Penerbitan Terkini

md. moniruzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, mohd fais mansor, mohamed s. soliman, norbahiah misran, md samsuzzaman.  (2023).  tuning metallic stub loaded symmetrical resonator based dual band metamaterial absorber for wave shielding from wi-fi frequencies.  - alexandria engineering journal.  399-414. 

nor fadzilah abdullah, fazida hanim hashim, siti salasiah mokri, nasharuddin zainal, mohd hafiz baharudin, mohd fais mansor, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni.  (2023).  improving peo assessments: a case study of the electrical, electronic and systems engineering program at fkab, ukm.  - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi).  111-113. 

siti fatimah harun, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran.  (2023).  antena tatasusun pantulan boleh konfigurasi semula: latar belakang, klasifikasi dan mekanisme boleh konfigurasi.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  1249-1264. 

tito yuwono, mohd hafiz baharuddin, norbahiah misran, mahamod ismail, mohd fais mansor.  (2022).  a review of measurement of electromagnetic emission in electronic product: techniques and challenges.  - communications in science and technology.  23-37. 

aymen dheyaa khaleelal-obaidi, osman ghazali, massudi mahmuddin, ahmed jamal abdullah al-gburi, mohammed najah mahdi,mohd fais mansor.  (2022).  high efficiency dielectric resonator antenna using complementary ring resonator for bandwidth enhancement.  - bulletin of electrical engineering and informatics.  2107-2114. 

siti hafizah yusop, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  antena tatasusun pantulan bagi penerima satelit.  - 154. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;sabirin bin abdullah.  (2022).  a new split-triangular metamaterial for electromagnetic radiation reduction in human body .  -

mohammad tariqul islam;noorazah binti abd aziz;mohd fais bin mansor;gan kok beng.  (2022).  time domain microwave signal contrast based algorithm for stroke detection system.  -

mandeep singh a/l jit singh;norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  characterization of a new ferrite based dielectric material for mobile communication .  -

sabri azman, mohd fais bin mansor.  (2021).  3d printed dielectric rod antenna for ku-band frequency operation.  - 2021 26th ieee asia-pacific conference on communications (apcc).  281-285. 

mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, ali f. almutairi, mohd fais mansor, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  polarization insensitivity characterization of dual-band perfect metamaterial absorber for k band sensing applications.  - scientific reports.  1-14. 

arshad selamat, norbahiah misran, mohd fais mansor dan mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  antena tatasusun pantulan terintegrasi sel suria.  - 112. 

muhamad syafiq bin abd hamid, mohd fais bin mansor.  (2021).  design of power divider circuit for a massive mimo antenna feeding system.  - 2021 26th ieee asia-pacific conference on communications (apcc).  23-28. 

zhen yang tan, mohd fais mansor.  (2021).  monopole antenna for communication system of military vehicle at hf band 3-30 mhz.  - 2021 ieee 15th malaysia international conference on communication (micc).  102-107. 

eistiak ahamed,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,ahmed mahfuz tamim,mohammad tariqul islam,mohd fais bin mansor,mohammad badal ahmmed.  (2021).  enhancement of magnetic feld intensity with a left-handed metamaterial tunnel resonator for obstacle sensing.  - chinese journal of physics.  91-105. 

mohammad tariqul islam;kamarulzaman bin mat;mohd fais bin mansor;norsuzlin binti mohd sahar.  (2021).  development of resonator based metamaterial for body protection from electromagnetic radiation.  -

norbahiah binti misran;noorazah binti abd aziz;mohd fais bin mansor;iskandar bin yahya;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  internet of things (iot) based hospital queuing management system using flexible wrist band.  -

iskandar bin yahya;norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  development of modified side slotted patch antenna based medical imaging system for scanning human body.  -

kamarulzaman mat, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, mohd fais mansor.  (2021).  dual frequencies usage by full and incomplete ring elements.  - international journal of advanced computer science and applications.  467-472. 

mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, norsuzlin mohd sahar, norbahiah misran, mohd fais mansor.  (2021).  elliptical slot metasurface high gain microstrip line antenna for sub-6 ghz 5g wireless communication.  - 7th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace).  156-160. 

kamarulzaman mat, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam & mohd fais mansor.  (2021).  sorotan perkembangan rekabentuk antena jalur mikro ekadenyut.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  403-412. 

