zizah binti che senik;rosmah bt. mat isa;rasidah binti arshad;abu hanifah bin ayob;siti ngayesah binti ab. hamid;nur sa`adah binti muhamad. (2022). developing a model on brand communication strategy for sustainable malaysian palm oil industry. - . . |
aishah tamby omar, nurul athirah jamlin, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa, sarip adul. (2022). a study on zakat education assistance for poor asnaf student in sabah. - international journal of academic research in business & social science. 1435-1445. |
norulhuda tajuddin, rasidah arshad. (2022). metodologi kuantitatif dan kualitatif dalam sains sosial. - . 13. |
mohamad rohieszan ramdan, norulhuda tajuddin, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa. (2022). green human resource management. - . 12. |
rasidah arshad, norulhuda tajuddin, nor shuhadannisah abd shukor, muhammad rahmat abdullah. (2022). pengaruh kepimpinan beretika terhadap tingkah laku kerja tidak produktif: komitmen organisasi, identifikasi organisasi dan kepercayaan sebagai pengantara. - journal of accounting and governance. 127-139. |
rasidah arshad, ali hassan elsanosi ahmad. (2021). leadership in a waved of change. - . 11. |
rasidah arshad. (2021). majikan patut peka kesihatan mental pekerja. - berita harian. 1. |
norulhuda tajuddin, rasidah arshad. (2021). kesan tanggapan politik terhadap tingkah laku menyembunyikan pengetahuan: konflik sebagai pengantara. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-13. |
rasidah arshad. (2021). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . 15. |
zizah che senik, ridzuan md sham, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, abu hanifah ayob, siti ngayesah ab. hamid, nur sa`adah muhamad, fauziah arshad. (2021). laporan kemajuan 1 ep-2019-051: developing a model on brand communication strategy for sustainable malaysian palm oil industry. - . 1-13. |
rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah. (2021). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . 159. |
rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah. (2021). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . 12. |
rasidah arshad. (2021). literature review (program speak). - . 1-32. |
rasidah arshad. (2021). perceived politics and knowledge sharing: support as mediator and ethical leadership as moderator. - . 1-22. |
rasidah arshad. (2021). multilevel study: quantitative research perspective. - . 1-27. |
rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah, wye chung khain. (2021). developing an integrated management model for harnessing innovative work behavior among digital natives in the workforce. - . 1-8. |
rosmah mat isa, zizah che senik. rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah, ishak abdul rahman, noor azuan hashim. (2021). a holistic model for wellbeing of b40 retirees. - . 1-9. |
sharul azlan maulod, rasidah arshad, ida rosnita ismail. (2020). hubungan antara konflik dan tingkah laku buli dalam unit kerja: peranan kepercayaan sebagai pengantara. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-11. |
rasidah arshad. (2020). impak covid-19 terhadap insan. - . 10. |
ema nurmaya, rasidah arshad. (2020). pelanggaran dan pencabulan kontrak psikologi serta kesannya terhadap tingkah laku devian di tempat kerja. - international journal of management studies. 73-91. |
abdulrahman al shikhy, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, zainab ali rawshdeh, rasidah arshad, khairul anuar mohd ali. (2019). dispositional resistance to change and user resistance behaviour to use human resources information systems in the healthcare sector: the moderating role of conscientiousness. - international journal of recent technology and engineering. 565-572. |
aisyah abdul rahman, abu hanifah ayob, mohd helmi ali, nor asiah omar, rasidah arshad, azlina ahmad, nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, sofiah md. auzair, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, arif mohd sham muhamad asri abd ghani. (2019). jurnal pengurusan. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-190. |
norulhuda tajuddin, rasidah arshad, riza munira shamsudin, yusrizal yunan mohd yunan. (2019). hubungan orientasi matlamat, pemantauan kendiri dan tingkah laku kerja inovatif: komitmen afektif sebagai pengantara. - jurnal pengurusan. 47-57. |
aisyah abdul rahman, abu hanifah ayob, mohd helmi ali, nor asiah omar, rasidah arshad, azlina ahmad, norliza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, sofiah md auzair, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, arif mohd sham, muhammad asri abd ghani. (2019). jurnal pengurusan. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-181. |
aisyah abdul rahman, abu hanifah ayob, mohd helmi ali, nor asiah omar, rasidah arshad, azlina ahmad, norliza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, sofiah md auzair, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, arif mohd sham, muhammad asri abd ghani. (2019). jurnal pengurusan. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-169. |
