norhana binti arsad;shahrir bin abdullah;yushaizad yusof;noorfazila binti kamal;siti salasiah binti mokri;anuar mikdad bin muad;zambri bin harun;mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;aqilah binti baseri huddin;asraf bin mohamed moubark;meor iqram bin meor ahmad;mohd. (2023). development of face recognition for an online examination. - . . |
norazreen abd aziz, syahirah abd. halim, noorfazila kamal, aqilah baseri huddin, haslina jaafar, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, muhammad ammirrul atiqi mohd zainuri, ahmad asrul ibrahim, mohd hafiz baharuddin, nor azwan mohamed kamari, mohd hairi mohd zaman. (2023). penilaian tahap kepuasan peserta dalam pertandingan robotik:satu kajian kes pertandingan i-robot 2023. - persidangan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina. 118-121. |
theeban raj shivaraja, rabani, noorfazila kamal, wan zaidi, wan asyraf wan zaidi & kalaivani chellappan. (2023). assessment of a 16-channel ambulatory dry electrode eeg for remote monitoring. - sensors. 1-18. |
siti hafizah yusop, noorfazila kamal, norbahiah misran, norsaleha mohd salleh, wan nor adibah wan ahmad, sarifah nurhanum syed sahuri. (2023). pembangunan instrumen pengukuran tahap patriotisme pelajar kejuruteraan melalui karakter inovator dan mandiri teknologi. - persidangan penyelidikan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2023 (peka 2023). 43-45. |
h. abdullah, savisha mahalingam, n. h. azami, siti khairani bejo, noorfazila kamal, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman, brian yuliarto, iskandar yahya, abreeza manap, s. fatihah, norliza abd rahman, nor yuliana yuhana, jian xian kang. (2023). characterization of polyanilineagrgo nanocomposites for saprophytic and pathogenic leptospira bacteria detection in water. - polymer bulletin. 2713-2718. |
norazreen binti abd aziz;noorfazila binti kamal;norhana binti arsad;sawal hamid bin md ali;noor liyana binti sukiran;muhamad ramdzan bin buyong. (2023). development of mems ultrasonic transducer for plant cell transformation applications. - . . |
charn loong ng, mamun bin ibne reaz, sawal hamid bin md ali, maria liz crespo, andres cicuttin, muhammad enamul hoque chowdhury, serkan kiranyaz, noorfazila binti kamal. (2023). powerline interference suppression of a textile-insulated capacitive biomedical sensor using digital filters. - measurement. 1-18. |
masturah markom, kalaivani chellappan, haryanti mohd affandi, noorfazila kamal, muhammad syafiq abdul razak, wan hamidon wan badaruzzaman. (2023). pelan strategik fakulti kejuruteraan dan alam bina universiti kebangsaan malaysia 2021-2025. - . 1-38. |
mostafizur rahman, noorfazila kamal, nor fadzilah abdullah, fikri mat hussin. (2022). tire condition classification based on tread depth using machine learning. - 20th ieee student conference on research and development (scored 2022). 51-55. |
arwa s.bazmalah, noorfazila kamal. (2022). design of reversible binary half and full adder/subtractor using reversible gates. - progress in engineering application and technology. 988-997. |
mohamad ibrahim, p. chelvanathan, m. mottakin, ghulam muhammad, mahdi h. miraz, md. akhtaruzzaman, md. shahiduzzaman, k. sobayel, n. kamal. (2022). effect of cucl2 treatment on rf magnetronsputtered cdse thin films for potential photovoltaic usage. - japanese journal of applied physics. 1-8. |
kalaivani chellappan, noorfazila kamal, rosmina jaafar, rabani remli & wan asyraf wan zaidi. (2022). laporan teknikal 7: crest-2021-002. - . 1-22. |
m ibrahim, p chelvanathan, mh miraz, hi alkhammash, akm hasan, md akhtaruzzaman, k althubeiti, md shahiduzzaman, k sobayel, n kamal. (2022). comprehensive study on cdse thin film as potential window layer on cdte solar cell by scapd-1d. - chalcogenide letters. 33-43. |
t.r. shivaraja, n kamal, w.a.w zaidi, k. chellappan. (2022). adaptable medical device with 3d printing facilities. - journal of physics: conference series (8th international virtual conference on biosignals, images, and instrumentation (icbsii 2022)). 1-10. |
