Penerbitan Terkini

alia suzana asri, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, nor rafeah tumian, siti mariam yusuf, norunaluwar jalil, salwati shuib, raja zahratul azma.  (2023).  concomitant bcr-abl and jak2 v617f in a patient with myeloproliferative neoplasm: a case report..  - medicine & health.  233-240. 

fc cheah, s merasa, jk tan, ja goon, n jalil, a ithnin, rz azma, a othman, a salvador.  (2023).  discovery and identification of novel glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase mutations in malaysia.  - 14th international congress of human genetics (ichg2023).  443. 

bin hashim halim-fikri,...norunaluwar jalil, norafiza mohd yasin,...,raja-zahratul-azma raja-sabudin,...zarina abdul latiff, bin alwi zilfalil and the global globin network(ggn).  (2022).  global globin network consensus paper: classification and stratified roadmaps for improved thalassaemia care and prevention in 32 countries.  - journal of personalized medicine.  1-23. 

norafiza mohd yasin, haifa hanani mohamad zaki, faidatul syazlin abdul hamid, syahzuwan hassan, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin,norunaluwar jalil, ezalia esa.  (2021).  genomic landscape of hbe/beta thalassaemia in malaysian population.  - national pathology conference 2021.  47. 

joclyn priscilla jipun, alia suzana asri, farah azima abdul muttlib, wan ahmad syukri wan abdul aziz, rinie awai albert, muhammad ziqrill mohd zapri, norunaluwar jalil, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin.  (2021).  molecular characterisation of thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathies amomg orang asli proto malay communities in peninsular malaysia.  - 1. 

alia suzana asri, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma, rinie awai @ albert, norunaluwar jalil, norlida mohamad tahir.  (2021).  characterization of haemoglobin malay phenotypes in tertiary hospital.  - the 18th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology.  1. 

nor syazana jamali, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, nor rafeah tumian, norunaluwar jalil, rinie awai, siti hawa abu amis, salwati shuib.  (2021).  h396p mutation in chronic myeloid leukaemia patient on nilotinib - a case report.  - the malaysian journal of pathology.  63-68. 

ahmad zulhimi, raja zahratul azma, ziqrill zapri, norunaluwar jalil, azlin ithnin.  (2021).  calreticulin mutations in myeloproliferative neoplasms patients diagnosed in ukm medical centre.  - the 18th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology.  1. 

petros kountouris,bin alwi zilfalil,on behalf of the international hemoglobinopathy research network(inherent),raja zahratul azma,zarina abdul latiff,norunaluwar jalil,sie chong doris lau,nor rafeah tumian,hafiza alauddin,loh ckhai.  (2021).  the international hemoglobinopathy research network (inherent): an international initiative to study the role of genetic modifiers in hemoglobinopathies.  - american journal of hematology.  E416-E420. 

ying ying wong, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin , azlin ithnin , norunaluwar jalil , zarina abdul latiff , c-khai loh , hamidah alias , ainoon othman.  (2021).  siriraj i gy(aydb)0-thalassaemia causing severe thalassaemia intermedia in compound heterozygous state with ivs1-1(g-t) mutation.  - the malaysian journal of pathology.  95-100. 

farah-azima am, maizatul-husna mr, norunaluwar j, hafiza a, azlin i, norafiza my, yuslina my, ermi-neiza ms, shahzuwan h, faidatul-syazlin ah, ezalia e, azma rz and ainoon o.  (2020).  multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (mlpa) assay: its application in characterising unsolved alpha globin gene rearrangements.  - 17th annual scientific meeting, malaysian society of haematology.  67. 

m. f. alina, r. z. azma, j. norunaluwar, i. azlin, a. j. darnina, f. c. cheah, a. r. noor-farisah, a. a. siti-hawa, x. r. k.danny, noor-fadzilah zulkifli , o. ainoon.  (2020).  genotyping of malaysian g6pd-deficient neonates by reverse dot blot flow-through hybridisation..  - journal of human genetics.  263-270. 

