Penerbitan Terkini

ahmad musa, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  modified hilbert resonator-based transmission line sensor for moisture level estimation of soil.  - ieee sensors journal.  1183-1189. 

md afzalur rahman, samir salem al-bawri, wazie m. abdulkawi, khaled aljaloud, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  a unique swb multi-slotted four-port highly isolated mimo antenna loaded with metasurface for iot applications-based machine learning verification.  - engineering science and technology, an international journal.  1-14. 

mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  incident angle stable broadband conformal mm-wave fss for 5g (n257, n258, n260, and n261) band emi shielding application.  - ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters.  488-492. 

abu hanif, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad lutful hakim, iskandar yahya, saleh albadran, md. shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman.  (2024).  ni-pi-ni based nanoarchitectonics near-perfect metamaterial absorber with incident angle stability for visible and near-infrared applications.  - international journal of optomechatronics.  1-17. 

ahmad musa, mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, saeed alamri, ahmed s. alshammari, mohamed s. soliman.  (2024).  permeability negative split square resonator for solid materials dielectric constant and aqueous solution ph sensing applications.  - sensors and actuators a: physical.  1-11. 

md bakey billa, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, md shabiul islam, asraf mohamed moubark, haitham alsaif, saleh albadran, ahmed alzamil, ahmed s alshammari.  (2024).  structural, morphological, optical, electrical, and magnetic properties of aluminum-doped coxca nio 10fe2o4 flexible substrate for visible to nir spectra applications.  - apl materials.  1-16. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, air mohammad siddiky, rasheduzzaman sifat, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah.  (2024).  crossed arm based quad t shaped metallic arm with a circular loop resonator with wider bandwidth for high frequency based wireless communication.  - applied physics a-materials science & processing.  1-14. 

norsuzlin mohd sahar, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misranb & nur hazliza ariffin.  (2024).  litar setara dwi jalur antena dwikutub bersepadu untuk aplikasi rfid (equivalent circuit of dual-band dipole integrated antenna for rfid application).  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  641-651. 

nurul arbaatun adawiah, samir salem al-bawri, norsuzlin mohd sahar, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep s.j. singh.  (2024).  tuneable double negative (dng) tri-hexagonal split ring resonator metamaterial for 5g application.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-12. 

abu hanif, mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, badariah bais, saeed alamri, ayed m alrashdi, mohamed s soliman, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  highly sensitive miniaturized labyrinth shape circular split ring resonator (lc-srr) based microwave sensor for low permittivity characterization applications.  - engineering science and technology, an international journal.  1-12. 

mdbakey billa, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, md rashedul islam, mohammad lutful hakim, ayed alrashidi, mohamed s soliman.  (2024).  polarization insensitive multiband metamaterial absorber for bio-plastic sensing application.  - materials today sustainability.  1-11. 

nur fatin mohamad razali, norsuzlin mohd sahar, ahasanul hoque, hatem rmili, mohamed s. soliman, saeed alamri, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  compact triple decagon split ring resonator metamaterial for liquid sensing applications.  - optical and quantum electronics.  1-21. 

md afzalur rahman, samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh, md asifur rahman.  (2024).  a novel compact ultrawideband microstrip patch antenna for satellite communications system.  - proceedings of the 8th international conference on space science and communication.  243-251. 

md afzalur rahman, samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh, dipon saha, md ashraful haque.  (2024).  a compact multiband microstrip antenna design for 5g iot and satellite communication applications.  - proceedings of the 8th international conference on space science and communication.  125-132. 

md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  optimization-driven design of a 2-bit coding based metasurface absorber for enhanced emi shielding and rcs reduction.  - ain shams engineering journal.  1-14. 

alya ali musaed, samir salem al-bawri, wazie m abdulkawi, khaled aljaloud, zubaida yusoff, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  high isolation 16-port massive mimo antenna based negative index metamaterial for 5g mm-wave applications.  - scientific reports.  1-11. 

md. mhedi hasan, md. moniruzzaman, phumin kirawanich, touhidul alam, iskandar bin yahya, ayed m. alrashdi, mahjabin mobarak, mohamed s. soliman, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  frequency and bandwidth modulation of a wide band-stop metamaterial for emi shielding applications.  - optics and laser technology.  1-10. 

haitham alsaif, md. rashedul islam, ahasanul hoque, mohamed s. soliman, md. shabiul islam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  dual circular complementary split ring resonator based metamaterial sensor with high sensitivity and quality factor for textile material detection.  - apl materials.  1-15. 

musa n. hamza, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  design of mtm-based multiband micro-biosensor in terahertz region as perfect absorber for early-stage leukemia diagnosis with sensitivity 18 626 373 thz/riu.  - ieee sensors journal.  1-15. 

rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, tayaallen ramachandran, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al-mugren.  (2024).  development of double-layer metamaterial with high effective medium ratio values for s and c band applications.  - helioyon.  1-17. 

sura khalil ibrahim, samir salem al-bawri, mandeep jit singh, husam hamid ibrahim, mohammad tariqul islam, md shabiul islam, wazie m. abdulkawi, abdel-fattah a. sheta.  (2024).  compact metamaterial-based single/double-negative/near-zero index resonator for 5g sub-6 ghz wireless applications.  - scientific reports.  1-24. 

s.m. anowarul haque, md sohayeb hossain, abdulrahman alqahtani, mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, md. samsuzzaman.  (2024).  multiband highly sensitive metamaterial-based thz absorber for edible oil adulteration sensing.  - optik.  1-13. 

alya ali musaed, samir salem al-bawri, khaled aljaloud, wazie m. abdulkawi , mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh, zaini sakawi, husam hamid ibrahim.  (2024).  a symmetric t-h shape wideband negative index metamaterial for 28-ghz millimeter-wave applications.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-14. 

alya ali musaed, samir salem al-bawri, wazie m. abdulkawi, khaled aljaloud, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  high gain metamaterial-based 3d cross-shaped thz 16-port massive mimo antenna array for future wireless network.  - optical and quantum electronics.  1-18. 

musa n. hamza, mohammad tariqul islam, sunil lavadiya, slawomir koziel, iftikhar ud din, bruno cavalcante de souza sanches.  (2024).  designing a high-sensitivity dual-band nano-biosensor based on petahertz mtms to provide a perfect absorber for early-stage nonmelanoma skin cancer diagnostic.  - ieee sensors journal.  1-10. 

muhammad amir khalil, wong hin yong, md shabiul islam, ahasanul hoque, cham chin leei, mohamed s. soliman, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  cross enclosed square split ring resonator based on d.n.g. metamaterial absorber for x-band glucose sensing application.  - heliyon.  1-13. 

apurba ray chowdhury, saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, saeed alamri, ahmed s. alshammari, mohamed s. soliman.  (2024).  maze-enclosed quad symmetric kite shaped srr based metamaterial absorber for doppler navigation aids and earth exploration satellite remote sensing services.  - alexandria engineering journal.  357-368. 

mohammed tariqul islam, fawwaz hazzazi, muhammad akmal chaudhary, ahasanul hoque, saeed haghiri, milad ghanbarpour.  (2024).  fpga implementation of nerve cell using izhikevich neuronal model as spike generator (sg).  - ieee access.  2303-2312. 

md. shakibul hasan, mohammad tariqul islam, md. samsuzzaman, saeed alamri, saleh albadran, md. moniruzzaman, mohamed s. soliman.  (2024).  double elliptical resonator based quad-band incident angle and polarization angle insensitive metamaterial absorber for wireless applications.  - optics and laser technology.  1-13. 

prince jain, mohammad tariqul islam, ahmed s. alshammari.  (2024).  comparative analysis of machine learning techniques for metamaterial absorber performance in terahertz applications.  - alexandria engineering journal.  51-59. 

md. zikrul bari chowdhury, mohammad tariqul islam, ahmed alzamil, mohamed s. soliman, md. samsuzzaman.  (2024).  a tunable star-shaped highly sensitive microwave sensor for solid and liquid sensing.  - alexandria engineering journal.  644-662. 

r. azim, m. s. mia, a. k. m. ariful haque siddique, m. mottahir alam, m. tariqul islam.  (2024).  cpw-fed band-notch ultra-wideband antenna with cyrillic ghe-shaped parasitic slit.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials.  228-235. 

md shakibul hasan, mohammad tariqul islam, md samsuzzaman, fawzi alorifi, zaid ahmed shamsan, khalid almuhanna, sharul kamal abdul rahim, mohamed s. soliman.  (2024).  tunable asymmetric square split ring resonator based triple band metamaterial absorber for wireless communication system.  - optical materials.  1-13. 

mohammad tariqul islam;noorazah binti abd aziz;iskandar bin yahya;mandeep singh a/l jit singh.  (2024).  non-invasive stroke detection by microwave imaging system with compact unidirectional antenna.  -

touhidul alam;mohammad tariqul islam;gan kok beng;norsuzlin binti mohd sahar.  (2024).  oval shaped metasurface for body protection from harmful electromagnetic radiation.  -

gan kok beng;noorazah binti abd aziz;mohammad tariqul islam;rosmina jaafar.  (2024).  tumor detection technique using multitier assessment classification approach in microwave head imaging.  -

norsuzlin binti mohd sahar;mohammad tariqul islam;mandeep singh a/l jit singh;ahasanul hoque.  (2024).  implantable antenna using superstrate thickness for biotelemetry communication.  -

mohd hafiz bin baharuddin;norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  high resolution two-dimensional two-probe station for stochastic em emissions characterisation.  -

md. mhedi hasan, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, ahmed alzamil, mohamed s. soliman.  (2024).  electromagnetic coupling shielding in compact mimo antenna using symmetric t-shaped metamaterial structure for 5g communications.  - optics and laser technology.  1-12. 

md. zikrul bari chowdhury, mohammad tariqul islam, abdulrahman alqahtani, ahmed s. alshammari, mohamed s. soliman, saeed alamri, md. samsuzzaman.  (2024).  synthesis and characterization of mn-zn ferrite based flexible penta band metamaterial for sensing applications.  - optics and laser technology.  1-16. 

md. golam rabbani, mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, saeed alamri, abdullah al mahfazur rahman, asraf mohamed moubark, md. shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman.  (2024).  dumbbell shaped structure loaded modifed circular ring resonator based perfect metamaterial absorber for s, x and ku band microwave sensing applications.  - scientific reports.  1-21. 

najeeb ullah, md. shabiul islam, ahasanul hoque, phumin kirawanich, saeed alamri, haitham alsaif, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  compact dual-band metamaterial absorber: enhancing electromagnetic energy harvesting with polarization-insensitive and wide-angle capabilities.  - optics and laser technology.  1-10. 

istiaq hossain chowdhury, md. musfiqur rahman mazumder, sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohamed s. soliman, md. shabiul islam.  (2024).  ultrawideband nanostructured metamaterial absorber with an octagon-packed star-shaped resonator for uv to nir spectrum wavelength application.  - ain shams engineering journal.  1-13. 

md mohiuddin soliman, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, norbahiah misran, muhammad e.h. chowdhury, ahmed s. alshammari, mohamed s. soliman.  (2024).  wideband close perfect meta surface absorber for solar photovoltaic and optical spectrum applications.  - surfaces and interfaces.  1-24. 

md. moniruzzaman, mahjabin mobarak, abdulrahman alqahtani, tawfikur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, md samsuzzaman.  (2024).  symmetrically structured epsilon negative metamaterial for antenna gain enhancement.  - optical materials.  1-12. 

md. golam rabbani, ahasanul hoque, mohammad tariqul islam, saeed alamri, phumin kirawanich, saleh albadran, mohamed s. soliman.  (2024).  characterization and synthesis of mnxco(90-x)ni10fe2o4 based flexible dng metamaterial with emi shielding and sensing application.  - optics and laser technology.  1-16. 

prabodh kumar sahoo, manoj kumar panda, upasana panigrahi, ganapati panda, prince jain, md. shabiul islam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  an improved vgg-19 network induced enhanced feature pooling for precise moving object detection in complex video scenes.  - ieee access.  1-18. 

s.m. anowarul haque, m.t. islam, ismail hossain, fawzi alorifi, zaid ahmed shamsan, khalid almuhanna, sharul kamal abdul rahim, md samsuzzaman.  (2024).  left-handed metamaterial based on circular split ring (csrr) resonator for microwave sensing application.  - optical materials.  1-13. 

mohammad lutful hakim, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, sharul kamal abdul rahim, badariah bais, md. shabiul islam and mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  triple-band square split-ring resonator metamaterial absorber design with high effective medium ratio for 5g sub-6 ghz applications.  - nanomaterials.  1-15. 

md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  double elliptical resonator based quadruple band metamaterial absorber for emi shielding applications in microwave regime.  - alexandria engineering journal.  193-206. 

md. golam rabbani, mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque, badariah bais, saleh albadran, md. shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  orthogonal centre ring field optimization triple-band metamaterial absorber with sensing application.  - engineering science and technology, an international journal.  1-16. 

muhammad amir khalil, wong hin yong, ahasanul hoque, md. shabiul islam, lo yew chiong, cham chin leei, saleh albadran, mohamed s. soliman, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  liquid chemical adulteration detection enhancement using a square enclosed tri-circle negative index metamaterial sensor.  - engineering science and technology, an international journal.  1-12. 

ahmad musa, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad lutful hakim, hatem rmili, ahmed s. alshammari, md. shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  broadband plasmonic metamaterial optical absorber for the visible to near-infrared region.  - nanomaterials.  1-19. 

touhidul alam. mohammad tariqul islam,mohammad lutful hakim, khalid h. alharbi, mandeep singh jit singh, muntasir m. sheikh, rabah w. aldhaheri, md. shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  metamaterial based ku-band antenna for low earth orbit nanosatellite payload system.  - nanomaterials.  1-10. 

najeeb ullah, md. shabiul islam, ahasanul hoque, wong hin yong, ayed m. alrashdi, mohamed s. soliman, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  an efficient, compact, wide-angle, wide-band, and polarization-insensitive metamaterial electromagnetic energy harvester.  - alexandria engineering journal.  377-388. 

md. bakey billa, mohammad lutful hakim,touhidul alam, ali f. almutairi, norbahiah misran, mohamed s. soliman, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  near ideal absorption high oblique incident angle stable metamaterial structure for visible to infrared optical spectrum applications.  - optical and quantum electronics.  1-21. 

mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, saleh albadran, ayed m. alrashdi, haitham alsaif, ahmed s. alshammari, ahmed alzamil, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  interconnected square splits ring resonator based single negative metamaterial for 5g (n258, n257, n260 and n259) band sensor/emi shielding/and antenna applications.  - alexandria engineering journal.  419-436. 

sadia mostafa, mardina abdullah, siti aminah bahari, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  analysis of the regional ionospheric disturbance index during geomagnetic storm in 2012.  - ieee access.  94742-94752. 

mohammad lutful hakim; touhidul alam; mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  polarization insensitive and oblique incident angle stable miniaturized conformal fss for 28/38 ghz mm-wave band 5g emi shielding applications.  - ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters.  2644-2648. 

mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, haitham alsaif, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  polarization-independent fractal square splits ring resonator (fssrr) multiband metamaterial absorber/artificial magnetic conductor/sensor for ku/k/ka/5g (mm-wave) band applications.  - measurement.  1-16. 

md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker, k s al mugren.  (2023).  an innovative compact split-ring-resonator-based power tiller wheel-shaped metamaterial for quad-band wireless communication.  - materials.  1-16. 

shihabun sakib, ahasanul hoque, sharul kamal bin abdul rahim,mandeep singh, norsuzlin mohd sahar, md. shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  a central spiral split rectangular-shaped metamaterial absorber surrounded by polarization-insensitive ring resonator for s-band applications.  - materials.  1-23. 

najeeb ullah, md. shabiul islam, ahasanul hoque, wong hin yong, mohamed s. soliman, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  a compact-sized four-band metamaterial-based perfect absorber for electromagnetic energy harvesting applications.  - optics & laser technology.  1-11. 

mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque.  (2023).  metamaterial for microwave applications.  - 296. 

najeeb ullah, md. shabiul islam, ahasanul hoque, wong hin yong, mohamed s. soliman, saleh albadran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  a compact complementary split ring resonator (csrr) based perfect metamaterial absorber for energy harvesting applications.  - engineering science and technology, an international journal.  1-12. 

haitham alsaif, touhidul alam, tanveer ahsan, akm ariful haque siddique,mengu cho, norbahiah binti misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  meta resonator based lower s-band antenna for cube satellite communication system.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials-rapid communications.  224-229. 

md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  srr inspired modified psi shaped perfect metamaterial absorber for c-band application.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-12. 

sura khalil ibrahim, mandeep jit singh, samir salem al-bawri, husam hamid ibrahim, mohammad tariqul islam, md. shabiul islam, ahmed alzamil and wazie m. abdulkawi.  (2023).  design, challenges and developments for 5g massive mimo antenna systems at sub 6-ghz band: a review.  - nanomaterials.  1-40. 

ahasanul hoque, ali f. almutairi, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  triple-band modified v-shape with a u-shape ring resonator metamaterial absorber for c- and x-band sensing applications.  - 2023 3rd international conference on innovative research in applied science, engineering and technology (iraset).  1-5. 

md. salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  royal crown shaped polarization insensitive perfect metamaterial absorber for c-, x-, and ku-band applications.  - computers, materials & continua.  455-469. 

muhammad amir khalil, wong hin yong, mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque, md. shabiul islam, cham chin leei, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  double-negative metamaterial square enclosed q.s.s.r for microwave sensing application in s-band with high sensitivity and q-factor.  - scientific reports.  1-17. 

samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh.  (2023).  analysis of a tuneable nzri metamaterial unit cell for satellite applications.  - international conference on science & technology applications in climate change (staclim).  1-8. 

alya ali musaed, samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, wazie m abdulkawi.  (2023).  parametric analysis of epsilon-negative (eng) and near zero refractive index (nzri) characteristics of extraordinary metamaterial for 5g millimetre-wave applications.  - the 2022 international conference on science & technology applications in climate change (staclim 2022).  1-8. 

mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, norsuzlin binti mohd sahar, mandeep singh jit singh, haitham alsaif, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  metamaterial physical property utilized antenna radiation pattern deflection for angular coverage and isolation enhancement of mm-wave 5g mimo antenna system.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-10. 

abu hanif, mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, haitham alsaif, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  polarization insensitive oblique incident angle stable ultra-thin nano ring resonator-based metamaterial absorber for visible and near-infrared region applications.  - optics & laser technology.  1-11. 

md. kutub uddin, shawon hossen, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammed shamsul alam, mohammad lutful hakim.  (2023).  triple band antenna using superstate with double substrate for wireless applications.  - 26th international conference on computer and information technology (iccit).  1-5. 

nishan das, md. sharif mia, ayman mostafa, mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, rezaul azim.  (2023).  a four-element mimo antenna for wifi, wimax, wlan, 4g, and 5g sub-6 ghz applications.  - 2022 12th international conference on electrical and computer engineering (icece).  1-4. 

subra dey; md. sharif mia; abdullah al mamun; touhidul alam; mohammad tariqul islam; rezaul azim.  (2023).  s-shaped metamaterial absorber for k-band applications.  - international conference on electrical, computer and communication engineering (ecce).  1-5. 

norsuzlin binti mohd sahar;norbahiah binti misran;mohammad tariqul islam;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2023).  development of high accuracy gps receiving antenna for sensing climate change..  -

omer t. abdulhae, jit singh mandeep, m. t. islam, md. shabiul islam.  (2023).  reinforcement-based clustering in flying ad-hoc networks for serving vertical and horizontal routing.  - ieee access.  43881-43895. 

md. zikrul bari chowdhury, mohammad tariqul islam, ismail hossain, haitham alsaif, ahmed s. alshammari, ahmed alzamil, md samsuzzaman.  (2023).  a bendable wide oblique incident angle stable polarization insensitive metamaterials absorber for visible optical wavelength applications.  - optik.  1-18. 

muntasir m. sheikh, faiza amin shompa, afsana aziz, tanveer ahsan, mohammed shamsul alam, abdul kadar muhammad masum, touhidul alam, rabah w. aldhaheri, khalid h. alharbi, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  design and analysis of a circular polarized s-band antenna for cubesat communication system.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials rapid communications.  73-77. 

md. zikrul bari chowdhury, ammar armghan, mohammad tariqul islam, ismail hossain, md. naimur rahman, md. moniruzzaman, sarna majumder, md. samsuzzaman.  (2023).  a dual band y-shape monopole antenna for 5g wireless application.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials.  248-257. 

md. sharif mia, rezaul azim, ayman mostafa, md. shabiul islam, mohammad tariqul islam and ahasanul hoque.  (2023).  a simple slotted microstrip planar antenna for 2.45 ghz applications.  - autotestcon 2023 conference proceedings.  1-28. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md. atiqur rahman, ismail hossain, hatem rmili, mandeep jit singh, haitham alsaif, mohamed s. soliman, md samsuzzaman.  (2023).  analysis and characterization of structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of mgxco(0.90-x)zn0.10fe2o4 nanoparticles based flexible metamaterial absorber for wireless communication.  - journal of alloys and compounds.  1-12. 

mohamad yafik ihtisyam yazid, mohd hafiz baharuddin, mohammad shahidul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi.  (2023).  a sierpinski arrowhead curve slot vivaldi antenna for microwave head imaging system.  - ieee access.  32335-32347. 

nishan das, md. sharif mia, mohammad tariqul islam, ayman mostafa, koli dhar, rezaul azim.  (2023).  a dual-band mimo antenna for 5g sub-6 ghz/ wifi/wimax/wlan/bluetooth/c-band applications.  - 2023 international conference on electrical, computer, and communication engineering (ecce).  1-6. 

s.m kayser azam, mohamadarif othman, hazlee azil illias, tarik abdul latef, mohammad tariqul islam, mohd fadzil ain.  (2023).  ultra-high frequency printable antennas for partial discharge diagnostics in high voltage equipment.  - alexandria engineering journal.  709-729. 

ismail hossain, asraf mohamed moubark, mohammad tariqul islam, norsuzlin binti mohd sahar, mohamed s. soliman, md samsuzzaman.  (2023).  tunable cross-coupled metallic elements loaded epsilon negative and near-zero index characteristics based metamaterial.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-10. 

fazdliana samat , mandeep singh jit singh, abdulmajeed al-jumaily and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  the horizontal rain-cell span and wind impact on multisite diversity scheme in a tropical region during el-niño and la-niña.  - sensors.  1-20. 

md mohiuddin soliman, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, sharul kamal abdul rahim, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, touhidul alam, ahmed alzamil, ahmed s. alshammari, haitham alsaif, and mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  broadband near unity absorption meta-structure for solar thermophotovoltaic systems and optical window applications.  - nanoscale.  12972-12994. 

noora salim, mandeep s. j singh, amer t. abed, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  4x4 mimo slot antenna spanner shaped low mutual coupling for wi-fi 6 and 5g communications.  - alexandria engineering journal.  141-148. 

amran hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque, sharul kamal abdul rahim, ahmed s. alshammari, muhammad e.h. chowdhury, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  sensor-based microwave brain imaging system (smbis): an experimental six-layered tissue based human head phantom model for brain tumor diagnosis using electromagnetic signals.  - engineering science and technology, an international journal.  1-13. 

md shakibul hasan, mohammad tariqul islam, md moniruzzaman, md samsuzzaman, hatem rmili, norbahiah misran, md kutub uddin, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  a symmetric plus-shape resonator based dual band perfect metamaterial absorber for ku band wireless applications.  - optical materials.  1-12. 

liton chandra paul, himel kumar saha, tithi rani, rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam, md samsuzzaman.  (2023).  a dual-band semi-circular patch antenna for wimax and wifi-5/6 applications.  - international journal of communication systems.  1-13. 

asraf mohamed moubark, luzhen nie, mohd hairi mohd zaman, mohammad tariqul islam, mohd asyraf zulkifley, mohd hafiz baharuddin, zainab alomari, steven freear.  (2023).  enhancement of ultrasound b-mode image quality using nonlinear filtered-multiply-and-sum compounding for improved carotid artery segmentation..  - diagnostics.  1-27. 

mohd hafiz bin baharuddin;mohd fais bin mansor;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  optimal near field characterisation of a nonstationary stochastic em emissions using piecewise stationary segmentation approach.  -

md. moniruzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, mohd fais mansor, mohamed s. soliman, norbahiah misran, md samsuzzaman.  (2023).  tuning metallic stub loaded symmetrical resonator based dual band metamaterial absorber for wave shielding from wi-fi frequencies.  - alexandria engineering journal.  399-414. 

md. rashedul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque, ahmed s. alshammari, ahmed alzamil, haitham alsaif, md. samsuzzaman, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  star enclosed circle split ring resonator-based metamaterial sensor for fuel and oil adulteration detection.  - alexandria engineering journal.  547-563. 

ismail hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, md samsuzzaman, haitham alsaif, hatem rmili, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  dielectric characterization of mg-zn ferrite-based high permittivity flexible substrate for sng metamaterial.  - journal of materials research and technology.  1-16. 

amran hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, tawsifur rahman, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, anas tahir, serkan kiranyaz, kamarulzaman mat, gan kok beng and mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  brain tumor segmentation and classification from sensor-based portable microwave brain imaging system using lightweight deep learning models.  - biosensors.  1-29. 

md. mhedi hasan, hatem rmili, mohammad tariqul islam, sharul kamal abdul rahim, touhidul alam, ahmed alzamil, md. shabiul islam and mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  a compact mu-near-zero metamaterial integrated wideband high-gain mimo antenna for 5g new radio applications.  - materials.  1-21. 

md mohiuddin soliman, muhammad e h chowdhury, mohammad tariqul islam, farayi musharavati, amith khandakar, sakib mahmud, muhammad hafizh, mohamed arselene ayari, mohammad kaosar alam, erfan zal nezh.  (2023).  design and performance evaluation of a novel spiral head-stem trunnion for hip implants using finite element analysis.  - materials.  1-19. 

badariah binti bais;norbahiah binti misran;norazreen binti abd aziz;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  pixelated metasurface rectenna based on symmetric resonator for electromagnetic energy harvesting.  -

amran hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, sharul kamal abdul rahim, md atiqur rahman, tawsifur rahman, haslina arshad, amit khandakar, mohamed arslane ayari, and muhammad e.h. chowdhury.  (2023).  a lightweight deep learning based microwave brain image network model for brain tumor classification using reconstructed microwave brain (rmb) images.  - biosensors.  1-25. 

md. sharif mia; md. mottahir alam; rezaul azim; mandeep jit singh; touhidul alam; mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  triangular-shaped metamaterial-based em absorber for visible and infrared regime.  - 12th international conference on electrical and computer engineering (icece).  397-400. 

prince jain, himanshu chhabra, urvashi chauhan, krishna prakash, akash gupta, mohamed s. soliman, md. shabiul islam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  machine learning assisted hepta band thz metamaterial absorber for biomedical applications.  - scientific reports.  1-12. 

musa n. hamza, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  designing an extremely tiny dual-band biosensor based on mtms in the terahertz region as a perfect absorber for non-melanoma skin cancer diagnostics.  - ieee access.  36770-36781. 

prince jain, himanshu chhabra, urvashi chauhan, krishna prakash, piyush samant, dhiraj kumar singh, mohamed s. soliman, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  machine learning techniques for predicting metamaterial microwave absorption performance: a comparison.  - ieee access.  28774-28783. 

muhammad hafizh, md mohiuddin soliman, yazan qiblawey, muhammad e h chowdhury, mohammad tariqul islam, farayi musharavati, sakib mahmud, amaith kandokar, mohammad nabil, erfan zal nezhad.  (2023).  surface acoustic wave (saw) sensors for hip implant: a numerical and computational feasibility investigation using finite element methods.  - biosensors.  1-18. 

teh chia ai, wan zailah wan said, norsuzlin mohd sahar, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  image reconstruction technique using radon transform.  - lecture notes in electrical engineering, technological advancement in instrumentation & human engineering selected papers from icmer 2021.  735-754. 

