raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2024). newborn screening - g6pd. - newborn screening workshop in conjunction with rare disease day 2024. 1. |
nur aqilah tajul lile, mohd fikri mustapa, qhasmira abu hazir, raja zahratul azma, sivakumar palaniappan. (2024). a rare case of marrow infiltration by plasmablastic neoplasm. - 21st annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology (asm-msh). 1. |
mohd fikri mustapa, ramlah mohamed ibrahim, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, siti hawa abu amis, sivakumar palaniappan, nor rafeah tumian. (2024). atypical presentation of chronic myeloid leukemia with coexistence bcr::abl1 and jak2 v617f positive: a case report. - 21st annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology (asm-msh). 1. |
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, roihan awg isa, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, najiah ajlaa ayub, muhammad dinie afif jamaludin, ramdiah m.wasnin,chan kok seong, ainoon othman. (2024). g6pd deficiency in sabahan neonates: analysis of prevalence and molecular spectrum. - 21st annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology (asm-msh). 1. |
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, najiah ajlaa ayub, wan ahmad syukri wan abdul aziz2, siti aishah sulaiman, muhammad redha abdullah zawawi, ainoon othman. (2024). prevalence and molecular spectrum of g6pd deficiency in malaysian proto-malay orang asli: a comprehensive analysis. - 21st annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 0. |
afzan binti adam;md jan bin nordin;shahnorbanun binti sahran;raja zahratul azma raja sabudin;suria hayati binti md pauzi. (2023). dynamic compression method based on lossless and reversible decoder for high resolution images.. - . . |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2023). updates of thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathy: technical challenges in diagnosis. - 7th congress of asia association of medical laboratory scientists. 1. |
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, muhammad ziqrill mohd zapri, muhammad dinie afif jamaludin, siti aishah sulaiman, ainoon othman. (2023). small device, big impact: point-of-care testing for glucose-6-phosphate dehyrogenase (g6pd) deficiency in six proto malay orang asli settlements. - international congress of pathology and laboratory medicine (icpalm) 2023. 1. |
alia suzana asri, joclyn priscilla jipun, mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, farah azima, wan ahmad syukri wan abdul aziz, rinie awai @ albert, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma. (2023). thalassaemia and hemoglobinopathies screening among proto malay orang asli community in peninsular malaysia. - international congress of pathology and laboratory medicine (icpalm) 2023. 1. |
cheah fook choe, ainoon othman, azlin ithnin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, norunaluwar jalil, goon jo aan, tan jen kit, armindo salvador. (2023). characterization of the biochemical and enzymatic properties of two novel g6pd mutations.. - . 1-7. |
ahmad farhan kamarudin, sivakumar palaniappan, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, salwati shuib, siti afiqah muhamad jamil, nor rafeah tumian. (2023). comparison of clinicopathological parameters, and treatment responses in younger and older chronic myeloid leukaemia patients treated with imatinib. - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences. 101-110. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, afzan adam. (2023). digital morphology in haematology. - digital pathology malaysia. 1-49. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2023). diagnostic of quantitative glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. - hematologi symposium: exploring ivd decoding the mechanisms of lupus anticoagulant, g6pd deficiencies and beta thalassaemia. 1-54. |
afzan adam, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2023). blood speed screening. - workshop on signal and image processing for healthcare. 1-50. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2023). recent progress in laboratory diagnosis of thalassaemia/haemoglobinopathy and g6pd deficiency. - from detection to precision: the latest in medical and dental diagnostic. 1. |
danny xuan-rong koh, mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, sanggari muniandy, nur awatif akmal muhamad hata, siti noor baya mohd noor, norhazilah zakaria, ainoon othman, endom ismail. (2023). prevalence and molecular heterogeneity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (g6pd) deficiency in the senoi malaysian orang asli population. - plos one. 1-11. |
aida nurul hanim rahman , alina md fauzi, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, ainoon binti othman, cheah fook choe, wan ahmad shukri aziz. (2023). evaluation of carestart s1 analyzer biosensor quantitative assay of g6pd activity and establishment of reference range for point of care testing in diagnosis of g6pd deficiency.. - malaysian journal of pathology. 540. |
muhammad zaim sahul hameed, rosdiadee nordin, aniza ismail, muhammad aidiel zulkifley, aina suraya helmy sham, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, ismail mohd saiboon, zaleha abdullah mahdy. (2023). acceptance of medical drone technology and its determinant factors among public and healthcare personnel in a malaysian urban environment: knowledge, attitude, and perception. - frontiers in public health. 1-9. |
lin hui wong, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, sabariah md noor, nor rafeah tumian, guang yong chong, mohd fikri mustapa, reena rahayu md zain. (2023). characteristics of chronic myeloid leukaemia patients with atypical pattern of bcrabl1 rearrangement: a case series from a single referral centre in malaysia. - malaysian jurnal of pathology. 535. |
siti nurrazan zulkifli, mohd fikri mustapa, lailatul hadziyah mohd pauzy, qhasmira abu hazir, ramlah mohamed ibrahim, raja zahratul azma.. (2023). we are not the same! a case report of discordant lymphoma from a single referral centre in malaysia. - malaysian journal of pathology. 532. |
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, muhammad ziqrill mohd zapri, muhammad dinie afif jamaludin, najiah ajlaa ayub, siti aishah sulaiman, ainoon othman. (2023). small device, big impact: point-of-care testing for glucose-6-phosphate dehyrogenase (g6pd) deficiency in six proto malay orang asli settlements. - malaysian journal of pathology. 529-530. |
alia suzana asri, joclyn priscilla jipun, mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, farah azima, wan ahmad syukri wan abdul aziz, rinie awai @ albert, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma. (2023). thalassaemia and hemoglobinopathies screening among proto malay orang asli community in peninsular malaysia. - malaysian journal of pathology. 530. |
raja zahratul azma. (2023). monitoring post-transplant (chimerism). - malaysian journal of pathology. 498-499. |
siti nur azwa md shahid, azlin itnin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, toh leong tan. (2023). evaluation of mean neutrophil volume and immature to total neutrophil ratio as a biomarker for bacterial sepsis in adult patients. - malaysian journal of pathology. 77-85. |
mohamed afiq hidayat z, raja zahratul azma rs, darnina aj, azlin i, najiah-ajlaa a, hafiza a, norunaluwar j, alina mf, fook choe cheah, lee sim lim, nazarudin s, malisa moh y, ainoon o. (2023). evaluation of quantitative point-of-care test for measurement of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme activity in malaysia. - malaysian journal of pathology. 31-41. |
fc cheah, s merasa, jk tan, ja goon, n jalil, a ithnin, rz azma, a othman, a salvador. (2023). discovery and identification of novel glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase mutations in malaysia. - 14th international congress of human genetics (ichg2023). 443. |
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, siti aishah sulaiman, endom ismail, ainoon othman. (2023). population screening for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency using quantitative point-of-care tests: a systematic review. - frontiers in genetics. 1-11. |
alia suzana asri, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, nor rafeah tumian, siti mariam yusuf, norunaluwar jalil, salwati shuib, raja zahratul azma. (2023). concomitant bcr-abl and jak2 v617f in a patient with myeloproliferative neoplasm: a case report.. - medicine & health. 233-240. |
nor rafeah tumian, ahmad farhan kamarudin, sivakumar palaniappan, guang yong chong, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, salwati shuib, siti afiqah muhamad jamil. (2023). clinicopathological features and treatment responses in elderly onset cml in a single tertiary-level hospital in malaysia. - british journal of haematology. 97. |
siti sarah azman, muhammad dain yazid, nur azurah abdul ghani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, mohd ramzisham abdul rahman & nadiah sulaiman. (2023). generation of a novel ex-vivo model to study re-endothelialization. - artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology. 408-416. |
ahmad zulhimi, raja zahratul azma, ziqrill izapri, norunaluwar jalil, azlin ithnin, rafeah tumian. (2023). calreticulin mutations in myeloproliferative neoplasms patients diagnosed in ukm medical centre. - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences. 48-54. |
putri sabrina mohamed yusoff, norsyahida arifin, petrick periyasamy, nor rafeah tumian, fuad ismail, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, rahmah noordin, emelia osman. (2023). antigenic reactivity of recombinant enterocytozoon bieneusi proteins against serum antibodies in disseminated microsporidiosis patients. - 59th annual scientific conference of the malaysian society of parasitology & tropical medicine. 64. |
jocyln priscilla jipun, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, farah azima abdul muttlib, norunaluwar jalil. (2023). molecular characterization of beta thalassaemia using mlpa probe amplification assay. - 20th malaysian society of haematology, annual scientific meeting. 1. |
aida nurul hanim, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, alina md fauzi, azlin ithnin & ainoon binti othman. (2023). evaluation of carestarttm si analyzer biosensor quantitative assay of rbc g6pd enzyme and establishment of reference range for poct in diagnosing of g6pd def. - 20th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 1. |
hari priya r, alia suzana a, hafiza a, reena rahayu mz, nor rafeah t, sivakumar p, raja zahratul azma rs.. (2022). primary bone marrow lymphoma with secondary central nervous system involvement: a case report. - medicine and health. 298-304. |
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, siti aishah sulaiman, endom ismail, ainoon othman. (2022). point-of-care genetic testing for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (g6pd) deficiency as a novel molecular diagnostic approach: challenges and opportunities. - medical genetics conference kuala lumpur 2022: the future is now. 1. |
qhasmira abu hazir, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, nor rafeah tumian, salwati shuib. (2022). cytogenetics findings and its correlation with overall survival (os) and event free survival (efs) in patients with aml. - the 19th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 1. |
lailatul hadziyah binti mohd pauzy, raja zahratul azma, azlin ithnin, rinie albert, hafiza alauddin. (2022). molecular landscape of cases with borderline hba2 levels in hctm. - the 19th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 0. |