zafir mohd makhbul, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad. (2018). pembangunan modal insan lestari. - . 17. |
rasidah arshad. (2018). pembangunan modal insan lestari. - . 17. |
rasidah arshad, ida rosnita ismail. (2018). workplace incivility and knowledge hiding behavior: does personality matter?. - journal of organizational effectiveness: people and performance. . |
zizah che senik, hamizah abdul hamid, rosmah mat isa & rasidah arshad. (2018). chrest buku program. - the 3rd chrest international conference 2018. . |
ida rosnita binti ismail, june m.l. poon, rasidah arshad. (2018). effects of workplace incivility, negative affectivity and hurt feelings on coworker helping. - jurnal pengurusan. . |
zizah che senik, hamizah abd hamid, rosmah mat isa & rasidah arshad. (2018). buku chrest. - the 3rd chrest international conference 2018. . |
indraah kolandaisamy & rasidah arshad. (2018). predicting extra-role behaviour: organisational support and role breath self-efficacy as predictors. - the european proceedings of of social & behavioural science. . |
norulhuda tajuddin & rasidah arshad. (2018). perceived organizational politics and knowledge hiding in team: the mediating role of relationship conflict. - the 3rd chrest international conference 2018. . |
zafir mohd makhbul, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa. (2018). kesejahteraan insan seimbang dalam organisasi berdaya saing. - . 126. |
zafir mohd makhbul, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa. (2018). kesejahteraan insan seimbang dalam organisasi berdaya saing. - . 17. |
rasidah arshad. (2018). kesejahteraan insan seimbang dalam organisasi berdaya saing. - . 20. |
abdul rahman al shikhy, zafir mohd makhbul,rasidah arshad, khairul anuar mohd ali & ali al mazri. (2018). the moderating rol of personality traits on the relationship between dispositional resistance to change and user resistance behaviour to use hris. - the 2018 wei international academic conference proceedings. . |
zafir mohd makhbul, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad. (2018). pembangunan modal insan lestari. - . 200. |
zafir mohd makhbul, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad. (2018). pembangunan modal insan lestari. - . 4. |
rasidaharshad, rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah. (2017). pemenuhankontrak psikologi dan perkongsian pengetahuan: peranan kepercayaan, timbal balas dan iklim kolaboratif. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-13. |
shofia amin, rohayu abd ghani, rasidah arshad. (2017). the role of work family balance as mediator on the relationship between spousal support and subjective career success. - advanced science letter. 7246-7249. |
rasidah arshad & rosmah mat isa. (2017). pemerkasaan modal insan di malaysia. - . 80. |
shofia amin, rasidah arshad, rohayu abd ghani. (2017). spousal support and subjective career success: the role of workfamily balance and career commitment as mediator. - jurnal pengurusan. 133-142. |
nor liza abdullah, noradiva hamzah, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, noor azuan hashim, hazrul izuan shahiri, liew chei siang. (2016). understanding brain gain from knowledge sharing perspective: challenges and opportunities. - 8th international management and accounting conference (imac8). 101-111. |
norkhazzaina salahuddin, maisarah ahmad, latifah amin, rasidah arshad, normalisa md isa. (2016). ketersediaan penerimaan makanan diubahsuai genetik (genetically modified food- gm food): tinjauan dari perspektif pengguna muslim. - 8th international management and accounting conference (imac8) leveraging governance towards sustainability. 691-700. |
yusrial sufardi mohd yunan, norulhuda tajuddin, riza munira, dzulaikha ramat, rasidah arshad. (2016). goal orientation, self-monitoring and innovative performance: affective commitment as mediator. - 8th international management and accounting conference (imac8) leveraging governance towards sustainability. 402-409. |
haslina hassan, vina tong, nor shamri ithnin, rasidah arshad. (2016). perceived organizational politics and job satisfaction, the role of personality as moderator. - 8th international management and accounting conference (imac8) leveraging governance towards sustainability. 410-429. |
ameer a. basit, rasidah arshad. (2016). the role of needs-supplies fit and job satisfaction in predicting employee engagement. - jurnal pengurusan. 3-12. |
rasidah arshad & ida rosnita ismail. (2016). workplace incivility and knowledge hiding behavior:does personality matter?. - 2nd international conference on economics and banking, kolej islam antarabangsa selangor. 64-72. |
rasidah arshad. (2016). psychological contract violation and turnover intention: do cultural values matter?. - journal of managerial psychology. 251-264. |
