Penerbitan Terkini

nur farah ain zainee, nazlina ibrahim, ahmad ismail, mohamed effendi taip, asmida ismail.  (2019).  diversity of endophytic fungi isolated from the leaves, stipes and receptacles of the malaysian marine brown algae, sargassum (phaeophyta, sargassaceae).  - malayan nature !ournai.  139-148. 

nur farah ain zainee, ahmad ismail, mohamed effendi taip, nazlina ibrahim, asmida ismail.  (2019).  habitat preference of seaweeds at a tropical island of southern malaysia.  - songklanakarin journal of science and technology.  1171-1177. 

nur farah ain zainee, ahmad ismail , mohamed effendi taip , nazlina ibrahim and asmida ismail.  (2018).  habitat preference of seaweeds in a tropical island of southern malaysia.  - songklanakarin journal of science and technology.  1171-1177. 

zainee, n.f.a., ibrahim, n., ismail, a., taip, m.e. & ismail, a..  (2018).  fungal endophyte diversity from ulva lactuca: dominant green algae in malaysia.  - the 15th symposium of malaysian society of applied biology. 

nur farah ain zainee, nazlina ibrahim, ahmad ismail, mohamed effendi taip dan asmida ismail.  (2018).  kepelbagaian kulat endofit daripada ulva lactuca: alga hijau dominan di malaysia.  - malaysian applied biology. 

nur farah ain zainee, ahmad ismail, mohamed effendi taip, nazlina ibrahim, asmida ismail.  (2018).  diversity, distribution and taxonomy of malaysian marine algae, halimeda (halimedaceae, chlorophyta).  - malayan nature journal.