md mohiuddin soliman, mohammad tariqul islam, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, abdulrahman alqahtani, farayi musharavati, touhidul alam, ahmed s. alshammari, norbahiah misran, mohamed s. soliman, sakib mahmudc and amith khandakar.  (2023).  advancement in total hip implant: a comprehensive review of mechanics and performance parameters across diverse novelties.  - journal of materials chemistry b.  10507-10537. 

abdullah al mahfazur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, norbahiah misran, fawzi alorifi, zaid ahmed shamsan, khalid almuhanna, sharul kamal abdul rahim, md shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  triple band frequency tunable polarization insensitive metamaterial absorber for wlan and 5g applications.  - optical materials.  1-15. 

abdullah al mahfazur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, sharul kamal abdul rahim, mandeep singh, norbahiah misran, md. shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  h-shaped modifiers loaded mirror symmetric resonator based double negative metamaterial for multi-band wireless communications.  - scientific reports.  1-19. 

shawon hossen, abdulrahman alqahtani, ismail hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, md moniruzzaman, md samsuzzaman.  (2023).  gap coupled symmetric square split ring high emr resonator-based metamaterial for s-, c-, and x-bands wireless applications: simulation and experiment.  - optical materials.  1-9. 

mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque.  (2023).  metamaterial for microwave applications.  - 296. 

md samsuzzaman, md siam talukder, abdulrahman alqahtani, abdullah g. alharbi, rezaul azim, mohamed s. soliman, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  circular slotted patch with defected grounded monopole patch antenna for microwave-based head imaging applications.  - alexandria engineering journal.  41-57. 

mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohd hafiz baharuddin, ahmed alzamil, md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  quad-band polarization-insensitive square split-ring resonator (ssrr) with an inner jerusalem cross metamaterial absorber for ku- and k-band sensing applications.  - sensors.  1-20. 

mohammad tariqul islam;noorazah binti abd aziz;mohd fais bin mansor;gan kok beng.  (2022).  time domain microwave signal contrast based algorithm for stroke detection system.  -

mandeep singh a/l jit singh;norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  characterization of a new ferrite based dielectric material for mobile communication .  -

kamarulzaman bin mat;mohammad tariqul islam;mohd hafiz bin baharuddin;mandeep singh a/l jit singh.  (2022).  ultrathin and flexible nanocomposite metamaterial with broadband perfect absorption in communication system.  -

norbahiah binti misran;kamarulzaman bin mat;iskandar bin yahya;mohammad tariqul islam;mohd hafiz bin baharuddin.  (2022).  development of microwave sensor for real-time detection of heavy metal ion and soluble contaminants in water.  -

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;mohammad tariqul islam;sabirin bin abdullah.  (2022).  functional graded nickel based nanocomposite coatings for oil and gas industry.  -

nasharuddin bin zainal;mohd. marzuki bin mustafa;marjmin binti osman;ashrani aizzuddin bin abd rahni;wan mimi diyana binti wan zaki;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  identifying region-of-interest (roi) for moving medical images on real time wireless communication system.  -

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker, nissren tamam, abdelmoneim sulieman.  (2022).  design and analysis of multi-layer and cuboid coding metamaterials for radar cross section reduction.  - materials.  1-27. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker, k s al mugren.  (2022).  development of diverse coding metamaterial structure for radar cross section reduction applications.  - scientific reports.  1-14. 

husam hamid ibrahim, mandeep jit singh, samir salem al-bawri, sura khalil ibrahim, mohammad tariqul islam, mohamed s. soliman, and md shabiul islam.  (2022).  low profile monopole meander line antenna for wlan applications.  - sensors.  1-13. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah,mohammad tariqul islam, jamel nebhen.  (2022).  double negative circular shaped inductively coupled metamaterial power splitter for the c-, x band applications.  - optik.  1-16. 

alya ali musaed, samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, ahmed jamal abdullah al-gburi and mandeep jit singh.  (2022).  tunable compact metamaterial-based double-negative/near-zero index resonator for 6g terahertz wireless applications.  - materials.  1-18. 

samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, md shabiul islam, mandeep jit singh, haitham alsaif.  (2022).  massive metamaterial system-loaded mimo antenna array for 5g base stations.  - scientific reports.  1-16. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah, mayeen uddin khandaker, nissren tamam, abdelmoneim sulieman.  (2022).  body-centered double-square split-ring enclosed nested meander-line-shaped metamaterial-loaded microstrip-based resonator for sensing applications.  - materials.  1-21. 

touhidul alam, muntasir m. sheikh, rabah w. aldhaheri, mandeep singh jit singh, mengu cho, mohammad tariqul islam, khalid h. alharbi. and md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  lower ultra-high frequency non-deployable omnidirectional antenna for nanosatellite communication system.  - nanomaterials.  1-9. 

zailah, wan, gan, b.y.j., leong, h.y., norsuzlin mohd sahar, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  vision-based inspection of pcb soldering defects.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  807-817. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker, hamid osman, imed boukhris.  (2022).  coding metamaterial analysis based on 1-bit conventional and cuboid design structures for microwave applications.  - materials.  1-18. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah, mayeen uddin khandaker, k s almugren.  (2022).  dual-square-split-ring-enclosed microstrip-based sensor for noninvasive label-free detection.  - materials.  1-18. 

md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain, mohammad tariqul islam,mayeen uddin khandaker, d a bradley, jamel nebhen.  (2022).  tuning fork-hammer shaped perfect metamaterial absorber for c-band applications.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-9. 

ahmed m tamim,mohammad r i faruque, mohammad t islam.  (2022).  metamaterial-inspired electrically small antenna for microwave applications.  - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part l-journal of materials-design and applications.  2230-2241. 

ismatul n idrus, mohammad r i faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad t islam, mayeen u khandaker, jamel nebhen.  (2022).  an octagonal split ring resonator-based double negative metamaterial for s-, x- and ku-band applications.  - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part l: journal of materials: design and applications.  2269-2280. 

sadia mostofa, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, siti aminah bahari, mohammad badal ahmmed.  (2022).  variations of total electron content during quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions over malaysia.  - 2022 ieee 6th international symposium on telecommunication technologies (istt).  97-101. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2022).  radar cross-section reduction using polarisation-dependent passive metamaterial for satellite communication.  - chinese journal of physics.  251-268. 

md samsuzzaman, norsuzlin mohd sahar, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  small satellite circularly polarized patch antenna.  - 188. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  dielectric passive left-handed symmetric metamaterial design for electromagnetic absorption reduction application.  - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part l-journal of materials-design and applications.  2157-2170. 

md mhedi hasan, mohammad tariqul islam, md moniruzzaman, mohd hafiz uddin, norsuzlin binti mohd sahar, md samsuzzaman.  (2022).  bilateral coupled epsilon negative metamaterial for dual band wireless communications.  - cmc-computers, materials & continua.  1263-1281. 

md atiqur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh, ismail hossain hatem rmili, md samsuzzaman.  (2022).  magnetic, dielectric and structural properties of coxzn(0.90x)al0.10fe2o4 synthesized by sol gel method with application as flexible microwave substrates for microstrip patch antenna.  - journal of materials research and technology.  934-943. 

md mizan kabir shuvo, md imran hossain, sultan mahmud, sydur rahman, md tajmiul hasan topu, sikder sunbeam islam, ahasanul hoque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  wide-angle broadband polarization independent bend-able nano-meta absorber employed in optical wavelength.  - optical materials.  1-12. 

amran hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi.  (2022).  a deep learning model to classify and detect brain abnormalities in portable microwave based imaging system.  - scientific reports.  1-27. 

md siam talukder, md mottahir alam, mohammad tariqul islam, md moniruzzaman, rezau lazim, abdullah g alharbi, asif irshad khan, muhammad moinuddin, md samsuzzaman.  (2022).  rectangular slot with inner circular ring patch and partial ground plane based broadband monopole low sar patch antenna for head imaging applications.  - chinese journal of physics.  250-268. 

nowshin tasnim, naziya hasan rattre, touhidul alam, mohammed shamsul alam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  polarization insensitive four pentagonal ring-shaped metamaterial absorber for solar energy harvesting.  - 5th international conference on electrical information and communication technology (eict).  1-5. 

md mizan kabir shuvo, md imran hossain, sultan mahmud, sydur rahman, md tajmiul hasantopu, ahasanul hoque, sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad s. soliman, sami h.a.almalki, md. shabiul islam & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  polarization and angular insensitive bendable metamaterial absorber for uv to nir range.  - scientific reports.  1-15. 

ismail hossain, md samsuzzaman, mohd hafiz baharuddin, norsuzlin binti mohd sahar, mandeep singh jit singh, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  computational investigation of multiband emnz metamaterial absorber for terahertz applications.  - computers, materials & continua.  3905-3920. 

md. rashedul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, m. salaheldeen m., badariah bais, sami h. a. almalki, haitham alsaif, md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  metamaterial sensor based on rectangular enclosed adjacent triple circle split ring resonator with good quality factor for microwave sensing application.  - scientific reports.  1-18. 

ismail hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, haitham alsaif, abdullah g. alharbi, norsuzlin binti mohd sahar, md samsuzzaman.  (2022).  an angular stable triple-band anisotropic cross-polarization conversion metasurface.  - results in physics.  1-9. 

md. moniruzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, md. samsuzzaman, m. salaheldeen m, norsuzlin mohd sahar, samir salem al-bawri, sami h.a.almalki, haitham alsaif, md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  gap coupled symmetric split ring resonator based near zero index eng metamaterial for gain improvement of monopole antenna.  - scientific reports.  1-22. 

omer t. abdulhae, jit singh mandeep, mt islam.  (2022).  cluster-based routing protocols for flying ad hoc networks (fanets).  - ieee access.  32981-33004. 

md. mottahir alam, rezaul azim, nebras m. sobahi, asif irshad khan, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  a dual-band cpw-fed miniature planar antenna for s-, c-, wimax, wlan, uwb, and x-band applications.  - scientific reports.  1-16. 

husam hamid ibrahim, mandeep jit singh, samir salem al-bawri, sura khalil ibrahim, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  a developed rectenna for wireless energy harvesting system with high efficiency.  - 2021 7th international conference on space science and communication.  261-265. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md atiqur rahman, mandeep jit singh, ismail hossain , mohamed s. soliman, sami h.a. almalki, haitham alsaif, md samsuzzaman.  (2022).  structural, dielectric, and magnetic properties characterization of sol-gel synthesized caxzn(0.90-x)ni0.10fe2o4 nanopowder and its application as flexible microwave substrate with polarization-insens.  - journal of materials research and technology-jmr&t.  5226-5237. 

md. mhedi hasan, mohammad tariqul islam, m. salaheldeen m., sami h. a. almalki, abdullahg.alharbi, haitham alsaif, md. shabiul islam, md. samsuzzaman.  (2022).  polarization insensitive dual band metamaterial with absorptance for 5g sub-6ghz applications.  - scientific reports.  1-20. 

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, sami h. a. almalki, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, m. salaheldeen m & md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  rotational symmetry engineered, polarization and incident angle-insensitive, perfect metamaterial absorber for x and ku band wireless applications.  - scientific reporst.  1-12. 

tawsifur rahman, amith khandakar, farhan fuad abir, md ahasan atick faisal, md shafayet hossain, kanchon kanti podder, tariq o. abbas, mohammed fasihul alam, saad bin kashem, mohammad tariqul islam, susu m. zughaier, muhammad e. h. chowdhury.  (2022).  qcovsml: a reliable covid-19 detection system using cbc biomarkers by a stacking machine learning model.  - computers in biology and medicine.  1-12. 

sadia mostofa, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, siti aminah bahari, mohammad badal ahmmed.  (2022).  a gps tec-based ionospheric-m index over malaysia.  - 2022 ieee 20th student conference on research and development (scored).  185-189. 

tawsifur rahman, amith khandakar, khandaker reajul islam, md mohiuddin soliman, mohammad tariqul islam, ahmed elsayed, yazan qiblawey, sakib mahmud, ashiqur rahman6, muhammad e. h. chowdhury.  (2022).  hipxnet: deep learning approaches to detect aseptic loos-ening of hip implants using x-ray images.  - ieee access.  53359-53373. 

siti hafizah yusop, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  antena tatasusun pantulan bagi penerima satelit.  - 154. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad shahidul islam.  (2022).  metamaterial antenna: electromagnetic head imaging system.  - 180. 

md zikrul bari chowdhury, mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque, ahmed s. alshammari, ahmed alzamil, haitham alsaif, badr m. alshammari, ismail hossain, md samsuzzaman.  (2022).  design and parametric analysis of a wide-angle and polarization insensitive ultra-broadband metamaterial absorber for visible optical wavelength applications.  - nanomaterials.  1-18. 

hussein yahya alkhalaf, md samsuzzaman, md moniruzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  electromagnetic energy harvesting using 2.40 ghz compact high gain patch antenna.  - journal of engineering science and technology.  294-305. 

md. zulfiker mahmud, md. ashik jiddney, mahbubur rahman, m. samsuzzaman, ayman a. althuwayb, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  a comprehensive review of ultra-wideband antennas for 5g applications.  - international journal of ultra wideband communications and systems.  142-155. 

sakib mahmud, nabil ibtehaz, amith khandakar, anas m. tahir, tawsifur rahman, khandaker reajul islam, md shafayet hossain, m. sohel rahman, farayi musharavati, mohamed arselene ayari, mohammad tariqul islam and muhammad e. h. chowdhury.  (2022).  a shallow u-net architecture for reliably predicting blood pressure (bp) from photoplethysmogram (ppg) and electrocardiogram (ecg) signals.  - sensors.  1-23. 

md mohiuddin soliman, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, mohammad tariqul islam, farayi musharavati, erfan zal nezhad, mohammad nabil, muhammad hafizh, amith khandakar, sakib mahmud, md nazmul islam shuzan, and farhan fuad abir.  (2022).  a review of biomaterials and associated performance metrics analysis in pre-clinical finite element model and in implementation stages for total hip implant system.  - polymers.  1-27. 

md mohiuddin soliman, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, mohammad tariqul islam ,farayi musharavati, mohammad nabil muhammad hafizh, amith khandakar sakib, mahmud erfan zal nezhad, md nazmul islam shuzan, farhan fuad abir.  (2022).  a review of biomaterials and associated performance metrics analysis in pre-clinical finite element model and in implementation stages for total hip implant system.  - polymers.  1-27. 

mandeep singh jit singh, mohammad tariqul islam, ng yun yann.  (2022).  rain rate in malaysia : impact & climate diversity.  - 159. 

samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, kabir hossain, thennarasan sabapathy, muzammil jusoh.  (2022).  left-handed characteristics tunable c-shaped varactor loaded textile metamaterial for microwave applications.  - computers, materials & continua.  611-628. 

amran hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, gan kok beng, saad bin abul kashem, mohamed s. soliman, norbahiah misran & muhammad e. h. chowdhury.  (2022).  microwave brain imaging system to detect brain tumor using metamaterial loaded stacked antenna array.  - scientific reports.  1-27. 

samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh, mohd faizal jamlos, adam narbudowicz, max j. ammann, dominique m. m. p. schreurs.  (2022).  rss-based indoor localization system with single base station.  - computers, materials & continua.  5437-5452. 

ismail hossain, md samsuzzaman, ahasanul hoque, mohd hafiz baharuddin, norsuzlin binti mohd sahar, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  polarization insensitive broadband zero indexed nano-meta absorber for optical region applications.  - computers, materials & continua.  993-1009. 

avez syed, muntasir sheikh, mohammad tariqul islam, and hatem rmili.  (2022).  metamaterial-loaded 16-printed log periodic antenna array for microwave imaging of breast tumor detection.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  1-15. 

abdulrahman alqahtani, mohammad tariqul islam, md siam talukder, md samsuzzaman, mohsen bakouri, sofiene mansouri, thamer almoneef, socrates dokos, and yousef alharbi.  (2022).  slotted monopole patch antenna for microwave-based head imaging applications.  - sensors.  1-20. 

shafayat hossain, md. iquebal hossain patwary, sikder sunbeam islam, sultan mahmud, norbahiah binti misran, ali f. almutairi and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  double-e-triple-h-shaped nri-metamaterial for dual-band microwave sensing applications.  - cmc-computers, materials & continua.  5817-5836. 

md atiqur rahman, mandeep jit singh, mohammad tariqul islam, amran hossain, mohamed s. soliman, saleh mohammad albadran, md samsuzzaman.  (2022).  preparation of new flexible antenna based on solegel synthesized mgxca(0.9-x)zn0.10fe2o4 nanoparticle for microwave imaging applications.  - journal of materials research and technology.  3579-3591. 

s.m. anowarul haque, m.t. islam, md. ismail hossain, mohamed s. soliman, md. samsuzzaman.  (2022).  modified rectangular circular split ring resonator based on a single negative metamaterial with high emr for dual-band satellite communication.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-9. 

simranjit singh, gurpreet kaur, mohammad tariqul islam, r.s. kaler.  (2022).  broadband connectivity in 5g and beyond.  - 1-191. 

mohammad lutful hakim, abu hanif, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, haslina arshad, mohamed s. soliman, saleh mohammad albadran and md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  ultrawideband polarization-independent nanoarchitectonics: a perfect metamaterial absorber for visible and infrared optical window applications.  - nanomaterials.  1-14. 

md. mhedi hasan, mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, mohamed s. soliman, ahmed s. alshammari, iman i. m. abu sulayman, md. samsuzzaman and md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  symmetric engineered high polarization-insensitive double negative metamaterial reflector for gain and directivity enhancement of sub-6 ghz 5g antenna.  - materials.  1-23. 

md. mushfiqur rahman, md. shabiul islam, mohammad tariqul islam and touhidul alam.  (2022).  electric-field-coupled resonator antenna for 5g applications.  - materials.  1-13. 

md. moniruzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, md samsuzzaman, abdullah g. alharbi, mohamed s. soliman, norbahiah misran & md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  electromagnetic characterization of mirror symmetric resonator based metamaterial and frequency tuning: a dielectric based multilayer approach.  - scientific reports.  1-14. 

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, mohamed s. soliman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, norbahiah misran & md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  a co-polarization-insensitive metamaterial absorber for 5g n78 mobile devices at 3.5 ghz to reduce the specific absorption rate.  - scientific reports.  1-13. 

mandeep singh, simranjit singh, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  csrr loaded high gained 28/38ghz printed mimo patch antenna array for 5g millimeter wave wireless devices.  - microelectronic engineering.  1-11. 

md. mhedi hasan, mohammad tariqul islam, md samsuzzaman, mohd haiz baharuddin, mohamed s. soliman, ahmed alzamil, iman i. m. abu sulayman & md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  gain and isolation enhancement of a wideband mimo antenna using metasurface for 5g sub-6 ghz communication systems.  - scientific reports.  1-17. 

ismail hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, md. samsuzzaman, md. moniruzzaman, norsuzlin binti mohd sahar, sami h.a.almalki, m. salaheldeen m, ahmedalzamil6, & md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  polarization insensitive split square ring resonator based epsilon-negative and near zero refractive index metamaterial for s, c, and x frequency bands satellite and radar communications.  - scientific reports.  1-14. 

md. rashedul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohamed s. soliman, badariah bais, mandeep jit singh, haitham alsaif, md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  metamaterial sensor based on reflected mirror rectangular split ring resonator for the application of microwave sensing.  - measurement.  1-11. 

rezaul azim, koli dhar, md. sharif mia and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  inset-fed microstrip patch antenna for ubiquitous wireless communication applications.  - international journal of ultra wideband communications and systems.  57-64. 

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, mohamed s. soliman, norsuzlin binti mohd sahar, mandeep singh jit singh, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, ahmed alzamil.  (2022).  a filling-factor engineered, perfect metamaterial absorber for multiple applications at frequencies set by ieee in c and x bands.  - journal of materials research and technology.  934-946. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, air mohammad siddiky, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2022).  optimization of passive metamaterial design with high effective medium ratio for wireless communications.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-12. 

md. mushfiqur rahman, md. shabiul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, samir salem al-bawri, wong hin yong.  (2022).  metamaterial-based compact antenna with defected ground structure for 5g and beyond.  - computers, materials & continua.  2383-2399. 

farhad bin ashraf, touhidul alam, md tarikul islam, mandeep jit singh, norbahiah binti misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  inkjet printed metamaterial loaded antenna for wlan/wimax applications.  - computers,materials & continua.  2271-2284. 

mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, mmandeep singh jit singh.  (2022).  penyelidik ukm hasil antena saiz kompak.  - berita harian.  1. 

md. amanath ullah, touhidul alam, ali f. almutairi, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  low profile uhf antenna design for low earth-observation cubesats.  - computers,materials & continua.  2533-2542. 

mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, mohamed s. soliman, norsuzlin mohd sahar, mohd hafiz baharuddin, sami h. a. almalki, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  polarization insensitive symmetrical structured double negative (dng) metamaterial absorber for ku band sensing applications.  - scientific reports.  1-18. 

liton chandra paul, himel kumar saha, tushar kanti roy, rezaul azim, & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  a wideband inset-fed simple patch antenna for sub-6 ghz band applications.  - 3rd int. conf. on innovations in science, engineering and technology (iciset).  106-109. 

samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh, md tarikul islam.  (2022).  compact wideband five port reflectometer based on symmetrical waveguide ring junction for synthetic microwave imaging applications.  - international journal of communication systems.  1-14. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammadtariqul islam.  (2022).  specific absorption rate reduction for sub 6 frequency range using polarization dependent metamaterial with high effective medium ratio.  - scientific reports.  1-18. 

mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam , md. shabiul islam, m. salaheldeen m., sami h. a. almalki, mohd hafiz baharuddin, haitham alsaif, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  wide-oblique-incident-angle stable polarization-insensitive ultra-wideband metamaterial perfect absorber for visible optical wavelength applications.  - materials.  1-14. 

md bellal hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam,mandeep singh,muzammil jusoh.  (2022).  triple band microwave metamaterial absorber based on double e-shaped symmetric split ring resonators for emi shielding and stealth applications.  - journal of materials research and technology.  1653-1668. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker,, amal alqahtani, d a bradley.  (2022).  development and analysis of coding and tailored metamaterial for terahertz frequency applications.  - materials.  1-14. 

md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, ahmed s alshammari, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  wide bandwidth enriched symmetric hexagonal split ring resonator based triple band negative permittivity metamaterial for satellite and wi fi applications.  - results in physics.  1-14. 

md bellal hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam,mayeen uddin khandaker,nissren tamam, abdelmoneim sulieman.  (2022).  modified coptic cross shaped split-ring resonator based negative permittivity metamaterial for quad band satellite applications with high effective medium ratio.  - materials.  1-19. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, jamel nebhen.  (2022).  the circularly bent split ring resonator with a high effective medium ratio for multi frequency satellite band applications.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-17. 

m l hakim, touhidul alam, m h baharuddin, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  frequency integration of dual-band hexagonal metamaterial resonator antenna for wi-fi and 5g wireless communication.  - the 2022 malaysia-japan workshop on radio technology 2022 (mjwrt2022).  1-9. 

mohammad shahidul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi.  (2022).  a portable non-invasive microwave based head imaging system using compact metamaterial loaded 3d unidirectional antenna for stroke detection.  - scientific reports.  1-27. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah,mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker, k s al mugren.  (2022).  dual square split ring enclosed spiral shaped hybrid metamaterial resonator with size miniaturisation for microwave wireless applications.  - scientific reports.  1-19. 

ahmad musa, mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, ahmed s. alshammari, kamarulzaman mat ,m. salaheldeen m., sami h. a. almalki, md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  polarization independent metamaterial absorber with anti-reflection coating nanoarchitectonics for visible and infrared window applications.  - materials.  1-16. 

r. azim, s. k. a. rahim, m. s. mia, touhidul alam, m. moniruzzaman, and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  human face-shaped planar antenna for 5g sub-6 ghz application.  - 9th ieee international rf and microwave conference (rfm) 2022.  16-19. 

husam hamid ibrahim, mandeep jit singh, samir salem al-bawri, sura khalil ibrahim, mohammad tariqul islam, ahmed alzamil, md shabiul islam.  (2022).  radio frequency energy harvesting technologies: a comprehensive review on designing, methodologies, and potential applications.  - sensors.  1-30. 

surentiran padmanathan; azremi abdullah al-hadi; ahmed mohamed elshirkasi; samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, thennarasan sabapathy, muzammil jusoh, prayoot akkaraekthalin, ping jack soh.  (2022).  compact multiband reconfigurable mimo antenna for sub- 6ghz 5g mobile terminal.  - ieee access.  60241-60252. 

rasheduzzaman sifat,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam,mayeen uddin khandaker,nissren tamam, abdelmoneim sulieman.  (2022).  development ofdouble c shaped left-handed metamaterial for dual band wifi and satellite communication application with high effective medium radio and wide bandwidth.  - crystals.  1-20. 

md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  modifed double dumbbell shaped split ring resonator based negative permittivity metamaterial for satellite communications with high effective medium ratio.  - scientific reports.  1-18. 

norsuzlin mohd sahar, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  reconfigurable multiband antenna for rfid and gps applications.  - 81. 

mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, ali f. almutairi, mohd fais mansor, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  polarization insensitivity characterization of dual-band perfect metamaterial absorber for k band sensing applications.  - scientific reports.  1-14. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  a dual-band polarization-independent left-handed symmetrical metamaterial for communication system application.  - journal of materials research and technology.  731-744. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, air mohammad siddiky, eistiak ahamed, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah.  (2021).  parallel lc shaped metamaterial resonator for c and x band satellite applications with wider bandwidth.  - scientific reports.  1-15. 

rezaul azim, touhidul alam, md sharif mia, ali f. almutairi, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  an octa-band planar monopole antenna for portable communication devices.  - scientific reports.  1-13. 

eistiak ahamed,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,ahmed mahfuz tamim,mohammad tariqul islam,mohd fais bin mansor,mohammad badal ahmmed.  (2021).  enhancement of magnetic feld intensity with a left-handed metamaterial tunnel resonator for obstacle sensing.  - chinese journal of physics.  91-105. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  symmetric square shaped metamaterial structure with quintuple resonance frequencies for s, c, x and ku band applications.  - scientific reports.  1-15. 

eistiak ahamed, md mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  double negative bend headed i-shaped metamaterial based terahertz optical power splitter.  - results in physics.  1-9. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2021).  parabolic split ring resonator (psrr) based mnz metamaterial with angular rotation for wifi/wimax/wireless/ism band applications.  - chinese journal of physics.  753-769. 

rezaul azim, akm moinul h. meaze, adnan affandi, md mottahir alam, rumi aktar, md s. mia, touhidul alam, md samsuzzaman, mohammad t. islam.  (2021).  a multi-slotted antenna for lte/5g sub-6 ghz wireless communication applications.  - international journal of microwave and wireless technologies.  486-496. 

eistiak ahamed,ahmed mahfuz tamim,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,rasheduzzaman sifat,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  reconfigurable thz metamaterial filter based on binary response for information processing system.  - frontiers in physics.  1-9. 

ahmed mahfuz tamim, md mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, jamel nebhen.  (2021).  polarization-independent symmetrical digital metasurface absorber.  - results in physics.  1-12. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,air mohammad siddiky,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  reduction of 5g cellular network radiation in wireless mobile phone using an asymmetric square shaped passive metamaterial design.  - scientific reports.  1-22. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,sabirin abdullah,mohammad tariqul islam,muhammad roszaini roslan.  (2021).  left-handed compact multi-band circular metamaterial for s-, c- and ku-band applications.  - materials today: proceedings (second international conference on advances in intelligent systems, soft computing and optimization techniques 2020 (icaisco 2020).  1374-1381. 

sura khalil ibrahim, samir salem al-bawri, mandeep jit singh, husam hamid ibrahim, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  a high gain and low cross-polarization compact slotted patch antenna for 5g wireless communication applications.  - 7th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace).  161-166. 

air mohammad siddiky,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam,sabirin abdullah.  (2021).  a multi-split based square split ring resonator for multiband satellite applications with high effective medium ratio.  - results in physics.  1-13. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;mardina bt. abdullah;norbahiah binti misran;mohammad tariqul islam;sabirin bin abdullah.  (2021).  development of open mesh meta-atom mirror for solar radiation absorption.  -

touhidul alam, norsuzlin mohd sahar, abdullah al imtiaz, md. amanath ullah, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  design and analysis of a patch antenna for nanosatellite transmission system.  - 7th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace).  31-34. 