mohd fikri mustapa, raja zahratul azma, azlin ithnin, salwati shuib, thatcheiany kumariah. (2022). significance of aberrant expression of myeloid marker in correlation of cytogenetic abnormality in patient with b-all. - the 19th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 1. |
mohd yazid bin bajuri;abdul halim bin abdul gafor;norlela binti sukor;raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2022). efficacy of wf10 in treatment of diabetic neuropathic wound: a prospective controlled study. - . . |
mohd fikri mustapa, ahmad zulhimi, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, salwati shuib, nor rafeah tumian. (2022). atypical presentation of primary myelofibrosis with calreticulin (calr) mutation: a case report from a single referral centre in malaysia. - malaysian journal of human gemetics. 6-12. |
nadiah binti sulaiman;ruszymah binti haji idrus;mohd ramzisham bin abdul rahman;hafiza binti alauddin;raja zahratul azma raja sabudin;mohd fauzi bin mh busra;muhammad da`in bin yazid. (2022). characterisation of blood outgrowth endothelial cells (boecs) for human saphenous veins (hsv) re-endothelialisation optimisation. - . . |
siti nurrazan z, azma rz, alauddin h, noraesah m. (2022). molecular genetics of alpha thalassaemia in south-east asia: a narrative review. - the 19th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 0. |
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratulazma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, siti aishah sulaiman, endom ismail, ainoon othman. (2022). genetic variants of g6pd deficiency in southeast asian countries and future directions of genomic medicine.. - the 19th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 1. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2022). monitoring post-transplant (chimerism). - the 19th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 1. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2022). importance of thalassaemia screening. - program pertukaran pelajar perubatan asia - amsep malaysia versus pakistan. 1-12. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2022). laboratory investigations in g6pd deficiency: pearls and pitfalls. - malaysian journal of pathology. 313. |
ahmed maseh h, ramin s, jamshid ag, soma r, sarah n, sahar n, najla n, maryam a, ahmad shekib z, rohullah z, haider ali m, abdul sami i, samuel s, tawab b, abdul hadi s, inamullah m, raja zahratul azma. (2022). acute lymphoblastic leukemia with clonal evolution due to delay in chemotherapy: a report of a case. - ejhaem. 1013-1017. |
bin hashim halim-fikri,...norunaluwar jalil, norafiza mohd yasin,...,raja-zahratul-azma raja-sabudin,...zarina abdul latiff, bin alwi zilfalil and the global globin network(ggn). (2022). global globin network consensus paper: classification and stratified roadmaps for improved thalassaemia care and prevention in 32 countries. - journal of personalized medicine. 1-23. |
mohamad fikeri ishak, rohaina che man, muhammad dain yazid, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, mohd ramzisham abdul rahman, nadiah sulaiman. (2022). optimisation of fractalkine (cx3cl1) concentration in monocyte/macrophage recruitment and adhesion to promote vascular re-endothelisation. - tissue engineering part a. 586. |
hari priya r, alia suzana a, hafiza a, reena rahayu mz, nor rafeah t, sivakumar p, raja zahratul azma rs. (2022). primary bone marrow lymphoma with secondary central nervous system involvement: a case report. - medicine & health. 298-304. |
rohaina che man, muhammad dain yazid, mohamad fikeri ishak, mohd ramzisham abdul rahman, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, nadiah sulaiman. (2022). monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (mcp1) in enhancing macrophage and monocyte cell adhesion: potential vascular reendothelialisation approach. - tissue engineering: part a. 585. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2022). technical issues & troubleshooting in diagnosis of thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathies. - workshop: updates in laboratory diagnosis of thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathy. 1-80. |
afiq hidayat m, azma rz, aniza i, ismail ms, rahana ar, mahdy za. (2022). is the drone cost effective? an economic evaluation of drone versus ambulance for blood products transportation. - malaysian journal of public health medicine. 36. |
mohd. yazid bajuri, zalizawati zainol, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, abdul halim abdul gafor, norlela sukor, joerg flemmig, friedrich-wilhelm kuehne. (2022). redox-active clearance of highly glycated rbcs: a new frontier for the treatment of diabetic vasculopathies. - journal of diabetes and treatment. 1-11. |
raja zahratul azma. (2022). molecular analysis of g6pd gene mutations: malaysia experienced. - workshop on genomic medicine & genetic disease. 1-58. |
putri sabrina mohamed yusoff, norsyahida arifin, petrick periyasamy,nor rafeah tumian,fuad ismail,raja zahratul azma raja sabudin,rahmah noordin, emelia osman. (2022). production of enterocytozoon bieneusi recombinant protein and reactivity of its polyclonal antibodies toward encephalitozoon cuniculi. - the 6th international conference on molecular diagnostic and biomarker discovery. 151. |
raja zahratul azma. (2022). approach to acute leukaemia. - morphology workshop 2022. 1-97. |
raja zahratul azma. (2022). digital morphological analysis of blood smears: how does it help hematologists?. - 6th digital pathology & ai congress: asia. 1. |
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, aniza ismail, rahana abd rahman, ismail mohd saiboon, shahnaz irwani sabri, chan kok seong, jamaludin mail, shamsuriani md jamal, gan kok beng, zaleha abdullah mahdy. (2022). influence of drone carriage material on maintenance of storage temperature and quality of blood samples during transportation in an equatorial climate. - plos one. 1-12. |
heng yang lee, azlin ithnin, raja zahratul azma, ainoon othman, armindo salvador, fook choe cheah. (2022). glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: insights on pathophysiology, diagnosis, and gene variants in disease heterogeneity. - frontiers in pediatrics. 1-13. |
siti nurrazan z, azma rz, alauddin h, noraesah m. (2022). molecular genetics of alpha thalassaemia in south-east asia a narrative review. - 24th medical & health research week, faculty of medicine ukm. 1. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2022). the importance of microscopic review on pbs. - mindray international symposium on peripheral blood morphology. 1. |
suria aa, hazlina diyana b, zed zakari ah, nurasyikin y, yousuf r, azma rz. (2021). impact of cd34 stem cell dose on engraftment period in allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplanted patients. - medicine & health. 39-49. |
raja zahratul azma. (2021). haematology, molecular and genetic test of in childhood mds. - malaysian society of paediatric haematology and oncology (maspho) 25th annual scientific meeting 2021. 1. |
afiq hidayat m, azma rz, rahana ar, ismail ms, aniza i, mahdy za. (2021). blood in the air: a narrative review of possible applications of drone in maternal healthcare in malaysia. - 2021 international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm). HM 01. |
putri sabrina mohamed yusoff, norsyahida arifin, petrick periyasamy, nor rafeah tumian, fuad ismail, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, rahmah noordin, noor wanie hassan, emelia osman. (2021). the diagnostic value of blood-based pcr for identification of extraintestinal microsporidiosis in immunocompromised patients. - monash initiate: inaugural monash international health science and technology conference. 136. |
ying ying wong, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin , azlin ithnin , norunaluwar jalil , zarina abdul latiff , c-khai loh , hamidah alias , ainoon othman. (2021). siriraj i gy(aydb)0-thalassaemia causing severe thalassaemia intermedia in compound heterozygous state with ivs1-1(g-t) mutation. - the malaysian journal of pathology. 95-100. |
nor syazana jamali, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, nor rafeah tumian, norunaluwar jalil, rinie awai, siti hawa abu amis, salwati shuib. (2021). h396p mutation in chronic myeloid leukaemia patient on nilotinib - a case report. - the malaysian journal of pathology. 63-68. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2021). basic introduction of pathology: full blood count and urinalysis. - active scientific kick start meeting 2021. 1. |
putri sabrina mohamed yusoff, emelia osman and raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2021). disseminated microsporidiosis: an underdiagnosed and emerging opportunistic disease. - malaysian journal of pathology. 9-18. |
joclyn priscilla jipun, alia suzana asri, farah azima abdul muttlib, wan ahmad syukri wan abdul aziz, rinie awai albert, muhammad ziqrill mohd zapri, norunaluwar jalil, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2021). molecular characterisation of thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathies amomg orang asli proto malay communities in peninsular malaysia. - . 1. |
afzan adam, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin , siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, fazrul hisham musa, liew soo jin, thong wing yin, goh jee yuan, nur amirah athirah shariffuddin, chung yen wann. (2021). intelligent classification of blood cells with machine vision. - 2021 international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine. 1. |
afzan adam, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, fazrul hisham musa, liew soo jin, thong wing yin, goh jee yuan, nur amirah athirah shariffuddin, chung yen wann. (2021). intelligent classification of blood cells with machine vision. - malaysian journal of pathology. 169. |
rohaina che man, muhammad dain yazid, mohamad fikeri ishak, mohd ramzisham abdul rahman, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, nadiah sulaiman. (2021). monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (mcp-1) in enhancing macrophage and monocyte cell adhesion: potential vascular re-endothelialisation approach. - tissue engineering & regenerative medicine international society (termis) : 6th world congress 2021. 1. |
mohamad fikeri ishak, muhammad dain yazid, rohaina che man, mohd ramzisham abdul rahman, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, nadiah sulaiman. (2021). optimisation of fractalkine (cx3cl1) concentration in monocyte/macrophage recruitment and adhesion to promote vascular re-endothelisation. - tissue engineering & regenerative medicine international society (termis) : 6th world congress 2021. 1. |
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, zaleha abdullah mahdy, rahana abdul rahman, ismail mohd saiboon, aniza ismail. (2021). medical drone innovation: an experimental analysis of drone-transported blood samples. - 27th regional congress of the perinatal society of malaysia. 146. |
ma zailani, rz azma, i aniza, ar rahana, ms ismail, is shahnaz, ks chan, m jamaludin, za mahdy. (2021). drone versus ambulance for blood products transportation: an economic evaluation study. - bmc health services research. 1-10. |
ahmed maseh haidary, raja zahratul azma, sarah noor, maryam ahmad. (2021). pseudothrombocytosis due to red blood cell fragmentation in haemoglobin-h disease. - archives of medical case reports. 29-32. |
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul akma raja sabudin, rahana abdul rahman, ismail mohd saiboon, aniza ismail, zaleha abdullah mahdy. (2021). drone technology in maternal healthcare in malaysia: a narrative review. - malaysian journal of pathology. 251-259. |
