Penerbitan Terkini

mohamad firdaus latip, cila umat, deepashini harithasan, rafidah mazlan, nor haniza abdul wahat, siti zamratol-mai sarah mukari, salleh amat, tey shirou, goh bee see.  (2022).  parents perspectives and understanding of information delivery on childhood hearing loss.  - 13th international symposium of health sciences.  90-91. 

goh bee see;siti zamratol-mai sarah binti mukari;cila bt. umat;rafidah binti mazlan;asma binti abdullah;mohamad firdaus bin latip;deepashini a/p harithasan.  (2020).  an evidence-based approach to overcoming barriers to early identification and intervention of hearing loss in children.  -

rafidah binti mazlan;cila bt. umat;salleh bin amat;goh bee see;nor haniza binti abdul wahat;mohamad firdaus bin latip;tey shi rou;nadirah hanim binti mannan;deepashini a/p harithasan.  (2020).  improving informational counseling delivery to parents of hearing impaired children: changing the conversation from the ear to the brain”.  -

noor dina hashim, wan fazlina wan hashim, asma abdullah, goh bee see, fahrin zara nasseri, firdaus latip.  (2020).  the effect of round window vs cochleostomy approaches on cochlear implant electrode impedance.  - international conference orl-hns 2020.  1. 

goh bee see, siti zamratol mai-sarah mukari, asma abdullah, cila umat, rafidah mazlan, deepashini a/p harithasan, mohd firdaus latip.  (2020).  management of hearing loss in children: guidelines for professionals.  - universiti kebangsaan malaysia.  1-20. 

goh bee see, shi rou tey, firdaus latif, noor dina hashim, asma abdullah.  (2018).  cochlear implant.  - 40th mpa annual congress 2018. 

hashim n.d., abdullah a., nasseri f.z., see g.b., fazlina w.h., sahak a.i., rou t.s., latip m.f., fatin hanim m.y..  (2018).  quality of life of school and college-goers with post lingual deafness with cochlear implant in national university of malaysia.  - journal of hearing science.  258. 

goh bee see, shi rou tey, firdaus latif, noor dina hashim, asma abdullah.  (2018).  cochlear implant candidacy: is there anymore contraindication.  - 7th asean academy of neuro-otology and audiology (aanoa) congress. 

siti zamratol mai sarah, goh bee see, deepashini harithasan, nadirah hanim mannan, rosmiza musa, airechara habir, tey shi rou, mohamad firdaus & muhamad hazwan.  (2018).  bulletin institute-hears volume ii issue i 2018.  -

tey shi rou, goh bee see, cila umat, nur' izzati md yusoff, wan fazlina wan hashim, siti zamratol-mai sarah mukari.  (2018).  variable listening and spoken language outcomes from cochlear implantation in children with hypoplastic cochlear nerve: can we predict from imaging?.  - 7th asean academy of neuro-otology and audiology (aanoa) congress. 

siti zamratol-mai sarah mukari, goh bee see, nadirah hanim mannan, tey shi rou & mohamad firdaus latip.  (2017).  awareness talk hear and be heard program (professional).  - awareness talk hearing loss in children: hear and be heard. 

tey shi rou, nadirah hanim mannan, mohamad firdaus latip & tiagarajan annamalay.  (2017).  happy hearing day.  - 0. 

mohamad firdaus latip.  (2017).  solusi masalah pendengaran.  - kosmo!.  22-23. 

siti zamratol-mai sarah mukari,goh bee see,deepashini harithasan, mohamad firdaus latip, tey shi rou, airenchara habir, rosmiza musa, nadirah hanim mannan, tiagarajan annamalay & muhamad hazwan abdullah.  (2017).  hear and be heard video.  - 0. 

prof dr. siti zamratol-mai sarah, prof dr. goh bee see, dr. deepashini harithasan, nadirah hanim manan, rosmiza musa, airenchara habir, tey shi rou, tiagarajan, mohamad firdaus, muhamad hazwan.  (2017).  health professional information package.  - 1-13. 

prof dr. siti zamratol-mai sarah, prof dr. goh bee see, dr. deepashini harithasan, nadirah hanim manan, rosmiza musa, airenchara habir, tey shi rou, tiagarajan, mohamad firdaus, muhamad hazwan.  (2017).  pakej maklumat untuk ibu bapa dengan anak bermasalah pendengaran.  - 1-8. 

tiagarajan annamalay,prof. dr. siti zamratol mai-sarah mukari,prof. dr. goh bee see,dr. deepashini harithasan,nadirah hanim mannan,mohamad firdaus latip,tey shi rou,airenchara habir,rosmiza musa, muhamad hazwan abdullah.  (2017).  adam boleh mendengar.  - 15.