m fikri, a zulhilmi, a hafiza, i azlin, j norunaluwar, r z azma.  (2020).  myeloproliferative neoplasm with cml features but positive calreticulin (calr) - a case report.  - 17th malaysian society of haematology scientific meeting. personalised haematology. now and the future.  67. 

wee sy, hafiza a, azma rz, norunaluwar j, azlin i, malisa my, qistina wn, ainoon o.  (2020).  detection of haemoglobin s using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and flow-through hybridization techniques: experience in a tertiary hospital.  - medicine & health.  106-118. 

alia suzana asri, raja zahratul azma, norlida mt, sharifah ms, m. hafiz, hafizah hashim, norunaluwar jalil, hafiza alauddin..  (2020).  homozygous and compound heterozygous hb malay - a case series.  - 17th malaysian society of haematology scientific meeting - personalised haematology: now and the future.  72. 

alia suzana asri, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, nor rafeah tumian, siti mariam yusuf, nozi mat zin, norunaluwar jalil, aizuddin al banna ramlee, salwati shuib, raja zahratul azma.  (2020).  concomitant bcrabl and jak2 v617f mutation in a patient with myeloproliferative neoplasm - a case report.  - 17th malaysian society of haematology scientific meeting - personalised haematology: new & the future.  67. 

nor syazana jamali, raja zahratul azma, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, nor rafeah tumian, norunaluwar jalil, rinie awai, siti hawa, salwati shuib.  (2019).  bcrabl1 mutation testing in a patient with treatment failure in cml.  - the 16th annual scientific meeting, msh.  121-122. 

lailatul hadziyah mohd pauzy, norunaluwar jalil, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin & hafiza alauddin.  (2019).  case series of ivs-ii-666 (c>t) (hbb: c.316-185c>t) polymorphism: experience from a single referral center in malaysia.  - hemoglobin.  356. 

wong ying ying, hafiza alauddin,raja zahratul azma1,norunaluwar jalil, noraesah mahmud, ainoon othman.  (2019).  molecular characterization of alpha thalassaemia among secondary school students in klang valley.  - 16th msh annual scientific meeting: targeting haematology towards excellence.  122. 

raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, alina md fauzi, darnina abdul jalil, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, cheah fook-choe, najiah-ajlaa ayub, moh yusuf malisa, jalil norunaluwar & othman ainoon.  (2019).  updates on laboratory tests for diagnosis of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in malaysia.  - hemoglobin.  312. 

qhasmira abu hazir, norunaluwar jalil, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, nurasyikin yusof & nor rafeah tumian.  (2019).  a fast-moving hemoglobin, hb j-bangkok: a case study from a single referral center in malaysia.  - hemoglobin.  358. 

jalil norunaluwar, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, alauddin hafiza, ithnin azlin, hussin badrulzaman, carmene kah-mei, abu bakar sanada & othman ainoon.  (2019).  hplc tosoh hlc 723 g8 analyzer performance in detection of b thalassemia and hb e traits.  - hemoglobin international journal for hemoglobin research.  355. 

nur zainura mohamad, norunaluwar jalil, loh c-khai, zarina abdul latiff, hafiza alauddin & raja zahratul azma.  (2019).  a rare ivs-i-2 (t>c) hbb gene mutation diagnosed in a child with anemia.  - hemoglobin.  357. 

jalil norunaluwar, raja zahratul azma, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, zarina abdul latiff, hamidah alias, nor rafeah tumian, malisa mohd yusoff, syahzuwan hassan & ainoon othman.  (2019).  application of molecular diagnostics in detection of b-thalassemia and hemoglobin variants at hospital canselor tuanku muhriz ukm, kuala lumpur, malaysia.  - hemoglobin.  351. 