putri sabrina mohamed yusoff, norsyahida arifin, petrick periyasamy, nor rafeah tumian, fuad ismail, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, rahmah noordin, noor wanie hassan, emelia osman. (2021). the diagnostic value of blood-based pcr for diagnosis of disseminated microsporidiosis in immunocompromised patients. - 57th annual scientific conference of the malaysia society of parasitology and tropical medicine. 93. |
norafiza mohd yasin, haifa hanani mohamad zaki, faidatul syazlin abdul hamid, syahzuwan hassan, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin,norunaluwar jalil, ezalia esa. (2021). genomic landscape of hbe/beta thalassaemia in malaysian population. - national pathology conference 2021. 47. |
hari priya raghyan, raja zahratul azma, hafiza alauddin, reena rahayu md zin, sivakumar palaniappan, nor rafeah tumian. (2021). a case of primary bone marrow lymphoma with secondary cns involvement. - national pathology conference 2021. 45. |
alia suzana asri, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma, rinie awai @ albert, norunaluwar jalil, norlida mohamad tahir. (2021). characterization of haemoglobin malay phenotypes in tertiary hospital. - the 18th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 1. |
ahmad zulhimi, raja zahratul azma, ziqrill zapri, norunaluwar jalil, azlin ithnin. (2021). calreticulin mutations in myeloproliferative neoplasms patients diagnosed in ukm medical centre. - the 18th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 1. |
petros kountouris,bin alwi zilfalil,on behalf of the international hemoglobinopathy research network(inherent),raja zahratul azma,zarina abdul latiff,norunaluwar jalil,sie chong doris lau,nor rafeah tumian,hafiza alauddin,loh ckhai. (2021). the international hemoglobinopathy research network (inherent): an international initiative to study the role of genetic modifiers in hemoglobinopathies. - american journal of hematology. E416-E420. |
alia suzana asri, raja zahratul azma, norlida mt, sharifah ms, m. hafiz, hafizah hashim, norunaluwar jalil, hafiza alauddin.. (2020). homozygous and compound heterozygous hb malay - a case series. - 17th malaysian society of haematology scientific meeting - personalised haematology: now and the future. 72. |
faridah hanim zan, raja zahratul azma, hafiza alauddin, sharifah azura salle, loh c.khai. (2020). human parvovirus b19 and ebv co-infection in hbe/beta thalassemia child associated with bone marrow necrosis and trilineage dysplasia. - 17th malaysian society of haematology scientific meeting - personalised haematology: now and the future. 1-2. |
raja zahratul azma. (2020). morpholoy in haematology disorders. - virtual haematology update 2020. 1. |
m fikri, a zulhilmi, a hafiza, i azlin, j norunaluwar, r z azma. (2020). myeloproliferative neoplasm with cml features but positive calreticulin (calr) - a case report. - 17th malaysian society of haematology scientific meeting. personalised haematology. now and the future. 67. |
raja zahratul azma. (2020). history of pcr and its applications in haematological disorder. - . 1. |
raja zahratul azma. (2020). acute lymphoblastic leukaemia diagnosis and clinical applications of molecular testing. - molecular talks in conjunction with masters of pathology (genetic) examination. 2. |
farah-azima am, maizatul-husna mr, norunaluwar j, hafiza a, azlin i, norafiza my, yuslina my, ermi-neiza ms, shahzuwan h, faidatul-syazlin ah, ezalia e, azma rz and ainoon o. (2020). multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (mlpa) assay: its application in characterising unsolved alpha globin gene rearrangements. - 17th annual scientific meeting, malaysian society of haematology. 67. |
alia suzana asri, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, nor rafeah tumian, siti mariam yusuf, nozi mat zin, norunaluwar jalil, aizuddin al banna ramlee, salwati shuib, raja zahratul azma. (2020). concomitant bcrabl and jak2 v617f mutation in a patient with myeloproliferative neoplasm - a case report. - 17th malaysian society of haematology scientific meeting - personalised haematology: new & the future. 67. |
dewi nurmaya spree, raja zahratul azma, suria abdul aziz, s fadilah s abdul wahid , azlin ithnin. (2020). pre infusion cd34 peripheral blood stem cell enumeration as a predictor of haematopoetic engraftment and chimera status in allogeneic stem cell transplantation. - 17th malaysian society of haematology scientific meeting - personalised haematology: now and the future. 75. |
wee sy, hafiza a, azma rz, norunaluwar j, azlin i, malisa my, qistina wn, ainoon o. (2020). detection of haemoglobin s using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and flow-through hybridization techniques: experience in a tertiary hospital. - medicine & health. 106-118. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2020). diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies: from screening to confirmation of genetic defect. - myhvp newsletter. 4-5. |
diana r, nik norliza nh, wan zaidah a, nurul fatihah a, sarifah h, mohd yassim h, rosnah b, shafini my, mohd nazri h, ariffin n, norsarwany m, surini y, azizah o...zarina abd latiff, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin...alwi zilfalil. (2020). eduvariome hvp malaysia: promoting knowledge and awareness on thalassaemia among secondary school students in north-east of peninsular malaysia. - malaysian journal of human genetics. 34-43. |
m. f. alina, r. z. azma, j. norunaluwar, i. azlin, a. j. darnina, f. c. cheah, a. r. noor-farisah, a. a. siti-hawa, x. r. k.danny, noor-fadzilah zulkifli , o. ainoon. (2020). genotyping of malaysian g6pd-deficient neonates by reverse dot blot flow-through hybridisation.. - journal of human genetics. 263-270. |
shiang yui wee, siti shahrum muhamed said, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin. (2020). microcytic to hypochromic ratio as a discriminant index of thalassaemia trait in subjects with hypochromic anaemia. - malaysian journal of pathology. 195-201. |
darnina abd jalil, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, tang yee loong, noraidah masir. (2020). extramedullary cd20-positive b-lymphoblastic lymphoma in a 5-year-old child: a diagnostic challenge. - malaysian journal of pathology. 273-276. |
afiq hidayat m, azma rz, rahana ar, ismail ms, aniza i, mahdy za. (2020). drone for blood transportation in obstetric haemorrhage: report from the maiden simulation flight. - 1st ogsm virtual scientific conference 2020. 17. |
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, rahana abdul rahman, ismail mohd saiboon, aniza ismail, zaleha abdullah mahdy. (2020). drone for medical products transportation in maternal healthcare: a systematic review and framework for future research. - medicine. 1-6. |
nor syazana jamali, raja zahratul azma, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, nor rafeah tumian, norunaluwar jalil, rinie awai, siti hawa, salwati shuib. (2019). bcrabl1 mutation testing in a patient with treatment failure in cml. - the 16th annual scientific meeting, msh. 121-122. |
nor syazana jamali, raja zahratul azma, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, nor rafeah tumian, norunaluwar jalil, rinie awai, siti hawa, salwati shuib.. (2019). bcr-abl1 mutation testing to predict response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. - . . |
wui chuen chia, tze sean khoo, s fadilah s. abdul wahid, noor farisah abdul razak, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, ainoon othman, roshida hassan, noor hamidah hussin. (2019). multiplex str panel for assessment of chimerism following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (hsct).. - annals of hematology. 1279-1291. |
izyani ahmad, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2019). concavity point and skeleton analysis algorithm for detection and quantization in heavily clumped red blood cells. - international journal on advanced science, engineering and information technology. 1900-1906. |
raja zahratul azma. (2019). why we need to screen newborns for g6pd deficiency. - seminar 'neonatal screening: current practise and future direction' peringkat negeri melaka 2019. 1. |
chung yen wann, dr. afzan adam, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2019). pengelasan penyakit chronic myeloid leukaemia dari imej slaid darah menggunakan teknik pembelajaran mendalam. - laporan teknik ftsm. 1-11. |
nur amirah athirah binti shariffuddin afzan binti adam raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2019). pengecaman sel darah limfoblas dari imej slaid darah menggunakan teknik rule induction. - laporan teknik ftsm. 1-11. |
dr. mohd nur aizat bin mohd yasim, dr. azlin binti ithnin, prof. dr. zahratul azma, prof. dr. cheah fook choe. (2019). evaluation of the performance of a point-of-care diagnostic test for g6pd deficiency in newborn infants with hyperbilirubinemia. - the 26th regional congress of the perinatal society of malaysia. 77. |
wong ying ying, hafiza alauddin,raja zahratul azma1,norunaluwar jalil, noraesah mahmud, ainoon othman. (2019). molecular characterization of alpha thalassaemia among secondary school students in klang valley. - 16th msh annual scientific meeting: targeting haematology towards excellence. 122. |
nur zainura mohamad, norunaluwar jalil, loh c-khai, zarina abdul latiff, hafiza alauddin & raja zahratul azma. (2019). a rare ivs-i-2 (t>c) hbb gene mutation diagnosed in a child with anemia. - hemoglobin. 357. |
qhasmira abu hazir, norunaluwar jalil, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, nurasyikin yusof & nor rafeah tumian. (2019). a fast-moving hemoglobin, hb j-bangkok: a case study from a single referral center in malaysia. - hemoglobin. 358. |
lailatul hadziyah mohd pauzy, norunaluwar jalil, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin & hafiza alauddin. (2019). case series of ivs-ii-666 (c>t) (hbb: c.316-185c>t) polymorphism: experience from a single referral center in malaysia. - hemoglobin. 356. |
jalil norunaluwar, raja zahratul azma, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, zarina abdul latiff, hamidah alias, nor rafeah tumian, malisa mohd yusoff, syahzuwan hassan & ainoon othman. (2019). application of molecular diagnostics in detection of b-thalassemia and hemoglobin variants at hospital canselor tuanku muhriz ukm, kuala lumpur, malaysia. - hemoglobin. 351. |
jalil norunaluwar, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, alauddin hafiza, ithnin azlin, hussin badrulzaman, carmene kah-mei, abu bakar sanada & othman ainoon. (2019). hplc tosoh hlc 723 g8 analyzer performance in detection of b thalassemia and hb e traits. - hemoglobin international journal for hemoglobin research. 355. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, alina md fauzi, darnina abdul jalil, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, cheah fook-choe, najiah-ajlaa ayub, moh yusuf malisa, jalil norunaluwar & othman ainoon. (2019). updates on laboratory tests for diagnosis of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in malaysia. - hemoglobin. 312. |
mohd nur aizat bin mohd yasim, azlin binti ithnin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, cheah fook choe. (2019). evaluation of the performance of a point-of-care diagnostic test for g6pd deficiency in newborn infants with hyperbilirubinaemia. - . . |
mardziah m, salwati s, azlin i, hafiza a, noor farisah ar, noraesah m, tumian nr, wong cl, azma rz. (2019). detection of bcr-abl t315i mutation in imatinib resistant chronic myeloid leukemia patients. - medicine & health. 145-156. |
