Penerbitan Terkini

zaleha binti yazid;zafir khan bin mohamed makhbul;roshayati binti abdul hamid.  (2023).  exploring leaders wellbeing in the workplace.  -

roshayati abdul hamid.  (2023).  the effect of work from home on adaptive performance and moderated by humble leadership.  - european journal of social sciences.  31-45. 

ahmed abdullah alhamami; noor azuan hashim; roshayati abdul hamid; siti ngayesah ab. hamid.  (2023).  the mediating role of marketing innovation between internal social media utilization and business performance of smes in saudi arabia.  - international journal of professional business review.  01-28. 

roshayati binti abdul hamid;ida rosnita binti ismail;nur sa`adah binti muhamad.  (2023).  the framework of positive and negative chain of customer incivility on employee innovative behaviour.  -

roshayati abdul hamid, ida rosnita ismail, hidayah ahmad azam, nur sa'adah muhamad.  (2023).  the underlying mechanisms between customer incivility and employee's response: a systematic literature review.  - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences.  219-240. 

roshayati abdul hamid, gaiyathri subramaniam.  (2023).  the effect of customer incivility on frontline employee using evln model: mediated by negative emotion and moderated by job meaningfulness.  - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences.  1425-1443. 

roshayati abdul hamid.  (2023).  perkongsian ilmu hasil penyelidikan akademik sebagai tanggungjawab sosial universiti.  - i-experts.  8-11. 

md daud ismail, zurina samsudin, mohd salekhan othman, roshayati binti abdul hamid.  (2023).  strategic orientation and absorptive capacity: the mediating role of functional conflict.  - south east asian journal of management.  74-95. 

roshayati abdul hamid; norhafizah mohd esrakh; siti ngayesah ab hamid.  (2023).  bekerja dari rumah dan prestasi adaptif: autonomi kerja dan kepimpinan rendah hati sebagai penyederhana.  - jurnal pengurusan.  1-15. 

roshayati abdul hamid, jiawei yu.  (2023).  the impact of work stress post covid-19 on psychological well-being (eudaimonic): moderated by social support.  - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences.  260-273. 

roshayati abdul hamid, mohamad shafie m. lojong.  (2023).  kesediaan pekerja menerima perubahan organisasi dan komitmen afektif untuk berubah.  - 22nd miicema in collaboration with 2nd ecobestha.  119. 

roshayati binti abdul hamid;ida rosnita binti ismail.  (2022).  ketidaksopanan pelanggan dan konflik kerja-keluarga: emosi negatif, afektiviti negatif serta kecerdasan rohani pekerja barisan hadapan.  -

mohd suhaimi mohamad, siti nora mhd isa, roslee rajikan, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, norinsan kamil othman, shazli ezzat ghazali, nasharuddin zainal, fatimah wati halim, mohd adib ibrahim, mohd izham mohd hamzah, raihanah mohd mydin, rozilawati razali.  (2022).  kamus kompetensi kepimpinan.  - 1-59. 

roshayati abdul hamid, ida rosnita ismail, md daud ismail.  (2022).  gangguan siber di tempat kerja, emosi dan konflik kerja-keluarga: kawalan emosi sebagai penyederhana.  - jurnal pengurusan.  1-14. 

nur sa`adah binti muhamad;zizah binti che senik;roshayati binti abdul hamid.  (2022).  a framework of transformative social service of organizations as the catalyst for tn50.  -

roshayati abdul hamid.  (2022).  penglibatan industri dalam aktiviti kokurikulum institusi pengajian tinggi ke arah kebolehpasaran graduan.  - majalah insan.  28-30. 

siti ngayesah ab hamid, nadzirah rosli, roshayati abdul hamid, che aniza che wel.  (2022).  the influence of job characteristics toward intention to pursue sales career mediated by feelings.  - frontiers in psychology.  1-10. 

roshayati abdul hamid.  (2022).  the role of employees' technology readiness, job meaningfulness and proactive personality in adaptive performance.  - sustainability.  1-16. 

