zaleha yazid. (2023). parenting boarding schoolchildren has benefits, challenges. - new straits times. 14. |
rika aprianti, anis eliyana, johanes basuki, basseng, asropi, rachmawati dewi anggraini, ariesta alif syania, zaleha yazid. (2023). organizational citizenship behavior among prison managers: an empirical study in indonesian nusakambangan correctional institutions. - cogent business & management. 1-16. |
nor liza bt. abdullah;zafir khan bin mohamed makhbul;zaleha binti yazid. (2023). pengukuran budaya organisasi ukm menggunakan model ocai. - . . |
zaleha binti yazid;zafir khan bin mohamed makhbul;roshayati binti abdul hamid. (2023). exploring leaders wellbeing in the workplace. - . . |
roshayati binti abdul hamid;noor azuan binti hashim;zaleha binti yazid. (2023). persediaan dalam mendepani pengurusan rantaian bekalan digital. - . . |
norizzati bahsri, zaleha yazid, zafir mohamed makhbul, nor asiah omar. (2023). systematic literature review on the factors affecting the well-being of entrepreneurs in malaysian smes. - sage open. 1-13. |
zaleha yazid, rozita ibrahim. (2023). drama kepimpinan: pentaksiran alternatif menggunakan kaedah main peranan (role play). - prosiding knovasi 2023. 1-3. |
mohd suhaimi mohamad, siti nora mhd isa, roslee rajikan, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, norinsan kamil othman, shazli ezzat ghazali, nasharuddin zainal, fatimah wati halim, mohd adib ibrahim, mohd izham mohd hamzah, raihanah mohd mydin, rozilawati razali. (2022). kamus kompetensi kepimpinan. - . 1-59. |
mohamad nasaruddin mahdzir, rohayu abdul ghani, zaleha yazid. (2022). faced with obstacles and uncertainty: a thematic review of middle managers in higher education. - international journal of professional business review. 1-39. |
zaleha yazid. (2022). rakyat tunggu pendekatan kabinet tangani korupsi, ketirisan. - berita harian. 5. |
ahmad rizki sridadi, anis eliyana, desynta rahmawati gunawan, muhammad danang kurniawan, alvin permana emur, zaleha yazid. (2022). the mediating role of work engagement: a survey data on organizational citizenship behavior. - data in brief. 1-9. |
nor syamaliah ngah, nor liza abdullah, mohamad rohieszan ramdan, zaleha yazid, norhafizah abu hasan. (2022). kesan kepimpinan kebaktian terhadap tingkah laku kewarganegaraan organisasi: komitmen organisasi sebagai pengantara. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-17. |
mohd suhaimi mohamad, zoraini ibrahim, zaleha yazid, ida rosnita ismail, mohd nasir selamat, nadia noor awal, norazlin hassim, harishon radzi, che abdullah che ya, harith faruqi sidek, siti nora mhd isa, noor alaudin abdul wahab, muhamad alias md jedi, sa. (2022). kamus kompetensi generik. - edisi pertama. 1-59. |
nur atiqah abdullah, roshayati abd hamid, zaleha yazid, norazila mat. (2021). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . 11. |
zaleha yazid. (2021). leadership in a wave of change. - . 7. |
zaleha binti yazid;janette m @ nur atiqah abdullah. (2021). taming the millennials in the workplace: challenges and realities.. - . . |
aishath lahath, nor asiah omar, mohd helmi ali, ming-lang tseng, zaleha yazid. (2021). exploring food waste during the covid-19 pandemic among malaysian consumers: the effect of social media, neuroticism, and impulse buying on food waste. - sustainable production and consumption. 519-531. |
md daud bin ismail;imran ho bin abdullah @ ho yee beng;doris padmini a/p s. selvaratnam;zaleha binti yazid;nor asiah binti omar;mohamed yusoff bin mohd nor. (2021). university strategic engagement as interconnectedness: intensity and relevance. - . . |
zaleha yazid. (2021). latih diri semak berita di media sosial. - berita harian. 11. |
zafir mohd makhbul, nor liza abdullah, fazilah mohamad hasun. (2020). impak covid-19 terhadap insan. - . 189. |
zaleha yazid. (2020). era pandemik uji kepemimpinan organisasi. - berita harian. 10. |
amiratul nadia hassan, aisyah abdul-rahman, zaleha yazid. (2020). shariah governance practices at islamic fund management companies. - journal of islamic accounting and business research. 1-27. |
razaleigh muhamat @ kawangit, umi hamidaton mohd soffian lee, zaleha yazid. (2020). amalan kepimpinan beretika dalam organisasi di malaysia. - . 1-79. |
umi hamidaton mohd soffian lee, razaleigh muhamat @ kawangit, zaleha yazid. (2020). amalan kepimpinan beretika dalam organisasi di malaysia. - . 79. |
zaleha yazid. (2020). effects of conflict towards the social dynamics of the self-managed project teams. - . 121. |