iskandar bin yahya;norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  development of modified side slotted patch antenna based medical imaging system for scanning human body.  -

nowshin tasnim, naziya hasan rattre, touhidul alam, mohammed shamsul alam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  polarization insensitive four pentagonal ring-shaped metamaterial absorber for solar energy harvesting.  - 5th international conference on electrical information and communication technology (eict), khulna, bangladesh.  1-5. 

norbahiah binti misran;noorazah binti abd aziz;mohd fais bin mansor;iskandar bin yahya;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  internet of things (iot) based hospital queuing management system using flexible wrist band.  -

mandeep singh a/l jit singh;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  elementary counting operations on microwave antenna based imaging scheme data for brain stroke detection.  -

khalid hamed alharbi, md moniruzzamanb, rabah wasel aldhaheria, abdulah jeza aljohani, simranjit singh, md samsuzzaman and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  ultra-wideband monopole antenna with u and l shaped slotted patch for applications in 5g and short distance wireless communications.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  159-180. 

md. atiqur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep singh jit singh, md. samsuzzaman.  (2021).  polarization-independent multiband double-negative metamaterial through ferrite-based flexible substrate with tunable microwave dielectric properties.  - results in physics.  1-13. 

ismail hossain, md samsuzzaman, md moniruzzaman, badariah binti bais, mandeep singh jit singh, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  polarization-independent broadband optical regime metamaterial absorber for solar harvesting: a numerical approach.  - chinese journal of physics.  699-715. 

md mohiuddin soliman,muhammad e. h. chowdhury,amith khandakar ,mohammad tariqul islam,yazan qiblawey,farayi musharavati and erfan zal nezhad.  (2021).  review on medical implantable antenna technology and imminent research challenges.  - sensors.  1-28. 

muhammad e.h. chowdhury, tawsifur rahman, amith khandakar, nabil ibtehaz, aftab ullah khan, muhammad salman khan, nasser al-emadi, mamun bin ibne reaz, mohammad tariqul islam and sawal hamid md. ali.  (2021).  technology in agriculture.  - 17. 

md. rashedul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, md. samsuzzaman & haslina arshad.  (2021).  penta band single negative meta-atom absorber designed on square enclosed star-shaped modified split ring resonator for s-, c-, x- and ku- bands microwave applications.  - scientific reports.  1-22. 

ahasanul hoque, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi, muhammad e. h. chowdhury.  (2021).  dng metamaterial reflector using soct shaped resonator for microwave applications.  - ieee access.  59148-59159. 

md atiqur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep singh jit singh, md samsuzzaman & muhammad e. h. chowdhury.  (2021).  synthesis and characterization of mg zn ferrite based flexible microwave composites and its application as sng metamaterial.  - scientific reports.  1-14. 

md atiqur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep singh jit singh, muhammad eh. chowdhury , md samsuzzaman.  (2021).  quad-band flexible magnesium zinc ferrite (mgznfe2o4)-based double negative metamaterial for microwave applications.  - chinese journal of physics.  351-364. 

norbahiah binti misran;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  multibeam substrate integrated waveguide dielectric resonator antenna based phased array system with mutual coupling compensation for 5g smart devices.  -

mohammad shahidul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque, md tarikul islam, nowshad amin & muhammad e. h. chowdhury.  (2021).  a portable electromagnetic head imaging system using metamaterial loaded compact directional 3d antenna.  - ieee access.  50893-50906. 

tawsifur rahman, amith khandakar, yazan qiblawey, anas tahir, serkan kiranyaz, saad bin abul kashem, mohammad tariqul islam, somaya al maadeed, susu m. zughaier, muhammad salman khan, muhammad e. h. chowdhury.  (2021).  exploring the effect of image enhancement techniques on covid-19 detection using chest x-ray images.  - computers in biology and medicine.  1-16. 

samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh, emad alyan, muzammil jusoh, thennarasan sabapathy, surentiran padmanathan, kabir hossain.  (2021).  broadband sub-6ghz slot-based mimo antenna for 5g nr bands mobile applications.  - the 1st international conference on engineering and technology (icoengtech) 2021.  1-7. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md tarikul islam, md samsuzzaman,salehin kibria and muhammad e. h. chowdhury.  (2021).  microwave breast imaging using compressed sensing approach of iteratively corrected delay multiply and sum beamforming.  - diagnostics.  1-12. 

tayyab shabbir, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, samir salem al-bawri, simranjit singh.  (2021).  broadband single-layer reflectarray antenna loaded with meander-delay-lines for x-band applications.  - alexandria engineering journal.  1105-1112. 

ahmed mahfuz tamim,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker,mohammad tariqul islam,david andrew bradley.  (2021).  electromagnetic radiation reduction using novel metamaterial for cellular applications.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-14. 

md. rashedul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque, mohamed s. soliman, badariah bais, norsuzlin mohd sahar, sami h. a. almalk.  (2021).  tri circle split ring resonator shaped metamaterial with mathematical modelling for oil concentration sensing.  - ieee access.  61087-61102. 

kamarulzaman mat, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, mohd fais mansor.  (2021).  dual frequencies usage by full and incomplete ring elements.  - international journal of advanced computer science and applications.  467-472. 

kamarulzaman mat, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam & mohd fais mansor.  (2021).  sorotan perkembangan rekabentuk antena jalur mikro ekadenyut.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  403-412. 

rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam, haslina arshad, md. mottahir alam, nebras sobahi and asif irshad khan.  (2021).  cpw-fed super-wideband antenna with modified vertical bow-tie-shaped patch for wireless sensor networks.  - ieee access.  5343-5353. 

md rakib raihan razu, sultan mahmud, mohammad jalal uddin, sikder sunbeam islam, badariah bais, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  wireless charging of electric vehicle while driving.  - ieee access.  57973-57983. 

mohammad tariqul islam;kamarulzaman bin mat;mohd fais bin mansor;norsuzlin binti mohd sahar.  (2021).  development of resonator based metamaterial for body protection from electromagnetic radiation.  -

ismail hossain, md samsuzzaman, norbahiah misran, golam md. muradul bashir chinmay bepery, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  a compact twofold spoon-shaped antenna for ultra-wideband (uwb) applications.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials rapid communications.  555-563. 

md. zulfiker mahmud, md samsuzzaman, liton chandra paul, md rashedul islam, ayman a. althuwayb, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  a dielectric resonator based line stripe miniaturized ultra-wideband antenna for fifth-generation applications.  - international journal of communication system.  1-8. 

mohammad tariqul islam;norbahiah binti misran.  (2021).  design and development of patch antenna for 5g and small satellite applications.  -

amer t. abed, mandeep s. jit singh, vinesh thiruchelvam, shankar duraikannan, omar almukhtar tawfeeq, bushra a. tawfeeq & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  challenges and limits of fractal and slot antennas for wlan, lte, ism, and 5g communication: a review paper.  - annals of telecommunications.  547-557. 

m a shakoor, m moyeenuzzaman, r azim, s r chakraborty, m t islam & m samsuzzaman.  (2021).  absorption of electromagnetic radiation on human lower back region.  - jurnal kejuruteraan (journal of engineering).  141-145. 

mandeep singh, simranjit singh, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  emerging trends in terahertz engineering and system technologies.  - 14. 

mohammad shahidul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi.  (2021).  experimental tissue mimicking human head phantom for estimation of stroke using ic-cf-dmas algorithm in microwave based imaging system.  - scientific reports.  1-14. 

md. moniruzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, ismail hossain, mohamed s. soliman, md samsuzzaman, sami h. a. almalki.  (2021).  symmetric resonator based tunable epsilon negative near zero index metamaterial with high effective medium ratio for multiband wireless applications.  - scientific reports.  1-21. 

mandeep singh a/l jit singh;mohammad tariqul islam;norsuzlin binti mohd sahar.  (2021).  compact uhf patch antenna development for 1u cube satellite communications.  -

md. rashedul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohamed s. soliman, mohd hafiz baharuddin, kamarulzaman mat1, asraf mohamed moubark, sami h. a. almalki.  (2021).  metamaterial based on an inverse double v loaded complementary square split ring resonator for radar and wi-fi applications.  - scientific reports.  1-19. 

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, hatem rmili.  (2021).  polarization-independent perfect metamaterial absorber for c, x and, ku band applications.  - journal of materials research and technology.  3722-3732. 

md samsuzzaman, khalid a. fakeeh, md siam talukder, md mahedi hasan, md hasanur rahman, md mottahir alam, mahaboob sharief shaik, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  a double hollow rectangular-shaped patch and with the slotted ground plane monopole wideband antenna for microwave head imaging applications.  - international journal of communication systems.  1-15. 

rezaul azim, m. tariqul islam, md. mottahir alam, khalid a. fakeeh, mahaboob sharief shaik.  (2021).  a low-profile planar antenna for wireless sensor network with rotated a-shaped patch and defected ground plane.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials-rapid communications.  480-486. 

md mizan kabir shuvo, md imran hossain, sydur rahman, sultan mahmud, sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  a wide-angle, enhanced oblique incidence, bend-able metamaterial absorber employed in visible region with a sun shape resonator.  - ieee access.  26466-26480. 

sultan mahmud, minhazul karim, sikder sunbeam islam, md mizan kabir shuvo, tanzina akter, ali f. almutairi, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  a multi-band near perfect polarization and angular insensitive metamaterial absorber with a simple octagonal resonator for visible wavelength.  - ieee access.  7746-7760. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, touhidul alam, md samsuzzaman, qutaiba a. razouqi & ali f. almutairi.  (2021).  realization of frequency hopping characteristics of an epsilon negative metamaterial with high effective medium ratio for multiband microwave applications.  - scientific reports.  1-23. 

tawsifur rahman, amith khandakar, md enamul hoque, nabil ibtehaz, saad bin kashem, reehum masud, lutfunnahar shampa, mohammad mehedi hasan, mohammad t. islam, somaya al-madeed, susu m. zughaier, saif badran, suhail a. r. doi, muhammad e. h. chowdhury.  (2021).  development and validation of an early scoring system for prediction of disease severity in covid-19 using complete blood count parameters.  - ieee access.  20422-20441. 

arshad selamat, norbahiah misran, mohd fais mansor dan mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  antena tatasusun pantulan terintegrasi sel suria.  - 112. 

amran hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, md shabiul islam, md samsuzzaman.  (2021).  a mutual coupled spider net-shaped triple split ring resonator based epsilon-negative metamaterials with high effective medium ratio for quad-band microwave applications.  - results in physics.  1-26. 

muhammad e. h. chowdhury, tawsifur rahman, amith khandakar, mohamed arselene ayari, aftab ullah khan, muhammad salman khan, nasser al-emadi, mamun bin ibne reaz, mohammad tariqul islam, sawal hamid md ali.  (2021).  automatic and reliable leaf disease detection using deep learning techniques.  - agriengineering.  294-312. 

touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi, md samsuzzaman & mengu cho.  (2021).  metamaterial array based meander line planar antenna for cube satellite communication.  - scientific reports.  1-12. 

arafat rahman, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, amith khandakar, serkan kiranyaz, khshahriya zaman, mamun bin ibne reaz, mohammad tariqul islam, maymouna ezeddin, muhammad abdul kadir.  (2021).  multimodal eeg and keystroke dynamics based biometric system using machine learning algorithms.  - ieee access.  94625-94643. 

abu zafar md. imran, mohammad lutful hakim, md. razu ahmed, mohammad tariqul islam, elias hossain.  (2021).  design of microstrip patch antenna to deploy unmanned aerial vehicle as ue in 5g wireless network.  - international journal of electrical and computer engineering.  4202-4213. 

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, muhammad e. h. chowdhury & farayi musharavati.  (2021).  angle insensitive copolarized metamaterial absorber based on equivalent circuit analysis for dual band wifi applications.  - scientific reports.  1-13. 

md moniruzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, md samsuzzaman, touhidul alam & muhammad e. h. chowdhury.  (2021).  inductively tuned modified split ring resonator based quad band epsilon negative (eng) with near zero index (nzi) metamaterial for multiband antenna performance enhancement.  - scientific reports.  1-29. 

hossain, i., samsuzzaman, m., singh, m. s. j., bais, b. b., mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  numerical investigation of polarization-insensitive multiband metamaterial for terahertz solar absorber.  - digest journal of nanomaterials and biostructures.  593-600. 

md siam talukder, md samsuzzaman, md. tarikul islam, rezaul azim, md zulfiker mahmud, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  compact ellipse shaped patch with ground slotted broadband monopole patch antenna for head imaging applications.  - chinese journal of physics.  310-326. 

amran hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad shahidul islam, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, ali f. almutairi, qutaiba a. razouqi, norbahiah misran.  (2021).  a yolov3 deep neural network model to detect brain tumor in portable electromagnetic imaging system.  - ieee access.  82647-82660. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md rashedul islam, md tarikul islam, ahasanul hoque, md samsuzzaman.  (2021).  linear regression of sensitivity for meander line parasitic resonator based on eng metamaterial in the application of sensing.  - journal of materials research and technology.  1103-1121. 

rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, eistiak ahmed, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2020).  electric field controlled cohesive symmetric hook-c shape inspired metamaterial for s-band application.  - chinese journal of physics.  28-38. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  double h-shaped complementary split ring resonator with different orientations for quad-band satellite applications.  - results in physics.  1-10. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2020).  inverse double-c shaped square split ring resonator based metamaterial with multi-resonant frequencies for satellite band applications.  - results in physics.  1-12. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. rahman, m. m. hasan, a. m. tamim, i. n. idrus, m. t. islam.  (2020).  architecture of left handed metamaterial absorber for absorbing electromagnetic hazards.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials.  495-500. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  a dual band left-handed metamaterial-enabled design for satellite applications.  - results in physics.  1-8. 

eistiak ahamed,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,md. jubaer alam,mohd fais bin mansor, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  digital metamaterial filter for encoding information.  - scientic reports.  1-9. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md jubaer alam, muhamad roszaini roslan, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  penapsis jalur berasaskan campuran gegelung penyalun berbentuk sarang bulat untuk aplikasi gelombang mikro.  - jurnal teknologi.  35-41. 

ahmed mahfuz tamim,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,eistiak ahamed, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  electromagnetic absorption of srr based double-inverse e-shaped metamaterial for dcs, eesc, 5g, and wimax applications.  - chinese journal of physics.  349-361. 

shaliza jumahat, gan kok beng, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, nurhafizah mahri, mohd hasni jaafar.  (2020).  automated qt interval measurement using modified pan-tompkins algorithm with independent isoelectric line approach.  - journal of biomimetics, biomaterials and biomedical engineering.  51-61. 

mohammad tariqul islam, i. k. kuzmichev, a. ye. kogut, r. s. dolya, z. ye. eremenko, e. kogut, l. w. y. liu.  (2020).  determination of the moisture content in walnuts using microwave nondestructive technique.  - telecommunications and radio engineering.  509-520. 

mohammad tariqul islam;mardina bt. abdullah;sabirin bin abdullah;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2020).  development of a new double-negative metamaterial inspired multi-band antenna for satellite communication.  -

mohammad tariqul islam;baharudin bin yatim;mohd. alauddin bin mohd. ali;norbahiah binti misran.  (2020).  prototyping of rfid reader antenna for commercial production.  -

mohd hafiz baharuddin; mohammad tariqul islam; tito yuwono; chris j smartt; david wp thomas.  (2020).  impact of mode of operations on the electromagnetic emissions of a complex electronic device.  - 2020 ieee international rf and microwave conference (rfm).  1-4. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  left-handed circular-shaped compact metamaterial for x- and ku-band applications.  - journal of physics:conference series.  1-8. 

husam hamid ibrahim, mandeep s. j. singh, samir salem al-bawri and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  synthesis, characterization and development of energy harvesting techniques incorporated with antennas: a review study.  - sensors.  1-27. 

md samsuzzaman, norbahiah misran, md tarikul islam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  wideband 8×8 patch antenna array for 5g wireless communications.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials - rapid communications.  163-171. 

md. tarikul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, md. samsuzzaman, m. n. rahman, mandeep jit singh.  (2020).  asymmetric feed circularly polarized broadband printed antenna for wireless communication.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials.  129-135. 

kok jiunn ng, mohammad tariqul islam, adam m. alevy and mohd. fais mansor.  (2020).  ultralow profile, low passive intermodulation, and super-wideband ceiling mount antennas for cellular and public safety distributed antenna systems.  - sensors.  1-33. 

mohammad shahidul islam, md samsuzzaman, norbahiah misran,gan kok beng, nowshad amin, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  a gap coupled hexagonal split ring resonator based metamaterial for s-band and x-band microwave applications.  - ieee access.  68239-68253. 

ahasanul hoque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  numerical analysis of single negative broadband metamaterial absorber based on tri thin layer material in visible spectrum for solar cell energy harvesting.  - plasmonics.  1061-1069. 

md rashedul islam, md samsuzzaman, norbahiah misran, gan kok beng, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  a tri-band left-handed meta-atom enabled designed with high effective medium ratio for microwave based applications.  - results in physics.  1-12. 

amran hossain, mohammad tariqul islam,ali f. almutairi, mandeep singh jit singh, kamarulzaman mat and md. samsuzzaman.  (2020).  an octagonal ring-shaped parasitic resonator based compact ultrawideband antenna for microwave imaging applications.  - sensors.  1-20. 

adnan affandi,rezaul azim,md mottahir alam and m tariqul islam.  (2020).  a low-profile wideband antenna for wwan/lte applications.  - electronics.  1-9. 

md tarikul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, md samsuzzaman, haslina arshad, hatem rmili.  (2020).  metamaterial loaded nine high gain vivaldi antennas array for microwave breast imaging application.  - ieee access.  27678-27689. 

a. e. kogut, mohammad tariqul islam, e. a. kogut, z. e. eremenko and r. s. dolia.  (2020).  increasing the q-factor of thin planar dielectric resonator with whispering gallery modes.  - international journal of microwave and wireless technologies.  960-968. 

mohammad tariqul islam, waled yousef noor aboaresh, din hnguyen quoc, rabah w. aldhaheri, khalid hamed alharbi, abdulah jeza aljohani, md samsuzaman.  (2020).  slotted planar patch antenna array design for 5g applications.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials.  564-572. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  a compact square-shaped left-handed passive metamaterial with optimized quintuple resonance frequencies for satellite applications.  - chinese journal of physics.  360-375. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel al-obaidi; mohd fais mansor; norbahiah misran; mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  study and implementation frequency reconfigurable of dielectric resonator antenna using ground feed switch for s band applications.  - 2020 ieee 5th international symposium on telecommunication technologies (istt).  65-69. 

louis w. y. liu, abhishek kandwal, a. kogut, z. e. eremenko, e. kogut, mohammad tariqul islam, r. dolia, s. nosatiuk and son t. nguyen.  (2020).  in-vivo and ex-vivo measurements of blood glucose using whispering gallery modes.  - sensors.  1-11. 

norbahiah misran; mohammad shahidul islam; gan kok beng; nowshad amin; mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  iot based health monitoring system with lora communication technology.  - proceeding 2019 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei).  514-517. 

phan van hung, nguyen quoc dinh, yoshihide yamada, naobumi michishita and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  parametric analysis of negative and positive refractive index lens antenna by ansys hfss.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  1-11. 

kamarulzaman mat, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, mohd fais mansor.  (2020).  partial ring element with a gap for dual frequencies application.  - 2019 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei).  648-652. 

mohammad tariqul islam; aleksandr kogut; iskandar yahya; roman dolia.  (2020).  on the possibility of use of planar dielectric resonators for solving the problems of frequency stabilization of millimeter waves oscillators.  - 2019 ieee asia-pacific conference on applied electromagnetics (apace).  1-3. 

md tarikul islam, md samsuzzaman, iskandar yahya, a. e. kogut, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  metamaterial inspired high gain antenna for microwave breast imaging.  - 2019 ieee asia-pacific conference on applied electromagnetics (apace).  1-4. 

samir salem al-bawri,hui hwang goh,md shabiul islam,hin yong wong,mohd faizal jamlos,adam narbudowicz,muzammil jusoh,thennarasan sabapathy,rizwan khan, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  compact ultra-wideband monopole antenna loaded with metamaterial.  - sensors.  1-16. 

shaliza jumahat, and norbahiah misran, and gan, kok beng, mohammad tariqul islam, m.a.m yahya.  (2020).  electrocardiogram-based parameters for the prediction of sudden cardiac death: a review.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  259-269. 

amran hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, md. tarikul islam, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, hatem rmili and md. samsuzzaman.  (2020).  a planar ultrawideband patch antenna array for microwave breast tumor detection.  - materials.  1-16. 

md.rashedul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, md.moniruzzaman, md.samsuzzaman, badariah bais, haslina arshad, ghulam muhammad.  (2020).  square enclosed circle split ring resonator enabled epsilon negative (eng) near zero index (nzi) metamaterial for gain enhancement of multiband satellite and radar antenna applications.  - results in physics.  1-21. 

samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, tayyab shabbir, ghulam muhammad, md. shabiul islam, hin yong wong.  (2020).  hexagonal shaped near zero index (nzi) metamaterial based mimo antenna for millimeter wave application.  - ieee access.  1003-1013. 

tawsifur rahman, amith khandakar, muhammad abdul kadir, khandaker r. islam, khandaker f. islam, rashid mazhar, tahir hamid, mohammad t. islam, saad kashem, zaid b. mahbub, mohamed arselene ayari,muhammad e. h. chowdhury.  (2020).  reliable tuberculosis detection using chest x-ray with deep learning, segmentation and visualization.  - ieee access.  1586-1601. 

amran hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, md. samsuzzaman.  (2020).  a grounded coplanar waveguide-based slotted inverted delta-shaped wideband antenna for microwave head imaging.  - ieee access.  5698-5724. 

mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque, mohd hafiz baharuddin, norsuzlin mohd sahar, hatem rmili.  (2020).  computational analysis of octagonal torus-shaped nano meta-atom through fractional absorption bandwidth for applications in the terahertz regime.  - results in physics.  1-13. 

md.moniruzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, ghulam muhammad, mandeep singh jit singh, md.samsuzzaman.  (2020).  quad band metamaterial absorber based on asymmetric circular split ring resonator for multiband microwave applications.  - results in physics.  1-16. 

tayyab shabbir, mohammad tariqul islam, samir salem al-bawri, rabah w. aldhaheri, khalid hamed alharbi, abdulah jeza aljohani, rashid saleem.  (2020).  16 port non planar mimo antenna system with near zero index (nzi) metamaterial decoupling structure for 5g applications.  - ieee access.  7946-7958. 

hatem rmili, khaldoun alkhalifeh, mohamed zarouan, wassim zouch, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  numerical analysis of the microwave treatment of palm trees infested with the red palm weevil pest by using a circular array of vivaldi antennas.  - ieee access.  15234-15235. 

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, norsuzlin mohd sahar, kamarulzaman mat, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, hatem ramili.  (2020).  modified segmented split ring based polarization and angle insensitive multi band metamaterial absorber for x, ku and k band applications.  - ieee access.  4051-4063. 

teoh ji sheng, mohammad shahidul islam, norbahiah misran, mohd hafiz baharuddin, haslina arshad, md. rashedul islam, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, hatem ramili, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  an internet of things based smart waste management system using lora and tensorflow deep learning model.  - ieee access.  8793-8811. 

md. moniruzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, md. tarikul islam, muhammad e.h. chowdhury, hatem rmili, md. samsuzzaman.  (2020).  cross coupled interlinked split ring resonator based epsilon negative metamaterial with high effective medium ratio for multiband satellite and radar communications.  - results in physics.  1-15. 

sultan mahmud, sikder sunbeam islam, kamarulzamanmat, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, hatem rmili, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  design and parametric analysis of a wide angle polarization insensitive metamaterial absorber with a star shape resonator for optical wavelength applications.  - results in physics.  1-11. 

mohammad shahidul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, norsuzlin mohd sahar, hatem rmili, nowshad amin, muhammad e.h.chowdhury.  (2020).  a mutual coupled concentric crossed-line split ring resonator (ccsrr) based epsilon negative (eng) metamaterial for tri-band microwave applications.  - results in physics.  1-18. 

md. amanath ullah, touhidul alam & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  a uhf cpw-fed patch antenna for nanosatellite store and forward mission.  - microsystem technologies.  2399-2405. 

md atiqur rahman, mandeep singh jit singh, md samsuzzaman ,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  a compact skull shaped defected ground super wideband microstrip monopole antenna for short distance wireless communication.  - international journal of communication systems.  1-15. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, md. rashedul islam, norbahiah misran and md samsuzzaman.  (2020).  coupled ring split ring resonator (cr srr) based epsilon negative metamaterial for multiband wireless communications with high effective medium ratio.  - results in physics.  1-12. 

ahasanul hoque, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi, muhammad e. h. chowdhury & md. samsuzzaman.  (2020).  sng and dng meta-absorber with fractional absorption band for sensing application.  - scientific reports.  1-17. 

muhammad e.h. chowdhury, amith khandakar, yazan qiblawey, mamun bin ibne reaz, mohammad tariqul islam and farid touati.  (2020).  sports science and human health - different approaches.  - 22. 

sultan mahmud, sikder sunbeam islam, ali f. almutairi, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  a wide incident angle, ultrathin, polarization-insensitive metamaterial absorber for optical wavelength applications.  - ieee access.  525-541. 

muhammad e. h. chowdhury, tawsifur rahman, amith khandakar, rashid mazhar, muhammad abdul kadir, zaid bin mahbub, khandakar r. islam, muhammad salman khan, atif iqbal, nasser al-emadi, mamun bin ibne reaz, m. t. islam.  (2020).  can ai help in screening viral and covid-19 pneumonia?.  - ieee access.  2665-2676. 

samir salem al-bawri , md shabiul islam, hin yong wong , mohd faizal jamlos , adam narbudowicz , muzammil jusoh , thennarasan sabapathy and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  metamaterial cell-based superstrate towards bandwidth and gain enhancement of quad-band cpw-fed antenna for wireless applications.  - sensors.  1-14. 

