low shi nii, zabidi hamzah, noraziah mohammad, mazlan mohd tahir. (2023). analisis prestasi terma penghadang suria luaran sedia ada di kampung admiralty, singapura. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 367-379. |
chengcheng zhao, noraziah mohammad, nor haslina jaafar. (2023). seaweed house interior design in promoting a contemporary habitat and promoting tourism in yandunjiao village in rongcheng city (shandong region, china). - jurnal kejuruteraan. 381-393. |
noraziah mohammad, aishah samsudin, suhana johar, mazlan mohd tahir. (2023). punca-punca kelewatan pengeluaran perakuan siap dan pematuhan (ccc) projek perumahan di malaysia. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 483-493. |
muhammad anas ahmad nazari, noraziah mohammad. (2023). keberkesanan taman poket dalam meningkatkan kualiti hidup penduduk bandar di kawasan perumahan bertingkat kos rendah di malaysia. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 231-247. |
noraziah mohammad, zabidi hamzah, noor aisyah mokhtar. (2022). control of variation orders in the construction of residential projects in malaysia. - planning malaysia: journal of the malaysian institute of planner. 14-21. |
adi irfan che ani, norngainy mohd tawil, noraziah mohammad, nor haliza mahmood. (2022). has the advent of green office buildings influenced the rental depreciation of conventional office buildings? a case study in the kuala lumpur golden triangle. - journal of building pathology and rehabilitation. 1-11. |
wardah fatimah mohammad yusoff, nor haslina jaafar, noraziah mohammad. (2022). preliminary investigation on architecture students perceptions of developing hard and soft skills via project based learning. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 629-637. |
nor haliza mahmood, adi irfan che ani, norngainy mohd tawil, afifuddin husairi hussain & noraziah mohammad. (2022). perkembangan perumahan di malaysia. - . 16. |
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omar abdulwahhab khalaf, nor haslina jaafar, nor zalina harun, noman bayaty, noraziah mohammed. (2022). peoples ages and the effectiveness of using activities in the built environment of commercial streets. - journal of the malaysia institute of planners. 196-206. |
noraziah mohammad, noor aisyah mokhtar, suhana johar, zabidi hamzah, doni fireza. (2022). pengurusan risiko kesan pandemik covid-19 kepada projek perumahan terbengkalai di malaysia: satu kajian literatur. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 33-40. |
suhana johar, tan sherron & noraziah mohammad. (2022). penyesuai gunaan semula rumah kedai lama di jalan mendaling, kajang - satu tinjauan umum. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 111-121. |
zabidi bin hamzah;noraziah binti mohammad;lim chin haw. (2021). acceptance in the transformation of terrace housing rooftop to green roof in kuala lumpur. - . . |
wardah fatimah mohammad yusoff, noraziah mohammad, mohd khairul azhar mat sulaiman. (2021). alma mater: pusat alumni universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 70. |
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wardah fatimah mohammad yusoff, noraziah mohammad. (2021). modul reka bentuk seni bina v. - . 1-12. |
noraziah binti mohammad;wardah fatimah binti mohammad yusoff;mohd khairul azhar bin mat sulaiman;suhana binti johar;mohd. farid bin mohamed;nor haslina binti ja`afar. (2020). prestasi projek pembinaan perumahan di malaysia dan langkah penambahbaikannya. - . . |
suhana johar, noraziah mohammad, mohd farid mohamed, toh lai fun, shahril ezral bin shahril izuan. (2020). historical and architectural studies of masjid warisan kampung parit melana in alor gajah, melaka. - test engineering & management. 4386-4394. |
muhamad zahin mohd ashhar, zabidi hamzah, noraziah mohammad, mazlan mohd tahir, mohd khairul azhar mat sulaiman. (2020). perception of residential households towards green roof in kuala lumpur. - solid state technology. 5004-5011. |
noraziah mohammad dan nur najihah binti shahruddin. (2019). kajian terhadap perbandingan komuniti berpagar dan tidak berpagar yang mempengaruhi kualiti hidup di perumahan berteres di bandar baru bangi. - . 1. |