kalaivani chellappan, noorfazila kamal, rosmina jaafar, rabani remli & wan asyraf wan zaidi. (2022). laporan teknikal 8: crest-2021-002. - . 1-32. |
kalaivani chellappan,lilia halim,doris padmini s. selvaratnam,yushaizad yusof, nor jaziha mat jalil,noorfazila kamal,nur farah liza ramli,muhamad fadle mohamad abu sadin, amilia aminuddin, mas ayu othman, muhammad syafiq abdul razak & mat setia mat raji. (2022). laporan projek pemerkasaan program dan pengkomersialan produk iljtm. - . 1-7. |
kalaivani chellappan, noorfazila kamal, rosmina jaafar, rabani remli & wan asyraf wan zaidi. (2022). laporan teknikal 6: crest-2021-002. - . 1-59. |
norhana binti arsad;sahbudin bin shaari;noorfazila binti kamal;ahmad ashrif bin a bakar;mohd syuhaimi bin ab rahman;rizafizah binti othaman;zuraidah binti che` man;mohd saiful dzulkefly bin zan. (2021). investigation of highly sensitive chemical material for oscc biomaker application. - . . |
noorfazila binti kamal;lilia bt. halim;hafizah bt. husain;badariah binti bais;kalaivani a/p chellappan;rosmina jaafar. (2021). development of energy resources learning kit monitoring for interdisciplinary stem exploration. - . . |
kalaivani chellappan, mas ayu othman & noorfazila kamal. (2021). junior stem discovery: saintis muda tenaga hijau. - . 70. |
nurfarhana m.sapiee, mastang tanra, aqilah baseri huddin, asraf mohamed moubark , noorfazila kamal, hadri hafiz mokhtar dan norhana arsad. (2021). face recognition development for detecting cheating in online exams. - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran & pembelajaran knovasi 2021. 335-337. |
mohd faisal ibrahim, noor azuddin yakob, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, noorfazila kamal, aqilah baseri huddin, seri mastura mustaza, iskandar yahya, nasharuddin zainal, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan, rizauddin ramli, akmal sabarudin, & norngainy mohd tawil. (2021). technomation: bengkel keusahawanan teknologi automasi dan pementoran digital dalam talian. - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi) 2021 evolusi ke arah pembelajaran tanpa sempadan: langkah kehadapan. 123-126. |
huda abdullah, seri mastura mustaza, siti khairani bejo, iskandar yahya, noorfazila kamal, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman. (2021). identification of leptospira in water by fe-pd-doped polyaniline nanocomposite thin film. - nanomaterials and nanotechnology. 1-7. |
theeban raj shivaraja, wan asyraf wan zaid, noorfazila kamal, kalaivani chellappan. (2021). electrode optimization for home-based health monitoring eeg acquisition. - neuroepidemiology. 86. |
md. mamun bin ibne reaz;noorfazila binti kamal;sawal hamid bin md ali;ahmad ashrif bin a bakar. (2021). a real time emg signal measurement system using capacitive biosensor and multi-stage analog filter. - . . |
kaliswaran a/l ganesan, noorfazila kamal, huda abdullah. (2021). design of portable biosensor reader for leptospira detection. - prosiding prasiswazah 2021(1). 28-39. |
seri mastura mustaza, iskandar yahya, mohd faisal ibrahim, arif haikal ahmad hassan ayoppan, noorfazila kamal, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, nasharuddin zainal. (2021). program pementoran stem di kalangan pelajar prasiswazah bagi pertandingan robotik makex. - asean journal of teaching and learning in higher education. 124-134. |
seri mastura mustaza, iskandar yahya, mohd faisal ibrahim, arif haikal ahmad hassan ayoppan, noorfazila kamal, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar & nasharuddin zainal. (2020). program pementoran stem di kalangan pelajar prasiswazah bagi 1 pertandingan robotik makex. - kongress dan pertandingan inovasi 2020 (knovasi 2020). 1-10. |
norbahiah misran, syahirah abd. halim, noorfazila kamal & salina abd. samad. (2020). teori dan inovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran: menyusuri pandemik covid-19. - . 11. |