mohd effendi akib, siti ngayesah ab hamid, roshayati abdul hamid.  (2022).  factors influencing malaysian intention to use e-wallet.  - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences.  1772-1782. 

roshayati abdul hamid.  (2022).  the effect of work from home on adaptive performance and moderated by humble leadership.  - 31st international conference on multidisciplinary studies (icms xxviii).  328-342. 

gurcharanjit singh veer singh, zizah che senik, mohd hizam hanafiah, roshayati abdul hamid.  (2021).  the effects of strategic management practices on cooperative performance: the malaysian insight.  - academy of strategic management journal.  1-10. 

roshayati abdul hamid.  (2021).  ketidaksopanan siber melalui media sosial.  - majalah insan.  37-39. 

roshayati abdul hamid.  (2021).  pengurusan kejat: kepentingan pemikiran kejat dan modal insan.  - 94. 

roshayati binti abdul hamid, ida rosnita binti ismail.  (2021).  penggunaan media sosial di tempat kerja dan tingkah laku inovatif pekerja dalam kalangan milenial.  - jurnal pengurusan.  1-16. 

roshayati abdul hamid.  (2021).  customer incivility and work-family conflict of frontline employees: mediated by negative emotion and moderated by emotional regulation.  - 25th international conference on multidisciplinary studies.  460-462. 

ahmed abdullah alhamami, noor azuan hashim, roshayati abdul hamid, siti ngayesah ab. hamid.  (2021).  the adoption of social media by small and medium enterprise: a systematic literature review.  - indonesian journal of electrical engineering and computer science.  1220-1227. 

roshayati abdul hamid.  (2021).  keusahawanan mendepani pandemik covid-19.  - 14. 

nur atiqah abdullah, roshayati abd hamid, zaleha yazid, norazila mat.  (2021).  pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan.  - 11. 

roshayati abdul hamid.  (2021).  kawal emosi, minda elak dipengaruhi berita parasit.  - berita harian.  13. 

roshayati abdul hamid, abd walid abd hamid.  (2021).  kesediaan teknologi dan kesannya terhadap prestasi adaptif: disederhanakan oleh personaliti proaktif.  - 21st malaysia-indonesia international conference on economics, management and accounting.  164-170. 

ahmed abdullah alhamami, noor azuan hashim, roshayati abdul hamid, siti ngayesah ab. hamid.  (2021).  social media adoption and performance of small and medium enterprises (smes).  - 21st malaysia indonesia international conference on economics management and accounting.  141-144. 

zafir mohd makhbul, nor liza abdullah, fazilah mohamad hasun.  (2020).  impak covid 19 terhadap insan.  - 11. 

roshayati abdul hamid.  (2020).  cyber incivility in the workplace and quality of work life: moderated by family support.  - 24th international conference on multidisciplinary studies.  289-290. 

roshayati abdul hamid.  (2020).  the use of social media at the workplace and employees innovative behaviour among the milennials.  - 22nd international conference on social sciences.  237-238. 

roshayati binti abdul hamid.  (2020).  pkp lahirkan masyarakat berfikiran positif.  - berita harian.  12. 

roshayati abdul hamid, md. daud ismail, ida rosnita ismail.  (2020).  importance of employee participation in lean thinking and their competency toward employee innovative behaviour.  - the south east asian journal of management.  23-43. 

roshayati abdul hamid, md daud ismail.  (2020).  penglibatan pelajar universiti dalam membangunkan kemahiran pemikiran kreatif melalui aktiviti kerja berpasukan.  - international journal of management studies.  133-159. 

siti ngayesah ab hamid, tengku wasimah raja haron, roshayati abdul hamid.  (2020).  muslim students' intention to search for a life partner over the internet.  - jurnal personalia pelajar.  39-47. 

roshayati abdul hamid, mohd radzuan rahid, siti ngayesah ab hamid.  (2020).  the effects of employee participation in creative-relevant process and creative self-efficacy on employee creativity.  - geografia malaysian journal of society and space.  179-191. 