abdul latiff ahmad, azlen ab rahman, tanot unjah, nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah, mohd fais mansor, harfiz rasul mohamad, salwa zahira mukhtar, muhd habib hashim, azwin darwish ahmad, siti shafira abd majid.  (2020).  montaj pembukaan akept global series: university presidents forum in collaboration with ukm.  - values-based leadership in asean higher education.  1. 

abdul latiff ahmad, azlen ab rahman, tanot unjah, nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah, mohd fais mansor, harfiz rasul mohamad, salwa zahira mukhtar, muhd habib hashim, azwin darwish ahmad, siti shafira abd majid.  (2020).  poster akept global series: university presidents forum in collaboration with ukm.  - women leadership in international higher education.  1. 

abdul latiff ahmad, azlen ab rahman, tanot unjah, rosnani boyak, nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah, mohd fais mansor, harfiz rasul mohamad, salwa zahira mukhtar, muhd habib hashim, azwin darwish ahmad, siti shafira abd majid.  (2020).  poster akept-ukm talk: global series webinar 1 'entering the new realm of international higher education'.  - 1. 

kok jiunn ng, mohammad tariqul islam, adam m. alevy and mohd. fais mansor.  (2020).  ultralow profile, low passive intermodulation, and super-wideband ceiling mount antennas for cellular and public safety distributed antenna systems.  - sensors.  1-33. 

abdul latiff ahmad, azlen ab rahman, tanot unjah, rosnani boyak, nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah, mohd fais mansor, harfiz rasul mohamad, salwa zahira mukhtar, muhd habib hashim, azwin darwish ahmad, siti shafira abd majid.  (2020).  poster akept global series: university presidents forum in collaboration with ukm.  - values-based leadership in asean higher education.  1. 

eistiak ahamed,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,md. jubaer alam,mohd fais bin mansor, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  digital metamaterial filter for encoding information.  - scientic reports.  1-9. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel al-obaidi; mohd fais mansor; norbahiah misran; mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  study and implementation frequency reconfigurable of dielectric resonator antenna using ground feed switch for s band applications.  - 2020 ieee 5th international symposium on telecommunication technologies (istt).  65-69. 

ahmed mohamed elshirkasi, azremi abdullah al-hadi, ping jack soh, mohd fais mansor, rizwan khan, xiaoming chen and prayoot akkaraekthalin.  (2020).  performance study of a mimo mobile terminal with upto 18 elements operating in the sub-6 ghz 5g band with user hand.  - ieee access.  28164-28177. 

ahmed m. elshirkasi, azremi abdullah al-hadi, ping j. soh, mohd f. mansor, rizwan khan, and prayoot akkaraekthalin.  (2020).  impact of users' finger on the amount and direction of radiated power from a 28 ghz 4-element mimo antenna mobile terminal.  - progress in electromagnetics research c.  85-97. 

nur izzati binti mohd ali, mohd fais bin mansor, norbahiah binti misran, mohd faizal bin jamlos, radial anwar.  (2020).  perkembangan teknologi antena solar: satu tinjauan.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  17-24. 

kamarulzaman mat, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, mohd fais mansor.  (2020).  partial ring element with a gap for dual frequencies application.  - 2019 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei).  648-652. 

asma abu-samah, nor fadzilah abdullah, mohd fais mansor, rosdiadee nordin.  (2020).  perception study on multiple active learning techniques for telecommunication courses in universiti kebangsaan malaysia.  - asean journal of teaching and learning in higher education.  140-151. 

n.i. mohd ali, n. misran, m.f. mansor.  (2019).  design of transparent microstrip grid array antenna.  - indonesian journal of electrical engineering and computer science.  888-892. 

kamarulzaman mat, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam and mohd fais mansor.  (2019).  partial ring element with a gap for dual frequencies application.  - international conference on electrical engineering and informatics 2019 (iceei).  1-5. 

kok jiunn ng, mohammad tariqul islam, adam alevy, mohd fais mansor and choon chung su.  (2019).  azimuth null-reduced radiation pattern, ultralow profile, dual-wideband and low passive intermodulation ceiling mount antenna for long term evolution application.  - ieee accesss.  11476-11477. 

mohammad azrin daud, norbahiah misran, mohd. fais mansor dan muhammad yusof ismail.  (2019).  capacitive loading effect of dual element reconfigurable reflectarray unit cell.  - 2019 malaysia international conference on communications (micc).  1-5. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  bandwidth enhancement of dielectric resonator antenna using complementary hash resonator.  - 2019 ieee 14th malaysia international conference on communication (micc).  45-47. 