norazila mat, jamsari alias, zaleha yazid, nazri muslim. (2019). knowledge sharing factors of engineering and arts academicians in malaysian higher learning institutions. - international journal of civil engineering and technology. 68-80. |
umi hamidaton mohd soffian lee, razaleigh muhamat @ kawangit, zaleha yazid. (2019). the influence of ethical leadership through decision making and reinforcement towards employee outcomes. - journal of applied structural equation modeling. 1-8. |
norizzati bahsri, zaleha yazid, zafir mohamed makhbul. (2019). exploring factors affecting leader's well-being in organization. - 9th international qualitative research conference 2019. 46. |
norazila mat, jamsari alias, nur atiqah abdullah, zaleha yazid, nazri muslim. (2019). knowledge sharing factors: perception between junior and senior academicians in malaysian university. - international journal of scientific & technology research. 1255-1263. |
zaleha yazid. (2019). fleksibiliti kepemimpinan dalam era digital. - berita harian. 10. |
roshayati abdul hamid, zaleha yazid, noor hasni juhdi,laila adrena mat kana. (2019). penyalahgunaan internet sewaktu kuliah: kesan daripada penyerapan kognitif dan tabiat berinternet. - jurnal pengurusan. 85-93. |
umi hamidaton mohd soffian lee, razaleigh muhamat@kawangit, zaleha yazid. (2019). relationship between ethical leadership through leader's practices of decision making, two-way communication, reinforcement and ethical climate. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 761-772. |
umi hamidaton mohd soffian lee, razaleigh muhamat @ kawangit, zaleha yazid. (2019). perhubungan di antara pembuatan keputusan dan komitmen organisasi: permodelan iklim etika sebagai pembolehubah pengantara.. - seminar penyelidikan kebangsaan ke-6 (spk 2019). 280-288. |
umi hamidaton mohd soffian lee, razaleigh muhamat @ kawangit, zaleha yazid. (2019). relationship between ethical leadership through leaders practices of decision making, two-way communication, reinforcement and ethical climate. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 761-772. |
sharifah nur fatihah syed hussin & zaleha yazid. (2018). meneroka faktor mempengaruhi motivasi mahasiswa. - proceedings of the 9th international management and accounting conference 2018. . |
zaleha yazid. (2018). pengurusan konflik dalam kumpulan kerja swaurus. - proceedings of the 9th international management and accounting conference 2018. . |
zaleha yazid & norazila mat. (2018). meneliti faktor yang mempengaruhi perhubungan dalam kumpulan kerja. - proceedings of the 3rd chrest international conference 2018. . |
riza munira shamsudin, zaleha yazid, nur atiqah abdullah & mohd ezani mat hassan. (2018). exploring millennials' talent management in hospitality industry. - proceedings of the 3rd chrest international conference 2018. . |
zaleha yazid. (2018). conflict management in project teams. - international conference on social entrepreneurship, economics and management studies (seem). . |
zaleha yazid. (2018). exploring leader positioning in self-managed team (smt). - international studying leadership conference 2018. . |
alvianny voo nyuk chong @albertus, umi hamidaton mohd suffian lee, azman ismail, zaleha yazid, nursaadatun nisak ahmad. (2018). person oriented leadership enhancing employee outcomes. - journal of research and practice in public sector accounting and management. . |
zaleha yazid. (2018). basic english part 5 - untuk kakitangan fep. - . 1-10. |
zaleha yazid, md daud ismail, siti noor kamaliah, abu hanifah ayob, kew si roei, mohd nasir mohd saukani, mohd rashan shah robuan.. (2018). garis panduan penerimaan lawatan antarabangsa fakulti ekonomi dan pengurusan, ukm. - . 1-2. |
zaleha yazid, md daud ismail, siti noor kamaliah, abu hanifah ayob, kew si roei, mohd nasir mohd saukani, mohd rashan shah robuan.. (2018). garis panduan permohonan universiti luar untuk mengadakan seminar/bengkel di fakulti ekonomi dan pengurusan, ukm. - . 1-3. |
zaleha yazid. (2018). pengurusan konflik dalam kumpulan kerja swaurus. - . . |
sharifah fatihah syed hussin, zaleha yazid. (2018). meneroka faktor mempengaruhi motivasi mahasiswa. - . . |
zaleha yazid, norazila mat. (2018). meneliti faktor yang mempengaruhi perhubungan dalam kumpulan kerja. - . . |
khairul akmaliah adham, huong ha,shifa mohd nor, zaleha yazid. (2018). learning to complete the phd thesis. - issues in educational research. . |
zaleha yazid, norazila mat. (2018). meneroka dinamik perhubungan dalam kumpulan projek. - jurnal pengurusan. . |
