials. . |
aghil shavalipour, mir hamed hakemzadeh, k. sopian, sallehuddin mohamed haris, and saleem h. zaidi. (2013). new formulation for the estimation of monthly average daily solar irradiation for the tropics: a case study of peninsular malaysia. - international journal of photoenergy. 2013:Article ID 174671. |
hoo choon lih, edwin chung chin yau, sallehuddin mohamed haris, nik abdullah nik mohamed. (2013). new proportional integral controller for n th order transfer function model. - third international conference on control, automation and systems engineering (case-13). . |
mohd aizat ahmad tarmizi, rizauddin ramli,mohd faizol abdullah, phun li teng & sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2013). control system development for one-side hip-knee joint of reciprocating gait orthosis. - intelligent robotics systems: inspiring the next. . |
mohammed a.a., haris s.m., nuawi m.z.. (2013). a smart way to increase the frequency and degree of protection of piezoelectric ceramic transducers. - proceeding - 2013 ieee student conference on research and development, scored 2013. 43-47. |
sallehuddin m. haris, wajdi s. aboud. (2013). weighted mixing multiple model adaptive control in a mechatronic active suspension system application. - sice annual conference 2013. . |
chalang hama rashed mohammed, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zulkifli mohd nopiah. (2013). multiple model adaptive control of a hydro turbine plant - performance of h-infinity, lqg and pi controllers. - international journal of advanced mechatronic systems. 5(1):47-58. |
c. hamarasheed, s.m. haris dan z.m. nopiah. (2013). weighted multiple model adaptive pid control withcrossover frequency shift tuning for a hydraulic turbine plant. - applied mechanics and materials, switzerland. . |
m. hilal muftah, s. mohamed haris, k. petroczki, e. awad khidir. (2013). an improved strain gauge-based dynamic torque measurement method. - international journal of circuits, systems and signal processing. 7(1):66-73. |
arshed abdulhamed mohammed, sallehuddin mohamed haris, mohd zaki nuawi. (2012). performance evaluation and compression of some actuators and sensors piezoelectric elements. - 2012 international symposium on instrumentation and measurement, sensor network and automation, imsna 2012, sanya, china. . |
wan mohd faizal w.m., mohd anas m.s., mohd faizal m.t., azli a., rozli z., nordin j., sallehuddin m.h., rizauddin r., shahrum a., shahrir a. and azhari s.. (2012). car body and chassis development of ukm carevo for perodua eco-challenge 2011. - regional conference on automotive research, recar 2011;kuala lumpur (applied mechanics and materials). . |
m. z. baharom, m. z. nuawi, g. priyandoko, s. m. haris. (2012). electromagnetic braking system using eddy current for brake disc of al6061 and al7075. - international review of mechanical engineering. 6(3):588-594. |
chalang hamarasheed, sallehuddin mohamed haris and zulkifli mohd nopiah. (2012). weighted multiple model adaptive lqg and pi control for a hydro turbine plant. - proceedings of the 2012 international conference on advanced mechatronic systems, tokyo, japan. . |
mohd amin at-tasneem, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zulkifli mohd nopiah. (2012). a computing capability test for a switched system control design using the haris-rogers method. - journal of zhejiang university - science c. 13(10):781-792. |
choon lih hoo, sallehuddin mohamed haris, nik abdullah nik mohamed. (2012). a floating point conversion algorithm for mixed precision computations. - journal of zhejiang university-science c-computers & electronics. 13(9):711-718. |
mohamad zairi baharom, mohd zaki nuawi, gigih priyandoko, sallehuddin mohamed harris. (2012). eddy current braking experiment using brake disc from aluminium series of al6061 and al7075. - 1st international conference on mechanical engineering research 2011 (icmer); kuantan (iop conference series: materials science and engineering). . |
elwaleed awad khidir, nik abdullah mohamed, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2012). geometrical amplification of sma actuator displacement using externally actuated beam. - sensors & transducers. 144(9):92-100. |
wajdi s. aboud, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2012). a study on load dependent controller performance for mechatronic suspensions. - international review of mechanical engineering. 6(3):611-616. |
sallehuddin mohamed haris, muhammad khalid zakaria and mohd zaki nuawi. (2011). depth estimation from monocular vision using image edge complexity. - 2011 ieee/asme international conference on advanced intelligent mechatronics (aim2011);budapest. . |
choon lih hoo and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2011). algorithm for real-time ai-based pi controller in pmsm. - 2011 1st international conference on mechanical engineering, icme 2011; phuket; 3 april 2011 through 4 april 2011;(applied mechanics and materials). . |
m. hilal muftah and s. mohamed haris. (2011). a strain gauge based system for measuring dynamic loading on a rotating shaft. - international journal of mechanics. 5(1):19-26. |
at-tasneem binti mohd amin, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zulkifli mohd nopiah. (2011). symbolic computation based control design tool for switched systems. - proceedings of the 10th wseas international conference on system science and simulation in engineering (icossse `11), penang, malaysia. . |
sallehuddin mohamed haris, wajdi s. aboud. (2011). design of two optimal controllers for mechatronic suspension system. - 2011 international conference on advanced mechatronic systems, icamechs 2011; zhengzhou. . |
choon lih hoo and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2011). a brief survey on artificial intelligence methods in synchronous motor control. - 1st international conference on mechanical engineering, icme 2011; phuket; 3 april 2011 through 4 april 2011 (applied mechanics and materials). . |
kamaruzaman yusoff, wan kamal mujani, nordin jamaluddin, sallehuddin mohamed harris. (2010). al-jazari: tokoh kejuruteraan mekanikal abad ke 7h/13m. - . 139. |
faizal mustapha, mazli mustapha, kartini noorsal, othman mamat, patthi hussain, faiz ahmad, norhamidi muhamad, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2010). preliminary study on the fabrication of aluminium foam through pressure assisted sintering dissolution process. - journal of materials processing technology. 210(12):1598-1612. |
shahed shojaeipour, sallehuddin mohamed haris, khalil khalili, ali shojaeipour. (2010). motion planning for mobile robot navigation using combine quad-tree decomposition and voronoi diagrams. - computer and automation engineering (iccae), 2010, singapore. . |
shahed shojaeipour, sallehuddin mohamed haris, ehsan eftekhari, ali shojaeipour, ronak daghigh. (2010). vision-based trajectory generation for a two-link robotic arm using quadtree decomposition and curve smoothing. - advanced materials research. . |
shahed shojaeipour, sallehuddin mohamed haris, ali shojaeipour. (2010). implementation roadmap using voronoi diagrams for vision-based robot motion. - wseas transactions on systems. 9(6):639-648. |
sallehuddin m. haris, shahed shojaeipour, muhammad k. zakaria and yusoff ali. (2010). autonomous trajectory planning for a two-link robotic arm using a monocular eye-in-hand webcam. - the 12th mechatronics forum biennial international conference, zurich, switzerland. . |
shahed shojaeipour, sallehuddin mohamed haris, ali shojaeipour, rassoul keshvari shirvan, muhammad khalid zakaria. (2010). robot path obstacle locator using webcam and laser emitter. - physics procedia. . |
shojaeipour, s; haris, sm; gholami, e; shojaeipour, a. (2010). webcam-based mobile robot path planning using voronoi diagrams and image processing. - aee '10: proceedings of the 9th wseas international conference on applications of electrical engineering. . |
sallehuddin mohammed haris, muhammad khalid zakaria. (2009). position control of a two-link robotic manipulator using optical flow. - regional engineering postgraduate conference (epc) 2009 / faculty of engineering and build environment. . |
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