ahmed mohamed elshirkasi, azremi abdullah al-hadi, rizwan khan, ping j. soh, mohd f. mansor.  (2019).  maximal ratio combining gain of dual-band mimo antenna for sub-6 ghz in the vicinity of user's hand and different elements configurations.  - 2019 ieee asia-pacific conference on applied electromagnetics (apace).  1-6. 

eistiak ahamed, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohd fais bin mansor, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  polarization-dependent tunneled metamaterial structure with enhanced fields properties for x-band application.  - results in physics.  1-13. 

mohd fais bin mansor;norbahiah binti misran;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  development of multilayer antenna array utilising low temperature co-fired ceramic (ltcc) fabrication technology for 5g indoor base station.  - 1-6. 

ahmed m. elshirkasi, azremi abdullah al-hadi, mohd f. mansor, ping jack soh, and rizwan khan.  (2019).  a study of antenna elements configuration and user's hand effects on a four-element dual-band sub-6 ghz mimo antenna.  - progress in electromagnetics research c.  29-46. 

ahmed m. elshirkasi, azremi abdullah al-hadi, mohd f. mansor, rizwan khan and ping j. soh.  (2019).  envelope correlation coefficient of a two-port mimo terminal antenna under uniform and gaussian angular power spectrum with user's hand effect.  - progress in electromagnetics research c.  123-136. 

m. f. b. mansor and t. brown.  (2019).  double-folded half wavelength printed quadrifilar helix antenna with feeding network.  - 2018 ieee international rf and microwave conference (rfm).  21-24. 

yazrina yahya, abdul latiff ahmad , mohd fais mansor , rosnani boyak & azlen ab rahman.  (2018).  poster 'international night 2018'.  -

a. selamat, m. ramli, n. misran, m. f. mansor and s. h. zaidi.  (2018).  a wide bandwidth element of solar reflect array antenna with scanning ability.  - arpn journal of engineering and applied sciences.  9521-9525. 

yazrina yahya , abdul latiff ahmad , mohd fais mansor, rosnani boyak , nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah, azlen ab rahman, salwa zahira mokhtar & azwin darwish ahmad.  (2018).  poster global talk series by his excellency andrew john lech goledzinowski high commissioner, australian high commission.  - global talk series: australia in a changing geostrategic environment by his excellency andrew john lech goledzinowski, high commissioner, australian high commission in malaysia. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  pattern reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna using multi-feed technique for lte and wi-fi applications.  - 2018 ieee 4th international symposium on telecommunication technologies (istt).  1-5. 

marwah mahdi kareem, mahamod ismail, mohammed a. altahrawi, norhana arsad, mohd fais mansor, adnan hussein ali.  (2018).  grid based clustering technique in wireless sensor network using hierarchical routing protocol.  - 2018 ieee 4th international symposium on telecommunication technologies (istt).  1-5. 

mustafa maad hamdi, sami abduljabbar rashid, mahamod ismail, mohammed a. altahrawi, mohd fais mansor, and mohammed k. abufoul.  (2018).  performance evaluation of active queue management algorithms in large network.  - 2018 ieee 4th international symposium on telecommunication technologies (istt).  1-5. 

farooq sijal shaqwi, mahamod ismail, mohammed a. altahrawi, mohd fais mansor, luqman hanif audah.  (2018).  performance of high order modulation scheme in ofdm-uwb 60 ghz system.  - 2018 ieee 4th international symposium on telecommunication technologies (istt).  1-5. 

yazrina yahya , abdul latiff ahmad , mohd fais mansor , rosnani boyak, nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah , azlen ab rahman , salwa zahira mokhtar & azwin darwish ahmad.  (2018).  poster global talk series by prof. jeremy hall, incoming director of the centre for social innovation management at surrey business school university of surrey, uk.  - global talk series: from the 'e-room' effect (moore's law backwards) to borlaug's paradox:the unintended consequences of sustainable development innovation by prof. jeremy hall. 

mohammed m. muhklif, mahamod ismail, mohammed a. altahrawi, mohd fais mansor and mohammed k. abufoul.  (2018).  energy efficient clustering techniques in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks.  - 2018 ieee 4th international symposium on telecommunication technologies (istt).  1-5. 

mohammad j. hossain, mohammad r. i. faruque, m. j. alam, mohd fais mansor, mohammad t. islam.  (2018).  a broadband negative refractive index meta-atom for quad-band and sensor applications.  - microwave & optical technology letters. 