zaleha binti yazid;rosmah bt. mat isa;aisyah binti abdul rahman;shifa binti mohd nor;khairul akmaliah bt. adham. (2018). developing a framewrok of organising self-managed team: the role of leadership. - . . |
zaleha yazid. (2018). pembangunan modal insan lestari. - . 200. |
norizan hassan, aisyah abdul-rahman, zaleha yazid. (2018). pengurusan institusi wakaf di johor dan selangor : satu perbandingan. - . 110. |
zaleha yazid. (2018). cabaran pengantarabangsaan mahasiswa. - berita harian. 11. |
norazila mat, noridayu idris, nur atiqah abdullah, zaleha yazid, jamsari alias. (2018). hubungan antara beban kerja, faktor peribadi, dan pembelajaran-e terhadap tahap tekanan di kalangan gen-y. - jurnal personalia pelajar. . |
lokhman hakim osman, zaleha yazid, mohd rizal palil. (2018). network positioning and its impact on organizations relational capital: an exponential random graph model (ergm) approach. - international journal of business and management science. . |
zaleha yazid, lokhman hakim osman, roshayati abdul hamid. (2018). managing conflict in the self-managed project team. - international journal of business and management science. . |
zaleha yazid. (2018). lahir graduan bertaraf global. - harian metro. 36-37. |
norizan hassan, aisyah abdul-rahman, zaleha yazid. (2018). developing a new framework of waqf management. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 287-315. |
zaleha yazid. (2017). basic english part 2 - untuk kakitangan fep. - . 1-7. |
zaleha yazid. (2017). basic english part 3 - untuk kakitangan fep. - . 1-7. |
zaleha yazid. (2017). qualitative methods in conducting research - research meethod - gsb. - . 1-26. |
zaleha yazid. (2017). self-managed project team leadership process: an exploration. - . 1-15. |
zaleha yazid. (2017). basic english part 1 - untuk kakitangan fep. - . 1-7. |
zaleha yazid. (2017). exploring conflict management and leadership in self-managed team.. - . 1-16. |
zaleha yazid, nur atikah abdullah, rosmarina baharom. (2017). konflik dalam proses penilaian prestasi dalam organisasi. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-20. |
zaleha yazid. (2017). basic english part 4 - untuk kakitangan fep. - . 1-8. |
yusrizal sufardi mohd yunan, che aniza che wel, lokhman hakim osman, zaleha yazid, ahmad azmi muhammad ariffin. (2017). post service quality as predictor for halal warehouse adopter satisfaction. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 999-1008. |
zaleha yazid. (2017). self-managed project teams (smpts) leadership process: an exploration.. - proceedings of international conference on finance, management and business. 4-23. |
zaleha binti yazid. (2017). exploring conflict management and leadership in self-managed team. - proceedings of 12th annual london business research conference. 91-107. |
amiratul nadiah hasan, aisyah abdul-rahman and zaleha yazid. (2016). the practices of shariah governance at islamic fund management companies: case of malaysia. - book of abstract: 4th aicif 2016 - asean international conference on islamic finance: a re-evaluation and way forward. . |
rasidah arshad, ida rosnita ismail, roshayati abd hamid, zaleha yazid. (2016). exploring the effect of workplace incivility on team performance. - australian and new zealand academy of management. . |
amiratul nadiah hassan, aisyah abdul-rahman, zaleha yazid. (2016). shariah governance practices at islmaic fund management companies. - pertandingan poster sempena kolokium siswazah fakulti ekonomi dan pengurusan 2016. . |
zaleha yazid. (2016). kepemimpinan efektif jana produktiviti. - berita harian. . |
amiratul nadiah hassan, aisyah abdul-rahman & zaleha yazid. (2016). shariah governance practices at islamic fund management companies. - ifbbe 2016 islamic finance, banking & business ethics global conference. . |
zaleha yazid, che aniza che wel, nor asiah omar. (2016). persepsi mahasiswa terhadap urusan pembelian atas talian. - jurnal personalia pelajar. 17-25. |
nor asiah omar, muhamad azrin nazri, zaleha yazid. (2016). what drives students intention to take marketing majoring an empirical investigation of the critical factors. - jurnal personalia pelajar. 1-7. |
zaleha yazid. (2016). leadership in leaderless team?. - global human capital challenges for knowledge driven organization symposium 2016. . |
khairul akmaliah adham, zaleha yazid. (2016). kebijaksanaan ketua projek. - dewan masyarakat. 20-21. |
aisyah abdul-rahman dan zaleha yazid. (2015). developing a framework of islamic bank operational risk management: `people risk`. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-18. |