rasidah arshad, ida rosnita ismail, roshayati abd hamid, zaleha yazid. (2016). exploring the effect of workplace incivility on team performance. - australian and new zealand academy of management. . |
rasidah arshad. (2015). supervisor-doctoral student relationship: a psychological contract perspective. - the 2nd chrest international conference 2015. transforming human capital for global competitiveness. 692-697. |
rasidah arshad, ema nurmaya. (2015). the moderating role of perceived justice on the relations between psychological contract breach and workplace deviance. - proceedings the 11th asian academy of management international conference 2015. embracing innovation and creativity: towards sustainability and inclusive growth. 163-170. |
normazaini saleh, rasidah arshad, rohayu abdul ghani, rosmah mat isa. (2015). kualiti hubungan penyelia-pekerja dengan konflik kerja-keluarga: peranan tanggapan sokongan penyelia sebangai pengantara. - jurnal pengurusan. 3-11. |
nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, noradiva hamzah, noor azuan hashim, hazrul izuan shahiri, liew chei siang. (2015). brain gain vs. brain drain: rebalancing human capital mobility from the macro and micro perspectives. - malaysia indonesia international conference on economics, management and accounting (miicema 2015). 235-246. |
ameer a. basit and rasidah arshad. (2015). effects of needs-supplies fit and demands-abilities fit on employee engagement: a case of malaysian public university. - global management journal for academic & corporate studies. 12-19. |
ema nurmaya, rasidah arshad. (2014). the mediating role of psychological contract violation on the relationship between psychological contract breach and workplace deviance. - malaysia indonesia international conference on economics, management and accounting (miicema) 2014 / fakulti ekonomi dan pengurusan, ukm. 410-419. |
rasidah arshad. (2014). perceived organizational support and trust as antecedents of creative climate. - the 2nd international conference on business and economics 2014: entrepreneurship and creative economy in global competitiveness / universiti andalas. . |
nor liza abdullah, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa, noradiva hamzah, rohayu abdul ghani. (2013). social capital as a mediator in psychological contract: knowledge sharing relationship. - proceedings of the 1st chrest international conference on labour market transformation & human resource development / centre for human resource studies (chrest), fep ukm. . |
rasidah arshad. (2013). the relationship between psychological contract fulfilment, commitment and turnover : the mediating role of perceived organizational support. - the 10th asian academy of management international conference 2013 "fostering an innovative ecosphere for business sustainability" usm. . |
rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah, noradiva hamzah, rasidah arshad. (2013). developing a typology of human capital management practices in malaysian hotel industry. - proceedings of the 1st chrest international conference on labour market transformation & human resource development / centre for human resource studies (chrest), fep ukm. . |
nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, noradiva hamzah, noor azuan hashim. (2013). knowledge management strategy and human capital management in hotel industry. - jurnal pengurusan. 38:3-14. |
ameer abdul basit, rasidah arshad. (2013). needs-supplies fit and job satosfaction: the mediating role of employee enggagement. - proceedings of the 1st chrest international conference on labour market transformation & human resource development / centre for human resource studies (chrest), fep ukm. . |
indraah kolandaisamy, rasidah arshad. (2013). the mediating effect of perceived organizational support on the relationship between perceived supervisor support and organizational citizenship behavior. - proceedings of the 1st chrest international conference on labour market transformation & human resource development / centre for human resource studies (chrest), fep ukm. . |
rasidah arshad, rozhan othman. (2013). organization creative climate and innovation. - proceedings of the 1st chrest international conference on labour market transformation & human resource development / centre for human resource studies (chrest), fep ukm. . |
rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah, noradiva hamzah, rasidah arshad. (2012). teori, penyelidikan dan praktis dalam pengurusan perniagaan. - . 131-155. |
rasidah arshad, suryati ahmad zawawi. (2012). teori, penyelidikan dan praktis dalam pengurusan perniagaan. - . Bab 5:117-130. |
rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah, noradiva hamzah. (2012). psychological contract fulfillment and knowledge sharing: the mediating role of trust, collaboration and reciprocity. - the sixth national human resource management conference 2012, uum. . |