eistiak ahamed, md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohd fais bin mansor, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  left-handed metamaterial inspired by joint td geometry on flexible nial2o4 substrate.  - plos one. 

m. f. b. mansor, t. brown and b. evans.  (2018).  vertical array of orthogonal circular polarised quadrifilar helix antenna for satellite mimo system.  - 2018 ieee international rf and microwave conference (rfm).  345-348. 

yazrina yahya, abdul latiff ahmad, mohd fais mansor , nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah , azlen ab rahman & mohamad shahrul syahiddil sejili.  (2018).  poster global talk series by his excellency kreso glavac, ambassador-designate embassy of the republic of croatia.  - global talk series by his excellency kreso glavac, ambassador-designate embassy of the republic of croatia: "what does 'game of thrones' look in reality? a walk through croatia-a country of the art". 

azlen ab rahman, jennifer phun lee lynn, mizan hakeem sabki, yazrina yahya, abdul latiff ahmad, mohd fais mansor, rosnani boyak, harfiz rasul mohamad & nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah.  (2018).  video 'ukm khu mobility programme 2018'.  -

a. selamat, m. ramli, n. misran, m.f. mansor and s.h. zaidi.  (2018).  a low profile solar reflectarray antenna element with enhanced bandwidth.  - journal of engineering and applied sciences. 

mohamad shahrul syahiddil sejili, yazrina yahya, abdul latiff ahmad, mohd fais mansor, rosnani boyak, nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah, azwin darwish ahmad, salwa zahira mukhtar & azlen ab rahman.  (2018).  video 'umap 1st board meeting - kuala lumpur'.  -

azlen ab rahman, yazrina yahya, abdul latiff ahmad, mohd fais mansor, rosnani boyak, nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah, azwin darwish ahmad & salwa zahira mukhtar.  (2018).  video '2018 malaysia - taiwan university presidents forum'.  -

yazrina yahya, abdul latiff ahmad, mohd fais mansor, syarifuddin shanudin, azlen ab rahman, rosnani boyak, nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah, azwin darwish ahmad & salwa zahira mukhtar.  (2018).  video 'seminar on internationalisation of higher education 2018'.  -

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, mohammad t. islam and amer t. abed.  (2018).  pattern reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna using parasitic feed for lte femtocell base stations.  - journal of engineering and applied sciences. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md. naimur rahman, md. samsuzzaman, mohd fais mansor and norbahiah misran.  (2018).  resonator-inspired metamaterial sensor: design and experimental validation for measuring thickness of multi-layered structures.  - sensors. 

yazrina yahya, abdul latiff ahmad, mohd fais mansor, syarifuddin shanudin, rosnani boyak, nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah, harfiz rasul mohamad, salwa zahira mukhtar & azwin darwish ahmad.  (2018).  video program 'new colombo plan (australia to malaysia) 2018'.  -

yazrina yahya, abdul latiff ahmad, mohd fais mansor, azlen ab rahman, mohamad shahrul syahiddil sejili, nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah, rosnani boyak, aazwin darwish ahmad & salwa zahira mukhtar.  (2018).  video promosi pelajar pertukaran ke ukm 2018.  -

yazrina yahya, abdul latiff ahmad, mohd fais mansor, azlen ab rahman, nur haiqal rawlins una abdullah, rosnani boyak, azwin darwish ahmad, salwa zahira mukhtar, tan huey yen, jennifer phun lee lynn.  (2018).  video '10th ukm global student mobility partnership 2018'.  -

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  pattern reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna using parasitic feed elements for lte femtocell base stations.  - journal of communications. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  pattern reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna based on phased array switches.  - international journal of engineering & technology. 

a. d. khaleel, m. f. mansor, n. misran & m. t. islam.  (2017).  cuboid dielectric resonator antenna array placed on # slots for lte femtocell base stations.  - 2017 international symposium on antennas and propagation (isap), phuket, thailand, 2017. 

md amanath ullah, touhidul alam, sabirin abdullah, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah binti misran & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a 3d unidirectional antenna for microwave application.  - 2017 progress in electromagnetics research symposium - spring (piers). 

m. m. islam,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam,m. f. mansor.  (2017).  compact and broadband antenna using double-negative transmission line metamaterial.  - applied physics a-material science & processing.  1-6. 