m. j. alam, m. a. s. bhuiyan, m. t. i. badal, m. b. i. reaz, n. kamal. (2020). design of a low-power compact cmos variable gain amplifier for modern rf receivers. - bulletin of electrical engineering and informatics. 87-93. |
siti nur ajaeerah binti abd halim; noorfazila kamal. (2020). integrated energy conversion circuit for piezoelectric energy harvesting. - prosiding penyelidikan prasiswazah. 52-57. |
s. kavitha, fazida hanim hashim, noorfazila kamal. (2019). a new approach of an error detecting and correcting circuit by arithmetic logic blocks. - international journal of electronics and telecommunications. 313-318. |
norhana arsad, siti norul huda bt sheikh abdullah, noorfazila kamal, siti salasiah mokri, ahmad ashrif a bakar, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar dan mohd saiful dzulkefly zan. (2019). keberkesanan e-law@sekolah dalam swapencegahan jenayah. - karnival inovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ke-5 2019 (k-novasi). 1. |
noorfazila kamal, nangkula utaberta, badariah bais, azrilah abdul aziz. (2019). pengukuran rasch dalam penilaian hasil pembelajaran pendidikan kejuruteraan. - . 275. |
noorfazila kamal, mohd faisal ibrahim, aqilah baseri huddin. (2019). evaluation of scratch programming mentoring program amongst primary school students. - international journal of innovation, creativity and change. 243-259. |
noorfazila kamal, seri mastura mustaza, mohd hairi mohd zaman, mohd hafiz baharuddin, asraf mohamed moubark. (2019). manual makmal kursus kkkl3293 mikropemproses dan mikrokomputer. - . 1-50. |
hafizah hussin, noorfazila kamal, mohd faisal ibrahim. (2019). inculcating problem solving and analytical skills in stem education practices: the crystal initiatives. - international journal of innovation, creativity and change. 260-272. |
nur hazliza ariffin, norhana arsad, azri hariz ahmad, badariah bais, noorfazila kamal ,norazreen ab aziz, siti salasiah mokri and raihanah mohd mydin. (2019). self-leveling laser for direction marking system. - international journal of engineering and technology. . |
torikul islam badal, mamun bin ibne reaz, mohammad arif sobhan bhuiyan, and noorfazila kamal. (2019). cmos transmitters for 2.4-ghz rf devices. - ieee microwave magazine. . |
noorfazila kamal. (2019). inculcating problem solving and analytical skills in stem education practices: the crystal initiatives. - the 8th international conference on global optimization and its application (8th icogoia 2019). 1-20. |
noorfazila kamal. (2019). evaluation of scratch programming mentoring programme amongst primary school students. - the 8th international conference on global optimization and its application (8th icogoia). 1-21. |
nursyazwani adnan, noorfazila kamal, kalaivani chellappan. (2019). an iot based smart lighting system based on human activity. - 14th ieee malaysia international conference on communications (micc 2019). 1-16. |
noorfazila kamal, nadhira mohamad fauzi. (2019). effect of body biasing on 0.13 um cmos transistor. - international journal of innovative technology and exploring engineering. 3185-3189. |
noorfazila binti kamal;norhana binti arsad;suliana binti sulaiman. (2018). analysis and design of a low reference spurs integer_n phase-locked loop. - . . |
jahariah binti sampe;burhanuddin bin yeop majlis;noorfazila binti kamal;dilla duryha binti berhanuddin;md. shabiul islam. (2018). design an architecture of ultra low power micro energy harvester using rf for health care monitoring system. - . . |
saidatul amira abdul wahab, noorfazila kamal. (2018). pembahagi frekuensi berkuasa rendah menggunakan teknik pincang badan ke depan. - jurnal kejuruteraan. . |
norhaida binti mustafa, florence choong, mamun bin ibne reaz, wan irma idayu wan mohd nasir, noorfazila kamal, abdul mukit. (2018). design of a low drop-out voltage regulator using 0.13 µm cmos technology. - journal of engineering science and technology. . |