zaleha yazid, farhana sidek, khairul akmaliah adham. (2015). people vs. profit: an ethical dilemma. - the journal of muamalat and islamic finance research (jmifr). 117. |
zaleha yazid. (2015). pengurusan konflik jamin kecemerlangan organisasi. - harian metro. . |
zaleha yazid. (2015). exploring leadership style in project teams. - proceedings of international symposium on economics and social science, waseda university, tokyo 2015. 509-524. |
aisyah abdul rahman, zaleha yazid. (2015). let`s waqaf!. - proceedings: fep, ukm workshop on writing and publishing cases for teaching (level 2).. 86-91. |
zaleha binti yazid, khairul akmaliah bt. adham. (2015). exploring the effects of conflict towards the social dynamics of project teams in malaysia. - . . |
khairul akmaliah bt. adham, roshayati binti abdul hamid, wan mohd hirwani bin wan hussain, mohd. ezani bin mat hassan, nik mutasim bin haji nik ab. rahman, rosmah bt. mat isa, et. al.. (2015). exploring islamic perspective on transformative service for societal well-being. - . . |
khairul akmaliah adham,mohd fuaad said,adriana mohd rizal,mohd iqbal abdul wahab,hasmiah kasimin,mohd ezani mat hassan,nik mutasim nik ab rahman,rosmah mat isa,aini aman,adlin masood, et al. (2015). exploring islamic perspective on transformative service for societal well-being. - reforming the grey areas. . |
zaleha yazid. (2015). exploring leadership in self-managed project teams in malaysia. - management. 191-206. |
zaleha yazid, farhana sidek, khairul akmaliah adham. (2015). the ducks need water (ver. 2). - proceedings: fep, ukm workshop on writing and publishing cases for teaching (level 2). 24-28. |
zaleha yazid, maisarah ahmad, ruhanita maelah, shahida shahimi. (2015). proceedings: fep, ukm workshop on writing and publishing cases for teaching (level 2). - fep, ukm workshop on writing and publishing cases for teaching (level 2), higher education leadership academy (akept). . |
aisyah abdul-rahman dan zaleha yazid. (2015). let`s waqaf. - asian journal of case research. 65-89. |
zaleha yazid. (2015). exploring conflict management using qualitative approach. - gadjah mada international journal of business. 65-81. |
khairul akmaliah adham,mohd ezani mat hassan,nik mutasim nik ab rahman,low soo wah, rosmat mat isa,zizah che senik,nur atiqah abdullah,zaleha yazid,adlin masood. (2015). doctoral program in management: research process, industry relations and socialization within the research communities. - producing global workface. . |
zaleha yazid. (2014). modul pengurusan konflik bagi kursus sijil hubungan etnik - institut kajian etnik ukm dan jabatan perpaduan dan integrasi nasional (jpnin). - . . |
khairul akmaliah bt. adham, low soo wah, rosmah bt. mat isa, noreha bt. halid, adlin binti masood, zaleha binti yazid, zizah binti che senik, norazila bt. mat, mohd fuaad said. (2014). business sustainability and strategies for growth. - . . |
zaleha yazid. (2014). exploring leadership in self-managed teams in malaysia. - workshop on "improving your manuscript" ukm gsb & fep 2014. . |
zaleha yazid. (2014). leaders in self-managed project teams?. - proceedings of the 17th iam conference 2014 / university of limerick. . |
zaleha yazid. (2014). exploring leadership in self-managed project team. - proceedings of the management issues workshop 2014 / fakulti ekonomi dan pengurusan ukm. 162-175. |
zaleha yazid, raudha md ramli, khairul akmaliah adham. (2013). proceedings of the ukm-gsb seminar on writing cases for teaching and publication: caselet review and critique. - seminar on writing cases for teaching and publication: caselet review and critique. . |
zaleha yazid, barbara simpson. (2013). the promise of self-management and the actuality of leadership. - xii international studying leadership conference rome italy. . |
zaleha yazid, khairul akmaliah adham. (2013). the ducks need water. - proceedings of the ukm-gsb seminar on writing cases for teaching and publication : caselet review and critique / ukm-graduate school of business. . |
norizan hassan, aisyah abdul rahman, zaleha yazid. (2013). pengurusan dan pembangunan wakaf pendidikan : kajian kes di selangor, malaysia. - proceeding- 1st international conference on islamic wealth management / tazkia university college of islamic economics, bogor, indonesia.. . |
zaleha yazid. (2012). conflict: useful or harmful in self-managed project teams (smpts)?. - international proceedings of economics development and research, hong kong. . |
zaleha yazid. (2011). exploring the effect of conflict towards self-managed project teams (smpts). - malim-sea journal of general studies. Vol. 12:97-120. |