hatta rm, azma rz, hafiza a, norunaluwar j, rafeah t, ainoon o.  (2018).  compound heterozygous hb adana with one gene deletion alpha thalassaemia in pregnancy.  - 15th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 

wong yy, azma rz, norunaluwar j, lau dsc, hafiza a..  (2018).  hb siriraj causing severe thalassaemia intermedia in compound heterozygote state.  - 15th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 

hafiza alauddin, khairina kamarudin, tang yee loong, raja zahratul azma, azlin ithnin, norunaluwar jalil, noor-farisah razak, danny koh-xuan-rong, endom ismail, loh c-khai, zarina abdul latiff, hamidah alias & ainoon othman..  (2018).  a unique interaction of ivs-i-1 (g>a) (hba2: c.95+1g>a) with hb adana (hba2: c.179g>a) presenting as transfusion-dependent a thalassemia.  - hemoglobin. 

alina mf, norunaluwar j, azma rz, azlin i, cheah fc, noor-farisah ar, siti-hawa aa, noor-fadzilah zulkifli and ainoon o.  (2018).  simultaneous detection of g6pd mutations by flow-through hybridization - a potential tool for genetic screening of newborn.  - 15th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology, 2018. 

raja zahratul azma raja sabudin;shuhaila bt. ahmad;endom bt. ismail;zarina binti abdul latiff;siti hawa binti abu amis;hamidah binti alias;azlin binti ithnin;noor farisah binti a razak;hafiza binti alauddin;norunaluwar binti jalil;nor rafeah binti tumian;.  (2018).  molecular characterization of unknown alpha and beta globin gene rearrangements..  -

azma rz, hafiza a, azlin i, norunaluwar j, maizatul-husna ma, joanna skk1, farah-hazirah sa, nurul-najiehah nm, najatul-adawiyah k, farah-azima am, ainoon o..  (2018).  a comparative study of red blood cell parameters of alpha and beta thalassaemia patients diagnosed in a university hospital in cheras, malaysia.  - arc journal of haematology. 

alina mf, azma rz, hafiza a, norunaluwar j, azlin i, zarina al, loh c-k, malisa my, ainoon o.  (2018).  co-inheritance of haemoglobin e with rare beta-thalassaemia cd 35 (c-a)- the other end of the spectrum of compound heterozygous hbe/ beta-thalassaemia.  - the belt and road conference on thalassaemia. 

s.a.a. razak, n.a.a. murad, f. masra, d.l.s. chong, n. abdullah, n. jalil, h. alauddin, r.z.a.r. sabudin, a. ithnin, l.c. khai, n.a. aziz, z. muda, h. ibrahim and z.a. latiff.  (2018).  genetic modifiers of fetal haemoglobin (hbf) and phenotypic severity in beta thalassemia patients.  - current molecular medicine. 

norunaluwar j, hafiza a, azlin i, azma rz, malisa my, illaina hikmah i, nurul izzah ar, and ainoon o.  (2017).  g6pd enzyme activity in normal neonates by mindray g6pd test kit on mindray bs-480.  - indian ocean rim 2017, laboratory haematology congress. 

norunaluwar j, azma rz, hafiza a, azlin i, zarina al, hamidah a, nor-rafeah t, endom i, danny-koh xr, noor-farisah ar, malisa my, rahimah a, and ainoon o.  (2017).  detection of beta thalassaemia mutations by multiplex amplification refractory system and gap-pcr.  - global globin 2020 challenge conference 2017. 

nor syazana, norunaluwar j, azma rz, hafiza a, azlin i, noor farisah ar, siti hawa, malisa my, zarina al, hamidah a, loh ck, azian m, ainoon o.  (2017).  concomitant inheritance of alpha-thalassaemia in beta thalassaemia major: a case report.  - global globin 2020 challence conference 2017. 