mohamed afiq hidayat z , azma rz, rahana ar, ismail ms, aniza i, mahdy za. (2019). drone for medical products transportation in obstetric emergencies in malaysia: a narrative review and framework for future research. - minggu penyelidikan perubatan dan kesihatan ke-21, fakulti perubatan, ppukm. 12. |
raja zahratul azma. (2019). bisakah dia nikahi aku? dna: merungkai keperluan saringan dna pra-perkahwinan. - . 1-7. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2019). preventing rejection: the correct procedure for venepuncture. - cme sempena hari patologi 2019, hospital tuanku ampuan najihah. 1. |
raja zahratul azma. (2019). update on laboratory test in diagnostic of g6pd def in m'sia. - seminar pengukuhan profesion jurutenologi makmal perubatan, peringkat zon utara (kedah, perlis dan pulau pinang) 2019. 1. |
raja zahratul azma. (2019). new direction of g6pd testing. - g6pd deficiency what's new?. 1. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, zetti zainol rashid, rafeah tumian, ilina isahak. teh hiok seng and azizah ugusman.. (2019). problem based learning package: bleeding all over. - . 1-30. |
raja zahratul azma. (2019). development and new direction of g6pd testing. - neonatal screening: current practice & future direction. 1. |
ahmed maseh haidary, raja zahratul azma, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, nor rafeah tumian, azmi mohd tamil, noor farisah a razak, siti hawa abu amis, nozi mat zin, salwati shuib. (2019). fish versus real-time quantitative pcr for monitoring of minimal residual disease in chronic myeloid leukaemia patients on tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy. - malaysian journal of pathology. 149-160. |
zarina binti abdul latiff;a. rahman bin a. jamal;hamidah binti alias;azlin binti ithnin;hafiza binti alauddin;nor azian binti abdul murad;raja zahratul azma raja sabudin;doris lau sie chong. (2018). genetic modifiers of hbf and phenotypic severity in malaysian beta-thalassaemia patients. - . . |
s.a.a. razak, n.a.a. murad, f. masra, d.l.s. chong, n. abdullah, n. jalil, h. alauddin, r.z.a.r. sabudin, a. ithnin, l.c. khai, n.a. aziz, z. muda, h. ibrahim and z.a. latiff. (2018). genetic modifiers of fetal haemoglobin (hbf) and phenotypic severity in beta thalassemia patients. - current molecular medicine. . |
suria aa, hafizah h, nurasyikin y, azlin i, yousuf r, azma rz, hamidah nh. (2018). idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome with unusual presentation: two case reports and review of literature. - medicine and health. 208-216. |
kean-chang phang, ariz akhter, nur maya sabrina tizen, faridah abd rahman, raja zahratul azma, ghaleb elyamany, meer-taher shabani-rad, noraidah masir, adnan mansoor. (2018). comparison of protein-based cell-of-origin classification to the lymph2cx rna assay in a cohort of diffuse large b-cell lymphomas in malaysia. - journal of clinical pathology. 215-220. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2018). latest state of art in screening of g6pd deficiency. - the global globin 2020 conference 2018, precision medicine in thalassaemia. . |
norunaluwar jalil, raja zahratul azma, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, zarina abdul latiff, hamidah alias, nor rafeah tumian, noor farisah a. razak, malisa mohd yusoff and ainoon othman. (2018). detection of beta-globin gene deletions in high hbf level patients using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (mlpa). - 29th mimls national scientific conference. . |
hafiza alauddin, khairina kamarudin, tang yee loong, raja zahratul azma, azlin ithnin, norunaluwar jalil, noor-farisah razak, danny koh-xuan-rong, endom ismail, loh c-khai, zarina abdul latiff, hamidah alias & ainoon othman.. (2018). a unique interaction of ivs-i-1 (g>a) (hba2: c.95+1g>a) with hb adana (hba2: c.179g>a) presenting as transfusion-dependent a thalassemia. - hemoglobin. . |
nor ainiza mansor, nurasyikin yusuf, yee-loong tang, azlin ithnin, raja zahratul azma, nor rafeah tumian and salwati shuib. (2018). myelodysplastic syndrome with fibrosis and complex karyotype arising in a patient with essential thrombocythaemia. - malaysian journal of pathology. 191-197. |
izyani ahmad, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2018). morphological features analysis for erythrocyte classification in ida and thalassemia. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications. . |
hamidah alias, woon lee yong, farah azima abdul muttlib, ho wai koo, c-khai loh, sie chong doris lau, hafiza alauddin and raja zahratul azma. (2018). acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura associated with severe adamts13 deficiency in a 3-year-old boy: a case report and review of the literature. - journal of medical case reports. . |
darnina aj, azlin i, azma rz, alina mf, mimi-azura a, cheah fc, nazarudin s, najiah-ajlaa a, malisa my, norunaluwar j and ainoon o.. (2018). point-of-care quantitative measure of g6pd enzyme activity. - global globin 2020 challenge conferences precision medicine in thalassemia. . |
wee s y, azma r z, hafiza a, norunaluwar j, malisa my, qistina wn, ainoon o. (2018). sickle cell case series. - global globin 2020 challenge conferences precision medicine in thalassemia and published in asian journal of medicine and biomedicine unisza. . |
alina mf, azma rz, hafiza a, norunaluwar j, azlin i, zarina al, loh c-k, malisa my, ainoon o. (2018). co-inheritance of haemoglobin e with rare beta-thalassaemia cd 35 (c-a)- the other end of the spectrum of compound heterozygous hbe/ beta-thalassaemia. - the belt and road conference on thalassaemia. . |
raja zahratul azma. (2018). phlebotomy. - seminar sempena hari patologi, jabatan patologi, hospital tuanku ampuan najihah, kuala pilah, negeri sembilan. . |
salwati shuib, hamidah alias, rafeah tumian, azlin ithnin, hafizah alauddin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, siti fairuz abdul rashid. (2018). application of interphase fluorescence in situ hybridisation (ifish) for the detection of chromosome abnormalities in acute lymphoblastic luekaemia. - simposium kebangsaan penyelidikan perubatan dan kesihatan& minggu penyelidikan ke-20. . |
raja zahratul azma. (2018). bone marrow failure. - kursus intensif pelajar sarjana patologi kementerian kesihatan malaysia. . |
raja zahratul azma. (2018). who updates on haematologicam malignancy. - kursus intensif pelajar sarjana patologi kementerian kesihatan malaysia. . |
raja zahratul azma. (2018). normal g6pd activity range for east malaysia population. - mesyuarat ketua-ketua jabatan bersama pengarah hospital wanita dan kanak-kanak, likas, sabah. . |
salwati shuib, siti fairuz abdul rashid, julia mohd idris, siti mariam yusuf, chia wai kit, rafeah tumian, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2018). the importance of interphase fluorescence in situ hybridisation (ifish) in the detection of chromosomal abnormalities in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. - 15th msh annual scientific meeting. . |
ahmed maseh, azma rz, azlin i, hafiza a, tumian nr, azmi mtamil, noor farisah ar siti hawa, mz nozi and salwati shuib. (2018). fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) versus real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qrt-pcr) for monitoring minimal residual disease (mrd) in chronic myeloid leukaemia (cml) patients on. - 15th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
azma rz, hafiza a, azlin i, norunaluwar j, maizatul-husna ma, joanna skk1, farah-hazirah sa, nurul-najiehah nm, najatul-adawiyah k, farah-azima am, ainoon o.. (2018). a comparative study of red blood cell parameters of alpha and beta thalassaemia patients diagnosed in a university hospital in cheras, malaysia. - arc journal of haematology. . |
alina mf, norunaluwar j, azma rz, azlin i, cheah fc, noor-farisah ar, siti-hawa aa, noor-fadzilah zulkifli and ainoon o. (2018). simultaneous detection of g6pd mutations by flow-through hybridization - a potential tool for genetic screening of newborn. - 15th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology, 2018. . |
raja zahratul azma. (2018). diagnosis of g6pd deficiency using enzyme assay kit (park city mc). - cme for physician at park city medical centre. . |
darnina abdul jalil, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, tang yee loong, noraidah masir. (2018). cd20 positive extramedullary b-lymphoblastic lymphoma in a 5-year-old child: a diagnostic challenge. - 15th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
wong yy, azma rz, norunaluwar j, lau dsc, hafiza a.. (2018). hb siriraj causing severe thalassaemia intermedia in compound heterozygote state. - 15th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
hatta rm, azma rz, hafiza a, norunaluwar j, rafeah t, ainoon o. (2018). compound heterozygous hb adana with one gene deletion alpha thalassaemia in pregnancy. - 15th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
goh jee yuan, afzan adam, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin and masri ayob. (2018). automatic leucocytes detector, classifier and counter. - regional conference on non-communicable diseases 2018 (rcncd2018). . |
afzan adam, thong wing yin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin & masri ayub. (2018). automatic detection and counter for lymphoblast cell. - regional conference onf non-communicable diseases. . |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin;shuhaila bt. ahmad;endom bt. ismail;zarina binti abdul latiff;siti hawa binti abu amis;hamidah binti alias;azlin binti ithnin;noor farisah binti a razak;hafiza binti alauddin;norunaluwar binti jalil;nor rafeah binti tumian;. (2018). molecular characterization of unknown alpha and beta globin gene rearrangements.. - . . |
najiah a, darnina aj, azma rz, azlin i, hafiza a, cheah fc, malisa my, saidatul aa, wan ahmad shukri waa lim ls and ainoon o.. (2017). evaluation of quantitative point of care test: g6pd activity in normal subjects using carestarttm biosensor1kit. - 10th malaysia-indonesia-brunei medical sciences conference 2017. . |
fazrul hisham musa, abdullah snhs, raja zahratul azma. (2017). haemathology annotation learning tool. - 14th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
izyani ahmad, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, raja zahratul azma. (2017). counting overlapped red blood cells in microscopic images. - 14th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of hematology. . |
danny xuan rong koh, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, malisa mohd yusoff, noor hamidah hussin, rahimah ahmad, ainoon othman, and endom ismail. (2017). molecular characterisation of alpha and beta thalassaemia among indigenous senoi orang asli communities in peninsular malaysia. - annals of human genetics. 205-212. |
tze sean khoo, wui chuen chia, s fadilah s. abdul wahid, noor farisah a razak, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, ainoon othman, roshida hassan, noor hamidah hussin. (2017). determination of a robust paired-end sequence assembler for short tandem repeat (str) sequences: a simulation-guided approach. - international conference in medicine icim 2017. . |
raja zahratul azma. (2017). laboratory investigations of thalassaemia and challenging cases at ukmmc. - seminar: advances in thalassaemia diagnostics. . |
e yap, nr tumian, rz azma, na sharifah, s salwati, nh hamidah, mh elias, cl wong. (2017). primary imatinib resistance in chronic myeloid leukemia patients in a developing country: bcr-abl kinase domain mutations or bcr-abl independent mechanisms?. - malaysian journal of pathology. 107-113. |