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi and mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2020).  wide bandwidth angle- and polarization-insensitive symmetric metamaterial absorber for x and ku band applications.  - scientific reports.  1-9. 

tayyab shabbir, rashid saleem, samir salem al-bawri, muhammad farhan shafique and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  eight-port metamaterial loaded uwb-mimo antenna system for 3d system-in-package applications.  - ieee access.  982-992. 

ahasanul hoque, mohammad tariqul islam and ali f. almutairi.  (2020).  low profile slotted metamaterial antenna based on bi slot microstrip patch for 5g application.  - sensors.  1-20. 

asraful alam, sikder sunbeam islam, md. hobaibul islam, ali f. almutairi and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  polarization-independent ultra-wideband metamaterial absorber for solar harvesting at infrared regime.  - materials.  1-13. 

md. samsuzzaman, norbahiah misran, m. tarikul islam, m. r. i. faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  right hand circularly polarized 2.40 ghz truncated corner patch antenna for small satellite application.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials.  570-576. 

m. t. islam, m. z. mahmud, m. tarikul islam, s. kibria, m. samsuzzaman.  (2019).  a low cost and portable microwave imaging system for breast tumor detection using uwb directional antenna array.  - scientific reports.  1-13. 

ali f. almutairi, mohammad shahidul islam, md. samsuzzaman, md. tarikul islam, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  a complementary split ring resonator based metamaterial with effective medium ratio for c-band microwave applications.  - results in physics.  1-10. 

norbahiah misran, mohammad shahidul islam, gan kok beng, nowshad amin and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  iot based health monitoring system with lora communication technology.  - international conference on electrical engineering and informatics.  1-4. 

md. naimur rahman, sayed amirul hassan, md. samsuzzaman, mandeep singh jit singh, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  determination of salinity and sugar concentration using microwave sensor.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  361-364. 

ridduan m. ramli, sharul k. abdul rahim, mursyidul i. sabran, wai yan yong, lai ly pon, mohammad t. islam.  (2019).  polymer conductive fabric grid array antenna with pliable feature for wearable application.  - microwave and optical technology letters. 

ahasanul hoque, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi, mohammad rashed iqbalfaruque, mandeep jit singh, md. shabiul islam.  (2019).  u-joint double split o (udo) shaped with split square metasurface absorber for x and ku band application.  - results in physics.  1-9. 

ahasanul hoque, mohammad tariqul islam, rezaul azim, mandeep jit singh, kamarulzaman mat, mengu cho.  (2019).  a new split pitch square shape metamaterial absorber for x band application.  - 2019 6th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2019).  1-6. 

m. tarikul islam, md. samsuzzaman, salehin kibria, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  metasurface loaded high gain antenna based microwave imaging using iteratively corrected delay multiply and sum algorithm.  - scientific reports.  1-14. 

radial anwar, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, azam zavvari ,baharudin yatim,and mhd fairos asillam.  (2019).  development of 408mhz v-shape dipole-based antenna for solar observation.  - international journal of engineering & technology. 

ahasanul hoque, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi & mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2019).  design of split hexagonal patch array shaped nano-metaabsorber with ultra-wideband absorption for visible and uv spectrum application.  - nanoscale research letters.  1-10. 

touhidul alam,mohammad tariqul islam, mengu cho.  (2019).  near-zero metamaterial inspired uhf antenna for nanosatellite communication system.  - scientific reports.  1-15. 

amjad iqbal, amor smida, nazih khaddaj mallat, mohammad tariqul islam, sunghwan kim.  (2019).  a compact uwb antenna with independently controllable notch bands.  - sensors.  1-12. 

touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, mengu cho.  (2019).  a dual-port circular polarized s-band antenna for nanosatellite communication system.  - journal of physics: conference series.  1-4. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  bandwidth enhancement of dielectric resonator antenna using complementary hash resonator.  - 2019 ieee 14th malaysia international conference on communication (micc).  45-47. 

mohammad shahidul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, md. amanath ullah, gan kok beng, nowshad amin, norbahiah misran.  (2019).  a modified meander line microstrip patch antenna with enhanced bandwidth for 2.4 ghz ism-band internet of things (iot) applications.  - ieee access.  12785-12786. 

kok jiunn ng, mohammad tariqul islam, adam alevy, mohd fais mansor and choon chung su.  (2019).  azimuth null-reduced radiation pattern, ultralow profile, dual-wideband and low passive intermodulation ceiling mount antenna for long term evolution application.  - ieee accesss.  11476-11477. 

kamarulzaman mat, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam and mohd fais mansor.  (2019).  partial ring element with a gap for dual frequencies application.  - international conference on electrical engineering and informatics 2019 (iceei).  1-5. 

md. tarikul islam,m. samsuzzaman,m. r. i. faruque,mandeep jit singh,m. t. islam.  (2019).  microwave imaging based breast tumor detection using compact wide slotted uwb patch antenna.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials, rapid communications.  448-457. 

eistiak ahamed, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohd fais bin mansor, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  polarization-dependent tunneled metamaterial structure with enhanced fields properties for x-band application.  - results in physics.  1-13. 

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque, mandeep jit singh and ali f. almutairi.  (2019).  design of a novel double negative metamaterial absorber atom for ku and k band applications.  - electronics.  1-16. 

nurul s. hasim, kismet a. h. ping, mohammad t. islam, md. z. mahmud, shafrida sahrani, dayang a. a. mat, dyg n. a. zaidel.  (2019).  a slotted uwb antipodal vivaldi antenna for microwave imaging applications.  - progress in electromagnetics research m.  35-43. 

md samsuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, md t. islam, abdullah a. s. shovon, rashed i. faruque, norbahiah misran.  (2019).  a 16 modified antipodal vivaldi antenna array for microwave based breast tumor imaging applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2110-2118. 

md mushfiqur rahman, md shabiul islam, hin yong wong, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  performance analysis of a defected ground-structured antenna loaded with stub-slot for 5g communication.  - sensors.  1-16. 

md. mushfiqur rahman, md. shabiul islam, hin yong wong, l. lee, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  a compact dual band lc resonator loaded metamaterial inspired antenna for 5g wireless communication.  - proceeding of the 2019 6th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace).  116-120. 

a. k. m. ariful siddique, rezaul azim and mohammad t. islam.  (2019).  compact planar ultra-wideband antenna with dual notched band for wimax and wlan.  - international journal of microwave and wireless technologies.  711-718. 

kashif nisar paracha,sharul kamal abdul rahim, ping jack soh, muhammad ramlee kamarudin, kim-geok tan,yew chiong lo, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  a low profile, dual-band, dual polarized antenna for indoor/outdoor wearable application.  - ieee access.  33277-33288. 

mohd fais bin mansor;norbahiah binti misran;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  development of multilayer antenna array utilising low temperature co-fired ceramic (ltcc) fabrication technology for 5g indoor base station.  - 1-6. 

farhad larki , md shabiul islam, arash dehzangi , mohammad tariqul islam and hin yong wong.  (2019).  effect of lateral gate design on the performance of junctionless lateral gate transistors.  - electronics.  1-15. 

salehin kibria, md samsuzzaman, md tarikul islam, md zulfiker mahmud, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  breast phantom imaging using iteratively corrected coherence factor delay and sum.  - ieee access.  40822-40832. 

md zulfiker mahmud, md tarikul. islam, ali f. almutairi, md samsuzzaman, u.k. acharjee and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  a parasitic resonator-based diamond-shaped microstrip antenna for microwave imaging applications.  - electronics.  1-11. 

mohammad shahidul islam, mohammad tariqul islam,ali f. almutairi, gan kok beng, norbahiah misran and nowshad amin.  (2019).  monitoring of the human body signal through the internet of things (iot) based lora wireless network system.  - applied sciences.  1-17. 

mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque, ali f. almutairi and nowshad amin.  (2019).  left-handed metamaterial-inspired unit cell for s-band glucose sensing application.  - sensors. 

norsuzlin mohd sahar, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2019).  design of dual band antenna for rfid applications.  - international journal of electrical and computer engineering.  3146-3152. 

md. atiqur rahman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, eistiak ahamed, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep singh.  (2019).  nickel particle-based compact flexible antenna for modern communication systems.  - electronics.  1-11. 

md. mehedi hasan, maskia rahman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam ,mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2019).  electrically compact srr-loaded metamaterial inspired quad band antenna for bluetooth/wifi/wlan/wimax system.  - electronics.  1-19. 

mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md. raju ahmed,md. jubaer alam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  polarization-insensitive infrared-visible perfect metamaterial absorber and permittivity sensor.  - results in physics.  1-8. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruquea, eistiak ahamed, md. atiqur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  flexible nickel aluminate (nial2o4) based dual-band double negative metamaterial for microwave applications.  - results in physics.  1-11. 

md. jubaer alam, eistiak ahamed, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, ahmed mahfuz tamim.  (2019).  left-handed metamaterial bandpass filter for gps, earth exploration-satellite and wimax frequency sensing applications.  - plos one.  1-19. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md mehedi hasan, muhamad roszaini roslan, mohammad tariqul islam,sharifah mastura syed abdullah.  (2019).  inspirasi antena metabahan yang boleh dikonfigurasi untuk komunikasi 5g.  - sains malaysiana.  2257-2264. 

norsuzlin mohd sahar, taher khalifa, nurulazlina ramli, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  circularly-polarized four element array antenna at 1.27 ghz for low cost remote sensing.  - 2019 6th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2019).  1-6. 

m j alam, e ahamed, m r i faruque, m j hossain, m t islam.  (2019).  aztec shape metamaterial-based bandpass filter for c, x and ku-band applications.  - iop conf. series: earth and environmental science.  1-10. 

m j hossain, m r i faruque, m r ahmed, s abdullah, m t islam.  (2019).  design and analysis of compact perfect metamaterial absorber for xband applications.  - iop conf. series: earth and environmental science.  1-9. 

ahmed mahfuz tamim, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md. jubaer alam, sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  split ring resonator loaded horizontally inverse double l-shaped metamaterial for c-, x- and ku-band microwave applications.  - results in physics. 

md atiqur rahman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  preparation of flexible substrate for patch antenna based on nickel aluminate (nial2o4) synthesized by solgel method.  - journal of electronic materials.  2932-2939. 

mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, m. j. alam, eistiak ahamed, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  new compact perfect metamaterial absorber for dual band applications.  - 10th international conference on robotic, vision, signal processing and power applications, rovisp 2018.  381-386. 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  thin-layer dielectric and left-handed metamaterial stacked compact triband antenna for 2 ghz to 4 ghz wireless networks.  - journal of electronic materials.  3979-3990. 

taher khalifa, n. m. sahar, n. ramli, m. t. islam.  (2019).  circularly polarized microstrip patch antenna array for gps application.  - indonesian journal of electrical engineering and computer science.  920-926. 

md mehedi hasan, maskia rahman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  bandwidth enhanced metamaterial embedded inverse l-slotted antenna for wifi/wlan/wimax wireless communication.  - materials research express.  1-10. 

ahmed mahfuz tamim, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah.  (2019).  split ring resonator loaded ef-structured left-handed metamaterial for modern electronic communications.  - european physical journal applied physics.  1-10. 

norsuzlin mohd sahar, taher khalifa, nurulazlina ramli, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  circularly-polarized four element array antenna at 1.27 ghz for low cost remote sensing.  - 2019 6th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace).  58-62. 

sabirin bin abdullah;mardina bt. abdullah;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  modeling of maximum useable frequency (muf) for hf communication in malaysia.  - 1-5. 

mohammad tariqul islam;norbahiah binti misran;mandeep singh a/l jit singh.  (2019).  the patch antenna development for small satellite.  -

kamarulzaman bin mat;norbahiah binti misran;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  development of a new realistic breast phantom for microwave breast cancer detection.  -

md. zulfiker mahmud, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, salehin kibria, md. samsuzzaman.  (2018).  microwave imaging for breast tumor detection using uniplanar amc based cpw -fed microstrip antenna.  - ieee access. 

md. zulfiker mahmud, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, ali f. almutairi and mengu cho.  (2018).  ultra-wideband (uwb) antenna sensor based microwave breast imaging: a review.  - sensors. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md. amanath ullah , touhidul alam, mandeep jit singh and mengu cho.  (2018).  microwave imaging sensor using low profile modified stacked type planar inverted f antenna.  - sensors. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  pattern reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna using multi-feed technique for lte and wi-fi applications.  - 2018 ieee 4th international symposium on telecommunication technologies (istt).  1-5. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md. naimur rahman, mandeep singh jit singh, md. samsuzzaman.  (2018).  detection of salt and sugar contents in water on the basis of dielectric properties using microstrip antenna-based sensor.  - ieee access. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md. samsuzzaman, md. tarikul islam, salehin kibria and mandeep jit singh.  (2018).  a homogeneous breast phantom measurement system with an improved modified microwave imaging antenna sensor.  - sensors. 

mohammad tariqul islam, farhad bin ashraf, touhidul alam, norbahiah misran and kamarulzaman bin mat.  (2018).  a compact ultrawideband antenna based on hexagonal split-ring resonator for ph sensor application.  - sensors. 

ahmed thair al-heety, mandeep singh jit singh, mohammad tariqul islam, ali hameed ahmed.  (2018).  mm-wave backhauling for 5g small cells.  - international journal of engineering & technology.  6233-6237. 

md. naimur rahman mohammad t. islam md. samsuzzaman.  (2018).  microwave measurement system to detect salt and sugar concentration.  - microwave and optical technology letters. 

m. n. rahman m. t. islam m. samsuzzaman.  (2018).  detection of different concentrated salt and sugar solution based on dielectric properties using microstrip technology.  - microwave and optical technology letters. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md. naimur rahman, md. samsuzzaman, mohd fais mansor and norbahiah misran.  (2018).  resonator-inspired metamaterial sensor: design and experimental validation for measuring thickness of multi-layered structures.  - sensors. 

mohammed tighezza, s. k. a. rahim m. t. islam.  (2018).  flexible wideband antenna for 5g applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  38-44. 

md tarikul islam, md samsuzzaman, salehin kibria and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  experimental breast phantoms for estimation of breast tumor using microwave imaging systems.  - ieee access. 

touhidul alam and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  a dual-band antenna with dual-circular polarization for nanosatellite payload application.  - ieee access. 

md. samsuzzaman, f. k. shawon,, mohammad tariqul islam , md. zulfiker mahmud.  (2018).  circularly polarized s-band patch antenna for small satellite applications.  - acta technica. 

md. amanath ullah, touhidul alam, mohammed shamsul alam, salehin kibria & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  a unidirectional 3d antenna for biomedical microwave imaging based detection of abnormality in human body.  - microsystem technologies. 

rezwanul ahsan, dara abdus satter, mohammad tariqul islam & tasmia baten.  (2018).  cpw-fed patch antenna with reflecting metasurface covering for wlan and wimax applications.  - 2018 7th international conference on computer and communication engineering (iccce). 

s. das, m. samsuzzaman, m. n. rahman, m. t. islam, m. tarikul islam.  (2018).  broadband elliptical slotted patch antenna for 5g communications.  - 2018 international conference on computer, communication, chemical, material and electronic engineering (ic4me2). 

m. a. a. syeed, m. samsuzzaman, m. tarikul islam, r. azim, m. t. islam.  (2018).  polygonal shaped patch with circular slotted ground antenna for ultra-wideband applications.  - 2018 international conference on computer, communication, chemical, material and electronic engineering (ic4me2). 

m. tarikul islam, m. samsuzzaman, i. yahya, and m. t. islam.  (2018).  a miniaturized antenna with optimum q-factor and high nfd for uwb microwave imaging.  - the applied computational electromagnetics society. 

md. samsuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2018).  broadband patch antenna for 5g mobile and wireless communications.  - 53. 

sabirin bin abdullah;mardina bt. abdullah;mohammad tariqul islam;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2018).  development of a small satellite with novel compact microstrip patch antenna for high speed communication.  -

mohammad tariqul islam, farhad bin ashraf, touhidul alam, norbahiah misran, and mandeep singh jit singh.  (2018).  investigation of left-handed meta-atom for radio frequency shielding application.  - science of advanced materials. 

md. samsuzzaman, md. shahidul alam, md. tarikul islam, kamarulzaman bin mat, m. tariqul islam.  (2018).  a double annular ring slot printed antenna for multifrequency band communications using epoxy resin fiber substrate.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md samsuzzaman, md tarikul islam and salehin kibria.  (2018).  experimental breast phantom imaging with metamaterial-inspired nine-antenna sensor array.  - sensors. 

md. samsuzzaman and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  circularly polarized broadband printed antenna for wireless applications.  - sensors. 

touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, md. amanath ullah, rahmi rahmatillah, kateryna aheieva, chow chee lap, mengu cho.  (2018).  design and compatibility analysis of a solar panel integrated uhf antenna for nanosatellite space mission.  - plos one. 

naimur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, zulfiker mahmud, md samsuzzaman.  (2018).  the broken-heart printed antenna for ultrawideband applications: design and characteristics analysis.  - ieee antennas and propagation magazine. 

md. amanath ullah, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam and farhad bin ashraf.  (2018).  paper-based flexible antenna for wearable telemedicine applications at 2.4 ghz ism band.  - sensors. 

haslina binti arshad;riza bin sulaiman;elankovan a/l a sundararajan;shahnorbanun binti sahran;syaimak binti abdul shukor;bahari bin idrus;azrulhizam bin shapi`i;rizuana binti iqbal hussain;nazatul aini binti abd majid;zainal rasyid bin mahayuddin;mohammad.  (2018).  mobile sensing technology for augmented reality and medical application.  -

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  perfect metamaterial absorber with high fractional bandwidth for solar energy harvesting.  - plos one. 

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  effective medium ratio obeying wideband left-handed miniaturized meta-atoms for multi-band applications.  - journal of electronic materials.  1859-1870. 

sikder sunbeam islam,md. mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  double arrow shaped negative index metamaterial for tri-band applications.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials.  1-6. 

md. mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  dual band metamaterial antenna for lte/bluetooth/wimax system.  - scientific reports.  1-17. 

md. jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad tariqul islam & sabirin abdullah.  (2018).  depiction of a combined split p-shaped compact metamaterial for dual-band microwave application.  - proceedings of the second international conference on the future of asean icofa. 

m. r. i. faruque,m. m. hasan,m. t. islam.  (2018).  tree-shaped fractal meta-surface with left-handed characteristics for absorption application.  - applied physics a materials science & processing.  1-8. 

md. moinul islam, md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  a compact swb antenna using parasitic strip.  - proceedings of the second international conference on the future of asean. 

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,md. jubaer alam & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  a multi-band planar double-incidence miniaturized double-negative metamaterial.  - proceedings of the second international conference on the future of asean. 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  left-handed network-shaped metamaterial for visible frequency.  - proceedings of the second international conference on the future of asean. 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam & sikder sunbeam islam.  (2018).  bee-comb-shape left-handed metamaterial for terahertz application.  - international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2017). 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  a terahertz meta-surface with left-handed characteristics for absorbing applications.  - international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2017). 

jubaer m. alam,mohammad r. i. faruque,mohammad j. hossain,mohammad t. islam.  (2018).  architecture of a unified split p-shaped swarming metamaterial for thermal mutation.  - microwave and optical technology letters. 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  left handed metasurface loaded with ring resonator modelling for satellite application.  - international journal of satellite communications and networking. 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  correction: compact left-handed meta-atom for s-, c- and ku-band application [appl. sci., 7, (2017) (1071)].  - applied sciences. 

mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  an effective medium ratio obeying wideband left-handed meta-atom for multiband applications.  - international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2017). 

jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  labyrinth double split open loop resonator based bandpass filter design for s, c and x-band application.  - journal of physics d: applied physics. 

eistiak ahamed, md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohd fais bin mansor, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  left-handed metamaterial inspired by joint td geometry on flexible nial2o4 substrate.  - plos one. 

md. mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  improved square-z-shaped dng meta-atom for c- and x-band application.  - current science. 

sikder sunbeam islam,md atiqur rahman,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  design and analysis with different substrate materials of a new metamaterial for satellite applications.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  59-66. 

m. z. mahmud, t. alam, m. samsuzzaman, a. ullah, m. t. islam.  (2018).  an irregular ground oriented miniaturized antenna for uwb industrial applications.  - applied computational electromagnetics society journal. 

m. m. hasan,e. ahamed,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam,s. abdullah.  (2018).  reconfigurable metamaterial for 5g application.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials. 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  beam steering of eye shape metamaterial design on dispersive media by fdtd method.  - international journal of numerical modelling: electronic networks, devices and fields. 

md. jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  double-split labyrinth resonator with defective ground system for wide-band band-stop filter application.  - aip advances. 

md atiqur rahman, eistiak ahamed, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  preparation of nial2o4- based flexible substrates for metamaterials with negative dielectric properties.  - scientific reports. 

mohammad j. hossain, mohammad r. i. faruque, m. j. alam, mohd fais mansor, mohammad t. islam.  (2018).  a broadband negative refractive index meta-atom for quad-band and sensor applications.  - microwave & optical technology letters. 

md. jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  depiction and analysis of a modified h-shaped double-negative meta atom for satellite communication.  - international journal of microwave and wireless technologies. 

amer t. abed, mandeep s. j. singh and mohammad t. islam.  (2018).  compact-size fractal antenna with stable radiation properties for wi-fi and wimax communications.  - ksii transactions on internet and information systems. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, mohammad t. islam and amer t. abed.  (2018).  pattern reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna using parasitic feed for lte femtocell base stations.  - journal of engineering and applied sciences. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  pattern reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna based on phased array switches.  - international journal of engineering & technology. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  pattern reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna using parasitic feed elements for lte femtocell base stations.  - journal of communications. 

m. tarikul islam, m. samsuzzaman, m. n. rahman, m. t. islam.  (2018).  a compact slotted patch antenna for breast tumor detection.  - microwave and optical technology letters. 

farhad bin ashraf, touhidul alam, salehin kibria, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  a compact meander line elliptic split ring resonator based metamaterial for electromagnetic shielding.  - materials express. 

t. alam,f. b. ashraf & m. t. islam.  (2018).  flexible paper substrate based wide band nri metamaterial for x-band application.  - microwave and optical technology letters. 

taher khalifa, n.m.sahar, n. ramli & m.t islam.  (2018).  circularly polarized microstrip patch array antenna for gps application.  - 2018 international conference on electrical, electronic, communication and control engineering. 

m.n. rahman,m.t islam, m. samsuzzaman.  (2018).  development of a microstrip based sensor aimed at salinity and sugar detection in water considering dielectric properties.  - microwave and optical technology letters. 

m. n. rahman, m. t. islam & m. samsuzzaman.  (2018).  salinity and sugar detection system using microstrip patch antenna.  - microwave and optical technology letters. 

m tarikul islam, m samsuzzaman, m.z. mahmud, and m.t. islam.  (2018).  'miniaturized spectacles shaped tapered slotted patch antenna for uwb applications'.  - journal of telecommunications and information technology. 

mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, iskandar yahya and mengu cho.  (2018).  flexible radio-frequency identification (rfid) tag antenna for sensor applications.  - sensors. 

farhad bin ashraf, touhidul alam, and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  a uniplanar left-handed metamaterial for terrestrial microwave links.  - ieee microwave and wireless components letters.  108-110. 

touhidul alam, mandeep singh jit singh, mengu cho & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  space science and communication for sustainability.  - 348. 

md. jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, taya allen, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, khairul nizam abdul maulud,eistiak ahamed.  (2018).  depiction and analysis of a modied theta shaped double negative metamaterial for satellite application.  - open physics. 

md. samsuzzaman, md. foridur kayes shawon & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  compact s band patch antenna for small satellite applications.  - 65. 

md. naimur rahman, gan kok beng, md. samsuzzaman, touhidul alam & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  design and analysis of an optimized s-shaped resonator based triple band microstrip antenna for satellite applications.  - international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2017). 

md. naimur rahman, mohammad t. islam, md. samsuzzaman.  (2018).  resonator based metamaterial sensor to detect unknown materials.  - microwave and optical technology letters. 

m. n. rahman, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman.  (2018).  design and analysis of a resonator based metamaterial for sensor applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters. 

m.a. ullah, t. alam, and m.t. islam.  (2018).  a 3d directive microwave antenna for biomedical imaging application.  - bulletin of the polish academy of sciences technical sciences. 

t. alam, m. t. islam, m. cho.  (2018).  enhanced 3 db ar beamwidth metamaterial antenna for nanosatellite payload communication system.  - electronics letters. 

md. samsuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, salehin kibria, mengu cho.  (2018).  birds-1 cubesat constellation using compact uhf patch antenna.  - ieee access. 

md. samsuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh.  (2018).  a compact printed monopole antenna with wideband circular polarization.  - ieee access. 

md. amanath ullah, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  performance analysis of a 3d unidirectional antenna opted for biomedical microwave imaging.  - microwave and optical technology letters. 

t. alam, m. t. islam, a. rahman, m. shamsul alam, t. jabid, s. kibria, md. a. ullah.  (2018).  performance analysis of a microwave dielectric ceramic (mdc) substrate based ku-band antenna.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials. 

m. samsuzzaman, s. yahahia, m. tarikul islam, m. n. rahman, m. t. islam.  (2018).  a centre slotted parasitic patch antenna for bandwidth enhancement on a low cost a polymer resin material substrate.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials. 

farhad ashraf, touhidul alam, mengu cho, norbahiah misran & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  negative-µ metamaterial-based stacked antenna for 1u cubesat communication.  - international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2017)- space science and communication for sustainability. 

md. amanath ullah, farhad ashraf, touhidul alam, mohd tarmizi ali & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  a reflector type 3d triband directional antenna for cubesat applications.  - international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2017). 

md. naimur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, and md. samsuzzaman.  (2018).  salinity and sugar sensing using microstrip technology.  - electronics world. 

touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, md. amanath ullah, mengu cho.  (2018).  performance analysis of an s-band antenna for nanosatellite payloads communication system.  - microwave and optical technology letters. 

ahasanul hoque, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi, touhidul alam, mandeep jit singh and nowshad amin.  (2018).  a polarization independent quasi-tem metamaterial absorber for x and ku band sensing applications.  - sensor. 

amer t. abed , mandeep s. jit singh, mohamed t. islam.  (2018).  compact fractal antenna circularly polarised radiation for wi-fi and wimax communications.  - iet microwaves, antennas & propagation. 

md. tarikul islam, kamarulzaman mat & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  compact patch antenna array for breast cancer detection - a microwave-based breast imaging techique.  - 93. 

md. naimur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran and md. samsuzzaman.  (2018).  a tuning fork-shaped microstrip patch antenna for x-band satellite and radar applications.  - proceedings of the 2017 6th international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei). 

m. t. islam · m. n. rahman· m. z. mahmud1 · m. a. ullah· m. samsuzzaman · m. j. singh.  (2018).  investigation of a resonator-based metamaterial for sensor applications.  - applied physics a.  1-7. 

touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam , md. amanath ullah and mengu cho.  (2018).  a solar panel-integrated modified planner inverted f antenna for low earth orbit remote sensing nanosatellite communication system.  - sensors. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;mardina bt. abdullah;mohammad tariqul islam;wayan suparta;mandeep singh a/l jit singh.  (2018).  development of a new metamaterial based wideband uhf rfid tag sensor for humidity sensing applications.  -

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  a new design of circular loop resonators for electromagnetic absorption reduction in human head.  -

mandeep singh a/l jit singh;azlina bt. ahmad;norbahiah binti misran;mohammad tariqul islam;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2018).  development of material based mimo access point antenna using new adaptive weight based algorithm for wlan and wimax applications.  -

m. m. islam,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam,m. f. mansor.  (2017).  compact and broadband antenna using double-negative transmission line metamaterial.  - applied physics a-material science & processing.  1-6. 

mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a polarization dependent left handed metamaterial for telecommunication.  - ieice electronics express.  1-6. 

m. z. mahmud, m.a. ullah, m. samsuzzaman, t. alam & m. t. islam.  (2017).  gain enhancement of a triple band csrr antenna by using frequency selective surface based reflector.  - meta 2017 conference. 

m.a.a. syeed, m . samsuzzaman, m. z. mahmud & m. t. islam.  (2017).  a compact modified antipodal vivaldi antenna for imaging application.  - 3rd international conference on electrical information and communication technology (eict). 

m. tarikul islam, m. samsuzzaman, m. z. mahmud & m.t. islam.  (2017).  circularly polarized broadband patch antenna for wireless communication.  - 2017 3rd international conference on electrical information and communication technology (eict). 

m. samsuzzaman, m. a. rahman, m. z. mahmud, m. tarikul islam & m.t. islam.  (2017).  compact dual s shaped slotted multiband patch antenna.  - 2017 3rd international conference on electrical information and communication technology (eict). 

md amanath ullah, touhidul alam, sabirin abdullah, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah binti misran & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a 3d unidirectional antenna for microwave application.  - 2017 progress in electromagnetics research symposium - spring (piers). 

t alam, ms alam, mr islam, mt islam, ma ullah, f ashraf & mri faruque.  (2017).  specific absorption rate (sar) analysis using plastic substrate based negative indexed metamaterial shielding.  - international conference on electrical, computer and communication engineering. 

amer t abed, mandeep s. jit singh, mohamed t tariqul, aymen d khaleel.  (2017).  dual crescent-shaped slot antenna fed by circular polarisation into dual orthogonal strip lines.  - iet microwaves, antennas & propagation.  2129-2133. 

norbahiah misran & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  penyelidik ukm cipta antena penampal satelit.  - utusan malaysia.  13. 

f ashraf, ma ullah, ms alam, mr islam, t alam, mt islam & r azim.  (2017).  mathematical characterization of coupled pi-shaped dng metamaterial structure.  - international conference on electrical, computer and communication engineering (ecce). 

s. s. islam,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam,m. t. ali.  (2017).  a new wideband negative refractive index metamaterial for dualband operation.  - applied physics a.  1-5. 

touhidul alam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammed shamsul alam,md. moinul islam,md. zulfiker mahmud,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  bio-plastic composite substrate material based microstrip-fed printed antenna for wireless communications.  - materiali in tehnologije / materials and technology.  101-104. 

md mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  multiband left handed biaxial meta atom at microwave frequency.  - materials research express.  1-10. 

s.s. islam,m.m. hasan,m.r.i. faruque,m.t. islam.  (2017).  two components nri metamaterial for dual band applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1092-1096. 

m.j. hossain,m.r.i. faruque,m.t. islam.  (2017).  an effective medium ratio following miniaturized concentric meta-atom for s- and c-band applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1233-1240. 

t alam, ms alam, n misran, mf mansor & mt islam.  (2017).  analysis of em absorption reduction using paper based negative indexed metamaterial shielding.  - 2016 international conference on advances in electrical, electronic and system engineering. 

ma ullah, fb ashraf, t alam, ms alam, s kibria, mt islam.  (2017).  a compact triangular shaped microstrip patch antenna with triangular slotted ground for uwb.  - 2016 international conference on innovations in science, engineering and technology (iciset). 

radial anwar, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, asnor nadirah ishak dan mhd fairos asillam.  (2017).  pengaruh elemen sentral pada susunan antena sirkular untuk sistem teleskop radio transit.  - jurnal elektro dan telekomunikasi terapan. 

md. amanath ullah, touhidul alam, norbahiah binti misran & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a 3d directional antenna for s band small satellite communication system.  - 2017 6th international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei),. 

a. d. khaleel, m. f. mansor, n. misran & m. t. islam.  (2017).  cuboid dielectric resonator antenna array placed on # slots for lte femtocell base stations.  - 2017 international symposium on antennas and propagation (isap), phuket, thailand, 2017. 

md zulfiker mahmud, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a triangular coupled resonator antenna for ultra wideband applications.  - applied physics a-material science & processing.  1-4. 

m. abedian,s.k.a. rahim,s. danesh,m.h. jamaluddin,m.t. islam.  (2017).  compact wideband circularly polarised dielectric resonator antenna.  - electronics letters.  5-6. 

md. zulfiker mahmud, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, mandeep jit singh and kamarulzaman mat.  (2017).  a negative index metamaterial to enhance the performance of miniaturized uwb antenna for microwave imaging applications.  - applied sciences.  1-16. 

mohammad tariqul islam & amal azri juraime.  (2017).  future generation (5g) wireless communication : design and characterization of microstrip patch antenna.  - 65. 

suparta w, ismail m, abdullah m, faruque m r i, khairul nizam abdul maulud, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir, mandeep singh jit singh, zamri zainal abidin,sabirin abdullah,teh wai leong, md firoz khan, islam m t, bahari s a, daud n m.  (2017).  2017 international conference on space science and communication.  - 2017 international conference on space science and communication.  1-337. 

m. samsuzzaman m. z. mahmud m. tarikul islam m. m. ali m. t. islam.  (2017).  compact lotus shape dual band patch antenna for bluetooth and ultra wideband applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1590-1597. 

m. n. rahman, m. t. islam, m. z. mahmud, m. samsuzzaman.  (2017).  compact microstrip patch antenna proclaiming super wideband characteristics.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2563-2570. 

m. n. rahman, m. t. islam, m. z. mahmud, s. kibria, m. samsuzzaman.  (2017).  broken heart shaped microstrip patch antenna design for ultra wideband applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2324-2330. 

md. ikbal hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam,atiqur rahman.  (2017).  a metamaterial-embedded wide-band antenna for the microwave c-band.  - materiali in tehnologije/materials and technology.  25-28. 

m. k. m. amin, m. f. mansor, n. misran & m. t. islam.  (2017).  28/38ghz dual band slotted patch antenna with proximity-coupled feed for 5g communication.  - 2017 international symposium on antennas and propagation (isap), phuket, thailand, 2017. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque, and m. n. rahman.  (2017).  bandwidth enhancement of an n-shaped planar antenna using a shorting pin.  - electronics world.  38-40. 

mohammad tariqul islam & md. rezwanul ahsan.  (2017).  multi resonance patch antennas on the perspecive of wireless communications.  - 89. 

ahmad ridzuan mohammed shariff, norhazlina harun, mandeep singh jit singh, kalaivani chellappan, wayan suparta, fredolin t. tangang, maszidah muhammad, mardina abdullah, and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  utilization of wind steadiness index for identification of malaysian northeast monsoon onset and withdrawal from 2011 to 2015.  - advanced science letters.  1440-1443. 

farhad bin ashraf, touhidul alam and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a printed xi-shaped left-handed metamaterial on low-cost flexible photo paper.  - materials.  1-9. 

m. m. islam, r.w. aldhaheri, m. m. sheikh, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman, m. r. i. faruque, n. misran.  (2017).  microstrip line-fed monopole antenna on an epoxy-resin-reinforced woven-glass material for super wideband applications.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  361-370. 

md ikbal hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a comparative study of the pifa and printed monopole antenna em absorption.  - biomedical engineering/biomedizinische technik (bmt).  13-21. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  design and absorption analysis of a new multiband split-s-shaped metamaterial.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  139-148. 

m. a. rahman,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2017).  circularly split ring resonator based frequency reconfigurable antenna.  - applied physics a-materials science & processing.  1-6. 

rosmina jaafar, siti salasiah mokri, mohammad tariqul islam dan nazrul anuar nayan.  (2017).  analisis awal aktiviti lawatan dan ceramah teknikal pelajar prasiswazah jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik dan sistem (jkees).  - prosiding k-novasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina) 2017.  220-225. 

md. rokunuzzaman, md. samsuzzaman, and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  unidirectional wideband 3-d antenna for human head-imaging application.  - ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters.  169-172. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md. zulfiker mahmud, norbahiah misran, jun-ichi takada, and mengu cho.  (2017).  microwave breast phantom measurement system with compact side slotted directional antenna.  - ieee access.  1-10. 

m.m. hasan,m.r.i. faruque,m.t. islam.  (2017).  a single layer negative index meta atom at microwave frequencies.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1450-1454. 

md. moinul islam,mohammad tariqul islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,rabah w. aldhaheri,md. samsuzzaman.  (2017).  design of a compact uwb antenna with a partial ground plane on epoxy woven glass material.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  73-79. 

radial anwar, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran & mhd fairos asillam.  (2017).  an experimental method to determine maximum resolving power in antenna array for transient radio telescope system.  - proc. of the international conference on engineering technologies and technopreneurship (ice2t 2017). 

radial anwar, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran & mhd fairos asillam.  (2017).  a new method in designing dipole-based antenna for transient radio telescope system.  - proc. of the international conference on engineering technologies and technopreneurship (ice2t 2017). 

nazatul shuhada bt ahmad nazarruddin, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam.  (2017).  performance analysis of commercial audio video streaming product using metamaterial antenna.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2163-2168. 

md. zulfiker mahmud, mohammad tariqul islam, md. naimur rahman, touhidul alam, and md samsuzzaman.  (2017).  a miniaturized directional antenna for microwave breast imaging applications.  - international journal of microwave and wireless technologies.  2013-2018. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad jakir hossain, sikder sunbeam islam, mohd faizal bin jamlos, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  design and analysis of a new double c-shaped miniaturized metamaterial for multiband applications.  - applied physics a.  1-8. 

mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  design and analysis of a new composite double negative metamaterial for multi-band communication.  - current applied physics.  931-939. 

m. j. hossain,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam,s. s. islam.  (2017).  an effective medium ratio obeying meta-atom for multiband applications.  - bulletin of the polish academy of sciences: technical sciences.  139-147. 

md. jubaer alam,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2017).  split quadrilateral multiband microstrip patch antenna design for modern communication system.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1530-1538. 

m. m. hasan, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2017).  inverse e-shape chiral metamaterial for long distance telecommunication.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1772-1776. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammd rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a novel biaxial double-negative metamaterial for electromagnetic rectangular cloaking operation.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  335-343. 

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad r. i. faruque,mohammad t. islam.  (2017).  a new double t-u-shaped biaxial compact double-negative meta-atom for multiband applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2551-2557. 

m. m. islam,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2017).  a new metasurface based on meta-atom cluster for terahertz applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2052-2057. 

m. m. hasan,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2017).  a tri-band microwave perfect metamaterial absorber.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2302-2307. 

m. j. hossain,m. r. i. faruque,s. m. s. abdullah,m. r. roslan,m. t. islam.  (2017).  a new miniaturized negative-index meta-atom for tri-band applications.  - open physics.  464-471. 

m. i. hossain,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam,m. t. ali.  (2017).  low-sar metamaterial-inspired printed monopole antenna.  - applied physics a- material science & processing.  1-6. 

m.m. hasan, m.r.i. faruque, m.t. islam.  (2017).  parametric studies on split s-shaped composite meta atom for x-band communication.  - bulletin of the polish academy of sciences: technical sciences.  533-539. 

sikder sunbeam islam, touhidul alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  design and analysis of a complementary split ring resonator (csrr) metamaterial based antenna for wideband application.  - science & engineering of composite materials.  573-580. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a dual-polarized metamaterial-based cloak.  - materials research bulletin.  250-253. 

m. j. hossain,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2017).  multi-band planar miniaturised negative-index metamaterials.  - materials technology.  764-769. 

md jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md mehedi hasan, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  split quadrilateral miniaturised multiband microstrip patch antenna design for modern communication system.  - iet microwaves antennas & propagation.  1317-1323. 

m. i. hossain,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2017).  double-negative metamaterial for mobile phone application.  - applied physics a-material science & processing.  1-7. 

md. jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md. iqbal hossain, mohammad tariqul islam & sabirin abdullah.  (2017).  a combined double h-shaped microstrip patch antenna for x-band operation.  - international conference on electrical, computer and communication engineering (ecce). 

mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md. iqbal hossain, mohammad tariqul islam & sabirin abdullah.  (2017).  effective medium ratio obeying multiple octagonal split-ring resonators based metamaterial for tri-band applications.  - international conference on electrical, computer and communication engineering (ecce). 

md.mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  compact left-handed meta-atom for s-, c- and ku-band application.  - applied sciences-basel.  1-20. 

md. mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  composite left-handed meta-atom for tri-band operation.  - materials research express.  1-9. 

md mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a mirror shape chiral meta atom for c-band communication.  - ieee access.  21217-21222. 

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam,kamarulzaman bin mat.  (2017).  a new compact octagonal shape perfect metamaterial absorber for microwave applications.  - applied sciences.  1-11. 

touhidul alam,mohammad tariqul islam,salehin kibria,mengu cho,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2017).  em absorption reduction in wireless mobile antenna using printed paper-based metamaterial.  - applied physics a-material science & processing.  1-4. 

ashiqur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, md samsuzzaman, mandeep jit singh, md. akhtaruzzaman.  (2016).  preparation and characterization of flexible substrate material from phenyl-thiophene-2-carbaldehyde compound.  - materials.  1-12. 

md. rezwanul ahsan, mohammad tariqul islam, yoshihide yamada, norbahiah misran.  (2016).  ray tracing technique for shaping a dual reflector antenna system.  - turkish journal of electrical engineering & computer sciences.  1223-1234. 

mohd syafiq zulfakar, huda abdullah, wan nasarudin wan jalal, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  effect on structural, optical and dielectric properties of mixed (1-x)znfe2o4-xsio(2) as microwave dielectric ceramic material.  - journal of sol-gel science and technology.  218-227. 

wong huey shin, salehin kibria, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  hexa band mimo antenna with neutralization line for lte mobile device application.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1198-1204. 

m. samsuzzaman,m.t. islam, j.s. mandeep, m.z.mahmud, t. alam and m.m. islam.  (2016).  miniaturized dual band y shaped antenna by high dielectric ceramic filled bio plastic composite material.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  311-320. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  a new wideband negative-refractive-index metamaterial.  - materiali in tehnologije.  873-877. 

md ikbal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  a comparative study of the effects of substrate composite materials on external and internal handset antenna em absorption.  - materials science-medziagotyra.  376-380. 

m. m. islam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2016).  a compact disc-shaped printed antenna using parasitic element on ground plane for super wideband applications.  - applied computational electromagnetics society journal.  960-969. 

m.m. islam, m.r.i. faruque, n. misran,m.t. islam.  (2016).  detection of breast cancer using electromagnetic techniques: a review.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  215-233. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md jakir hossain, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  limitations of metamaterials for invisibility cloaking.  - jurnal teknologi.  1-5. 

m. r. i. faruque,t. alam,m. t. islam.  (2016).  a corded shape printed wideband antenna design for multi-standard mobile applications.  - telecommunication systems.  511-518. 

m. j. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2016).  design of a patch antenna for ultra wide band applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2152-2156. 

md. moinul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2016).  a parametric study of compact uwb antenna with multiple notched-band functions.  - advances in machine learning and signal processing.  155-162. 

moinul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohd fais mansor,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  printed microstrip line-fed patch antenna on a high-dielectric material for c-band applicationss.  - materiali in tehnologije.  307-310. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam & m. t. ali.  (2016).  design and analysis of coupled-resonator reconfigurable antenna.  - applied physics a:materials science & processing.  1-4. 

touhidul alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  specific absorption rate analysis of broadband mobile antenna with negative index metamaterial.  - applied physics a:materials science & processing.  1-6. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2016).  analysis of the effects of antenna substrate composite materials on specific absorption rate.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials.  148-152. 

wayan suparta, maszidah muhammad, mandeep singh jit singh, fredolin t. tangang, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  variability of gps water vapor associated with warming activity in peninsular malaysia during the period of 2008 - 2011.  - journal of water and climate change.  240-250. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2016).  high gain metamaterial antenna for satellite application.  - electronics world.  36-38. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  a new nzri metamaterial for electromagnetic cloaking operation.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics,.  145-153. 

md. moinul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam,haslina arshad.  (2016).  effects of an epoxy-resin-fiber substrate for a a-shaped microstrip antenna.  - materiali in tehnologije / materials and technology.  33-37. 

t. alam, m. samsuzzaman, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2016).  a metamaterial unit cell inspired antenna for mobile wireless applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  263-267. 

m. m. islam,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2016).  the design and operation of a multiband antenna with an asymmetric, x-shaped ground plane on a composite epoxy material.  - 24th international conference on materials & technology. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad tariqul islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2016).  a new wideband double negative metamaterial.  - 2015 ieee 12th malaysia international conference on communications (micc), kuching, malaysia.  319-322. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2016).  design and analysis of double negative metamaterial for microwave s-band.  - 2015 ieee 12th malaysia international conference on communications (micc), kuching, malaysia.  315-318. 

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,md. moinul islam,mohammad tariqul islam,md. atiqur rahman.  (2016).  bird face microstrip printed monopole antenna design for ultra wide band applications.  - frequenz.  473-478. 

md moinul islam,mohammad tariqul islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sikder sunbeam islam, norbahiah misran.  (2016).  compact wrench shaped resonator loaded uwb antenna with notched frequency characteristics.  - journal of telecommunication electronic and computer engineering.  85-88. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam,md. moinul islam,norbahiah misran.  (2016).  new nri metamaterial for multi-band operation.  - journal of telecommunication electronic and computer engineering.  171-173. 

md. mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  a new compact double-negative miniaturized metamaterial for wideband operation.  - materials.  1-12. 

m. j. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, s. s. islam, m. t. islam.  (2016).  subwavelength operating metamaterial for multiband applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  3004-3008. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  an object-independent enz metamaterial-based wideband electromagnetic cloak.  - scientific reports.  1-10. 

ullah m.h., islam m.t., ahsan m.r., liza mahadi w.n., latef t.a., uddin m.j..  (2016).  a low-cost fiberglass polymer resin dielectric material-based microstrip patch antenna for multiband applications.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  447-452. 

abdullah h., wan jalal w.n., zulfakar m.s., islam m.t., bais b., saari s., idris s..  (2016).  fabrication and characterization of tio2-doped znal2o4nanocrystals via sol-gel method for gps antenna.  - materials science forum.  331-344. 

ahsan m.r., islam m.t., ullah m.h., mansor m.f., misran n..  (2016).  dual band printed patch antenna on ceramic-polytetrafluoroethylene composite material substrate for gps and wlan applications.  - telecommunication systems.  747-756. 

abd rahman n.h.a., ali m.t., islam m.t., yamada y..  (2016).  design and performance improvement of shaped-beam parabolic reflector antenna for small region coverage by non-symmetrical array feed technique.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  307-318. 

sunbeam islam s., rashed iqbal faruque m., tariqul islam m..  (2016).  an eng metamaterial based wideband electromagnetic cloak.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2522-2525. 

r. azim, r. w. aldhaheri, m. m. sheikh, and m. t. islam.  (2016).  an effective technique based on off-set fed patch to enhance the bandwidth of microstrip planar antenna.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1221-1226. 

azam zavvari,mohammad tariqul islam, radial anwar, zamri zainal abidin,mhd fairos asillam, christian monstein.  (2016).  analysis of radio astronomy bands using callisto spectrometer at malaysia-ukm station.  - experimental radioastronomy.  185-195. 

m. s. alam, n. misran, m. t. islam, m. ismail, and b. yatim.  (2016).  enhancement of wlan antenna performance using an n-like shape ebg structure.  - electronics world.  26-29. 

t. alam, m.t. islam, m.r.i. faruque, f. mansor, h. arshad and m. samsuzzaman.  (2016).  a quadrilateral shape broadband antenna for wireless application.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  45-49. 

m.m. islama, m.t. islam, m.r.i. faruque, n.misran, m. samsuzzaman, m.i. hossaina and t. alam.  (2016).  a compact disc-shaped super wideband patch antenna with a structure of parasitic element.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  11-28. 

m. r. ahsan, m. t. islam, m. habib ullah, r. w. aldhaheri, m. m. sheikh.  (2016).  a new design approach for dual-band patch antenna serving ku/k band satellite communications.  - international journal of satellite communications and networking.  759-769. 

ashiqur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh, salehin kibria & md. akhtaruzzaman.  (2016).  electromagnetic performances analysis of an ultra-wideband and flexible material antenna in microwave breast imaging: to implement a wearable medical bra.  - scientific reports.  1-11. 

md. rokunuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, wayne s. t. rowe, salehin kibria,mandeep jit singh, norbahiah misran.  (2016).  design of a miniaturized meandered line antenna for uhf rfid tags.  - plos one.  1-14. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque &m. t. islam.  (2016).  low sar planar inverted-f antenna for mobile phone.  - 2016 international conference on advances in electrical, electronic and system engineering. 

md. mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,md. moinul islam,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  multi band negative index metamaterial based on split square shape resonators.  - 19th international conference on computer and information technology (iccit 2016).  99-102. 

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,md. moinul islam,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  multiple hexagonal split-ring resonators based negative index material for multi band applications.  - 19th international conference on computer and information technology (iccit 2016).  88-92. 

touhidul alam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  study on em absorption analysis of mobile handset antenna.  - journal of telecommunication,electronic and computer engineering.  61-65. 

radial anwar, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, asnor nadirah ishak, baharudin yatim dan mhd fairos asillam.  (2016).  verifikasi desain antena berbasis dipol berbentuk v untuk pengamatan garis 21 cm(design verification of v shape dipole-based antenna for 21 cm observations).  - jurnal elektro telekomunikasi terapan.  392-397. 

m ramli, n misran, mfb mansor & mt islam.  (2016).  capacitive loading radiating element for reconfigurable reflectarray at ku-band.  - antennas and propagation in wireless communications (apwc), 2016 ieee-aps topical conference on.  200-203. 

arshad selamat, kamarulzaman mat, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam & mohd fais mansor.  (2016).  bandwidth performance analysis of different glass`s dielectric permittivity on reflectarray radiating element.  - advances in electrical, electronic and systems engineering (icaees), international conference on.  555-558. 

mk mohamed amin, mf mansor, n misran & mt islam.  (2016).  dual band resonance of millimeter-wave frequencies antennas on ltcc.  - advances in electrical, electronic and systems engineering (icaees), international conference on.  559-562. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  partial ground dielectric resonator antenna for lte femtocell base stations.  - applied electromagnetics (apace), 2016 ieee asia-pacific conference on.  315-318. 

muhammad faiz bukhori, norbahiah misran, aida baharuddin, ahmad yunus misdi, gan kok beng, mohd faisal ibrahim, mohammad tariqul islam & farizah ansaruddin.  (2016).  bulletin jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik dan sistem.  - 1-9. 

muhammad faiz bukhori, norbahiah misran, aida baharuddin, ahmad yunus misdi, mandeep singh, anuar mikdad muad, rosmina jaafar, rosdiadee nordin, mohammad tariqul islam & siti salasiah mokri.  (2016).  bulletin jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik dan sistem.  - 1-11. 

muhammad faiz bukhori, norbahiah binti misran, aida baharuddin, ahmad yunus misdi, siti salasiah mokri, mohd. fikri mohd. jumat, anis amirah alim & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  bulletin jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik dan sistem.  - 1-9. 

soodabeh darzi, tiong sieh kiong, mohammad tariqul islam,hassan rezai soleymanpour, salehin kibria.  (2016).  a memory-based gravitational search algorithm for enhancingminimum variance distortionless response beamforming.  - applied soft computing.  103-118. 

md rezwanul ahsan,mohammad tariqul islam,mohammad habib ullah.  (2016).  design of a rectangular shape omega slotted microstrip patch antenna for wlan/wimax wireless applications.  - revue roumaine des sciences techniques-serie electrotechnique et energetique.  63-67. 

kok mun ng, mamun bin ibne reaz, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  comparison of average delays of an integrated model with hcm 2000 considering non-zero initial queues.  - international symposium on engineering and applied science.  175-184. 

ashiqur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh and norbahiah misran.  (2016).  sol gel synthesis of transition-metal doped ferrite compounds with potential flexible, dielectric and electromagnetic properties.  - rsc advances.  84562-84572. 

m. jasim uddin,m. habib ullah, t.a. latef,w.n.l. mahadi, m.t. islam.  (2016).  making meta better.  - ieee microwave magazine.  52-58. 

soodabeh darzi, sieh kiong tiong, mohammad tariqul islam, hassan rezai soleymanpour, salehin kibria.  (2016).  an experience oriented-convergence improved gravitational search algorithm for minimum variance distortionless response beamforming optimum.  - plos one.  1-20. 

ashiqur rahman, ng m yi, afaz u ahmed, touhidul alam, mandeep j singh, mohammad t islam.  (2016).  a compact 5g antenna printed on manganese zinc ferrite substrate material.  - ieice electronics express.  1-5. 

m. ramli, a. selamat, n. misran, m. f. mansor, m. t. islam.  (2016).  superposition of reflectarray elements for beam scanning with phase range enhancement and loss improvement.  - arpn journal of engineering and applied sciences.  1755-1758. 

m. z. mahmud, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman.  (2016).  a high performance uwb antenna design for microwave imaging system.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1824-1831. 

m. s. m. ali, s. k. a. rahim, m. i. sabran, m. abedian, a. eteng, m. t. islam.  (2016).  dual band miniaturized microstrip slot antenna for wlan applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1358-1362. 

m. z. mahmud,s. kibria,m. samsuzzaman,n. misran,m. t. islam.  (2016).  a new high performance hibiscus petal pattern monopole antenna for uwb applications.  - aces journal.  373-380. 

rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  ultra-wideband planar antenna with notched bands at 3.5/5.5 ghz.  - aces journal.  388-395. 

m. ramli, a. selamat, n. misran, m.f. mansor and m.t. islam.  (2016).  design of capacitive integrated reflectarray radiating elements for beam steering reconfigurability.  - journal of engineering and applied sciences.  106-111. 

m. habib ullah, m.j. uddin, t.a. latef, w.n.l. mahadi, m.t. islam, m.r. ahsan, k. kamardin.  (2016).  zim cover for improvement of the bandwidth and gain of patch antenna.  - current applied physics.  837-842. 

t. alam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2015).  octagonal shaped circular polarized c-band antenna for small satellite communication.  - proceedings of the 2015 international conference on space science & communications (iconspace 2015).  387-392. 

s. s. islam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam, t. alam.  (2015).  a new mu-negative metamaterial.  - proceedings of international conference on electrical information and communication technology (eict 2015).  269-272. 

s. s. islam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam, t. alam.  (2015).  a metamaterial based triangular cloak.  - proceedings of international conference on electrical information and communication technology (eict 2015).  284-287. 

sikder sunbeam islam ,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  a new direct retrieval method of refractive index for the metamaterial.  - current science.  337-342. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam and mohammad habib ullah.  (2015).  biological effect of sar on the human head due to variation of dielectric properties at 1800 and 2450 mhz with different antenna substrate materials.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  411-415. 

r. azim, m. samsuzzaman, t. alam, m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque, m. r. zaman, m. m. islam.  (2015).  circularly polarized patch antenna for s-band satellite applications.  - proceedings of the 2015 international conference on space science & communications.  402-405. 

md moinul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md samsuzzaman, norbahiah misran, haslina arshad.  (2015).  microwave imaging sensor using compact metamaterial uwb antenna with a high correlation factor.  - materials.  4631-4651. 

mohammad moinul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2015).  design of a microstrip antenna on duroid 5870 substarte material for ku and k band applications.  - tehnicki vjesnik-technical gazette.  71-77. 

md. ikbal hossain, m.r. iqbal faruque, m. tariqul islam.  (2015).  investigation of hand impact on pifa performances and sar in human head.  - journal of applied research and technology.  447-453. 

m. t. islam,m. s. alam, n. misran, m. ismail, and b. yatim.  (2015).  development of high gain multiband antenna with centreoffset copper strip-based periodic structure.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1608-1614. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, and m. t. islam.  (2015).  a new design of cell phone body for the sar reduction in the human head.  - aces journal.  792-798. 

t. alam, m.r.i. faruque and m.t. islam.  (2015).  specific absorption rate reduction of multi-standard mobile antenna with double-negative metamaterial.  - electronics letters.  970-971. 

md ikbal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam and mohammad habib ullah.  (2015).  a new wide-band double-negative metamaterial for c- and s-band applications.  - materials.  57-71. 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman, m. r. i. faruque.  (2015).  a compact monopole antenna with improved bandwidth for ku band applications.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials-rapid communications.  831-835. 

shariff, ahmad ridzuan mohammed; singh, mandeep singh jit; chellappan, kalaivani; suparta, wayan; tangang, fredolin t.; salimun, ester; muhammad, maszidah; abdullah, mardina; islam, mohammad tariqul.  (2015).  a preliminary study of cold surges and precipitation during the northeast monsoon season over malaysia.  - advanced science letters.  185-188. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2015).  low sar e-shaped pifa for cellular phone applications.  - proceedings of the 4th international conference on computer science & computational mathematics (iccscm 2015), 7-8 may 2015, langkawi, malaysia.  31-35. 

touhidul alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  advanced computer and communication engineering technology.  - 21: 205-212. 

m. samsuzzaman and m. t. islam.  (2015).  a semicircular shaped super wideband patch antenna with high bandwidth dimension ratio.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  445-452. 

mandeep singh a/l jit singh, mohd. alauddin bin mohd. ali, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah binti misran, md. mamun bin ibne reaz.  (2015).  investigation of the performance enhancement in mimo access point employing suspended loop technique for wlan/wimax applications.  -

m. samsuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam,salehin kibria, and mengu cho.  (2015).  a compact circularly polarized high gain s-band nanosatellite antenna using ramped convergence particle swarm optimization.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1503-1508. 

md m. islam,mohammad tariqul islam,md samsuzzaman, and mohammad rashed i. faruque.  (2015).  five band notch ultra-wide band (uwb) antenna with c-shaped slots.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1470-1475. 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman, and m. r. i. faruque.  (2015).  a negative index metamaterial antenna for uwb microwave imaging applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1352-1361. 

t. alam, m. r. i. faruque and m. t. islam.  (2015).  probe-fed rectangular patch antenna for wireless communication.  - 1st international conference on networking systems and security 2015 (nsyss 2015), january 5-january 7, 2015, dhaka, bangladesh.  1-4. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque and m. t. islam.  (2015).  analysis of the effects of distance between head and mobile phone on sar.  - 2015 2nd international conference on biomedical engineering (icobe 2015). 