wardah fatimah mohammad yusoff, nor haslina jaafar, noraziah mohammad. (2019). perception of architecture students on factors influencing the selection of locations for academic trip and site visit. - journal of technical education and training. 22-31. |
noraziah mohammad, wardah fatimah mohamad yusof. (2019). end game : retirement residence. - . 83. |
noraziah mohammad. (2019). perubahaan kerja di dalam industri pembinaan bangunan di malaysia. - seminar sinergi serambi 2019. 73-79. |
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noraziah mohammad, suhana johar. (2019). prediction model of variation order for construction cost and time in the terrace housing projects. - 24th world conference on applied science, engineering and technology (wcaset - 2019). 1-18. |
suhana johar, noraziah mohammad. (2019). historical and architectural studies of masjid warisan kampung parit melana. - 24th world conference on applied science, engineering and technology (wcaset 2019). 1-28. |
noraziah mohammad, suhana johar, adi irfan che ani, norngainy mohd tawil, zabidi hamzah. (2019). prediction model of variation order for construction cost and time in the residential projects. - test engineering and management. 5007-5012. |
noraziah mohammad, zabidi hamzah. (2019). a review of causes of variation order in the construction of terrace housing projects in malaysia, matec web conference,volume 277, 2019. - international joint conference on metallurgical and materials engineering (jcmme 2018). 1-8. |
noraziah mohammad. (2018). a review of causes of variation order in the construction of terrace housing projects in malaysia. - 2018 international conference on civil, architecture and environmental engineering (iccaee 2018), wellington , new zealand. . |
n. e. saidin, n. m. tawil, n. mohamad, a.r. musa. (2018). cost development of space utilization in malaysias public universities. - international journal of civil engineering and technology. . |
wardah fatimah mohammad yusoff, nor haslina jaafar, noraziah mohammad. (2018). kajian awal persekitaran dalaman masjid warisan: kajian kes masjid tanah. - prosiding persidangan senibina dan alam bina serantau 2018. . |
noraziah mohammad. (2018). a review of causes and effects of variation order in the construction of terrace housing projects in malaysia. - . . |
noraziah mohammad, wardah fatimah mohammad yusof & nor haslina ja afar. (2018). penglibatan industri dalam pembentangan pelajar seni bina bagi kursus rekabentuk. - . 1. |
wardah fatimah mohammad yusoff, norhaslina ja'afar, noraziah mohammad. (2018). developing future graduate architects skills via architectural design project requirements. - prosiding peka 2017. k-novasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm 2018: pendidikan 4.0: graduan kalis masa depan. . |
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ismar minang satotoy usman, noraziah mohamad, wardha fatimah mohd yusof & nur akmal goh abdullah. (2017). harmony : community-architecture-tourism // year 3 architecture student works 2016/2017. - . 84. |
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mastor surat, nurakmal goh abdullah, zuhairuse md. darus, mazlan mohd. tahir, ismar m.s. usman, m. farihan irfan m. noor, nuraziah muhammad, zabidi hamzah. (2008). rumah limas johor - senibina dan pensejarahan. - . 57-355 (BAB DLM BUKU). |
zuhairuse md darus, fadzil hassan, zaidi omar, masran saruwono, noraziah mohammad, zulkifli abdul salam.. (2008). continuing professional development, training and education as part of technology for learning process in built environment. - proceeding of the 7th wseas international conference and education and educational technology. venice, italy. . |
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zuhairuse md.darus, adi irfan che ani, azami zaharim, noraziah muhammad, wardah fatimah mohammad yusoff. (2007). industrial perception and expectation of architectural education in malaysia: national university of malaysia experience. - the association of south east asian institution of higher learning (asaihl) conference 2007. 5-7 december 2007. curtin university of technology, perth, western australia. . |