raja zahratul azma. (2017). g6pd deficiency in malaysia: diagnosis and near patient testing. - lecture during a visit to melaka manipal medical college, manipal, india as external examiner. . |
siti aishah abdul razak, nor azian abdul murad, doris lau sie chong, farin masra, raja zahratul azma, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, hamidah alias, zarina abdul latiff, rahman jamal. (2017). detection of genetic modifiers of hbf among malaysian beta-thalassemia patients. - malaysian society of haematology 14th annual scientific meeting. . |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2017). molecular analyses for thalassaemia detection in ukmmc. - basic thalassaemia screening workshop. . |
raja zahratul azma. (2017). diagnosis of g6pd deficiency using enzyme assay kit. - diagnosis of g6pd deficiency in malaysia. . |
salwati shuib, ahmed maseh haidary, siti fairuz abd. rashid, chia wai kit, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, rafeah tumian, zubaidah zakaria. (2017). detection of recurrent chromosomal abnormalities in multiple myeloma: a comparison between karyotyping and interphase fluorescence in situ hybridisation (ifish) methods. - 7th regional conference on molecular medicine (rcmm) in conjunction with 3rd national conference for cancer research (nccr). . |
salwati shuib, rz azma, hafiza alauddin, norafiza mohd yasin, julia mohd idris, chia wk. (2017). two novel translocations in a complex karyotype of a patient with acute myeloid leukaemia transformed from myelodysplastic syndrome. - malaysian society of haematology 14th annual scientific meeting. . |
hafiza alauddin, mustafa langa, malisa mohd yusoff, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, noor farisah abdul razak, nor hidayati sardi, noor hamidah hussin. (2017). detection of a-thalassaemia in neonates on cord blood and dried blood spot samples by capillary electrophoresis. - malaysian journal of pathology. 17-23. |
maizatul-husna mr, azma rz, noraesah m, azizon o, raudhawati o, mimi -azura a, siti-shahrum ms, suzana z, noor-hidayat h and ainoon o. (2017). characterization of alpha globin gene mutations diagnosed in hkl. - 14th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
norunaluwar j, azma rz, hafiza a, azlin i, badrulzaman h, carmene c, sanada ab and ainoon o. (2017). determination of hba2 level among beta-thalassaemia and haemoglobin-e traits by ion exchange hplc tosoh hlc-723 g8 analyzer. - 14th annual scientific meeting, malaysian society of haematology. . |
norunaluwar j, azlin i, azma rz, hafiza a, malisa my, illaina hikmah i, nurul izzah ar, and ainoon o. (2017). evaluation of g6pd enzyme activity in neonates by mindray g6pd test kit on mindray bs-480. - 14th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
darnina abd jalil, azlin ithnin, raja zahratul azma, mimi azura aziz, cheah foo choe, nazarudin safian, najiah ajlaa ayub, malisa mohd yusoff, and ainoon othman.. (2017). evaluaton of poct (point of care testing); carestart biosensor; single kit and carestart biosensor 1; combo kit vs the standard reference method (osmmr2000d) in the quantification of g6pd enzyme level. - 14th annual scientific meeting, malaysian society of haematology. . |
farah azima am, maizatul-husna mr, azma rz, hafiza a, azlin i, zarina al, hamidah a, noor-farisah ar, shuhaila a and ainoon o. (2017). the use of multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (mlpa) assay in detecting alpha thalassaemia gene abnormalities: comparison with multiplex pcr. - 14th malaysian society of haematology annual scientific meeting. . |
yong woon lee, raja zahratul azma, hamidah alias, loh c-khai, farah azima abdul muttlib.. (2017). a rare case of acquired thrombotic thrombocytopeia purpura in a 3-old-child. - 14th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
najiah aa, darnina aj, azma rz, azlin i, lim ls, hafiza a, malisa my, saidatul aa, wan ahmad shukri waa and ainoon o.. (2017). near patient testing of g6pd enzyme activity by carestart tm biosensor 1 kit. - 3rd msmlt national scientific conference. . |
raja zahratul azma. (2017). near patient testing of g6pd enzyme activity. - 3rd national scientific conference malaysian society of medical technology laboratory. . |
raja zahratul azma. (2017). laboratory screening and diagnosis of thalassaemia. - 8th national thalassaemia: course on clinical management of thalassaemia. . |
omayma seb, nurasyikin y, azma rz, suria aa, chandramaya s, noraidah m. (2017). the msi2 protein expression positive correlation with favorable cytogenetics findings in aml. - medicine and health. 66-82. |
siti aisyah abdul razak, nor azian abdul murad, doris lau sie chong, farin masra, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, hamidah alias, zarina abdul latif, rahman jamal. (2017). genetic modifiers of hbf and phenotypic severity among malaysian beta-thalassemia patients. - global globin 2020 challenge (gg2020) conference. . |
nadila haryani osman, jameela sathar, chooi fun leong, noor fadzilah zulkifli, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, ainoon othman, asral wirda ahmad asnawi. (2017). importance of extended blood group genotyping in multiply transfused patients. - transfusion and apheresis science. 410-416. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2017). kekurangan aktiviti enzim g6pd dan cara pengesanannya. - . 1-6. |
nor syazana, norunaluwar j, azma rz, hafiza a, azlin i, noor farisah ar, siti hawa, malisa my, zarina al, hamidah a, loh ck, azian m, ainoon o. (2017). concomitant inheritance of alpha-thalassaemia in beta thalassaemia major: a case report. - global globin 2020 challence conference 2017. . |
muhammad uzair sahrin, abdullah snhs, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, fazrul hm, izyani ahmad, afzan adam. (2017). haemathology image analysis kit. - international conference on engineering education and research (feiic) 2017. . |
norunaluwar j, azma rz, hafiza a, azlin i, zarina al, hamidah a, nor-rafeah t, endom i, danny-koh xr, noor-farisah ar, malisa my, rahimah a, and ainoon o. (2017). detection of beta thalassaemia mutations by multiplex amplification refractory system and gap-pcr. - global globin 2020 challenge conference 2017. . |
norunaluwar j, hafiza a, azlin i, azma rz, malisa my, illaina hikmah i, nurul izzah ar, and ainoon o. (2017). g6pd enzyme activity in normal neonates by mindray g6pd test kit on mindray bs-480. - indian ocean rim 2017, laboratory haematology congress. . |
syirah nmt, ida mi, suria aa, azma rz, azlin i, rahimah a, norunaluwar j, hamidah a, zarina al, loh ck, hafiza a.. (2017). alpha-globin gene triplication in beta thalassaemia patients at htcm, ukmmc. - 14th annual scientific meeting, malaysian society of haematology. . |
tang yee loong, doris lau sie chong, a. rahman a. jamal, nor azian abdul murad, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, leong chooi fun. (2016). first reported case of haemoglobin-m hyde park in a malay family living in malaysia. - experimental and clinical sciences international online journal for advances in science. 630-635. |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2016). history and applications of pcr in haematological disorders. - bengkel pemantapan dan penambahbaikan cara kerja menggunakan teknik molekular. . |
raja zahratul azma. (2016). clinical applications of cytogenetics and molecular analysis in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. - bengkel pemantapan dan penambahbaikan cara kerja menggunakan teknik molekular. . |
m faridah, o raudhawati, a rahimah, rz azma, i azlin, nh hamidah, s norhidayati, a hafiza. (2016). haemoglobin paksé or haemoglobin constant spring?. - 13th msh annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
noraidah masir, zarina abdul latif, nurismah md isa, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, faridah mohd nor, tzar mohd nizam khaithir, noor zetti zainol rashid, leong chooi fun, zalina ismail, hanita othman, dian nasriana nasuruddin. (2016). master of pathology : guide to trainees and trainers 2016. - . 1-85. |
raja-zahratul azma, khamisah m-gaus, suria a-aziz, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, noor-farisah razak, nor-hidayati sardi, malisa mohd-yusoff, zarina a-latiff, hamidah alias, endom ismail, danny koh-xuan-rong and ainoon othman. (2016). detection of homozygous haemoglobin constant spring by capillary electrophoresis method.. - arc journal of hematology. 28-32. |
joanna skk, farah hazirah sa, nurul najiehah nm, najatul adawiyah k, muhammad zm, norunaluwar j, maizatul husna ma, hafiza a, azlin i, raja zahratul azma rs. (2016). a comparative study of haematological parameters of alpha and beta thalassaemia patients diagnosed in ukm med centre. - the 8th medical undergraduates annual scientific research meeting. . |
azlin i, azma rz, cheah fc, jubaidah p, nurulfatihah s, emida m, farisah nr, siti hawa aa, hafiza a, ainoon o. (2016). neonatal jaundice in g6pd-deficient females and the association with commonly occurring genetic mutations using single-nucleotide polymorphism detection via real-time pcr. - the 13th msh annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2016). polymerase chain reaction past, present, future. - 13th msh annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2016). diagnosis of g6pd deficiency in malaysia. - the joint international tropical medicine meeting. . |
raja zahratul azma. (2016). optimization of g6pd assays. - mindray diagnostic update: congenital anemia 2016. . |
nadila haryani osman, asral wirda ahmad asnawi, noor fadzilah zulkifli, ainoon othman, jameela sathar, leong chooi fun, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2016). importance of extended blood group genotyping in multiply transfused patients. - journal of contemporary issue and thought. 64-72. |
ariz akhter, muhammad kashif mughal, ghaleb elyamany, gary sinclair, raja zahratul azma, noraidah masir, salwati shuib, fariborz rashid-kolvear, meer-taher shabani-rad, douglas allan stewart, adnan ma. (2016). multiplexed automated digital quantification of fusion transcripts: comparative study with fluorescent in-situ hybridization (fish) technique in acute leukemia patients. - diagnostic pathology. 1-5. |
raja zahratul azma. (2016). g6pd quantitative assay: ukm medicalk experience. - red cells update, 2016. . |
mardziah m, salwati s, azlin i, hafiza a, farisah nr, noraesah m, siti hawa aa, aizuddin ab, tumian nr, wong cl, azma rz. (2016). detection of t315i mutated bcr-abl in imatinib mesylate resistance chronic myeloid leukemia patients diagnosed in ukmmc. - the 13th msh annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
norunaluwar jalil, raja zahratul azma, emida mohamed, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, siti noor baya, ainoon othman. (2016). evaluation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase stability in stored blood samples. - excli journal. 155-162. |
norunaluwar j, azma rz, hafiza a, azlin i, khairiliah ak, rusilawaty a, emida m, zarina al, hamidah a, rafeah t, farisah nar, malisa my, rahimah a, azian nam and ainoon o. (2016). detection of beta thalassaemia alleles: multiplex amplification refractory mutation system versus flow through hybridization kit. - the 13th msh annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
tang yee loong, doris lau sie chong, a rahman a jamal, nor azian abdul murad, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, leong chooi fun. (2016). first reported case of hereditary haemoglobin-m hyde park in malaysia. - the 13th msh annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. . |
raja zahratul azma. (2016). g6pd deficiency screening in malaysia. - access bio conference. . |