norunaluwar j, azlin i, azma rz, hafiza a, malisa my, illaina hikmah i, nurul izzah ar, and ainoon o.  (2017).  evaluation of g6pd enzyme activity in neonates by mindray g6pd test kit on mindray bs-480.  - 14th annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 

syirah nmt, ida mi, suria aa, azma rz, azlin i, rahimah a, norunaluwar j, hamidah a, zarina al, loh ck, hafiza a..  (2017).  alpha-globin gene triplication in beta thalassaemia patients at htcm, ukmmc.  - 14th annual scientific meeting, malaysian society of haematology. 

joanna skk, farah hazirah sa, nurul najiehah nm, najatul adawiyah k, muhammad zm, norunaluwar j, maizatul husna ma, hafiza a, azlin i, raja zahratul azma rs.  (2016).  a comparative study of haematological parameters of alpha and beta thalassaemia patients diagnosed in ukm med centre.  - the 8th medical undergraduates annual scientific research meeting. 

norunaluwar jalil, raja zahratul azma, emida mohamed, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, siti noor baya, ainoon othman.  (2016).  evaluation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase stability in stored blood samples.  - excli journal.  155-162. 

norunaluwar j, azma rz, hafiza a, azlin i, khairiliah ak, rusilawaty a, emida m, zarina al, hamidah a, rafeah t, farisah nar, malisa my, rahimah a, azian nam and ainoon o.  (2016).  detection of beta thalassaemia alleles: multiplex amplification refractory mutation system versus flow through hybridization kit.  - the 13th msh annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 

norunaluwar j, khairiliah ausikhin k, rusilawaty a, azma rz, emida m, hafiza a, azlin i, zarina al, hamidah a, rafeah t,noor farisah ar, malisa my, ainoon o.  (2015).  molecular analysis of beta-globin gene mutations in ukmmc using multiplex amplification refractory mutation system and flow-through hybridization kit: a comparison of two methods.  - 2015 annual scientific meeting of the college of pathologists, academy of medicine malaysia & 40th anniversary celebration of the pathology advocates at berjaya times square hotel kuala lumpur. 

rusilawati a, emida m, azma rz, khairiliah ak, norunaluwar j.  (2015).  detection of beta-globin gene mutations in malaysia: comparison between marms and fth methods.  - final year project presentation, uitm. 

farisah nr, siti hawa aa, hidayati ns, norunaluwar j, aizuddin b, hamidah nh, azlin i, hafiza a, rafeah t, fadilah saw, azma rz.  (2015).  quantification of bcr-abl transcripts in chronic myeloid leukemia (cml) patients by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction.  - minggu penyelidikan perubatan dan kesihatan ke 17. 

siti hawa aa, farisah nr, hidayati ns, jubaida paraja md, nurulfatihah s, nur asma m, norunaluwar j, aizuddin ab, cheah fc, hafiza a, azma rz, azlin i.  (2015).  detection of g6pd variants among malaysian newborns with g6pd abnormalities in ukmmc by molecular testing.  - minggu penyelidikan perubatan dan kesihatan kali ke17. 

khairiliah ak, emida m, rz azma, rusilawaty a, norunaluwar j.  (2015).  spectrum of beta gene mutations in patients diagnosed in ukmmc by using multiplex amplification refractory mutation system (marms)..  - final year project presentation, uitm. 

j norunaluwar, rz azma, i azlin, a hafiza, sn baya, m emida, o ainoon.  (2014).  rbc g6pd activity measurement - a comparison between whole blood edta sample and dried blood spot.  - 2014 international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm) & 48th malaysia-singapore congress of medicine. 

j norunaluwar, rz azma, i azlin, a hafiza, sn baya, m emida, o ainoon.  (2014).  evaluation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase stability in stored edta blood samples.  - malaysian journal of pathology.  112-113. 

hamidah nh, wong fl, azrena a, norun a, nor rafeah t, fadillah saw.  (2011).  detection of mpl mutation by real-time pcr assay in patients with chronic myeloproliferative neoplasma.  - the ixth malaysian national haematology scientific meeting.