m.i. hossain, m.r.i. faruque and m.t. islam.  (2015).  theory and applications of applied electromagnetics (springer).  - 18:167-174. 

t. alam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2015).  theory and applications of applied electromagnetics.  - 31:287-294. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md. moinul islam, md. samsuzzaman,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque and norbahiah misran.  (2015).  a negative index metamaterial-inspired uwb antenna with an integration of complementary srr and cls unit cells for microwave imaging sensor applications.  - sensors.  11601-11627. 

md. rezwanul ahsan, mohammad tariqul islam,mohammad habib ullah.  (2015).  a new low-profile inverted a-shaped patch antenna for multi-band operations.  - wireless personal communications.  519-529. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam, m. nahar, j. mandeep, f. mansor, and m. m. islam.  (2015).  circularly polarized high gain s band antenna for nanosatellite.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  1039-1049. 

m. t. islam, mengu cho, m. samsuzzaman, and s. kibria.  (2015).  compact antenna for small satellite applications.  - ieee antennas and propagation magazine.  30-36. 

md rezwanul ahsan, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad habib ullah, mandeep jit singh, mohd tarmizi ali.  (2015).  metasurface reflector (msr) loading for high performance small microstrip antenna design.  - plos one.  1-20. 

m. a. dorostkar , r. azim, m. t. islam, and z. h. firouzeh.  (2015).  wideband hexagonal fractal antenna on epoxy reinforced woven glass material.  - aces journal.  645-652. 

md. rezwanul ahsan, mohammad tariqul islam, · mohammad habib ullah.  (2015).  computational and experimental analysis of high gain antenna forwlan/wimax applications.  - journal of computational electronics.  634-641. 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, mohammad tariqul islam, sahbudin shaari & badariah bais.  (2015).  synthesis and fabrication of gps patch antennas by using znti x al2o4 thin films.  - journal of sol-gel science and technology.  566-574. 

mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  planar antenna structure.  - 47. 

ahmed afaz uddin, rahmanashiqur, islam mohammad tariqul.  (2015).  implementation of drama in macrocell network.  - journal of electrical and electronics engineering.  5-8. 

mohammad tariqul islam, afaz uddin ahmed, mahamod ismail, tharek bin abd rahman, mandeep singh jit singh, norbahiah misran.  (2015).  cognitive closed access femtocell application using multi-element antenna.  - eurasip journal on wireless communications and networking.  1-17. 

md. rokunuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, haslina arshad, mandeep jit singh, norbahiah misran.  (2015).  design and experimental evaluation of modified square loop feeding for uhf rfid tags.  - plos one.  1-18. 

nurul h. abd rahman, mohammad t. islam, yoshihide yamada, and naobumi michishita.  (2015).  design of shaped-beam parabolic reflector antenna for peninsular malaysia beam coverage and its overlapping feed issues.  - aces journal.  952-958. 

masoud shakiba, mandeep jit singh, mohammad tariqul islam, elankovan sundararajan.  (2015).  applying cubic spline method to estimate the number of rfid tags in error prone communication channels.  - wireless personal communications.  361-382. 

k thanapakkiam, js mandeep, mt islam.  (2015).  design od a rectangle radiator antenna for uhf rfid applications.  - electronics world.  30-35. 

mohammad habib ullah, wan nor liza mahadi,tarik abdul latef,mohammad tariqul islam,md jasim uddin,and md rezwanul ahsan.  (2015).  dual band printed quasi-yagi antenna for rfid and wlan applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2655-2657. 

azam zavvari, mohammad tariqul islam, radial anwar, zamri zainal abidin.  (2015).  solar flare m-class prediction using artificial intelligence techniques.  - journal of theoretical and applied information technology.  63-67. 

norsuzlin mohd sahar, muhammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2015).  a reconfigurable multiband antenna for rfid and gps applications.  - elektronika ir elektrotechnika.  44-50. 

h. s. wong, s. kibria, m. f. b. mansor and m. t. islam.  (2015).  compact mimo antenna for lte handsets.  - frequenz.  463-469. 

m. i hossain, m. r. i faruque, m. t. islam, h. arshad.  (2015).  design and analysis of mobile phone casing for the reduction of em absorption.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  395-403. 

m.r. ahsan, m.t. islam, m. habib ullah, h. arshad, m.t. ali.  (2015).  miniature size multiband planar patch antenna fabricated on a bioplastic substrate.  - bulletin of the polish academy of sciences.  971-976. 

muhammad faiz bukhori, norbahiah misran, aida baharuddin, ahmad yunus misdi, mohd tariqul islam, kalaivani chellapan, ashrani aizuddin abd rahni, farizah ansarudin & saadiah ramli.  (2015).  bulletin jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik dan sistem.  - 1-7. 

m. ramli, n. misran, m. f. mansor and m. t. islam.  (2015).  single and sub-array characteristics of capacitive integrated reflectarray design for beam scanning reconfigurability.  - 2015 ieee 12th malaysia international conference on communications (micc).  87-90. 

ahsan m.r., islam m.t., ullah m.h..  (2015).  a new biopolymer substrate-based compact monopole antenna covering rfid, wimax, and c/x-band.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2002-2005. 

ahsan m.r., islam m.t., ullah m.h..  (2015).  a microstrip-fed reformed rectangular shape slotted patch antenna for simultaneous operation in gps and wlan bands.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2204-2207. 

wan jalal w.n., abdullah h., zulfakar m.s., shaari s., islam m.t..  (2015).  characterization and dielectric properties of novel dielectric ceramics caxzn(1-x)al2o4 for gps patch antennas.  - international journal of applied ceramic technology.  E32-E42. 

aymen dheyaa khaleel, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, m. t. islam.  (2015).  omnidirectional dielectric resonator antenna for lte femtocell base stations.  - 2015 international conference on space science and communication (iconspace).  509-512. 

shin w.h., kibria s., islam m.t..  (2015).  single element mimo antenna for lte application with imat.  - 2014 ieee asia-pacific conference on applied electromagnetics, apace 2014 - proceeding.  47-50. 

ahmed m.z., bhuyan m.s., tariqul islam a.k.m., majlis b.y..  (2015).  design and fabrication of a mems 3d micro-transformer for low frequency applications.  - asian journal of scientific research.  237-244. 

alam t., faruque m.r.i., islam m.t..  (2015).  broadband circularly polarized antenna for mobile application on low cost fr-4 material.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials, rapid communications.  663-667. 

azim r., islam m.t..  (2015).  design of a wideband planar antenna on an epoxy-resin-reinforced woven-glass material.  - materiali in tehnologije.  193-196. 

soodabeh darzi, mohammad tariqul islam, sieh kiong tiong, salehin kibria, mandeep singh.  (2015).  stochastic leader gravitational search algorithm for enhanced adaptive beamforming technique.  - plos one.  1-20. 

ashiqur rahman, huda abdullah,mohd syafiq zulfakar, mandeep jit singh, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  microwave dielectric properties of mnxzn(12x)fe2o4 ceramics and their compatibility with patch antenna.  - journal of sol-gel science and technology.  470-479. 

alam t., faruque m.r.i., islam m.t..  (2015).  probe-fed rectangular patch antenna for wireless communication.  - proceedings of 2015 international conference on networking systems and security, nsyss 2015. 

nurulazlina ramli, mohd tarmizi ali, mohammad tariqul islam, azita laily yusof, suzilawati muhamud-kayat.  (2015).  aperture-coupled frequency and patterns reconfigurable microstrip stacked array antenna.  - ieee transactions on antennas and propagation.  1067-1074. 

m. r. zaman, m. t. islam, and salehin kibria.  (2015).  a novel u-shaped parasitic assymmetric microstrip cap loaded compact patch antenna.  - applied computational electromagnatics society journal.  191-203. 

m. r. ahsan, m. t. islam, and m. habib ullah.  (2015).  a new meandered stripline fed dual-band patch antyenna.  - applied computational electromagnetic society journal.  213-221. 

huda abdullah, wan nasarudin wan jalal, mohd syafiq zulfakar, mohammad tariqul islam, badariah bais, sahbudin shaari.  (2015).  characterization of tixznal2o4thin films by sol-gel method for gps patch antennae.  - journal of the korean physical society.  41-45. 

ashiqur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, mohd syafiq zulfakar & huda abdullah.  (2015).  synthesis and characterization of gahnite based microwave dielectric ceramics for microstrip antennas prepared by a sol gel method.  - journal of sol-gel science and technology.  557-565. 

m. t. islam, and m. habib ullah.  (2015).  analysis of a dual-resonant multiple split-ring patch antenna.  - international journal of circuit theory and applications.  675-683. 

afaz uddin ahmed, mohammad tariqul islam, and mahamod ismail.  (2015).  estimating doa from radio frequency rssi measurements using multi-element femtocell configuration.  - ieee sensors journal.  2087-2092. 

shariff, a.r.m.; singh, m.s.j.; chellappan, k.; suparta, w.; tangang, f.t.; salimun, e.; muhammad, m.; abdullah, m.; islam, m.t..  (2015).  initial observations of cold surge frequency over southeast asia in relation to enso-induced anomalies.  - 2015 international conference on space science and communication (iconspace), langkawi, malaysia.  453-458. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md ikbal hossain, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  low specific absorption rate microstrip patch antenna for cellular phone applications.  - iet microwave antennas & propagation.  1540-1546. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. i. hossain, n. misran, m. singh, m. t. islam.  (2015).  metamaterial-embedded low sar pifa for cellular phone.  - plos one.  1-14. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammd rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  a two-component nzri metamaterial based rectangular cloak.  - aip advances.  107116-25. 

m.i. hossain, m.r.i. faruque, m.t. islam.  (2015).  analysis on the effect of the distances and inclination angles between human head and mobile phone on sar.  - progress in biophysics and molecular biology.  103-110. 

t. alam, m.r.i. faruque, m.t. islam, m. samsuzzaman.  (2015).  dual elliptical patch antenna design on low cost epoxy resin polymer substrate material.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  23-29. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. m. islam, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman.  (2015).  ultra wideband to super wideband antenna conversion using parasitic elements.  - electronics world.  36-38. 

touhidul alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2015).  composite-material printed antenna for a multi-standard wireless application.  - materials and technology.  745-749. 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, m.samsuzzaman, m. r. i. faruque, and n. misran.  (2015).  omni-directional microstrip monopole antenna for uwb microwave imaging system.  - international conference on computer, communication, and control technology (i4ct 2015).  580-583. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque and m. t. islam.  (2015).  low sar microstrip patch antenna for mobile phone.  - frequenz.  399-405. 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman, m. r. i. faruque, and n. misran.  (2015).  microstrip line-fed fractal antenna with a high fidelity factor for uwb imaging applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2580-2585. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, and m. t. islam.  (2015).  miniature low sar printed monopole antenna for mobile phone.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2471-2475. 

t. alam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman.  (2015).  wideband printed patch antenna on low cost epoxy resin polymer substrate.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials-rapid communications.  1058-1063. 

m.i. hossain,m.r.i. faruque, m.t. islam.  (2015).  design and analysis of metamaterial inspired low sar pifa for mobile phone.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics & mechanics.  459-467. 

m.m. islam, m.t. islam, m. samsuzzaman and m.r.i. faruque.  (2015).  compact metamaterial antenna for uwb applicationss.  - electronics letters.  1222-1224. 

touhidul alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  a double-negative metamaterial-inspired mobile wireless antenna for electromagnetic absorption reduction.  - materials.  4817-4828. 

md. moinul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, md. samsuzzaman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque , norbahiah misran and mohd fais mansor.  (2015).  a miniaturized antenna with negative index metamaterial based on modified srr and cls unit cell for uwb microwave imaging applications.  - materials.  392-407. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  a near zero refractive index metamaterial for electromagnetic invisibility cloaking operation.  - materials.  4790-4804. 

mohd syafiq zulfakar, huda abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, wan nasarudin wan jalal, zalita zainuddin, sahbudin shaari.  (2014).  performance effect of znal2o4 - sio2 thin film for wireless patch antenna application.  - journal of nano research.  28:141-150. 

md. rezwanul ahsan, mohammad t. islam, and m. habib ullah.  (2014).  a compact multiband inverted a-shaped patch antenna for wimax and c-band.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1540-1543. 

afaz uddin ahmed, mohammad tariqul islam, and mahamod ismail.  (2014).  a review on femtocell and its diverse interference mitigation techniques in heterogeneous network.  - wireless personal communications.  85-106. 

m. r. ahsan, m. t. islam, m. habib ullah, w. n. l. mahadi, and t. a. latef.  (2014).  compact double-p slotted inset-fed microstrip patch antenna on high dielectric substrate.  - the scientific world journal.  1-6. 

jun-jiat tiang & mohammad tariqul islam & norbahiah misran & mandeep jit singh.  (2014).  design of a dual-band microstrip antenna using particle swarm optimization with curve fitting.  - annals of telecommunications.  633-640. 

md. samsuzzaman and m. t. islam.  (2014).  dual frequency circularly polarized cross-shaped slotted patch antenna with a small frequency ratio.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2711-2719. 

m. samsuzzaman and m.t. islam.  (2014).  wideband hook-shaped circularly polarised antenna.  - electronics letters.  1043-1045. 

rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran,,baharudin yatim, and haslina arshad.  (2014).  design and realization of a planar ultrawideband antenna with notch band at 3.5 ghz.  - the scientific world journal.  1-7. 

soodabeh darzi, tiong sieh kiong, mohammad tariqul islam, mahamod ismail,salehin kibria,and balasem salem.  (2014).  null steering of adaptive beamforming using linear constraint minimum variance assisted by particle swarm optimization, dynamic mutated artificial immune system, and gravitational search algorithm.  - the scientific world journal.  1-10. 

afaz uddin ahmed, mohammad tariqul islam, mahamod ismail, salehin kibria, and haslina arshad.  (2014).  a novel user classification method for femtocell network by using affinity propagation algorithm and artificial neural network.  - the scientific world journal.  1-14. 

m. r. ahsan, m. t. islam, m. habib ullah, h. arshad, and m. f.mansor.  (2014).  low-cost dielectric substrate for designing low profile multiband monopole microstrip antenna.  - the scientific world journal.  1-10. 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, sahbudin shaari, mohammad tariqul islam & badariah bais.  (2014).  characteristics of nanostructured caxzn(1-x)al2o4 thin films prepared by sol-gel method for gps patch antennas.  - sains malaysiana.  833-842. 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, mohammad tariqul islam, badariah bais & sahbudin shaari.  (2014).  gps patch antenna performance by modification of zn(1-x)caxal2o4-based microwave dielectric ceramics.  - journal of sol-gel science and technology.  477-489. 

norsuzlin mohd sahar,mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2014).  a reconfigurable multiband antenna for wlan and wimax applications.  - 2014 ieee 2014 international conference on computer, communication, and control technology (i4ct 2014).  156-160. 

m habib ullah, mt islam, mr ahsan, js mandeep, n misran.  (2014).  a dual band slotted patch antenna on dielectric material substrate.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  1-7. 

m samsuzzaman, mt islam, js mandeep, n misran.  (2014).  printed wide-slot antenna design with bandwidth and gain enhancement on low cost substrate.  - the scientific world journal.  804068. 

huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, wan nasarudin wan jalal, mohammad tariqul islam, sahbudin shaari.  (2014).  synthesis and fabrication of (1-x)znal2o4-xsio2 thin films to be applied as patch antennas.  - journal of sol-gel science technology.  69(2014):183-192. 

m. samsuzzaman, t. islam, n. h. abd rahman, m. r. i. faruque, and j. s.mandeep.  (2014).  coplanar waveguide fed compact wide circular-slotted antenna for wi-fi/wimax applications.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  1-10. 

m. habib ullah, j.s. mandeep, n. misran, b.yatim, m.t.islam.  (2014).  design and prototyping of a compact 2s shaped dual band patch antenna.  - elektronika ir elektrotechnika.  20(1):92-95. 

jun-jiat tiang, m. t. islam, norbahiah misran and j. mandeep singh.  (2014).  wideband l-probe circular patch antenna for dual-frequency rfid application.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  56:1421-1424. 

afaz uddin ahmed, mohammad tariqul islam, mahamod ismail, mohammad ghanbarisabagh.  (2014).  dynamic resource allocation in hybrid access femtocell network.  - the scientific world journal.  2014:Article ID 539720. 

m. r. ahsan, m. t. islam, m. habib ullah, n. misran.  (2014).  bandwidth enhancement of a dual band planar monopole antenna using meandered microstrip feeding.  - the scientific world journal.  2014:Article ID 856504. 

mohammad habib ullah, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  miniaturized modified circular patch monopole antenna on ceramic-polytetrafluroethylene composite material substrate.  - journal of computational electronics.  13(1):211-216. 

m. r. zaman, m. t. islam, n. misran, and baharudin yatim.  (2014).  analysis of glass-reinforced epoxy material for radio frequency resonator.  - the scientific world journal.  2014(831435):1-10. 

m. r. ahsan, m. habib ullah, f. mansor, n. misran and t. islam.  (2014).  analysis of a compact wideband slotted antenna for ku band applications.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  2014:423495. 

m. r. zaman, r. azim, n. misran, m. f. asillam, and t. islam.  (2014).  development of a semielliptical partial ground plane antenna for rfid and gsm-900.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  2014:693412. 

radial anwar, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, geri gopir, baharudin yatim and mhd fairos asillam.  (2014).  effect of parasitic element on 408 mhz antenna for radio astronomy application.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  2014:1-4. 

afaz uddin ahmed, m. t. islam, rezaul azim, mahamod ismail and mohd fais mansor.  (2014).  microstrip antenna design for femtocell coverage optimization.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  2014:1-8. 

m habib ullah, m.t. islam, j.s. mandeep, n.misran.  (2014).  low-cost substrate supports multiband patch antenna.  - microwaves & rf.  53(3):52-58. 

montadar abas taher, js mandeep, mahamod ismail, salina abdul samad, mt islam.  (2014).  reducing the power envelope fluctuation of ofdm systems using side information supported amplitude clipping approach.  - international journal of circuit theory and applications.  42:425-435. 

hs wong, s kibria, mt islam, js mandeep, n misran.  (2014).  quad band handset antenna for lte mimo and wlan application.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  1-7. 

masoud shakiba, mandeep jit singh, elankovan sundararajan, azam zavvri, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  extending birthday paradox theory to estimate the number of tags in rfid systems.  - plos one.  9(4):1-11. 

rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam and ahmed toaha mobashsher.  (2014).  dual band-notch uwb antenna with single tri-arm resonator.  - ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters.  13:670-673. 

n. h. abd rahman,m. t. islam,n. misran,y. yamada and n. michishita.  (2014).  development of ray tracing algorithms for scanning plane and transverse plane analysis for satellite multibeam application.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  2014:812461. 

js mandeep, mt islam.  (2014).  effect of seasonal variation on tropospheric scintillation at ku-band in equatorial climate.  - indian journal of physics.  88(6):541-545. 

mr zaman, mt islam, n misran, js mandeep.  (2014).  analysis of resonance response performance of c-band antenna using parasitic element.  - scientific world journal.  2014:1-10. 

md. shahidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, haslina arshad.  (2014).  gain enhancement of a multiband resonator using defected ground surface on epoxy woven glass material.  - the scientific world journal.  2014:1-9. 

m. samsuzzaman and m. t. islam.  (2014).  inverted s-shaped compact antenna for x-band applications.  - the scientific world journal.  2014(604375):11. 

huey shin wong, mohammad tariqul islam and salehin kibria.  (2014).  design and optimization of lte 1800 mimo antenna.  - the scientific world journal.  2014:1-10. 

mohd marufuzzaman, mamun bin ibne reaz, and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  fpga based distributed task organizing agents in smart home.  - 2nd international conference on research in science, engineering and technology. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam, haslina arshad, j. s. mandeep and n. misran.  (2014).  circularly polarized s band dual frequency square patch antenna using glass microfiber reinforced ptfe composite.  - the scientific world journal.  2014:1-10. 

m. t. islam and m. samsuzzaman.  (2014).  miniaturized dual band multislotted patch antenna on polytetrafluoroethylene glass microfiber reinforced for c/x band applications.  - the scientific world journal.  2014: 1-14. 

n. ramli, m. t. ali, m. t. islam, a. l. yusof, s. muhamud-kayat, and a. a. azlan.  (2014).  design of an aperture-coupled frequency-reconfigurable microstrip stacked array antenna for lte and wimax applications.  - isrn communications and networking.  2014:1-10. 

salehin kibria, mohammad tariqul islam and baharuddin yatim.  (2014).  new compact dual-band circularly polarized universal rfid reader antenna using ramped convergence particle swarm optimization.  - ieee transactions on antennas and propagation.  62:2795-2801. 

jun jiat tiang, mt. islam, norbahiah misran, j. singh mandeep.  (2014).  a rounded corner triangular patch antenna for dual-frequency application.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  56(1):69-72. 

md shamsuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh.  (2014).  ceramic material base d multiband patch antenna for satell ite applications.  - revue roumaine des sciences techniques-serie electrotechnique et energetique.  77-85. 

afaz uddin ahmed, rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam, mahamod ismail, and md. shabiul islam.  (2014).  performance analysis of a lte band microstrip antenna on fr-4 material.  - advanced materials research. 

m.m. islam, m.t. islam and m.r.i. faruque.  (2014).  design of an uwb patch antenna for dual frequency operations.  - research journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology.  7(4):822-825. 

azam zavvari, mohammad tariqul islam, radial anwar, alina marie hasbi, mhd fairos asillam and christian monstein.  (2014).  callisto radio spectrometer construction at universiti kebangsaan malaysia.  - ieee antennas and propagation magazine.  56(2):278-288. 

m. r. zaman, afaz uddin ahmed, rezaul azim, huda abdullah, mohd tarmizi ali and m. t. islam.  (2014).  multiband patch antenna for femtocell application.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  2014:1-6. 

m. habib ullah, m. t. islam.  (2014).  a new metasurface reflective structure for simultaneous enhancement of antenna bandwidth and gain.  - smart materials and structures.  23(8):085015. 

w.wan jalal, h. abdullah, m. zulfakar, s. shaari, t. mohammad, b. bais.  (2014).  effect of mg contents on znal2o4 thin films by sol gel method and its application.  - conference program : 38th international conference and exposition on advanced ceramics and composites. 

m habib ullah, mohammad t islam, js mandeep, n misran.  (2014).  ceramic polytetrafluoroethylene composite material-based miniaturized split-ring patch antenna.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  21(3):405-410. 

m. ramli, a. selamat, n. misran, m. f. mansor and m. t. islam.  (2014).  dual configurations reflectarray element in improving dynamic phase range and loss.  - international journal of applied engineering research.  23707-23716. 

s. h. yusop, n. misran, m. f. mansor, m. t. islam and m. abu.  (2014).  initial analysis on dual frequency operation for single layer reflectarray antenna.  - 2014 ieee 2nd international symposium on telecommunication technologies (istt).  194-197. 

a. selamat, n. misran, m. t. islam and m. f. mansor.  (2014).  analysis of different transparent conductive thin films element on monocrystalline silicon cell.  - 2014 international conference on electronics, information and communications (iceic).  1-2. 

a. selamat, n. misran, m. t. islam and m. f. mansor.  (2014).  scattering parameter analysis of different transparent conductive thin films element on silicon solar cell.  - 2014 international electrical engineering congress (ieecon).  1-4. 

arshad selamat, and norbahiah misran, and mohd fais mansor, and mohammad tariqul islam, and saleem h. zaidi.  (2014).  analisis penyerakan isyarat gelombang mikro elemen gelung segi tiga dari pelbagai jenis filem pengalir lutsinar pada jalur-ku.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  83-88. 

m. ramli, n. misran, m. f. mansor and m. t. islam.  (2014).  analysis of reflectarray unit cell with capacitive effect.  - 2014 2nd international conference on information and communication technology (icoict).  95-99. 

ahsan m.r., ullah m.h., islam m.t..  (2014).  slot loaded rectangular patch antenna for dual-band operations on glass-reinforced epoxy laminated inexpensive substrate.  - journal of computational electronics. 

ramli n., ali m.t., yusof a.l., islam m.t., muhamud-kayat s..  (2014).  reconfigurable microstrip stacked array antenna with frequency and pattern characteristics.  - progress in electromagnetics research c.  47 - 58. 

taher m.a., singh m.j., ismail m., samad s.a., islam m.t., mahdi h.f..  (2014).  post-ifft-modified selected mapping to reduce the papr of an ofdm system.  - circuits, systems, and signal processing.  535 - 555. 

rokunuzzaman m., islam m.t., yatim b., asillam m.f..  (2014).  a compact coupled-line multiband microstrip antenna.  - international journal of microwave and optical technology.  29 - 33. 

abd rahman n.h., islam m.t., misran n., yamada y., michishita n..  (2014).  generating contoured beams for malaysia region by using a caustic locus graph [antenna applications corner].  - ieee antennas and propagation magazine.  328 - 336. 

antar y.m.m., zawari a., islam m.t., anwar r., hasbi a.m., asillam m.f., monstein c..  (2014).  antennas and propagation around the world: callisto radio spectrometer construction at universiti kebangsaan malaysia.  - ieee antennas and propagation magazine.  278 - 288. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam and nik abdullah nik mohamed.  (2014).  assessment of specific absorption rate reduction in human head using metamaterial.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  21(1): 79-85. 

m. samsuzzaman, m.t. islam and m.r.i. faruque.  (2014).  triple frequency fractal patch structure antenna for c band applications.  - research journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology.  7(10): 2017-2021. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  a new sng metamaterial for s-band microwave applications.  - international conference on informatics,electronics & vision (iciev 14). 

m. samsuzzaman, t. islam, n. h. abd rahman, m. r. i. faruque, and j. s.mandeep.  (2014).  compact modified swastika shape patch antenna for wlan/wimax applications.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  1-8. 

m. m. islam, m. r. i. faruque, w. hueyshin, j. s. mandeep, and t. islam.  (2014).  a double inverted f-shape patch antenna for dual-band operation.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  2014:1-8. 

soodabeh darzi, mohammad tariqul islam, tiong sieh kiong.  (2014).  application of pso in lcmv beamforming technique.  - 60. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. m. islam, and m. t. islam.  (2014).  investigation of a planar antenna with bandwidth enhancement for x-band applications.  - electronics world.  120(1937):12-16. 

q. k. omran, m. t. islam, n. misran, m. r. i. faruque.  (2014).  a rom-less direct digital frequency synthesizer based on hybrid polynomial approximation.  - the scientific world journal.  812576:1-12. 

m. m. islam, m. r. i. faruque, and m. t. islam.  (2014).  a compact 5.5 ghz band-rejected uwb antenna using complementary split ring resonators.  - the scientific world journal.  2014:1-8. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  a new double negative metamaterial for c-band microwave applications.  - advanced materials research journal. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam and n. h. m. hanafi.  (2014).  application of auxiliary antenna elements for sar reduction in the human head.  - advanced materials research journal. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  the design and analysis of a novel split-h-shaped metamaterial for multi-band microwave applications.  - materials.  7:4994-5011. 

t. alam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2014).  printed circular patch wideband antenna for wireless communication.  - informacije midem.  212-217. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  design and analysis of a new double negative metamaterial.  - informacije midem.  218-223. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  a new double negative metamaterial for multi-band microwave applications.  - applied physics a.  723-733. 

qahtan khalaf omran, mohammad tariqul islam,norbahiah misran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2014).  an efficient rom compression technique for linear- interpolated direct digital frequency synthesizer.  - 2014 ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse).  181-185. 

m. r. iqbal-faruque, n. aisyah-husni, md. ikbal-hossain, m. tariqul-islam and n. misran.  (2014).  effects of mobile phone radiation onto human head with variation of holding cheek and tilt positions.  - journal of applied research and technology.  871-876. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque*, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  design of miniaturized double-negative material for specific absorption rate reduction in human head.  - plos one journal.  1-9. 

m. m. islam, m. r. i. faruque and m. t. islam.  (2014).  5.5 ghz notched wlan band uwb antenna using slotted rectangular split ring resonators.  - electronics world.  36-38. 