m. k. m. amin, m. f. mansor, n. misran & m. t. islam.  (2017).  28/38ghz dual band slotted patch antenna with proximity-coupled feed for 5g communication.  - 2017 international symposium on antennas and propagation (isap), phuket, thailand, 2017. 

yazrina yahya , abdul latiff ahmad, azlen ab rahman, harfiz rasul, nur haiqal rawlins, rosnani boyak, ong chang ee, fais mansor.  (2017).  english taught courses handbook.  - 1-12. 

yazrina yahya , abdul latiff ahmad, azlen ab rahman, harfiz rasul, nur haiqal rawlins, rosnani boyak, ong chang ee, fais mansor.  (2017).  brosur antarabangsa fep.  - 1. 

n i mohd ali, n misran, m f mansor, m f jamlos.  (2017).  transparent solar antenna of 28 ghz using transparent conductive oxides (tco) thin film.  - international conference on space science and communication: space science for sustainability, iconspace 2017 (journal of physics: conference series).  1-7. 

yazrina yahya , abdul latiff ahmad, azlen ab rahman, harfiz rasul, nur haiqal rawlins, rosnani boyak, ong chang ee, fais mansor.  (2017).  brosur antarabangsa ftsm.  - 1-2. 

yazrina yahya , abdul latiff ahmad, azlen ab rahman, harfiz rasul, nur haiqal rawlins, rosnani boyak, ong chang ee, fais mansor.  (2017).  brosur antarabangsa fkab.  - 1-2. 

yazrina yahya , abdul latiff ahmad, azlen ab rahman, harfiz rasul, nur haiqal rawlins, rosnani boyak, ong chang ee, fais mansor.  (2017).  brosur antarabangsa fssk.  - 1-2. 

ahsan m.r., islam m.t., ullah m.h., mansor m.f., misran n..  (2016).  dual band printed patch antenna on ceramic-polytetrafluoroethylene composite material substrate for gps and wlan applications.  - telecommunication systems.  747-756. 

moinul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohd fais mansor,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  printed microstrip line-fed patch antenna on a high-dielectric material for c-band applicationss.  - materiali in tehnologije.  307-310. 

m. ramli, a. selamat, n. misran, m.f. mansor and m.t. islam.  (2016).  design of capacitive integrated reflectarray radiating elements for beam steering reconfigurability.  - journal of engineering and applied sciences.  106-111. 

m. ramli, a. selamat, n. misran, m. f. mansor, m. t. islam.  (2016).  superposition of reflectarray elements for beam scanning with phase range enhancement and loss improvement.  - arpn journal of engineering and applied sciences.  1755-1758. 

norbahiah misran, wan mimi diyana wan zaki, mohd. fais mansor, hamimi fadziati abd. wahab.  (2016).  time management skills in higher institutions: a case study of electrical, electronic & systems engineering undergraduate students.  - journal of engineering science and technology.  61-68. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  partial ground dielectric resonator antenna for lte femtocell base stations.  - applied electromagnetics (apace), 2016 ieee asia-pacific conference on.  315-318. 

mk mohamed amin, mf mansor, n misran & mt islam.  (2016).  dual band resonance of millimeter-wave frequencies antennas on ltcc.  - advances in electrical, electronic and systems engineering (icaees), international conference on.  559-562. 

arshad selamat, kamarulzaman mat, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam & mohd fais mansor.  (2016).  bandwidth performance analysis of different glass`s dielectric permittivity on reflectarray radiating element.  - advances in electrical, electronic and systems engineering (icaees), international conference on.  555-558. 

siti hafizah yusop, norbahiah misran, mohd fais mansor & maisarah abu.  (2016).  analysis on element shape geometries to enhance reflection coefficient and gain of reflectarray antenna.  - antennas and propagation in wireless communications (apwc), 2016 ieee-aps topical conference on.  195-199. 

m ramli, n misran, mfb mansor & mt islam.  (2016).  capacitive loading radiating element for reconfigurable reflectarray at ku-band.  - antennas and propagation in wireless communications (apwc), 2016 ieee-aps topical conference on.  200-203. 

m. ramli, n. misran, m. f. mansor and m. t. islam.  (2015).  single and sub-array characteristics of capacitive integrated reflectarray design for beam scanning reconfigurability.  - 2015 ieee 12th malaysia international conference on communications (micc).  87-90. 

norlia embong, mf mansor.  (2015).  multiband dielectric resonator antenna (dra) for long term evolution advanced (lte-a) handheld devices.  - 2015 international conference on space science and communication (iconspace).  38-41. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, m. t. islam.  (2015).  omnidirectional dielectric resonator antenna for lte femtocell base stations.  - 2015 international conference on space science and communication (iconspace).  509-512. 