fazida hanim binti hashim;aini bt. hussain;noorfazila binti kamal;norhana binti arsad;abdullah zawawi bin mohamed;aqilah binti baseri huddin;wan mimi diyana binti wan zaki. (2018). perlaksanaan algoritma berasaskan koloni lebah bagi pengaturan misi kumpulan kenderaan udara tanpa pemandu (uav) berciri autonomi untuk aplikasi pemantauan melalui udara. - . . |
norbahiah misran, muhammad faiz bukhori, aida baharuddin, ahmad yunus misdi, nor fazila kamal, rosdiadee nordin, aqilah baseri hudin. (2018). bulletin jkees 2017 edisi april-jun. - bulletin jkees 2017 edisi april-jun. 1-9. |
noorfazila kamal, mohamad hanif md saad, kok chin seng and aini hussain. (2018). towards revolutionizing stem education via iot and blockchain technology. - international journal of engineering and technology. . |
noorfazila kamal, sawal hamid md ali, norhana arsad, norazreen abd aziz, siti salasiah mokri, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni & iskandar yahya. (2018). sistem pendaftaran tajuk projek tahun akhir atas talian di program kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik dan sistem. - prosiding peka 2017. k-novasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm 2018: pendidikan 4.0: graduan kalis masa depan. . |
roszilah hamid, zulkifli mohd nopiah, noorhelyna razali & 19 others. (2018). prosiding peka 2017. k-novasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm 2018: pendidikan 4.0: graduan kalis masa depan. - prosiding peka 2017. k-novasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm 2018: pendidikan 4.0: graduan kalis masa depan. . |
shahril rizal amru, mohamad hanif md saad, noorfazila kamal & aini hussain. (2018). real time event detection for intelligent building surveillance system application. - proceedings of undergraduate research 2018. . |
prof. madya dr. hafizah husain, dr. mohd faisal ibrahim, dr. noorfazila kamal, nor jaziha mat jalil, jamaliah abu bakar, faridah ahmad & aida baharuddin. (2018). mendidik kanak-kanak berfikir menggunakan pengaturcaraan scratch. - impak sekolah @ ukm. . |
noorfazila kamal, mohamad hanif md saad, c.s. kok & aini hussain. (2018). towards revolutionizing stem education via iot and blockchain technology. - international symposium on computational intelligence & applications (iscia2018). . |
m.n. hanani, s. jahariah & k. noorfazila. (2018). development of a low power energy harvesting using solar input for portable electronic devices. - imen postgraduate colloquium. . |
mohammad torikul islam badal, mamun bin ibne reaz, araf farayez, siti a. b. ramli, noorfazila kamal. (2017). design of a low-power cmos level shifter for low delay socs in silterra 0.13 um cmos process. - journal of engineering science and technology review. 10-15. |
hafizah husain, nasharuddin zainal, rizauddin ramli, noorfazila kamal, iskandar yahya & mohd faisal ibrahim. (2017). inovasi melalui arduino. - . 167. |
noorfazila kamal, siti s. mokri, norazreen a. aziz, norhana arsad, iskandar yahya and ashrani a. a. rahni. (2017). persepsi industri terhadap projek tahun akhir pelajar jkees. - prosiding k-novasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina) 2017. 203-208. |
kalaivani chellappan, nor jaziha mat jalil, siti zaida yasir, fauziah ramli, muhammad syafiq abdul razak, mas ayu othman, aida baharuddin, rosmina jaafar, noorfazila kamal, ahmad yunus misdi, nur farah liza ramli, ruzain ahmad. (2017). electronics back to basic with flip workshop approach. - prosiding knovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina) 2017. 30-35. |
s. kavitha*, fazida hanim hashim, md mamun ibne reaz, noorfazila kamal. (2017). design of a low-power and high throughput error detection and correction circuit using the 4t ex-or method. - journal of engineering science and technology. 2010-2027. |
hafizah husain, noorfazila kamal, mohd faisal ibrahim, ashrani aizuddin abd rahni dan mardina abdullah. (2017). penggunaan scratch sebagai pengenalan pembelajaran pengaturcaraan tahun satu universiti. - prosiding knovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina) 2016. 20-29. |