raja zahratul azma. (2016). acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: clinical applications of molecular testing and minimal residual disease. - 27th national scientific conference malaysian institute of medical laboratory sciences. . |
izyani ahmad, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2016). geometrical vs spatial features analysis of overlap red blood cell algorithm. - proceeding of 2016 international conference on advances in electrical, electronic and system engineering (icaeese 2016). 254-259. |
raja zahratul azma. (2016). infection and reactive changes in bone marrow trephine biopsy. . - bone marrow pathology workshop. . |
omayma saad eldeen bakheet, nurasyikin yusof, azma raja zahratul, azlin ithnin, suria abdul aziz, hamidah alias. (2016). secondary sea-blue histiocytosis in a patient with transfusion dependent hbe-beta thalassaemia and osteosarcoma. - indian journal of hematology and blood transfusion. s262-s266. |
khairiliah ak, emida m, rz azma, rusilawaty a, norunaluwar j. (2015). spectrum of beta gene mutations in patients diagnosed in ukmmc by using multiplex amplification refractory mutation system (marms).. - final year project presentation, uitm. . |
nadila haryani osman, asral wirda ahmad asnawi, leong chooi fun, jameela sathar, raja zahratul azma, noor fadzilah zulkifli, ainoon othman. (2015). a comparison between two sampling methods for extended red cell genotyping using taqman single nucleotide polymorphisms. - 2015 annual scientific meeting, 40th anniversary celebration of pathology advocates. . |
hafiza alauddin, suziana mohamad nasir, madzlifah ahadon, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, noor hamidah hussin, hamidah alias, loh c-khai, zarina abdul latiff, nor azian abdul murad, ai. (2015). hb lepore/b thalassaemia with a+- thalassaemia interactions, a potential diagnostic pitfall. - malaysian journal of pathology. 287-292. |
e yap, nr tumian, mh elias, rz azma, na sharifah, s salwati, nh hamidah, saw fadilah, cl wong. (2015). primary imatinib resistance in chronic myeloid leukemia patients: a critical analysis of the bcr-abl kinase domain mutations and clinical outcomes in a developing country. - the 55th annual scientific meeting of the british society for haematology. . |
nr tuman, e yap, rz azma, nh hamidah, s salwati, na sharifah, saw fadilah, cl wong. (2015). nilotinib as first line tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment for newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia patients:a preliminary review of the clinical presentation and outcomes in a developing country. - 55th annual scientific meeting of the british society for haematology. . |
tang yee loong, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, leong chooi fun, clarence ko ching huat, chia wai kit, salwati shuib and wong chieh lee. (2015). double philadelphia chromosome-positive b acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in an elderly patient. - the malaysian journal of pathology. 275-279. |
farisah nr, siti hawa aa, hidayati ns, norunaluwar j, aizuddin b, hamidah nh, azlin i, hafiza a, rafeah t, fadilah saw, azma rz. (2015). quantification of bcr-abl transcripts in chronic myeloid leukemia (cml) patients by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. - minggu penyelidikan perubatan dan kesihatan ke 17. . |
nurasyikin yusuf, caroline ho siew ling, hafiza alauddin, suria abdul aziz m, indhira subiah & raja zahratul azma. (2015). assessment of iron deficiency in the paediatric age group: the clinical utility of reticulocyte haemoglobin equivalent (retic-he). - the malaysian journal of pathology. 199. |
nor khairina mohamed kamaruddin, caroline ho siew ling, faridah ahmad maulana, raja zahratul azma, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, noor farisah abdul razak, nor hidayati sardi, rafeah tumian, ainoon ot. (2015). concomitant hbh-pakse with jak2v617f mutation: case report. - the malaysian journal of pathology. 196. |
azlin ithnin, jubaidah paraja, raja zahratul azma, hafiza alauddin, cheah foo choe, noor farisah abdul razak, siti hawa abu amis, siti noor baya mohd noor, ainoon othman. (2015). neonatal jaundice in g6pd-deficient females and the association with commonly occurring genetic mutations using single-nucleotide polymorphism detection via real-time pcr. - malaysian journal of pathology. 198. |
hafiza alauddin, suziana mohamad nasir, madzlifah ahadon, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, noor hamidah hussin, hamidah alias, loh c-khai, zarina abdul latiff, nor azian abdul murad, ain. (2015). hb lepore/b0-thalassaemia with a+-thalassaemia interactions, a potential diagnostic pitfall. - malaysian journal of pathology. 287-292. |
siti hawa aa, farisah nr, hidayati ns, jubaida paraja md, nurulfatihah s, nur asma m, norunaluwar j, aizuddin ab, cheah fc, hafiza a, azma rz, azlin i. (2015). detection of g6pd variants among malaysian newborns with g6pd abnormalities in ukmmc by molecular testing. - minggu penyelidikan perubatan dan kesihatan kali ke17. . |
mardziah mohamad, suria abdul aziz, raja zahratul azma, rafeah tumian, wk chia, wan hayati mohd yaakob, salwati shuib. (2015). trisomy 8 and double philadelphia chromosome in a cml patient on imatinib mesylate therapy. - the malaysian journal of pathology. 197. |
rusilawati a, emida m, azma rz, khairiliah ak, norunaluwar j. (2015). detection of beta-globin gene mutations in malaysia: comparison between marms and fth methods. - final year project presentation, uitm. . |
danny koh xuan rong, endom ismail, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, noor hamidah hussin and ainoon othman. (2015). hemoglobinopathies and thalassemia screening among senoi orang asli in peninsular malaysia. - the 2015 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium: proceedings of the universiti kebangsaan malaysia, faculty of science and technology 2015 postgraduate colloquium. 030033. |
endom bt. ismail, noor hamidah bt. hussin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2015). investigation of carrier frequency and genetic variations for hemoglobinopathies and thalassemia among senoi orang asli in peninsular malaysia. - . . |
mustafa langa, hafiza alauddin, malisa mohd yusoff, raja zahratul azma, azlin ithnin, farisah nr, nor hidayati sardi, noor hamidah hussein. (2015). screening of a-thalassaemia in newborns by capillary electrophoresis system on fresh and dried cord blood samples. - malaysian journal of pathology. 197. |
yazan alomari, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, raja zaharatul azma, khairuddin omar, izyani binti ahmad. (2015). iterative randomized irregular circular algorithm for proliferation rate estimation in brain tumor ki-67 histology images. - digital pathology congress: asia 2015. . |
izyani ahmad, s.n.h.s. abdullah, k. omar, raja zahratul azma. (2015). geometrical vs spatial features analysis of overlap circle algorithm. - the 4th cait postgraduate seminar caitps2015. 86-91. |
syirah nazirah, suria abdul aziz, firdaus mashuri, rafeah tumian, raja zahratul azma. (2015). potentially fatal acquired haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (hlh) due to dengue infection. - malaysian journal of pathology. 194. |
norunaluwar j, khairiliah ausikhin k, rusilawaty a, azma rz, emida m, hafiza a, azlin i, zarina al, hamidah a, rafeah t,noor farisah ar, malisa my, ainoon o. (2015). molecular analysis of beta-globin gene mutations in ukmmc using multiplex amplification refractory mutation system and flow-through hybridization kit: a comparison of two methods. - 2015 annual scientific meeting of the college of pathologists, academy of medicine malaysia & 40th anniversary celebration of the pathology advocates at berjaya times square hotel kuala lumpur. . |
ahmad nasiruddin mustafa, raja zahratul azma, raudhawati osman, wan hayati mohd yaakob, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, nurasyikin yusuf, afifah hassan. (2015). influence of multiple, regular plateletpheresis donations on immature platelet fraction and platelet count. - 2015 annual scientific meeting of the college of pathologists, academy of medicine malaysia & 40th anniversary celebration of the pathology advocates at berjaya times square hotel kuala lumpur. . |
nor khairina mohamed kamaruddin, caroline ho siew ling, faridah ahmad maulana, raja zahratul azma, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, noor farisah,abdul razak, nor hidayati sardi, rafeah tumian, ainoon. (2015). concomitant hbh-paksé with jak2v617f mutation : case report. - 2015 annual scientific meeting, 40th anniversary celebration of pathology advocates. . |
e yap, nr tumian, rz azma, na sharifah, s salwati, nh hamidah, saw fadilah, cl wong. (2014). disease behaviour and clinical characteristics of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia with bcr-abl kinase domain mutations. - xith malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
raja-zahratul a. raja sabudin, ainoon othman, khalid-awad e. ahmed-mohamed, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, hamidah alias, zarina abdul-latif, srijit das, fadhilah s. abdul-wahid, noor h. hussin. (2014). immature reticulocyte fraction is an early predictor of bone marrow recovery post chemotherapy in patients with acute leukemia. - saudi medical journal. 35(4):346-349. |
z norsafina, rz azma, i azlin, y nurasyikin, a hafiza, o nurasyikin, n rus mazeni. (2014). diagnostic performance of reticulocyte haemoglobin equivalent (ret-he) in detecting iron deficiency anaemia in haemodialysis patient. - malaysian journal of pathology. 113. |
m ahmad nasirudin, y nurasyikin, rz azma, i azlin, wk loh, za zainura anita, z mohd yazid. (2014). bone marrow necrosis in a chronic myeloid leukaemia patient receiving imatinib treatment. - malaysian journal of pathology. 116-117. |
l mustafa, y nurasyikin, rz azma, aa suria, m noraidah, t rafeah, saw fadilah. (2014). cold aiha in primary bone marrow follicular lymphoma. - 2014 international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm) & 48th malaysia-singapore congress of medicine. . |
azma rz, siti zubaidah m, azlin i, hafiza a, nurasyikin y, nor hidayati s, noor farisah ar, noor hamidah h, ainoon o. (2014). detection of partial g6pd deficiency using osmmr2000-d kit with hb normalization. - medicine and health. 11-21. |
m ahmad nasirudin, y nurasyikin, rz azma, i azlin, wk loh, za zainura anita, z mohd yazid. (2014). bone marrow necrosis in cml patient receiving imatinib treatment. - 2014 international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm) & 48th malaysia-singapore congress of medicine. . |
z norsafina, rz azma, i azlin, y nurasyikin, a hafiza, o nurasyikin, n rus mazeni. (2014). diagnostik performance of reticulocyte haemoglobin equivalent (ret-he) in detecting iron deficiency anaemia in haemodialysis patient. - 2014 international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm) & 48th malaysia-singapore congress of medicine. . |
caroline h, azma rz, hafiza a, azlin i, noorhidayati s, zarina al, hamidah a. (2014). a case report: non-deletional hbh-hb quong sze disease. - international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm) & 48th malaysia-singapore congress of medicine. . |
j norunaluwar, rz azma, i azlin, a hafiza, sn baya, m emida, o ainoon. (2014). evaluation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase stability in stored edta blood samples. - malaysian journal of pathology. 112-113. |
j norunaluwar, rz azma, i azlin, a hafiza, sn baya, m emida, o ainoon. (2014). rbc g6pd activity measurement - a comparison between whole blood edta sample and dried blood spot. - 2014 international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm) & 48th malaysia-singapore congress of medicine. . |