sahar n.m., islam m.t., misran n..  (2014).  analysis of fractal antenna for ultra wideband application.  - research journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology.  2022 - 2026. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque.  (2014).  advanced computer and communication engineering technology.  - 3:29-35. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  design of a new eng metamaterial for s-band microwave applications.  - journal of electrical and electronics engineering.  13-16. 

t. alam, m. r. i. faruque, m. i. hossain, m. t. islam.  (2014).  printed microstrip- fed circular patch antenna for wireless communication.  - scored 2014 - ieee student conference on research & development, 16-17 december 2014, penang , malaysia. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, t. alam, m. t. islam.  (2014).  effects of hand on em absorption of internal handset antenna.  - scored 2014 - ieee student conference on research & development, 16-17 december 2014, penang , malaysia. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, and m. t. islam.  (2014).  analysis of the effects of antenna substrate materials on sar in the human head.  - international conference on materials and technology (22 icm&t); october 20-22, 2014, portoroz, slovenia. 

fredolin tangang @ tajudin mahmud, liew ju neng, mohd. alauddin mohd. ali, abdul aziz jemain, sahibin @ sahibini abd rahim, mohammad tariqul islam, wayan suparta, muzzneena ahmad mustapha, et. al..  (2014).  the science od tropical climate change.  -

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammd rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  design, fabrication and measurement of a new sng metamaterial.  - international conference on materials and technology (22 icm&t);october 20-22, portoroz, slovenia. 

m. m. islam, m. r. i. faruque, r. azim, m. t. islam, and t. alam.  (2014).  design of a ku-band patch antenna with enhanced bandwidth.  - 30th annual review of progress in applied computational electromagnetics. 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, and m. r. i. faruque.  (2013).  design of a triple frequency band patch antenna on fr4 substrate material.  - 2013 ieee international rf and microwave conference (rfm 2013). 

m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque and w. hueyshin.  (2013).  dual wideband n shaped patch antenna loaded with shorting pin for wireless applications.  - 2nd international conference on advances in electrical engineering - 2013 (icaee 2013). 

m. shakiba, e. sundararajan, a. zavvari, m. t. islam.  (2013).  cubic spline-based tag estimation method in rfid multi-tags identification process.  - canadian journal of electrical and computer engineering.  36(1):11-17. 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, badariah bais, shabudin shaari, mohammad thariqul islam.  (2013).  characterization of tixzn(1-x)al2o4 thin films by sol-gel method for gps patch antenna.  - the 8th international conference on advanced materials and devices (icamd 2013). 

kamarulzaman mat, norbahiah misran, mohd fais mansor, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2013).  analysis of ring and c-shaped reflectarray antenna element for monopulse application.  - proceeding of the 2013 ieee international conference on space science and communication (iconspace). 

a. selamat, n. misran, m. t. islam and m. f. mansor.  (2013).  analysis of phase range distribution of different reflectarray elements on polycrystalline silicon cell.  - progress in electromagnetics research symposium proceedings. 

n. michishita, j. shinohara, y. yamada, m. t. islam and n. misran.  (2013).  design of an array feed offset parabolic reflector antenna by using electromagnetic simulations and measured results.  - applied computational electromagnetics society.  28(12):1250-1258. 

wan jalal, w.n., abdullah, h., zulfakar, m.s., bais, b., shaari, s., islam, m.t..  (2013).  znal2o4-based microwave dielectric ceramics as gps patch antenna: a review.  - transactions of the indian ceramic society.  72(4):215-224. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam and m. r. i. faruque.  (2013).  circularly polarized dual frequency patch antenna for ttc applications.  - 2013 third world congress on information and communication technologies (wict 2013). 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque, w. hueyshin.  (2013).  design of an x-band microstrip patch antenna with enhanced bandwidth.  - international conference on advances in electrical engineering - 2013 (icaee 2013). 

m. samsuzzaman, m. rahman, m. t. islam, t. rahman, s. kabir and r. i. faruque.  (2013).  developed an intelligent knowledge representation technique using semantic web technology.  - journal of emerging technologies in web intelligence.  5(4):407-412. 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, and m. r. i. faruque.  (2013).  dual-band operation of a microstrip patch antenna on a duroid 5870 substrate for ku- and k-bands.  - the scientific world journal.  2013: Article ID 378420. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam, j. s. mandeep.  (2013).  parametric analysis of a glass-micro fibre-reinforced ptfe material, multiband, patch-structure antenna for satellite applications.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials - rapid communications.  7(9-10):760-769. 

muhammad, maszidah ; abdullah, mardina ; singh, mandeep jit ; suparta, wayan ; islam, mohammad tariqul ; tangang, fredolin.  (2013).  characterization of gps pwv during flooding event over keningau, sabah.  - proceeding of the 2013 ieee international conference on space science and communication (iconspace). 

md. moinul islam, mohammad tariqul islam and mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2013).  bandwidth enhancement of a microstrip antenna for x-band applications.  - arpn journal of engineering and applied sciences.  8(8):591-594. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam and m. r. i. faruque.  (2013).  circular-slotted cpw antenna for wimax/c band applications.  - arpn journal of engineering and applied sciences.  8(8):581-585. 

rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam, ahmed toaha mobashsher.  (2013).  ultra-wideband antenna with band-notches for lower and upper wlan.  - przeglad elektrotechniczny (electrical review).  89(1a):266-270. 

ahmed toaha mobashsher, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2013).  design, investigation and measurement of a compact ultra wideband antenna for portable applications.  - measurement science review.  13(4):169-176. 

rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam & norbahiah misran.  (2013).  microstrip line-fed printed planar monopole antenna for uwb applications.  - arab journal for science and engineering.  38(9):2415-2422. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad habib ullah, mandeep jit singh, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2013).  a new metasurface superstrate structure for antenna performance enhancement.  - materials.  6:3226-3240. 

mohammad r. i. faruque and mohammad t. islam.  (2013).  novel triangular metamaterial design for electromagnetic absorption reduction in human head.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  141:463-478. 

r. azim, a. t. mobashsher and m. t. islam.  (2013).  uwb antenna with notched band at 5.5ghz.  - electronics letters.  49(15):922-924. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam, j. s. mandeep.  (2013).  triple band x shape microstrip patch antenna for ku/k band applications.  - modern applied science.  7(8):70-77. 

mohammad tariqul islam and rezaul azim.  (2013).  advancement in microstrip antennas with recent applications.  - 8:173-201. 

rezaul azim and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2013).  advancement in microstrip antennas with recent applications.  - 7:153-171. 

md. samsuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, and mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2013).  dual-band multi slot patch antenna for wireless applications.  - journal of telecommunications and information technology.  2:19-23. 

rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2013).  printed circular disc compact planar antenna for uwb applications.  - telecommunication systems.  52(2):1171-1177. 

nur aisyah husni, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2013).  effects of substrate material and dielectric properties on electromagnetic energy absorption over gsm bands.  - journal of emerging technologies in web intelligence.  5(2):151-156. 

mohammad a. dorostkar, mohammad t. islam, and rezaul azim.  (2013).  design of a novel super wide band circular-hexagonal fractal antenna.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  139:229-245. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, nik abdullah nik mohamed, baharudin yatim, mohd. alauddin mohd. ali.  (2013).  analysis of the effects of metamaterials on the radio-frequency electromagnetic fields in the human head and hand.  - materiali in tehnologije / materials and technology.  47(1):129-133. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam, m. a. m. ali.  (2013).  a new design of metamaterials for sar reduction.  - measurement science review.  13(2):70-74. 

m. habib ullah, m. t. islam, j. s. mandeep, n. misran, and m. b. i. reaz.  (2013).  design and analysis of inverted h shape dual band patch antenna for microwave application.  - iop conference series: materials science and engineering - radio and antenna days of the indian ocean (radio 2012). 

qahtan khalaf omran, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2013).  a new approach to the design of low-complexity direct digital frequency synthesizer.  - przeglad elektrotechniczny (electric review).  89(5):157-160. 

s. kibria, m. t. islam, b. yatim and r. azim.  (2013).  asymetric feedline bandwidth enhancement approach for broadband microstrip antenna.  - advances in natural and applied sciences.  7(1):84-89. 

nur a. husni, mohammad t. islam, mohammad r. i. faruque, and norbahiah misran.  (2013).  effects of electromagnetic absorption towards human head due to variation of its dielectric properties at 900, 1800 and 1900 mhz with different antenna substrates.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  138:367-388. 

mohammad tariqul islam and md. shahidul alam.  (2013).  compact ebg structure for alleviating mutual coupling between patch antenna array elements.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  137:425-438. 

salehin kibria, m. t. islam, b. yatim.  (2013).  compact dual band rfid reader antenna designed using ramped convergence particle swarm optimization.  - przeglad elektrotechnichzy (electrical review).  89(4):200-202. 

m. habib ullah, m. t. islam, j. s. mandeep.  (2013).  a parametric study of high dielectric material substrate for small antenna design.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  41(2):193-198. 

r. azim and m. t. islam.  (2013).  compact planar uwb antenna with band notch characteristics for wlan and dsrc.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  133:391-406. 

m.s. alam, m.t. islam, and n. misran.  (2013).  inverse triangular-shape cpw-fed antenna loaded with ebg reflector.  - electronics letters.  49(2):86-88. 

mohammad tariqul islam and md. shahidul alam.  (2013).  design of high impedance electromagnetic surfaces for mutual coupling reduction in patch antenna array.  - materials.  6(1):143-155. 

m. habib ullah, m. t. islam.  (2013).  analysis of a ceramic filled bio-plastic composite sandwich structure.  - applied physics letters.  103:223701. 

m.s. alam, m.t. islam, n. misran, j.s. mandeep.  (2013).  a wideband microstrip patch antenna for 60 ghz wireless applications.  - elektronika ir elektrotechnika (electronics and electrical engineering).  19(9):65-70. 

rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam, ahmed toaha mobashsher.  (2013).  design of a dual band-notch uwb slot antenna by means of simple parasitic slits.  - ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters.  12:1412-1415. 

mohammad habib ullah, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2013).  a near-zero refractive index meta-surface structure for antenna performance improvement.  - materials.  6(11):5058-5068. 

mohd haizal jamaluddin, tharek abd. rahman, hafizal mohamad, nordin ramli, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2013).  wideband planar u-shaped monopole antenna with meandering technique for tv white space application.  - radioengineering.  22(3):708-713. 

m. habib ullah, m.t. islam, j.s. mandeep, n. misran.  (2013).  design and analysis of a multi band electrically small antenna using ceramic material substrate.  - przeglad elektrotechniczny (electrical review).  89(1a):271-274. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. tariqul islam, baharudin yatim, m. a. mohd ali.  (2013).  dual frequency triangular slotted microstrip patch antenna for ku band applications.  - przeglad elektrotechniczny.  89(1a):275-279. 

m. habib ullah, m.t. islam, j.s. mandeep, n. misran.  (2013).  a new double l-shaped multiband patch antenna on a polymer resin material substrate.  - applied physics a: materials science & processing.  110(1):199-205. 

m. habib ullah, m. t. islam.  (2013).  a compact square loop patch antenna on high dielectric ceramic-ptfe composite material.  - applied physics a.  113(1):185-193. 

nordin, mimi a. w.; islam, mohammad t.; misran, norbahiah.  (2013).  design of a compact ultrawideband meta- material antenna based on the modified split-ring resonator and capacitively loaded strips unit cell.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  136:157-173. 

renuka nalinggam, widad ismail, mandeep jit singh, mohammad tariqul islam, p. susthitha menon.  (2013).  development of rain attenuation model for southeast asia equatorial climate.  - iet communications.  7(10):1008-1014. 

cc yee, js mandeep, mt islam.  (2013).  modification of karasawa tropospheric scintillation model for malaysia climate.  - indian journal of physics.  87(9):841-845. 

mustafa dh. hassib, js mandeep, rosdiadee nordin, mahamod ismail, mardina abdullah and m.t. islam.  (2013).  adaptive modulation for space-time block code ofdm systems based on the dispersion of symbol.  - proceeding of the 2013 ieee international conference on space science and communication (iconspace). 

azam zavvari, masoud shakiba, mohammad tariqul islam, elankovan sundararajan, mandeep jit singh.  (2013).  computational cost analysis on securing rfid protocols conforming to epc class 1 generation 2 standard.  - procedia technology - the 4th international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei 2013). 

mustafa dh. hassib, j.s. mandeep, mahamod ismail, rosdiadee nordin, mardina abdullah, m.t. islam.  (2013).  adaptive modulation for space-time block code ofdm systems based on evm.  - ieice communications express.  2(2):74-79. 

m. a. taher, j. s. mandeep, m. ismail, s. a. samad, m. t. islam.  (2013).  sliding the slm-technique to reduce the non- linear distortion in ofdm systems.  - elektronika ir elektrotechnika.  19(5):103-111. 

m. habib ullah, m. t. islam, and j. s. mandeep.  (2013).  printed prototype of a wideband s-shape microstrip patch antenna for ku/k band applications.  - applied computational electromagnetics society.  28(4):307-313. 

montadar abas taher, mandeep jit singh, mahamod bin ismail, salina abdul samad, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2013).  reducing the papr of ofdm systems by random variable transformation.  - etri journal.  35(4):714-717. 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, sahbudin shaari, mohammad thariqul islam, badariah bais.  (2013).  characterization of znal2o4:ca2+ nanostructure based microwave dielectric ceramics for gps patch antennas.  - book of abstracts - 4th international conference on functional materials and devices (icfmd). 

mohd syafiq zulfakar, huda abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, wan nasarudin wan jalal, zalita zainuddin, sahbudin shaari.  (2013).  performance effect of znal2o4 doped sio2 thin film for wireless patch antenna application.  - book of abstracts - 4th international conference on functional materials and devices (icfmd). 

nurul hafiza mohd hanafi, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2012).  analysis of mushroom-like ebg structure and uc-ebg for sar reduction.  - proceedings of international symposium on antennas and propagation (isap 2012), nagoya, japan. 

junichi shinohara, naobumi michishita, yoshihide yamada, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2012).  measured electrical characteristics of an array feed offset parabolic reflector antenna.  - 2012 17th international symposium on antennas and propagation, isap 2012;nagoya. 

habib ullah, m., bais, b., misran, n., yatim, b.b., islam, m..  (2012).  design of a microwave amplifier for wireless application.  - american journal of applied sciences.  9(1):32-39. 

m.a. wan nordin, m.t. islam, n. misran.  (2012).  a compact wideband coplanar waveguide fed metamaterial-inspired patch antenna for wireless application.  - applied physics a: materials science & processing.  109(4):961-965. 

nur aisyah husni, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, nik abdullah nik mohamed.  (2012).  effects of electromagnetic absorption towards human head due to variation of its dielectric properties at 900, and 1900 mhz with different antenna substrates.  - science and engineering of composite materials (secm).  19(3):271-277. 

mohammad tariqul islam, hafizah zainool abidin, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque and norbahiah misran.  (2012).  investigation of hand worn jewellery effects on the specific absorption rate in the human head and hand.  - applied mechanics and materials. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam and n. misran.  (2012).  a new design of split ring resonators for electromagnetic (em) absorption reduction in human head.  - informacije midem: journal of microelectronics, electronic components and materials.  42(1):18-22. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam and norbahiah misran.  (2012).  effects of dielectric values and substrate materials on electromagnetic (em) absorption in human head.  - frequenz journal.  66(3/4):79-83. 

m. samsuzzaman, m.t. islam, j.s. mandeep.  (2012).  design of a compact new shaped microstrip patch antenna for satellite application.  - advances in natural and applied sciences.  6(6):898-903. 

m.samsuzzaman, m.t. islam, sharmin rashid, faysal ahmed, md. ridgewan khan.  (2012).  proposed model of e-learning management system using semantic web.  - journal of applied sciences research.  8(5):2484-2492. 

mohammad h ullah, mohammad t islam, mandeep s jit and norbahiah misran.  (2012).  a three-stacked patch antenna using high-dielectric ceramic material substrate.  - journal of intelligent material systems and structures.  23(16):1827-1832. 

m. habib ullah, m. t islam.  (2012).  design of a modified w-shaped patch antenna on al2o3 ceramic material substrate for ku-band.  - chalcogenide letters.  9(2):61-66. 

m. t. islam, r. azim, and a. t. mobashsher.  (2012).  triple band-notched planar uwb antenna using parasitic strips.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  129:161-179. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam, and n. misran.  (2012).  design analysis of new metamaterial for em absorption reduction.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  124:119-135. 

m. t. islam, h. z. abidin, m. r. i. faruque, and n. misran.  (2012).  analysis of materials effects on radio frequency electromagnetic fields in human head.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  128:121-136. 

nurul huda abd rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, yoshihide yamada, naobumi michishita.  (2012).  design of a satellite antenna for malaysia beams by ray tracing method.  - international symposium on antennas & propagation (isap 2012), nagoya, japan. 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, sahbudin shaari, mohammad thariqul islam & badariah bais.  (2012).  characteristics of nanostructure caxzn(1-x)al2o4 thin films prepared by sol-gel method for gps patch antennas.  - 4th international conference on solid state science and technology (icssst 2012), malacca, malaysia. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, norbahiah misran and mandeep singh.  (2012).  boost of dielectric values & substrate materials on em absorption.  - world academy of science, engineering and technology.  61:1934-1937. 

m. samsuzzaman, n. misran, m. t. islam, j. s. mandeep.  (2012).  dual frequency new shaped microstrip patch antenna for ku band applications.  - ieee student conference and research development (scored). 

m. s. alam, k. m. yeh, m. t. islam, n. misran, and a. m. hasbi.  (2012).  an ebg microstrip antenna for 5.4 ghz wlan/hiperlan applications.  - ieee student conference on research and development (scored). 

m. s. alam, m. t. islam, n. misran, m. b. i. reaz.  (2012).  design and analysis of a compact planar electromagnetic bandgap (ebg) structure.  - international conference on informatics, electronics and vision, iciev 2012. 

baharudin bin yatim, geri kibe a/k gopir, norbahiah binti misran dan mohammmad tariqul islam.  (2012).  development of multiband antenna for radio astronomy application.  - koleksi laporan penyelidikan ukm. 

m s alam, m t islam, n. misran.  (2012).  performance investigation of a uni-planar compact electromagnetic bandgap (uc-ebg) structure for wide bandgap characteristics.  - 2012 asia-pacific symposium on electromagnetic compatibility, apemc 2012;singapore. 

habib ullah, m., m.t. islam, mandeep sing, rosdiadee nordin and badariah bais.  (2012).  design of transmitter for cdm based 2x2 multiple input multiple output channel sounder for multipath delay measurement.  - american journal of applied sciences.  9(1):117-122. 

nur aisyah husni, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2012).  effects of substrate material and dielectric properties on electromagnetic energy absorption over gsm bands.  - 2012 international conference on statistics in science, business and engineering, icssbe 2012;langkawi, kedah. 

habib ullah, m., islam, m.t., mandeep, j.s., misran, n., nikabdullah, n..  (2012).  a compact wideband antenna on dielectric material substrate for k band.  - elektronika ir elektrotechnika.  123(7):75-78. 

alam, m.s., islam, m.t., misran, n..  (2012).  a novel compact split ring slotted electromagnetic bandgap structure for microstrip patch antenna performance enhancement.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  130:389-409. 

m. samsuzzaman, m.s. uddin, t. islam, s. bappi, s. sulaiman.  (2012).  comparisn wimax and other technology for broad band wireless access (bwa).  - australian journal of basic and applied sciences.  6(9):605-615. 

yusop, s.h., misran, n., islam, m.t., ismail, m.y..  (2012).  investigation on bandwidth enhancement of dual frequency concentric ring square reflectarray element.  - shuser 2012 - 2012 ieee symposium on humanities, science and engineering research ;kuala lumpur. 

alam, m.s., islam, m.t., misran, n., reaz, m.b.i..  (2012).  design and analysis of a compact planar electromagnetic bandgap (ebg) structure.  - 2012 international conference on informatics, electronics and vision, iciev 2012;dhaka. 

r. chowdhury, m. b. i. reaz, m. t. islam.  (2012).  wavelet transform to recognize muscle fatigue.  - 2012 third asian himalayas international conference on internet (ah-ici). 

rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam, j.s. mandeep, norbahiah misran, and ahmed toaha mobashsher.  (2012).  uwb antenna add two notches.  - microwaves and rf.  51(12):56-66. 

taher montadar abas, singh mandeep singh jit, ismail mahamod, samad salina abdul, islam mohammad tariqul.  (2012).  an additive scaling factor to reduce the papr of the ofdm systems.  - journal of electrical and electronics engineering.  5(1):247-250. 

m. habib ullah, m.t. islam, j.s. mandeep.  (2012).  ceramic substrate shrinks patch antenna.  - microwaves and rf.  51(8):50-54. 

norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, nurul hafizah mohd hanafi, farizah ansarudin, mohd. faisal ibrahim.  (2012).  analisis pengurangan kadar penyerapan spesifik dalam kepala manusia menggunakan bahan ferit dan metabahan.  - sains malaysiana.  41(6):779-785. 

jit singh mandeep and mohamad tariqul islam.  (2012).  evaluation of statistical tropospheric scintillation models using superbird-c satellite for malaysia.  - acta geophysica.  60(4):1180-1191. 

siti h.yusop, norbahiah misran, mohammad t. islam, muhammad y. ismail.  (2012).  design of high performance dual frequency concentric split ring square element for broadband reflectarray antenna.  - aces journal.  27(4):334-339. 

jeeng ji lee, mik kian hing, yin fen ng, j. s. mandeep, m. t. islam, a. a. a. bakar, n. zainal, n. h. talib.  (2012).  wireless system assists libraries.  - microwaves & rf.  51(5):88-97. 

montadar abas taher, js mandeep, mahamod ismail, and mt islam.  (2012).  a novel way to enhance the papr of ofdm systems.  - journal of applied sciences research.  8(3):1589-1593. 

m.t. islam, ahmed toaha mobashsher, and j.s. mandeep.  (2012).  compare compact uhf antennas.  - microwaves and rf.  51(3):56-62. 

mustafa dh. hassib, js mandeep, mardina abdullah, mahamod ismail, rosdiadee nordin and mt islam.  (2012).  improved concatenated (rs-cc) for ofdm systems.  - ieice electronics express.  9(6):538-543. 

j. j. tiang, m. t. islam, n. misran, j. s. mandeep and c. l. choo.  (2012).  a wideband uhf rfid reader antenna.  - 2011 ieee international rf and microwave conference (rfm). 

montadar abas taher, js mandeep, mahamod ismail, hussain falih mahdi, mt islam, and abidaoun hamdan shallal.  (2012).  a novel simple algorithm to enhance the peak to average ratio of mc-cdma system.  - 2011 ieee international conference on signal and image processing applications (icsipa2011). 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, sahbudin shaari, mohammad thariqul islam, badariah bais.  (2012).  characteristics of nanostructure caxzn(1-x)al2o4 thin films prepared by sol-gel method for gps patch antennas.  - 4th international conference on solid state science and technology 2012 (icssst). 

montadar abas taher, j.s. mandeep, mahamod ismail and m.t. islam.  (2012).  peak to average power ratio reduction of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system with a significant low complexity.  - american journal of applied sciences.  9(12):1985-1989. 

r. azim, m.t. islam, j.s. mandeep and a.t. mobashsher.  (2012).  a planar circular ring ultra-wideband antenna with dual band-notched characteristics.  - journal of electromagnetic waves and applications.  26(14-15):2022-2032. 

faruque m.r.i., misran n., islam m.t., yatim b., bias b..  (2011).  new low specific absorption rate (sar) antenna design for mobile handset.  - international journal of physical sciences.  6(24):5706-5715. 

j. j. tiang, m.t. islam, n. misran and j. s. mandeep.  (2011).  slot loaded circular microstrip antenna with meandered slits.  - journal of electromagnetic waves and appllications.  25(13):1851-1862. 

azim, r., alam, md.s., misran, n., mobashsher, a.t., islam, m.t..  (2011).  compact planar antenna with dual band-notched characteristics for uwb applications.  - 2011 ieee international conference on space science and communication: "towards exploring the equatorial phenomena", iconspace 2011; penang. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam, n. misran.  (2011).  analysis of electromagnetic absorption in mobile phones using metamaterials.  - electromagnetics.  31(3):215-232. 

liu, l., cheung, s.w., azim, r., islam, m.t..  (2011).  a compact circular-ring antenna for ultra-wideband applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  53(10):2283-2288. 

nurul hafizah mohd hanafi, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2011).  numerical analysis of aluminium sheet for sar reduction.  - 2011 ieee international conference on space science and communication: "towards exploring the equatorial phenomena", iconspace 2011; penang. 

islam, mt; faruque, mri; misran, n.  (2011).  sar reduction in a muscle cube with metamaterial attachment.  - applied physics a-materials science & processing.  103(2):367-372. 

rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam and norbahiah misran.  (2011).  compact tapered-shape slot antenna for u wb applications.  - ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters.  10:1190-1193. 

m. habib ullah, mandeep sing, sumazly sulaiman, m. shamim shumon m.islam.  (2011).  hardware prototyping of root raised cosine fir filter for 2x2 mimo channel sounder.  - australian journal of basic and applied sciences.  5(11): 375-382. 

faruque, mri; islam, mt; misran, n.  (2011).  influence of material attachment for em absorption.  - informacije midem-journal of microelectronics electronic components and materials.  41(1):46-52. 

ahmed toaha mobashsher, mohammad tariqul islam and norbahiah misran.  (2011).  current trends and challenges in rfid.  - 5th Chapter, pp. 87-112. 

azim, r; islam, mt; misran, n; mobashsher, at.  (2011).  compact uwb planar antenna for broadband applications.  - informacije midem-journal of microelectronics electronic components and materials.  41(1):37-40. 

faruque, m.r.i., islam, m.t., misran, n..  (2011).  the study of specific absorption rate (sar) reduction in mobile phones using materials and metamaterials.  - international journal of physical sciences.  6(31):7212-7221. 

misran n., faruque m.r.i., islam m.t., abidin h.z..  (2011).  investigation of dosimetry in human head model for a helical antenna with mobile phone.  - international journal of physical sciences.  6(5):1000-1008. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2011).  analysis of metamaterial attachment for em absorption in human head.  - informacije midem.  41(2):97-104. 

ahmed toaha mobashsher, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2011).  design and development of compact microstrip antennas for portable device applications.  - informacije midem.  41(2):105-113. 

rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam and norbahiah misran.  (2011).  dual polarized microstrip patch antenna for ku-band application.  - informacije midem.  41(2):114-117. 

azim, r., islam, m.t., misran, n..  (2011).  ground modified double-sided printed compact uwb antenna.  - electronics letters.  47(1):9-11. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, norbahiah misran and sakthiaseelan a/l ganasen.  (2011).  design of handset antenna with low electromagnetic absorption.  - australian journal of basic and applied sciences.  5(3):141-150. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2011).  analysis of sar levels in human head tissues for four types of antennas with portable telephones.  - australian journal of basic and applied sciences.  5(3):96-107. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, norbahiah misran.  (2011).  electromagnetic (em) absorption rate reduction of helix antenna with shielding material for mobile phone application.  - australian journal of basic and applied sciences.  5(3):120-133. 

jamil sultan, norbahiah misran, mahamod ismail, and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2011).  a spectrally efficient macrodiversity handover technique for interference-limited ieee 802.16j multihop wireless relay networks.  - etri journal.  33(4):558-568. 

y. k. qawqzeh, m. b. i. reaz, o. maskon, kalaivani chellappan, m. t. islam, m. a. m. ali.  (2011).  the investigation of the effect of aging through photoplethysmogram signal analysis of erectile dysfunction subjects.  - 10th wseas international conf. on telecommunications and informatics, tele-info`11,. 

m.s. alam, m.t. islam and n. misran.  (2011).  design analysis of an electromagnetic band gap microstrip antenna.  - american journal of applied sciences.  8(12):1374-1377, 2011. 

js mandeep, ooi wen hui, m abdullah, m tariqul, m ismail, w suparta, baharudin yatim, p. susthitha menon, h. abdullah.  (2011).  modified itu-r rain attenuation model for equatorial climate.  - 2011 ieee international conference on space science and communication: "towards exploring the equatorial phenomena", iconspace 2011; penang. 