roshayati abdul hamid, zaleha yazid, noor hasni juhdi,laila adrena mat kana.  (2019).  penyalahgunaan internet sewaktu kuliah: kesan daripada penyerapan kognitif dan tabiat berinternet.  - jurnal pengurusan.  85-93. 

roshayati binti abdul hamid.  (2019).  best practices in operation management.  - 1-54. 

hafizuddin-syah, b.a.m., rubayah yakob, mohd hasimi yaacob, hawati janor, roshayati abd hamid, noor hasni juhdi, hendon redzuan, mohd mohid rahmat dan sajiah yakob.  (2019).  risk management & your organization.  - 1-51. 

zaleha yazid, lokhman hakim osman, roshayati abdul hamid.  (2018).  managing conflict in the self-managed project team.  - international journal of business and management science. 

md daud ismail roshayati abdul hamid zizah che senik abdullah sanusi othman noor hasni juhdi.  (2018).  smes export performance the effect of learning orientation and innovativeness.  - jurnal pengurusan. 

roshayati abdul hamid.  (2018).  pembangunan modal insan lestari.  - 199. 

noor hasni juhdi, roshayati abdul hamid, noradilah abd rahman & nurita juhdi.  (2018).  the roles of niyyat and practical wisdom; when doing business is a calling.  - malaysia-indonesia international conference on economics (miicema). 

roshayati binti abdul hamid.  (2018).  employee participation in creative-relevant process towards creative thinking.  - malaysia indonesia international conference on economics, management and accounting (miicema) 2018. 

roshayati binti abdul hamid;md daud bin ismail;noor hasni binti juhdi;ida rosnita binti ismail.  (2018).  developing a framework of employee creativity through different forms of employee participation and engagement in creative process.  -

nur atikah syafiqah binti azman shah & roshayati binti abdul hamid.  (2018).  pengaruh gangguan siber ke atas hubungan kerja dan keluarga: disederhanakan oleh burnout.  - the 9th international management and accounting conference (imac9). 

noor hasni binti juhdi;md daud bin ismail;roshayati binti abdul hamid;nor asiah binti omar.  (2018).  framework of entrepreneurial success when doing business is a calling/fardhu.  -

roshayati binti abdul hamid, ida rosnita binti ismail.  (2017).  types of employee participation engage most in the creative process: qualitative study.  - proceedings of international symposium on business and management.  545-554. 

md daud ismail, syed shah alam, roshayati bt abdul hamid.  (2017).  trust, commitment and competitive advantage iin export performance of smes.  - gaja mada international journal of business.  1-18. 

roshayati abdul hamid, ida rosnita ismail.  (2016).  faktor kejayaan pemikiran lean dan pencapaian operasi di sektor perkhidmatan.  - jurnal pengurusan.  1-20. 

zeti zuryani mohd zakuan, ida rosnita ismail, roshayati abdul hamid, suria fadhillah md pauzi.  (2016).  copyright infringement in the era of technology advancement: a malaysian perspective.  - asian journal of social science & humanities.  54-61. 

ida rosnita ismail, zeti zuryani mohd zakuan, roshayati abdul hamid, suria fadhillah md pauzi.  (2016).  attitude towards copyright infringement among tertiary students in malaysia: a vignette approach.  - 2nd international social science conference 2016.  120-125. 

nur atiqah abdullah, norazila mat, roshayati abdul hamid dan noor hasni juhdi.  (2016).  tingkah laku inovatif dalam kalangan pelajar pascasiswazah: satu kajian rintis di universiti kebangsaan malaysia.  - jurnal personalia pelajar.  41-48. 

md daud ismail, roshayati abd hamid, noor hasni juhdi, zizah che senik & abdullah sanusi othman.  (2016).  learning orientation and export performance: experience from smes in malaysia.  - asia pacific management review.  1-25. 