wira firdaus yaakob, jahariah sampe and noorfazila kamal. (2017). fpga implementation of rapid ciphering and high throughput of smart card memory ciphering system. - asian journal of scientific research. 88-96. |
hafizah husain, noor fazila kamal, mohd faisal ibrahim, aqilah baseri huddin & anis amirah alim. (2017). integrating mathematical concepts and problem solving skills using scratch programming. - prosiding knovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina) 2017. 10-19. |
roszilah hamid, norhana arshad, mohd shahbudin mastar@masdar, et al.. (2017). meremajakan pengajaran, mengispirasikan pembelajaran. - prosiding peka 2016 k-novasi p & p ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina). 1-316. |
noorfazila kamal, siti s. mokri, norazreen a. aziz, norhana arsad, iskandar yahya, ashrani a. a. rahni, mohd h. h. mokhtar. (2017). external assessors perception towards final year project. - journal of engineering science and technology. 22-30. |
hafizah husain, noorfazila kamal, mohd faisal ibrahim, aqilah baseri huddin, anis amirah alim. (2017). engendering problem solving skills and mathematical knowledge via programming. - journal of engineering science and technology. 1-11. |
mohammad arif sobhan bhuiyan, mamun bin ibne reaz, md. torikul islam badal, md. abdul mukit, and noorfazila kamal. (2016). design of an active inductor-based t/r switch in 0.13 um cmos technology for 2.4 ghz rf transceivers. - transactions on electrical and electronic materials. 261-269. |
norhana arsad, jariyati burhanudin, noorfazila kamal, norbahiah misran, hafizah hussain. (2016). the development of an innovative supervision system: e-mentor mentee system in jkees. - journal of engineering science and technology. 78-87. |
mohammd arif sobhan bhuiyan, mastura binti omar, mamun bin ibne reaz, noorfazila kamal and sawal hamid md ali. (2016). a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (cmos) bandpass filter for cost efficient radio frequency (rf) appliances. - journal of engineering research. 114-127. |
hanani mohamed nadzirin, jahariah sampe, muhammad shabiul islam and noorfazila kamal. (2016). architecture of low power energy harvester using hybrid input of solar and thermal for laptop or notebook: a review. - american journal of applied sciences. 953-961. |
norbahiah misran, roszilah hamid, badariah bais et al.. (2016). pertanika journal of social sciences and humanities. - pertanika journal of social sciences and humanities. 1-282. |
mohammad a.s. bhuiyan, yeoh zijie, jae s. yu, mamun b.i.reaz, noorfazila kamal and tae g. chang. (2016). active inductor based fully integrated cmos transmit-receive switch for 2.4 ghz rf transceiver. - annals of the brazilian academy of sciences. 1089-1098. |
roszilah hamid, norhana arshad, badariah bais, firdaus mohd hamzah, nizaroyani saibani, shahrom md zain, et al.. (2016). memikir semula pengajaran dan mereka bentuk semula pembelajaran. - prosiding peka2015 k-novasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina). 1-301. |
hasrul nisham bin rosly, mamun bin ibne reaz, noorfazila kamal and fazida hanim hashim. (2016). design and analysis of cmos linear feedback shift registers for low power application. - applied mechanics and materials. 111-118. |
tan chen hou, noorfazila kamal, khairuddin jaafar, mamun ibne reaz, jahariah sampe. (2016). design of a low power static frequency divider. - proceeding of 2016 international conference on advances in electrical, electronic and system engineering. 199-202. |
hafizah, h., norhana, a., badariah, b. & noorfazila, k. (2016). self-regulated learning in ukm. - pertanika journal of social sciences and humanities. 77-86. |
noorfazila kamal, norhana arsad, ashrani a. a. rahni, iskandar yahya, wan n. w. ibrahim, muhd f. a. s. shaarani. (2016). students communicat ion skills assessment by external lecturers a nd industry representatives. - journal of engineering science and technology. 69-77. |