anthony cheng chen yee, js mandeep , m abdullah, m tariqul, m ismail, w suparta , baharudin yatim, h abdullah.  (2011).  development of new tropospheric scintillation prediction model for country in tropical climate.  - 2011 ieee international conference on space science and communication: "towards exploring the equatorial phenomena", iconspace 2011; penang. 

ahmed toaha mobashsher, mohammad tariqul islam and rezaul azim.  (2011).  a compact shorted wall patch antenna for dual band operation.  - trends in applied sciences research.  6(9):1071-1077. 

j. shinohara, n. michishita and y. yamada, m. tariqul islam and n. misran.  (2011).  design of an array feed offset parabolic reflector antenna for a simple portable earth station.  - 2011 ieee international conference on space science and communication: "towards exploring the equatorial phenomena", iconspace 2011; penang. 

radial anwar, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, geri gopir, baharudin yatim.  (2011).  optimization of two-element antenna array for low-frequency transient radio telescope.  - 2011 ieee international conference on space science and communication: "towards exploring the equatorial phenomena", iconspace 2011; penang. 

islam, m.t., numan, m.w., misran, n., mohd ali, m.a., singh, m..  (2011).  hardware implementation of a mimo decoder using matrix factorization based channel estimation.  - frequenz.  65(3-4):79-85. 

hafizah zainool abidin, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam and norbahiah misran.  (2011).  evaluation of sar in the human head due to hand ring jewellery at 900 and 1800 mhz.  - 2011 ieee international conference and space science and communication (iconspace). 

montadar abas taher, js mandeep, mahamod ismail, and mt islam.  (2011).  amplitude phase grouping algorithm to enhance the papr problem.  - the 7th international conference on information technology and applications (icita 2011), sydney australia. 

islam, m.t., mandeep, j.s., misran, n., mohd yatim, b..  (2011).  performance of adaptive beamforming algorithm for angle separation and interference power level.  - iete journal of research.  57(1):57-63. 

rezaul azim, ahmed toaha mobashsher and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2011).  uwb band-notch antenna with a semicircular annular strip.  - trends in applied sciences research.  6(9):1078-1084. 

mobashsher, a.t., islam, m.t., misran, n..  (2011).  wideband compact antenna with partially radiating coplanar ground plane.  - applied computational electromagnetics society newsletter.  26(1):73-81. 

j. j. tiang, m. t. islam, n. misran and j. s. mandeep.  (2011).  circular microstrip slot antenna for dual-frequency rfid application.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  120:499-512. 

a.t. mobashsher, m.t. islam and n. misran.  (2011).  loaded annular ring slot microstrip antenna for wideband and multi-band operation.  - microwave journal.  54(9):146-158. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mostafa wasiuddin numan, norbahiah misran, m.b.i. reaz, ajmal hussain shah, mohd. alauddin mohd. ali and j.s. mandeep.  (2011).  complexity cutback of multiple antenna channel estimation usingorthogonal matrix triangularization.  - 10th wseas international conference on signal processing, sip`11; lanzarote, canary islands. 

islam, t., chik, z..  (2011).  advanced performance in geotechnical engineering using tomography analysis.  - environmental earth sciences.  63(2):291-296. 

azim, r., islam, m.t., misran, n., cheung, s.w., yamada, y..  (2011).  planar uwb antenna with multi-slotted ground plane.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  53(5):966-968. 

faruque, m.r.i., islam, m.t., misran, n..  (2011).  electromagnetic (em) absorption reduction in a muscle cube with metamaterial attachment.  - medical engineering and physics.  33(5):646-652. 

m. niamul bary, m. habib ullah, m. t. islam and m.r. ahsan.  (2011).  development of exchange rate estimation method by using artificial neural networks.  - journal of applied sciences.  11(24):3860-3864. 

j. sultan, n. misran, m. ismail, and m. t. islam.  (2011).  topology-aware macro diversity handover technique for ieee 802.16j multi-hop cellular networks.  - iet communication.  5(5):700-708. 

jit singh mandeep, anthony cheng chen yee, mardina abdullah and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2011).  tropospheric scintillation measurements in ku-band satellite signals on earth-space paths with low elevation angle.  - idojaras.  115(4):265-273. 

cheng chen yee, js mandeep, m abdullah, m tariqul.  (2011).  weather data processing for tropospheric scintillation analysis for year 2008 and 2009.  - regional engineering postgraduate conference 2011, universiti kebangsaan malaysia. 

sun y.y., islam m.t., cheung s.w., yuk t.i., azim r., misran n..  (2011).  offset-fed uwb antenna with multi-slotted ground plane.  - 2011 international workshop on antenna technology: small antennas, novel structures and innovative metamaterials, iwat 2011; hong kong(. 

mobashsher, a.t., islam, m.t., misran, n..  (2011).  triple band rfid reader antenna for handheld applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  53(7):1629-1632. 

azim, r; islam, mt; misran, n.  (2011).  design of a planar uwb antenna with new band enhancement technique.  - applied computational electromagnetics society journal.  26(10):856-862. 

faruque, mri; islam, mt; misran, n.  (2011).  influence of sar reduction in muscle cube with metamaterial attachment.  - informacije midem-journal of microelectronics electronic components and materials.  41(3):233-237. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, norbahiah misran, rosdiadee nordin, mohammad tariqul islam and baharudin yatim.  (2011).  estimation of specific absorption rate and temperature increases in the human head due to portable telephones.  - scientific research and essays.  6(6):1209-1215. 

j.s. mandeep, anthony cheng chen yee, m. abdullah, m tariqul.  (2011).  comparison and analysis of tropospheric scintillation models for northern malaysia.  - acta astronautica.  69(1-2):2-5. 

mobashsher, at; misran, n; islam, mt.  (2011).  ultra-compact wideband antenna for portable device applications.  - informacije midem-journal of microelectronics electronic components and materials.  41(3):179-181. 

kelechi hilary anabi, j. s. mandeep, m. islam and j. j. tiang.  (2011).  a quarter-wave y-shaped patch antenna with two unequal arms for wideband ultra high frequency radio-frequency identification (uhf rfid) operations.  - international journal of the physical sciences.  6(26):6200-6209. 

siti hafizah yusop, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, and muhammad yusof ismail.  (2011).  development of a single square ring reflectarray element for bandwidth enhancement.  - international conference on instrumentation, communication, information technology and biomedical engineering 2011, icici-bme 2011;bandung. 

umniyyah ulfa hussine, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2011).  a new i slotted compact microstrip antenna for l1 & l2 bands.  - 2011 ieee international conference on space science and communication: "towards exploring the equatorial phenomena", iconspace 2011; penang. 

ahmed toaha mobashsher, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  a novel high-gain dual-band antenna for rfid reader applications.  - ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters.  9:653-656. 

m.t. islam, a. t. mobashsher and n. misran.  (2010).  design of microstrip patch antenna using novel u-shaped feeding strip with unequal arm.  - iet electronics letters.  46(14):968-969. 

m.t. islam, r. azim and n. misran.  (2010).  linear polarized patch antenna for satellite communication.  - information technology journal.  9(2):386-390. 

m.t. islam, n. misran, m.n. shakib and m.n.a. zamri.  (2010).  circularly polarized microstrip patch antenna.  - information technology journal.  9(2):363-366. 

m.t. islam, n. misran, m.n. shakib and y. bahrin.  (2010).  coplanar waveguide fed microstrip patch antenna.  - information technology journal.  9(2):367-370. 

m. t.islam, n. misran and a.t. mobashsher.  (2010).  compact dual band microstrip antenna for ku-band application.  - information technology journal.  9(2):354-358. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  analysis of sar levels in human head tissues for four types of antennas within mobile phones.  - 2010 indonesia malaysia microwave antennas conference (immac). 

faruque, mri; islam, mt; misran, n.  (2010).  design of material attachment for sar reduction in human head.  - proceedings of the 8th wseas international conference on applied electromagnetics, wireless and optical communications. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mostafa wasiuddin numan, dan norbahiah misran.  (2010).  performance and complexity improvement of least squares channel estimation in mimo systems.  - iranian journal of electrical and computer engineering.  9(2):134-138. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam and norbahiah misran.  (2010).  effect of human head shapes for mobile phone exposure on electromagnetic absorption.  - informacije midem.  40(3):232-237. 

norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam & farizah ansarudin.  (2010).  antena tompok mikrojalur bertindan untuk aplikasi gandaan tinggi.  - sains malaysiana.  39(4):633-638. 

jamil sultan, n. misran, m. ismail, and m. t. islam.  (2010).  an enhanced macro diversity handover technique for ieee 802.16j.  - ieice electronics express.  7(10):732-737. 

mohammad rashed i. faruque, mohammad tariqul islam norbahiah misran.  (2010).  evaluation of em absorption in human head with metamaterial attachment.  - aces journal.  25(12):1097-1107. 

misran, n, yunus, m.m and islam, m.t..  (2010).  small dual-band planar antenna with folded patch feed.  - journal of applied sciences research.  6(12): 1975-1980, 2010. 

mostafa wasiuddin numan, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  fpga-based hardware realization for 4g mimo wireless systems.  - informacije midem.  40(3):191-196. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam & norbahiah misran.  (2010).  "computers and simulation in modern science" (volume iv).  - 6: 63-72. 

m. w. numan, m. t. islam and n. misran.  (2010).  an efficient fpga-based hardware implementation of mimo wireless systems.  - ieee & iet international symposium on communication system, networks and digital signal processing (csndsp 2010), july 2010, newcastle upon tyne, uk. 

norbahiah misran, m.y ismail and m.t. islam.  (2010).  reflectarray antenna with radar cross-section reduction.  - international journal of integrated engineering.  2(3):17- 28. 

rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam & norbahiah misran.  (2010).  printed planar antenna for wideband applications.  - journal of infrared millimeter and terahertz waves.  31(8):969-978. 

rezaul azim, ahmed toaha mobashsher, mohammad tariqul islam and norbahiah misran.  (2010).  compact planar antenna for uwb applications.  - international conference on microwave and millimeter wave technology? (icmmt 2010),chengdu, china. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  different types of human head shapes for cellular phone exposure on electromagnetic absorption.  - second symposium on progress in information and communication technology (spict 10), 12-13 th december 2010, kuala lumpur, malaysia. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  assessment of specific absorption rate (sar) and temperature increases in the human head of portable telephone.  - proceeding 2nd international congress on engineering education (iceed 2010), fakulti kejuruteraan dan alam bina ukm. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam and norbahiah misran.  (2010).  sar analysis in human head tissues for different types of antennas.  - world applied sciences journal 11.  11(9):1089-1096. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam and norbahiah misran.  (2010).  dosimetry study of human head model for a cellular phone.  - world applied sciences journal.  10:10-19. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, and norbahiah misran.  (2010).  specific absorption rate analysis using metal attachment.  - informacije midem.  40(3):238-240. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  effect of human head shapes for mobile phone exposure on electromagnetic absorption.  - world engineering congress 2010 (wec2010)- conference on electrical and electronic technology, kuching, sarawak. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  evaluation of em absorption in muscle cube with metamaterial attachment.  - 9th wseas international conference on telecommunications and informatics (tele-info'10). 

mohammad tariqul islam, rezaul azim, norbahiah misran, kamarulzaman mat and badariah bais.  (2010).  design and optimization of a printed rectangular antenna for ultra-wideband applications.  - world applied sciences journal.  10(11):1379-1386. 

ahmed t. mobashsher, mohammad t. islam and norbahiah misran.  (2010).  recent developments of radio frequency identification tag antennas.  - recent patents on electrical engineering.  3:160-176. 

m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque, and n. misran.  (2010).  study of specific absorption rate (sar) in the human head by metamaterial attachment.  - ieice electronics express.  7(4):240-246. 

tan yee mun, mohammad tariqul islam, chan yee kit and koo voon chet.  (2010).  a novel wideband antenna for dual band wlan application.  - the ieee international conference on communication systems (ieee iccs 2010), singapura. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam & norbahiah misran.  (2010).  "computers and simulation in modern science" (volume iii).  - Ch:5, 57-66. 

mohammad tariqul islam, m. w. numan and norbahiah misran.  (2010).  mimo channel estimation for fpga implementation: performance and complexity improvement of mimo channel estimation for xilinx virtex-4 fpga.  - 108. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammed nazmus shakib, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  broadband antenna for wireless communication system: the art of microwave antenna design technique for modern wireless communication.  - 96. 

mohammad tariqul islam.  (2010).  smart antenna system testbed: an optimal beamforming algorithm.  - 292. 

umniyyah ulfa hussine, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  design analysis of dual-band microstrip-antenna for gps application.  - regional engineering postgraduate conference (epc) 2010, selangor. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammed nazmus shakib, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  study of broadband microstrip antenna for wireless communications.  - australian journal of basic and applied sciences.  4(10):5199-5204. 

mohammad tariqul islam, ahmed toaha mobashsher and norbahiah misran.  (2010).  small multi-band microstrip antenna for wireless applications.  - ieice electronics express.  7(21):1629-1634. 

ummi ulfa, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  design analysis of a compact dual-band gps microstrip antenna.  - second symposium on progress in information and communication technology (spict 2010), royale bintang, kuala lumpur. 

rezaul azim, mohammadtariqul islam, nornahiah misran.  (2010).  printed circular ring antenna for uwb application.  - international conference on electrical and computer engineering (icece 2010), dhaka, bangladesh. 

m.n. shakib, m.t. islam, n. misran.  (2010).  stacked patch antenna with folded patch feed for ultra-wideband application.  - iet microwaves, antennas & propagation.  4(10):1456-1461. 

mohammad, rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  assessment of em absorption in muscle cube with metamaterial attachment.  - 6th international conference on electrical & computer engineering (icece 2010), dhaka, bangladesh. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  evaluation of specific absorption rate (sar) reduction for pifa antenna using metamaterials.  - frequenz: journal of rf-engineering and telecommunications.  64(7-8):144-149. 

jamil sultan, n. misran, m. ismail, m. t. islam, and h. mohamad.  (2010).  performance evaluation of macro diversity handover technique for multi-hop relay cellular networks.  - proceedings 16th asia-pacific conference on communications (apcc2010), auckland new zealand. 

m.n. shakib, m. tariqul islam, and n. misran.  (2010).  high gain w-shaped microstrip patch antenna.  - ieice electronics express.  7(20):1546-1551. 

mohammad tariqul islam, ahmed toaha mobashsher, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  coplanar waveguide fed printed antenna with compact size for broadband wireless applications.  - journal of infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves.  31 (12) , pp. 1427-1437. 

ahmed toaha mobashsher, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  design analysis of a dual frequency rfid reader antenna.  - international review of electrical engineering.  5(4):1838-1847. 

mostafa w. numan, mohammad t. islam, norbahiah misran, mohd alauddin m. ali.  (2010).  a matrix factorization based channel estimation technique for fpga implementation of multiple antenna system.  - international review of electrical engineering.  5(4):1853-1861. 

rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2010).  a planar monopole antenna for uwb applications.  - international review of electrical engineering.  5(4):1848-1852. 

ahmed toaha mobashsher, badariah bais, norbahiah misran and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2010).  compact wideband microstrip antenna for universal 5ghz wlan applications.  - australian journal of basic and applied sciences.  4(8):3411-3417. 

mohammad tariqul islam, ahmed toaha mobashsher, and norbahiah misran.  (2010).  a novel feeding technique for a dual band microstrip patch antenna.  - ieice trans. communication.  E93-B(9):2455-2457. 

m. w. numan, m. t. islam, and n. misran.  (2009).  performance and complexity improvement of training based channel estimation in mimo systems.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  10, 1-13. 

m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque and n. misran.  (2009).  reduction of specific absorption rate (sar) in the human head with ferrite material and metamaterial.  - progress in electromagnetics research c.  9:47-58. 

m. t. islam, m. n. shakib and n. misran.  (2009).  multi-slotted microstrip patch antenna for wireless communication.  - progress in electromagnetics research letters.  10:11-18. 

mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, tan sue ling, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2009).  reduction of specific absorption rate (sar) in the human head with materials and metamaterial.  - international conference on electrical engineering and informatics 5-7 august 2009, selangor, malaysia. 

numan m.w., islam m.t., misran n..  (2009).  implementation of alamouti encoder using fpga for mimo testbed.  - proceedings - international conference on advanced computer control, icacc 2009. 

mohammad t. islam, member, mostafa w. numan, norbahiah misran, member,.  (2009).  design and implementation of alamouti encoder for 4g wireless system.  - the ieee region 8 eurocon 2009 conference. 

norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, nurmahirah muhamad yusob and ahmed toaha mobashsher.  (2009).  design of a compact dual band microstrip antenna for ku-band application.  - international conference on electrical engineering and informatics 5-7 august 2009, selangor, malaysia. 

s. h. yusop, n. misran, m. t. islam, m. y. ismail.  (2009).  analysis of concentric split ring square element for broadband reflectarray antenna.  - international journal of integrated engineer.  3(1):61-70. 

norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, lim lay san, rezaul azim.  (2009).  dual-polarized patch antenna for wireless communication.  - international conference on electrical engineering and informatics, 5-7 august 2009, selangor, malaysia. 

mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, tan chuen take, mohd. moniruzzaman.  (2009).  optimization of microstrip patch antenna using particle swarm optimization with curve fitting.  - international conference on electrical engineering and informatics 5-7 august 2009, selangor, malaysia. 

mohammad tariqul islam, radial anwar, norbahiah misran, geri gopir & baharudin yatim.  (2009).  multiband vhf antenna for low-frequency transient radio telescope.  - proceedings of the 13th wseas international conference on communications. 

norbahiah misran, mohammed n. shakib, mohammad t. islam and baharudin yatim.  (2009).  design analysis of a slotted microstrip antenna for wireless communication.  - proceedings of world academy of science, engineering and technology. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammed nazmus shakib, norbahiah misran, baharudin yatim.  (2009).  modified e-h microstrip antenna for wireless systems.  - 2009 ieee international conference on networking, sensing and control (ieee icnsc 2009) okayama, japan, march 26-29, 2009. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammed nazmus shakib, norbahiah misran, baharudin yatim.  (2009).  design of compact ultrawideband patch antenna for wireless communications.  - 2009 ieee international workshop on antenna technology - small antennas and novel metamaterials (iwat 2009),. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammed nazmus shakib, norbahiah misran, baharudin yatim.  (2009).  design optimization of stacked patch antenna for ultrawideband application.  - 2009 international symposium on antennas and propagation (isap 2009). 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammed nazmus shakib, norbahiah misran, baharudin yatim.  (2009).  a stacked patch antenna for ultrawideband operation.  - 2009 ieee international conference on ultra-wideband (icuwb 09). 

m. tariqul islam, m. n. shakib, and n. misran.  (2009).  modified e-h shaped microstrip patch antenna.  - ieice electronics express.  6(18):1350-1354. 

radial anwar, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, & geri gopir.  (2009).  multiband antenna for low-frequency radio telescope.  - wseas transactions on communications.  8(8):755-764. 

r. anwar, m. islam, n. misran, g. gopir, and b. yatim.  (2009).  development of a multiband vhf antenna for low-frequency transient radio telescope.  - journal of electromagnetic waves and applications (jemwa).  23(14-15):1843-1854. 

yulindon, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, badariah bais.  (2009).  reconfigurable dual-band rectangular patch microstrip.  - regional engineering postgraduate conference (epc) 2009 / faculty of engineering and build environment. 

tariqul islam m., misran n..  (2009).  mi-nlms adaptive beamforming algorithm with tracking ability.  - journal of applied sciences.  9(12):2335-2339. 

islam, m.t., shakib, m.n., misran, n., yatim, b..  (2009).  ultrawideband eh shaped stack patch antenna for wireless communications.  - 2009 ieee 10th annual wireless and microwave technology conference, wamicon 2009. 

mohammad tariqul islam,norbahiah misran, and baharudin yatim.  (2009).  smart antenna ukm testbed for digital beamforming system.  - eurasip journal on advances in signal processing.  art. no. 128516. 

yulindon, norbahiah misran, badariah bais, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2009).  a modified rectangular patch microstrip antenna with mems switch for wlan application.  - regional engineering postgraduate conference (epc) 2009 / faculty of engineering and build environment. 

yulindon, norbahiah misran, badariah bais, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2009).  investigation of reconfigurability of dual-band microstrip patch antenna by utilizing mems switch.  - proceeding of the 2009 international conference on space science and communication. 26-27 october 2009, port dickson, negeri sembilan, malaysia. 

m. t. islam, m. n. shakib and n. misran.  (2009).  broadband e-h shaped microstrip patch antenna for wireless systems.  - progress in electromagnetics research, pier.  98:163-173. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammed nazmus shakib, norbahiah misran, tiang sew sun.  (2009).  broadband microstrip patch antenna.  - european journal of scientific research.  27(2):174-180. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammed nazmus shakib, norbahiah misran.  (2009).  high gain microstrip patch antenna.  - european journal of scientific research.  32(2):187-193. 

m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque, n. misran.  (2009).  design analysis of ferrite sheet attachment for sar reduction in human head.  - progress in electromagnetics research, pier.  98:191-205. 

m. t. islam, m. moniruzzaman, n. misran, and m. n. shakib.  (2009).  curve fitting based particle swarm optimization for uwb patch antenna.  - journal of electromagnetic, waves and applications.  23:2421-2432. 

m. t. islam, m. n. shakib and n. misran.  (2009).  design analysis of high gain wideband l-probe fed microstrip patch antenna.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  95:397-407. 

siti hafizah yusop ,norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam and muhammad yusof ismail.  (2008).  a broadband reflectarray antenna concentric ring square element for dual frequency operation.  - proceedings of 2008 student conference on research and development (scored 2008). 

mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, mohammed nazmus shakib and baharudin yatim.  (2008).  compact patch antenna with folded patch feed for ultrawideband application.  - asia pacific microwave conference 2008, hong kong. 

mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, mohammed nazmus shakib and baharudin yatim.  (2008).  analysis of l-probe fed slotted microstrip patch antenna.  - 11th ieee international conference on communication systems, china. 

norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammed nazmus shakib and baharudin yatim.  (2008).  design of broadband multi-slotted microstrip patch antenna for wireless system.  - proceedings of international conference on microwave - 08, jaipur. 

radial anwar, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam and geri gopir.  (2008).  development of antenna for low-frequency radio telescope.  - ieee 2008 6th regional student conference on research and development (scored 2008). 

mostafa wasiuddin numan, norbahiah misran and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2008).  fpga based alamouti encoder for mimo system.  - ieee 2008 regional student conference on research and development (scored 2008), johor. 

mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran and baharuddin yatim.  (2008).  analysis of fast adaptive mi-lmns beamforming algorithm for smart antenna system.  - the fifth iasted international conference on antennas, radar and wave propagation, usa. 

m. tariqul islam and n. misran.  (2008).  mi-lmns adaptive beamforming algorithm for ofdm system.  - loughborough antennas & propagaion conference (lapc 2008). 

jamil sultan, norbahiah misran, mahamod ismail, and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2008).  performance evaluation of handover techniques for mobile multi-hop relay systems.  - proceeding the third brunei international conference on engineering and technology (bicet 2008), bandar seri begawan brunei. 

mohammed nazmus shakib, mohammad tariqul islam and norbahiah misran.  (2008).  design of a broadband low cross-polarization w-shape microstrip patch antenna for mimo system.  - 2008 ieee international rf and microwave conference december 2-4, 2008, kuala lumpur, malaysia. 

jamil sultan, n. misran, m. ismail and m. tariqul islam.  (2008).  handover techniques for relay-enhanced mobile wireless broadband networks.  - engineering postgraduate conference (epc) 2008. 

radial anwar, norbahiah misran and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2008).  design and implementation of a radio telescope for astronomical observation.  - engineering postgraduate conference (epc) 2008. 

mawarni mohamed yunus, norbahiah misran, and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2008).  trapezoidal u-slot patch antenna for wireless lan applications.  - proceedings of 2008 student conference on research and development (scored 2008), 26-27 nov. 2008, johor, malaysia. 

mohammed nazmus shakib, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2008).  development of microstrip patch antenna for mimo system.  - proceedings of 2008 student conference on research and development (scored 2008),26-27 nov. 2008, johor, malaysia. 

mostafa wasiuddin numan, norbahiah misran and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2008).  analysis of two training-based channel estimations for mimo system.  - proceedings of 2008 student conference on research and development (scored 2008), johor. 

mohammed nazmus shakib, mohammad tariqul islam & norbahiah misran.  (2008).  wideband l-probe fed slotted microstrip patch antenna for mimo system.  - proceeding of engineering postgraduate conference 2008 (epc 2008). 

mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, mohammed nazmus shakib and baharudin yatim.  (2008).  analysis of broadband slotted microstrip patch antenna for wireless communication.  - 11th international conference on computer and information technology iccit 2008, khulna. 

norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammed nazmus shakib & muhammad imaduddin bin ahmed.  (2008).  a design analysis of wideband antenna with a folded patch feed.  - prosiding seminar 1i - amreg 08. 

mawarni mohamed yunus, norbahiah misran and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2008).  development of folded patch antenna for wlan operations.  - engineering postgraduate conference 2008. 

mostafa wasiuddin numan, norbahiah misran and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2008).  performance comparison between two training based channel estimations for alamouti mimo-ofdm.  - proceeding of engineering postgraduate conference 2008 (epc 2008. 

mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, mohammed nazmus shakib and baharudin yatim.  (2008).  stacked multiple slot microstrip patch antenna for wireless communication system.  - 5th international conference on electrical and computer engineering, dhaka. 

yulindon, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran and badariah bais.  (2008).  reconfigurable dual-band antenna using mems for wireless application.  - proceedings of 2008 student conference on research and development (scored 2008), 26-27 nov. 2008, johor, malaysia. 

mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, md. shahidul islam, mohd. fairuz affendy abdul rahim, mohammad nazmus shakib.  (2008).  high gain microstrip patch antenna using multiple slot.  - international colloquium on signal processing and its applications (cspa), kuala lumpur. 

n. misran,m. tariqul islam and k.j. ng.  (2008).  a feed network for a novel e-h shaped microstrip patch antenna array.  - journal of applied sciences.  8(10):1982-1986. 

shahera hossain, mohammad tariqul islam and seiichi serikawa.  (2008).  adaptive beamforming algorithms for smart antenna systems.  - international conference on control, automation and systems 2008 (iccas 2008). 

norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammed nazmus shakib and muhammad imaduddin ahmed.  (2008).  a design analysis of wideband antenna with a folded patch feed.  - proceedings of the fifth iasted international conference antenna, radar and wave propagation (arp 2008). 

mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, mohammed nazmus shakib & baharudin yatim.  (2008).  wideband stacked microstrip patch antenna for wireless communication.  - the 2008 international conference on intelligent pervasive computing (ipc-08), australia. 

norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, ng kok jiunn.  (2008).  design and development of broadband inverted e-shaped patch microstrip array antenna for 3g wireless network.  - american journal of applied sciences.  5(4):427-434. 

mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, and ng kok jiunn.  (2007).  a 4×1 l-probe fed inverted hybrid e-h microstrip patch antenna array for 3g.  - american jurnal of applied science.  4(11): 897-90115469239. 

mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, and ng kok jiunn.  (2007).  a 4x1 l-probe fed inverted hybrid e-h microstrip patch antenna array for 3g application.  - american journal of applied sciences.  4(11):897-901. 

zainol abidin abdul rashid, mohamad tariqul islam and ng kok jiunn.  (2006).  a broadband microstrip array antenna for 3g smart antenna system testbed.  - journal of the institute of information and telecommunication facilities engineering.  5(1): 43-59. 

zainol abidin abdul rashid, mohamad tariqul islam and liew chang sheng.  (2006).  implementation and performance evaluation of tmsc6711 dsp-based digital beamformer.  - journal of the institute of information and telecommunication.  5(1): 25-36. 

mohammad tariqul islam, zainol abidin abdul rashid.  (2006).  mi-nlms adaptive beamforming algorithm for smart antenna system applications.  - journal of zhejiang university science a.  7(10):1709-1716.