caroline h, azlin i, azma rz, indhira s, ehram j, soo min l. (2014). a case of hairy cell leukaemia presenting as a third malignancy. - the xith malaysian national haematology scientific meeting 2014. . |
mustafa l, azma rz, suria aa, chia wk, salwati s, rafeah t, fadilah saw. (2014). cml in blast crisis with double ph chromosome and trisomy 19. - the xith malaysian national haematology scientific meeting 2014. . |
nozi mat zin, wan ahmad shukri wan abdul aziz, najiah ajla ayub, nurul anisyah nuroddin, ilaina hikmah ismail, azlin ithnin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2014). evaluation of alternative dried reagents for cd4 and cd8 t-cell lymphocyte enumeration using flow cytometry system. - the xith malaysian national haematology scientific meeting 2014. . |
raja-zahratul azma raja-sabudin, suziana m nor, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, rafeah tumian, chia wai kit, salwati shuib. (2014). burkitt lymphoma with additional isochromosome 1q in an adult hiv-positive patient. - case reports in clinical pathology. 1(2):5-11. |
raja zahratul azma, ainoon othman, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, noor farisah abdul razak, nor hidayati sardi, noor hamidah hussin. (2014). molecular characteristic of alpha thalassaemia among patients diagnosed in ukm medical centre. - malaysian journal of pathology. 36(1):27-32. |
nh hamidah, nr farisah, rz azma, o ainoon, a hafiza, saw fadillah. (2014). str analysis for chimerism status of allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. - 2014 international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm) & 48th malaysia-singapore congress of medicine. malaysian j pathol. . |
yazan m. alomari, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, raja zaharatul azma, and khairuddin omar. (2014). automatic detection and quantification of wbcs and rbcs using a modified circle detection algorithm. - computational and mathematical methods in medicine. Article ID 979302. |
hafiza alauddin, noor-adilah jaapar, raja z azma, azlin ithnin, noor-farisah a razak, c-khai loh, hamidah alias, zarina abdul-latiff, ainoon othman. (2014). a case series alpha-thalassaemia intermedia due to compound heterozygosity for hb adana with other alpha-thalassaemias in malay families.. - hemoglobin. 277 - 281. |
salwati shuib, raja zahratul azma, rafeah tumian, chia wk, julia mohd idris, siti mariam yusuf, sharifah na, tang yl, zubaidah zakaria. (2014). karyotyping and fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) analysis of multiple myeloma. - malaysian journal of pathology. 114-115. |
nh osman, aw ahmad asnawi, cf leong, rz azma, a othman, j sathar. (2014). low dna concentration from buccal swab can be used for blood group molecular genotyping. - 2014 international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm) & 48th malaysia-singapore congress of medicine. . |
nr tumian, e yap, rz azma, nh hamidah, s salwati, na sharifah, saw fadilah, cl wong. (2014). nilotinib as first line tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment for newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia patients in chronic phase. - xith malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
omayma sa, azma rz, suria aa, azlin i, nurasyikin y, loh ck, zarina al and hamidah a. (2013). secondary sea-blue histiocytosis in a patient with hbe-beta thalassemia major. - xth malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
khamisah mg, azma rz, suria aa, hafiza a, leong cf, farisah nr, hidayati ns, malisa my, zarina al, hamidah a, loh ck, ainoon o. (2013). detection of homozygous haemoglobin constant spring by capillary electrophoresis method. - xth malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
madzlifah a, suziana mn, azma rz, hafiza a, azlin i, farisah nr, malisa my, hidayati ns, loh ck, hamidah a, zarina al, hamidah nh, ainoon o. (2013). co-inheritance of compound heterozygous hb lepore and beta-thalassaemia with single gene deletion a-thalassaemia (-a3.7 type): a case report. - international conference on medical and health sciences. . |
danny kxr, endom i, azma rz, hamidah nh, ainoon o, aizzat naeeim n, zafirah j, hanisah s, azalah kamilah a, zafirah z, nurul izzati atiqi s, malisa my, siti noor baya mn. (2013). a population study on thalassaemia and hemoglobinopathy among jahut population. - international conference on medical and health sciences. . |
hafiza a, tang yl, azma rz, azlin i, loh ck, hamidah a, zarina al, ainoon o. (2013). a severe a-thalassaemia due to compound heterozygosity for rare codon 59 (ggc>gac) with ivs i nt i (g/a) mutations in a2-gene. - international conference on medical and health sciences. . |
madzlifah a, suziana mn, azma rz, hafiza a, azlin i, farisah nr, malisa my, hidayati ns, loh ck, hamidah a, zarina al, hamidah nh, ainoon o. (2013). co-inheritance of compound heterozygous hb lepore and beta-thalassaemia with single gene deletion alpha-thalassaemia: a case report. - international conference on medical & health sciences. . |
azma rz, endom i, danny kxr, zafirah j, zafirah z, azlah kamilah a, hanisah s, aizat naeeim n, hafiza a, azlin i, hamidah nh, ainoon o. (2013). interaction of haemoglobin e and haemoglobin constant spring in a jahut family. - international conference on medical and health sciences. . |
alias hamidah, rahman nuruzawani a, loh c-khai, eni juraida ar, lim ys, salwati shuib, azma rz, jamal rahman, zarina al, mahfuzah m, ibrahim hishamshah, veerman ajp. (2013). identification of ikzf1 (ikaros) deletions in children with b-cell progenitor acute lymphoblastic leukemia - a multicentre study in malaysia : preliminary results. - 7th st. jude-viva forum in pediatric oncology. . |
suziana mn, hafiza a, azma rz, fadhilah saw, rafeah t, cheah wk, salwati s, sharifah a, hamidah nh. (2013). burkitt lymphoma with additional isochromosome 1q in an adult hiv-positive patient. - xth malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
endom ismail, danny koh xuan rong, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, noor hamidah hussin, ainoon othman, aizzat naeeim nordin, hanisah sa`ad, zafirah zainuddin, nurul izzati atiqi md salleh & siti noor. (2013). glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase (g6pd) deficiency among senoi orang asli`s children: recommendation for a mandatory population screening. - 8th malaysia indonesia brunei medical sciences conference. . |
danny koh xuan rong, endom ismail, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, noor hamidah hussin & ainoon othman. (2013). thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathy among temiar orang asli population in malaysia: calls for awareness among young generation. - 8th malaysia indonesia brunei medical sciences conference. . |
y.l. tang, azma rz, c.f. leong, c.h. ko, hafiza a., w.k. chia, sharifah na, c.l. wong. (2013). double philadephia chromosome positive b acute lymphoblastic leukaemia seen in an elderly. - the xth malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
nh hamidah, mn suziana, mf tun maizura, z maimiza, o raudhawati, rz azma, h roshidah and ak faraizah. (2013). genetic and treatment-related factors in inhibitor development among severe haemophilia a patients - a preliminary report. - international conference on medical & health sciences. . |
adilah nj, azlin i, hidayati ns, azma rz, shareena i. (2013). evaluation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase stability in stored blood samples. - the xth malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
raja zahratul azma, ainoon othman, norazlina azman, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, nurasyikin yusof, noor farisah razak, nor hidayati sardi, noor hamidah hussin. (2012). co-inheritance of compound heterozyqous hb constant spring and a single -a3.7 gene deletion with heterozyqous db thalassaemia: a diagnostic challenge. - malaysian journal of pathology. 34(1):57-62. |
nurasyikin y, shenaz sk, suria aa, azma rz, zarina al, hamidah a, salwati s, zubaidah z, hamidah nh. (2012). infantile acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia with t(1:22) in a non-down syndrome child. - medicine & health. 112-119. |
hafiza a, jaapar na, azma rz, azlin i, hamidah nh, ainoon o. (2012). a case series of hb adanainteraction with beta thalassaemia. - malaysian journal of pathology. 34(2):198. |
raja z. azma, noor a. jaapar, hafiza alauddin, suria a. aziz, azlin ithnin, noor h. hussin chia w. kit, rafeah tumian, zubaidah zakaria, sharifah n. akmal, salwati shuib. (2012). a rare t (9; 12; 22) (q34; q23; q11) translocation in a patient with typical chronic myeloid leukemia: a case report. - journal of hematological malignancies. 2(4): 17-21. |
adilah nj, azma rz, suria aa, azlin i, hafiza a, hamidah nh,salwati s, chia wk, rafeah t, zubaidah z, sharifah na. (2012). a rare t (9; 12; 22) (q34; q23; q11) translocation in a patient with typical chronic myeloid leukemia: a case report. - malaysian journal of pathology. 34(2):203. |
raja-zahratul a raja-sabudin, azura a hamid, nurasyikin yusof, hafiza alauddin, sivagengei kulaveerasingam, norzi m zin, siti-aishah m ali, rohaizak muhammad, srijit das, ainoon othman, noor h hussin. (2012). immunophenotyping analysis of lymph node biopsies by flow cytometry. - saudi medical journal. 33(10):1131-3. |
khairul azreen mohamad sabri, koh min jie, quek khai wen, syairah sabtu, nor anith mohd azhar, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin , noor hamidah hussin, rafeah tumian , hamidah alias, zarina ab. (2012). identification of chromosomal rearrangements in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (all) using conventional and molecular cytogenetic methods. - the 4th medical undergraduates annual scientific research meeting 2012. . |
r.z. azma, o. ainoon, i. azlin, h. hamenuddin, n.a. hadi, w.k. tatt, i.n. syazana, a.m. asmaliza,s. das, n.h. hamidah. (2012). prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia and thalassaemia trait among undergraduate medical students. - la clinica terapeutica. 163(4):287-291. |
hafiza alauddin, malisa mohd yusoff, , rd aidifitrina khirotdin, azlin ithnin , raja zahratul azma , matthew chong kwok thong,irwan mohamad ali, noor hamidah hussin. (2012). hba2 levels in normal, beta-thalassaemia and haemoglobin e carriers by capillary electrophoresis. - malaysian journal of pathology. 34(2) : 161-164. |
khairul azreen mohamad sabri, koh min jie, quek khai wen, syairah sabtu, nor anith mohd azhar, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin , noor hamidah hussin, rafeah tumian, zarina abdul latiff, salwati shuib. (2012). identification of chromosomal rearrangements in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (all) using conventional and molecular cytogenetic methods. - novel research and innovation competition 2012. . |
hamidah nh, suzana z, azma rz, azlin i, hafiza a, mohd ariff mh,raudhawati o. (2011). analysis of immature platelet fraction in dengue infection. - the ixth malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
hafiza a, malissa y, aidifitrina m, azlin i, azma rz and hamidah nh. (2011). the hba2 levels in normal, ?-thalassaemia and haemoglobin e heterozygotes in by capillary electrphoresis.. - the ixth malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
azlin i, hafiza a, azma rz, aidifitrina rk, hamidah nh. (2011). effect of higher centrifugarion speed and shortened centrifugation time on prothrombin and activated thromboplastin time. - medicine & health. 68-72. |