kamal, n., rahman, n. n. s. a., husain, h.and nopiah, z. m.. (2016). the correlation between electrical engineering course performance and mathematics and prerequisite course achievement. - pertanika journal of social sciences & humanities. 97-110. |
arsad, n., bais, b., kamal, n., hashim, f. h., wan, w. m. z. and husain, h.. (2016). study on the impact of team teaching using the rasch measurement model: perception of students and lecturers. - pertanika journal of social science and humanities. 197-204. |
khairuddin jaafar, noorfazila kamal, mamun bin ibne reaz, jahariah sampe. (2016). resistorless self-biased curvature compensated sub-1v cmos bandgap reference. - proceeding of 2016 international conference on advances in electrical, electronic and system engineering. 309-312. |
kashif m., bakar a.a.a., kamal n., hashim f.h., zan m.s.d.. (2016). surface plasmon resonance based on phase detection technique for glycerin analysis. - proceedings of the international conference on sensing technology, icst. 88-91. |
md torikul islam badal, mujahidun bin mashuri, mamun bin ibne reaz, noorfazila kamal, fazida hanim hashim. (2016). low power high speed current comparator using 130nm cmos technology. - proceeding of 2016 international conference on advances in electrical, electronic and system engineering. 72-76. |
mohd. marufuzzaman, noorfazila kamal, fazida hanim hashim and mamun bin ibne reaz. (2015). triple data encryption standard encryption engine: a hardware approach. - proceedings of the 4th international conference on computer science & computational mathematics (iccscm 2015), 7-8 may 2015, langkawi, malaysia. 53-58. |
norhaida binti mustafa, md. syedul amin, mamun bin ibne reaz, fazida hanim hashim, noorfazila kamal. (2015). evolution of low drop out voltage regulator in cmos technologies. - przeglad elektrotechniczny. 26-33. |
md. anisur rahman, noorfazila kamal, mamun bin ibne reaz, fazida hanim hashim. (2015). dual-mode receiver architecture for bluetooth and ieee 802.11b standards. - 2nd international conference on computer, communication, and control technology (i4ct 2015), april 21 - 23 in kuching, sarawak, malaysia. 117-121. |
murthadza bin aznam, salleh hudin abdul rasyid, mariati mokhtar, norhana arsad & noorfazila kamal. (2015). sun observation at pusat permata pintar negara. - international 4th future scientist conference ifsc meeting 21th century demands: intergrating arts & stem. . |
norhana arsad, badariah bais, wan mimi diyana wan zaki, fazida hanim hashim, noorfazila kamal & hafizah husain. (2015). analisis pengajaran berpasukan menggunakan model pengukuran rasch: persepsi pensyarah dan pelajar. - prosiding k-novasi pengajaran & pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina), ukm, 11-13 februari 2015. 185-189. |
n arsad, n kamal, s n elias, a m moubark, a a ibrahim, y yusof, m s ab rahman, h husain, m ismail. (2015). implementing the use of e mentor mentee and mind twister program in monitoring and improving the students academic performance. - journal of engineering science and technology. 1-9. |
mohammad arif sobhan bhuiyan, jia xien chew, mamun bin ibne reaz, noorfazila kamal. (2015). design of an active inductor based lna in silterra 130 nm cmos process technology. - journal of microelectronics, electronic components and materials. 188-194. |
n. kamal, n. arsad, h. husain, z.m. nopiah. (2015). the relationships between pre-university education and mathematics achievement with performance in engineering subject. - journal of engineering science and technology (jestec). 10-17. |
n. misran, s.a.osman, r. hamid, n.t. kofli, n. saibani, n. arsad, m.s. mastar@masdar, z.m. nopiah, b. bais, h. husain, d. nordin, a.a. mutalib, z. harun, w.m.z.w. mahmood, s. johar, k. jafar et al.. (2015). prosiding k-novasi pengajaran & pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan & alam bina) peka 2014. - k-novasi pengajaran & pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan & alam bina) peka 2014, dectar, ukm, 11-12 februari 2015. 383. |
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