nor liza abdullah, noradiva hamzah, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa, rohayu abd. ghani. (2011). psychological contract and knowledge sharing among academicians: mediating role of relational social capital. - international business research. 4(4):231-241. |
rasidah binti arshad. (2011). psychological contracts and cultural values: malaysian perspectives. - international conference on business and information (bai 2011). . |
noradiva hamzah, nor liza abdullah, rohayu abd. ghani, zizah che senik, rasida arshad and rosmah mat isa. (2010). the role of social capital in enhancing intelligence among gifted children. - international conference of education, research and innovation - iceri2010. . |
noor azuan hashim; rasidah arshad; nor liza abdullah; noradiva hamzah; zizah che senik. (2010). sme characteristics of e-commerce adopters : the malaysian case. - proceedings of the malaysia-indonesia international conference on economics, management and accounting, (miicema) 2010:regional development in an era of global innovation economy. fakulti fep, ukm. . |
nor liza abdullah, noradiva hamzah, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa, rohayu abd ghani. (2010). relational psychological contract and knowledge sharing: the mediating role of social capital. - eurasia business and economics society (ebes) 2010 conference. . |
suryati ahmad zawawi, rasidah arshad. (2010). hubungan di antara persepsi politik organisasi dan sikap pekerja : peranan persepsi sokongan organisasi sebagai perantara. - 5th national human resource management conference. . |
arshad r, sparrow p. (2010). downsizing and survivor reactions in malaysia: modelling antecedents and outcomes of psychological contract violation. - international journal of human resource management. 21(11):1793-1815. |
rasidah arshad, suryati ahmad zawawi. (2010). perceived organizational support, attitudes and behavior: the mediating roles of organizational politics. - eurasia business and economics society (ebes) 2010 conference. . |
rasidah arshad, suryati ahmad zawawi. (2010). tanggapan sokongan organisasi, kepuasan kerja, komitmen dan kelakuan kewargaan organisasi pekerja: peranan politik organisasi sebagai perantara. - jurnal pengurusan. 31(2):83-92. |
rasidah arshad. (2009). psychological contract violation and turnover intention: the moderating influence of attitudes and perceived employability. - proceedings of business management conference, faculty of economis and business, ukm. . |
rasidah arshad. (2009). survivors` personality and attitude: their influence on psychological contract violation and turnover intention. - new zealand international journal of human resource management. 9(1):59-68. |
rasidah arshad. (2009). psychological contract violation and turnover intention: the moderating influence of cultural value orientations. - proceedings of business management conference, faculty of economis and business, ukm. . |
arshad, r., sparrow, p.. (2009). the role of cultural values, personality disposition and attitudes in influencing psychological contract violation and citizenship behaviours. - jurnal pengurusan. 28:67-83. |
norsiah aminudin, nik mutasim abd rahman, rohayu abdul-ghani, rasidah arshad. (2009). selection practice in malaysia organizations: linking methods to organization characteristics and effectiveness. - business management seminar 2009. . |
rosmah mat isa |
nor liza abdullah, noradiva hamzah, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad. (2009). the typology of human capital and knowledge management in malaysian hotel industry. - business management seminar 2009, ukm. . |
rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah, noradiva hamzah, rasidah arshad. (2008). the typology of intellectual capital and knowledge management in malaysian hotel industry. - the journal of human resource and adult learning. 4(2):103-114. |
nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, noradiva hamzah. (2008). pertandingan poster. - the typology of intellectual capital and knowledge management in malaysian hotel industry. . |
rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah, noradiva hamzah, rohayu abdul ghani. (2008). the changing nature of employment relationship: its effect on social capital, commitment, turnover intention and knowledge sharing. - pertandingan poster fakulti ekonomi dan perniagaan. . |
rasidah arshad, paul sparrow. (2008). downsizing and survivors reactions : a model of antecedents and outcomes of psychological contract violation. - 22nd annual australian and new zealand academy of management conference. . |
noradiva hamzah, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah, rohayu abdul ghani. (2008). the changing nature of employment relationship: its? effect on social capital, commitment, turnover intention and knowledge sharing. - 4th eiasm workshop on "visualising, measuring and managing intangible and intellectual capital. . |
june poon, rohayu abdul ghani dan rasidah arshad.. (2000). kesan latihan silang budaya terhadap tanggapan kawalan dan sikap silang budaya. - jurnal pengurusan. 19:3-25. |