hafiza a, azma rz, chong mkt, irwan ma, yeoh z-n, lailyvia mi, nur rabiatuladawiyah mr, aidilfitrina m, malissa y, azlin i, hamidah nh. (2011). the hba2 levels in normal, b -thalassaemia and haemoglobin e heterozygotes and haemoglobin e (hbe) level in hbe heterozygotes by capillary electrophoresis system. - medicine and health. 302. |
hamidah nh, sheenaz banu sk, nik ruz mazeni ny, mimi azura a, nor hasih, lee sm, siti hawa ah, azma rz and rhaudhawati o.. (2011). unique expression of cd10, cd34, cd13 and cd38 in adult precursor b-acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (pre b-all) with bcr/abl gene rearrangement.. - malaysian journal of pathology. 33(2):138. |
hafiza a, azura ah, azma rz, azlin i, zarina al, hamidah nh. (2011). early lineage switch from t-acute lymphoblastic leukaemia to common b-all. - medicine & health. 131-138. |
azlin i, nurasyikin y, norazlina a, hafi za a, azma rz, cheong sk, hamidah nh. (2011). pure erythroid leukaemia in a four year old child: a diagnostic dilemma. - malaysian journal of pathology. 33(2):136. |
suria aa, hafizah h, nurasyikin y, fadillah saw, azma rz, hamidah nh.. (2011). a case series of unusual presentation of idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome. - malaysian journal of pathology. 33(2):149. |
nurasyikin y, shenaz sk, suria aa, azma rz, hamidah nh, hamidah a, sharifah na.. (2011). a case of acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia with translocation t(1:22) in a non-down syndrome child.. - malaysian journal of pathology. 33(2):146. |
norazlina a, azma rz, nurasyikin y, farisah nr, hidayati ns, hamidah nh, ainoon o.. (2011). co-inheritance of compound heterozygous hb constant spring and single gene deletion alpha thalassaemia (3.7 kb type) with heterozygous delta beta thalassaemia: a case report.. - malaysian jurnal of pathology. 33(2):136. |
ainoon o, khalid awad elkarem am, azma rz, hamidah nh.. (2011). the use of automated immature reticulocyte fraction in predicting bone marrow recovery in patient with acute leukaemia.. - malaysian journal of pathology. 33(2):133. |
nurasyikin y, arfadila i, azma rz, mokhtar ab, roshida h, ainoon o. (2011). the prevalence of haemoglobin e thalassaemia among blood donors with normal red cell indices and the interaction with alpha thalassaemia.. - the ixth malaysian national haemoatology scientific meeting. . |
azlin i, aidifitrina rk, azma rz, hafiza a, jessie cs , ling kl, anisah m, ahmad shukri wa, sivagengei k, hamidah nh. (2011). performance evaluation of sta-r® evolution at ukm medical centre. - the ixth malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
azma rz, farisyah smz, nurasyikin y, noria m, nabeelah ak, soo py, rahman a, hamidah nh, mokhtar ab. (2011). prediction of significant neonatal jaundice in babies with abo incompatibility by cord blood tests. - medicine and health. 179. |
azlin i, saifeldenn he, khalid aa, farisyah mz, hafiza a, azma rz, noraidah m, tumian nr, hamidah nh.. (2011). three unusual cases of granulocytic sarcoma from a single institution. - the ixth malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
rz azma, m zubaidah, i azlin, a hafiza, ns hidayati, nr farisah, nh hamidah, o ainoon.. (2011). detection of partial g6pd deficiency using osmmr-d with hb normalization. - 9th malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
hamidah nh, farisah nr, hidayati ns, aidifitrina kr, azma rz, fadilllah saw, ainoon o. (2011). short tandem repeat (str) analysis of chimerism in allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplant in ukmmc kuala lumpur. - medicine & health. 195. |
rz azma, n hidayati, nr farisah, nh hamidah and o ainoon. (2010). g6pd enzyme activity in normal term malaysian neonates and adults using a osmmr2000-d kit with hb normalization.. - southeast asian journal tropical medicine public health. 41(4):982-988. |
n.h. hamidah, r.z. azma, e.ezalia, s.das, n.a. umar, m.swaminathan, z. mohamed, s.f. abdul wahid. (2010). non-secretory multiple myeloma with diagnostic challenges. - clinica terapeutica. 161(5):445-448. |
azlin i, rz azma, nurasyikin y, rk aidifitrina, nh hamidah. (2010). centrifugation time: effect on prtothrombin and activated thromboplastin time. - the first asean federation of haematology and the viiith malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
azma rz, zarina al, hamidah a, cheong sk, jamal r, hamidah nh. (2010). minimal residual disease status in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemias by flow cytometry and their clinical and haematological features. - medicine & health. 22-23. |
rz azma, i azlin, h hamenuddin, na hadi, ktwong, in syazana, am asmaliza, o ainoon, nh hamidah. (2010). prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia and thalassaemia among medical students of universiti kebangsaan malaysia (ukm). - the first asean federation of haematology and the v111th malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
azma r z, noraesah m, roshidah h, irene gs cheah, ainoon o.. (2009). the usefulness of neutrophil cd64 expression in diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. - 8th annual scientific and general meeting, college of pathologists, academy of medicine 2009.. . |
hamidah nh, azma rz, azuira ah, sivagengei, nozi mz, rohaizak m, ainoon o. (2009). flow cytometric analysia of lymph node tissue biopsies in lymphoma. - 8th annual scientific & general meeting. . |
r azma, ns hidayati, nr farisah, nh hamidah, o ainoon. (2009). g6pd enzyme activity in normal term neonates and adults using osmmr-d kit with hb normalization. - xxv waspalm world congress, diadakan di sydney convention centre, darling harbour, sydney. . |
h hamenuddin, na hadi, wk tatt, in syazana, am asmaliza, rz azma, o ainoon, nh hamidah. (2009). prevalence of anaemia among medical students of universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - 5th malaysia-indonesia-brunei medical sciences conferences. . |
rz azma, al zarina, a hamidah, r jamal, na sharifah, o ainoon, nh hamidah. (2009). juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia: a case series. - malaysian journal of pathology. 31(2):121-128. |
azura ah, azma rz, hamidah nh, rohaizak m, reena mz. (2008). utility of flowcytometric immunophenotyping on lymph node biopsies in hukm - a preliminary report. - the viith malaysian national haematology scientific meeting, kuala lumpur. . |
azma r z, hidayati ns, farisah nr, hamidah nh, ainoon o. (2008). g6pd enzyme activity in normal term neonates using osmmr-d kit with haemoglobin normalization. - the viith malaysian national haematology scientific meeting, kuala lumpur. . |
p/m datin dr. noor hamidah hussin, dr.nor rafeah tumian, dr. nor hazla mohd. haflah, dr. raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2008). ouch!! my back. - . . |
ezalia e, azma rz, hamidah nh, swaminathan m, nor aini u, fadilah saw, zahiah m. (2007). nonsecretory multiple myeloma - a case report. - malaysian journal of pathology. 29(Suppl A):137. |
nurasyikin y, azma rz, hamidah nh, zarina al. (2007). a case report: hb e/ lepore with diagnostic difficulty. - malaysian journal of pathology. 29(Suppl A):129. |
azma rz, norhidayati, hamidah nh, ainoon ao. (2007). molecular characterization of alpha thalassaemia patients diagnosed in hukm. - malaysian journal of pathology. 29(Suppl A):138. |
hamidah nh, farisah nr, hidayati ns, wong fl, azma rz, ainoon o. (2007). screening for haemoglobin constant spring mutation by real-time pcr. - 3rd malaysia-indonesia-brunei, congress of medicine, 2007. . |
azma rz, hidayati ns, hamidah nh, ainoon o. (2007). prevalence of the different types of molecular defect of alpha thalassaemia - a hukm experience. - regional conference on molecular medicine 2007. . |
al zarina, a hamidah, yong sc, j rohana, nh hamidah, azma rz, ny boo, r jamal. (2007). transient abnormal myelopoeisis in newborns with down syndrome. - malaysian journal of pathology. 107-111. |
raja zahratul azma, azura, leong cf, prof balqis. (2007). unusual presentation of warm aiha associated with mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. - 3rd national transfusion medicine conference 2007. . |
azma rz, hamidah nh, cf leong, ainoon o, fadilah saw, sk cheong. (2006). clinical and laboratory features between cd38 positive and negative b-cll diagnosed in hukm. - 7th annual scientific meeting, college of pathologists, amm. . |
fadilah saw, rz azma, cf leong. (2006). extensive myelofibrosis responsive to treatment for acute erythroblastic leukaemia. - malaysian journal of pathology. 28(1):55-8. |
ra azma, nh hamidah, cf leong, o ainoon, fadialh saw, sk cheong, salwati s and sharifah na. (2006). biphenotypic acute leukemia: a report of two cases. - medicine and health. 1(1):53-60. |
y nurasyikin, c f leong, s a w fadilah, azma r z, g c tan, u noraini. (2006). lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma in early transformation to multiple myeloma?. - the 6th malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
dr. raja zahratul azma, prof. datin dr. illina isahak, dr. teh hiok seng, dr. azizah ugusman. (2006). bleeding all over. - . . |
azma rz, hamidah nh, leong cf, ainoon o, fadilah saw, cheong sk. (2006). retrospective analysis of clinical and laboratory features of b-cll diagnosed in hukm. - 6th malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
s-abdul wahid fadilah, kong-chiew-tong norella, mohd-said shahril, raja-sabudin azma, chooi-fun leong, soon-keng cheong. (2006). the development of systemic lupus erythematosus following interferon-? therapy for hepatitis c infection. - aplar journal of rheumatology. 9(3):286-289. |
rz azma, nh hamidah, cf leong, o ainoon, sk cheong. (2006). assessing donor chimerism using flow cytometry in paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria, post stem cell transplant - a case report. - malaysian journal of pathology. 28(2):107-112. |
cf leong, rz asma, sk cheong, salwati s & sharifah na. (2005). complex karyotypic abnormalities in a case of acute myeloid leukaemia - m4eo. - malaysian journal of pathology. 27(1):45-50. |
dr raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, prof dr ainoon othman, dr nor azlin mohamed ismail, dr naqiyah ibrahim. (2005). breast in flame. - . . |
dr. raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, dr. zarina abdul latiff, prof. dr. s fadilah abdul wahid, dr. ahmad nasrun. (2005). bloody gum. - . . |
rz azma, cf leong, sk cheong, s abdullah. (2003). oropharyngeal lymphoma : case series. - medical journal of malaysia. . |
azma rz, hamidah nh, cheong sk, zarina al, rahman aj. (2003). juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia : case series. - minggu penyelidikan ke v, fakulti perubatan, ukm. . |
azma rz, hamidah nh, cheong sk , rahman aj. (2003). correlation between mrd at day 28 in childhood all with clinical and haematological characteristics at diagnosis. - the first joint congress of the college of pathologists & the malaysian institute of medical laboratory sciences. . |
rz azma, cf leong, sk cheong, a salmi & ks phang. (2002). primary non hodgkin`s lymphoma of the femur : a case report. - the 4th malaysian national haematology scientific meeting. . |
azma rz, leong cf, cheong sk, hamidah nh, salmi a, swaminathan m, salwati s & sharifah na. (2002). aml-m4eo with pleural infiltration : a case report. - the 3rd annual scientific meeting and annual general meeting of the college of pathologist, amm. . |
azma rz, leong cf, cheong sk, hamidah nh, salmi a, swaminathan m, salwati s, sharifah na. (2002). leukemia mieloid akut (aml m4eo) dengan inflitrasi pleura : laporan kes. - minggu penyelidikan ke iv, fakulti perubatan, ukm, 22-27 julai 2002.. . |