md. moinul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, md. samsuzzaman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque , norbahiah misran and mohd fais mansor.  (2015).  a miniaturized antenna with negative index metamaterial based on modified srr and cls unit cell for uwb microwave imaging applications.  - materials.  392-407. 

h. s. wong, s. kibria, m. f. b. mansor and m. t. islam.  (2015).  compact mimo antenna for lte handsets.  - frequenz.  463-469. 

m. ramli, a. selamat, n. misran, m. f. mansor and m. t. islam.  (2014).  dual configurations reflectarray element in improving dynamic phase range and loss.  - international journal of applied engineering research.  23707-23716. 

arshad selamat, and norbahiah misran, and mohd fais mansor, and mohammad tariqul islam, and saleem h. zaidi.  (2014).  analisis penyerakan isyarat gelombang mikro elemen gelung segi tiga dari pelbagai jenis filem pengalir lutsinar pada jalur-ku.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  83-88. 

m. ramli, n. misran, m. f. mansor and m. t. islam.  (2014).  analysis of reflectarray unit cell with capacitive effect.  - 2014 2nd international conference on information and communication technology (icoict).  95-99. 

a. selamat, n. misran, m. t. islam and m. f. mansor.  (2014).  scattering parameter analysis of different transparent conductive thin films element on silicon solar cell.  - 2014 international electrical engineering congress (ieecon).  1-4. 

afaz uddin ahmed, m. t. islam, rezaul azim, mahamod ismail and mohd fais mansor.  (2014).  microstrip antenna design for femtocell coverage optimization.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  2014:1-8. 

m. r. ahsan, m. habib ullah, f. mansor, n. misran and t. islam.  (2014).  analysis of a compact wideband slotted antenna for ku band applications.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  2014:423495. 

m. r. ahsan, m. t. islam, m. habib ullah, h. arshad, and m. f.mansor.  (2014).  low-cost dielectric substrate for designing low profile multiband monopole microstrip antenna.  - the scientific world journal.  1-10. 

a. selamat, n. misran, m. t. islam and m. f. mansor.  (2014).  analysis of different transparent conductive thin films element on monocrystalline silicon cell.  - 2014 international conference on electronics, information and communications (iceic).  1-2. 

s. h. yusop, n. misran, m. f. mansor, m. t. islam and m. abu.  (2014).  initial analysis on dual frequency operation for single layer reflectarray antenna.  - 2014 ieee 2nd international symposium on telecommunication technologies (istt).  194-197. 

kamarulzaman mat, norbahiah misran, mohd fais mansor, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2013).  analysis of ring and c-shaped reflectarray antenna element for monopulse application.  - proceeding of the 2013 ieee international conference on space science and communication (iconspace). 

dr. mohd asyraf zulkifley, pn. farizah ansarudin, en. ahmad yunus misdi, dr, mohd fais mansor, en. muhd. fauzi aminuddin shazi shaarani, en. hilmi sanusi dan cik oh soo ling.  (2013).  buletin jkees edisi jun 2013.  - edisi jun 2013. 

a. selamat, n. misran, m. t. islam and m. f. mansor.  (2013).  analysis of phase range distribution of different reflectarray elements on polycrystalline silicon cell.  - progress in electromagnetics research symposium proceedings. 

mohd f. b. mansor, tim w. c. brown, barry g. evans.  (2010).  satellite mimo measurement with colocated quadrifilar helix antennas at the receiver terminal.  - ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters.  9:712-715. 

mohd fais mansor, suliana sulaiman, kamarulzaman mat, azah mohamed.  (2007).  penilaian pendidikan kejuruteraan melalui kaji selidik alumni dan graduan jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik dan sistem, ukm.  - seminar pengajaran & pembelajaran berkesan 2006. 

k. mat, m. f. mansor, w. n. w. ibrahim & a. mohamed.  (2007).  maklum balas industri dan alumni terhadap program pengajian prasiswazah di jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik dan sistem, ukm..  - seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka) 2007, everly resort hotel, melaka.. 

kamarul hawari ghazali, mohd fais mansor, mohd. marzuki mustafa, aini hussain.  (2007).  feature extraction technique using discrete wavelet transform for image classification.  - proceeding of 5th student conference on research and development (scored 2007), bangi.