rasidah arshad, ida rosnita ismail, roshayati abd hamid, zaleha yazid.  (2016).  exploring the effect of workplace incivility on team performance.  - australian and new zealand academy of management. 

roshayati abdul hamid, ida rosnita ismail dan laila adrena mat kana.  (2016).  penyalahgunaan internet dalam kalangan pelajar semasa kuliah.  - 8th international management and accounting conference (imac8).  756-775. 

md daud ismail, nur syuhada md zain & roshayati abdul hamid.  (2016).  pembelajaran-e, tekanan dan komitmen belajar dalam kalangan pelajar sains sosial di universiti kebangsaan malaysia.  - jurnal personalia pelajar.  79-91. 

roshayati abdul hamid, noor hasni juhdi, md daud ismail, nor atiqah abdullah.  (2016).  abusive supervision and workplace deviance as moderated by spiritual intelligence: an empirical study of selangor employess.  - geografia online: malaysian journal of society and space.  191-202. 

hamid r.a., ismail i.r..  (2016).  success factors of lean thinking and operational performance in service sector.  - jurnal pengurusan.  143-156. 

khairul akmaliah bt. adham, roshayati binti abdul hamid, wan mohd hirwani bin wan hussain, mohd. ezani bin mat hassan, nik mutasim bin haji nik ab. rahman, rosmah bt. mat isa, et. al..  (2015).  exploring islamic perspective on transformative service for societal well-being.  -

roshayati binti abdul hamid, fazli bin idris, ida rosnita binti ismail, noor hasni binti juhdi, dr. ida rosnia bt ismail.  (2015).  integration of lean thinking and service supply chain: enhancing human capital development and service performance.  -

hasni n. juhdi; roshayati adbul hamid; adriana mohd rizal; nurita juhdi.  (2015).  psychological capital and entrepreneurial success: a multiple-mediated relationship.  - european journal of interdisciplinary studies.  110-133. 

khairul akmaliah adham,mohd fuaad said,adriana mohd rizal,mohd iqbal abdul wahab,hasmiah kasimin,mohd ezani mat hassan,nik mutasim nik ab rahman,rosmah mat isa,aini aman,adlin masood, et al.  (2015).  exploring islamic perspective on transformative service for societal well-being.  - reforming the grey areas. 

roshayati abdul hamid, noor hasni juhdi, norazila mat, roshidah abdul wahab.  (2015).  persepsi pelajar terhadap penggunaan perisian xtech dalam kaedah pengajaran kursus pengurusan operasi dan sains pengurusan.  - jurnal personalia pelajar.  85-96. 

ida rosnita ismail, roshayati abdul hamid, irnee safia ismail.  (2014).  effects of workplace friendship and workplace incivility on coworker helping.  - 2014 international symposium on business and management / nagoya, japan. 

roshayati binti abdul hamid, ida rosnita binti ismail,noor hasni binti juhdi.  (2014).  abusive supervision and workplace deviance: moderated by spiritual intelligence.  - 4th international conference on management proceeding: 4th icm 2014 / bali, indonesia. 

roshayati binti abdul hamid, ida rosnita binti ismail.  (2014).  employee participation, competencies, and lean thinking: towards firm performance.  - 2014 international symposium on business and management / nagoya, japan. 

ida rosnita binti ismail, roshayati binti abd hamid, fazli idris.  (2012).  pls application in operations management: a review of selected papers.  - asia pacific journal of operations management.  1(1):32-48. 

ramesh krishnan, roaimah omar, ida rosnita ismail, mohmad adnan alias, roshayati abdul hamid, mazuri abd ghani, kasturi kanchymalay.  (2010).  job satisfaction as a potential mediator between motivational job characteristics and organizational citizenship behavior: evidence from malaysia.  - journal of information technology and economic development.  1(1):86-110. 

roshayati binti abd hamid, ida rosnita binti ismail and siohong tih.  (2009).  effect of e-brochure usefulness on perceived destination image and intention to visit langkawi.  - proceedings of 2nd international conference on marketing and retailing (incormar 2009).