mohammed sani adam, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, oluwatosin ahmed amodu, mohammed h. alsharif. (2024). optimizing disaster response through efficient path planning of mobile aerial base station with genetic algorithm. - drones. 1-28. |
abdul hadi bin azman;norhana binti arsad;seri mastura binti mustaza;meor iqram bin meor ahmad;muhamad alias bin md. jedi;asma` binti abu samah. (2023). h5p-based interactive video for adaptive learning in ukmfolio. - . . |
muhammad nur aqmal khatiman, asma abu-samah, muhammad amin azman, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah. (2023). generation of synthetic 5g network dataset using generative adversarial network (gan). - 2023 ieee 16th malaysia international conference on communication (micc). 141-145. |
ali h. wheeb, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu samah and dimitris kanellopoulos. (2023). performance evaluation of standard and modified olsr protocols for uncoordinated uav ad-hoc networks in search and rescue environments. - electronics (switzerland). 1-23. |
asma` binti abu samah;noorazean binti mohd ali;kalaivani a/p chellappan;rosmina jaafar. (2023). gamification for project-based assessment: an application toward software engineering course . - . . |
ammar riadh kairaldeen, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, rosdiadee nordin. (2023). peer-to-peer user identity verification time optimization in iot blockchain network. - sensors. 1-17. |
vigneswara r gannapathy, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu-samah, nor fadzilah abdullah, mahamod ismail. (2023). an adaptive ttt handover (ath) mechanism for dual connectivity (5g mmwave lte advanced) during unpredictable wireless channel behavior. - mdpi sensors. 1-22. |
muhamad alias md. jedi, abdul hadi azman, azmin sham rambely, zurina mahadi, asma' abu samah, ahmad yunus mohd nor, razinah sharif @ mohd sharif, nor kamaliana khamis. (2023). prosiding knovasi 2023 inovasi idea dalam pendidikan tanpa sempadan. - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi) 2023. 1-257. |
muhammad amin azman, abdul hadi azman, asma abu samah, muhamad alias md jedi. (2023). a review on recent trends and challenges of virtual immersive learning in engineering education. - asean journal of teaching & learning in higher education. 388-402. |
norazreen abd aziz, syahirah abd. halim, noorfazila kamal, aqilah baseri huddin, haslina jaafar, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, muhammad ammirrul atiqi mohd zainuri, ahmad asrul ibrahim, mohd hafiz baharuddin, nor azwan mohamed kamari, mohd hairi mohd zaman. (2023). penilaian tahap kepuasan peserta dalam pertandingan robotik:satu kajian kes pertandingan i-robot 2023. - persidangan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina. 118-121. |
asma abu samah, dalilah ghaffa. (2023). penilaian jenis pelajar kursus statistik dan pengiraan berangka bagi aktiviti gamifikasi berkumpulan melalui teknik hexad-marczewski. - prosiding persidangan penyelidikan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2023 (peka 2023). 170-173. |
vigneswara rao gannapathy, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah. (2023). a smart handover strategy for 5g mmwave dual connectivity networks. - ieee access. 34739-34759. |
norliyana nor hisham shah, normy norfiza abdul razak, asma abu samah, nur athirah abdul razak, agileswari ramasamy, fatanah m. suhaimi, j. geoffrey chase. (2023). a bayesian approach to explore risk factors for respiratory dysfunction in intensive care unit patient. - international journal on informatics visualization. 1048-1056. |
muhammad faiz bukhori, aida baharuddin, mohd huzairi johari, ahmad yunus misdi, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma' abu samah, hilmi sanusi, mohd. nazmi abd razak. (2023). buletin jkees 2022. - . 1-30. |
nor fadzilah abdullah, tan ee shen, asma abu samah, rosdiadee nordin. (2023). internet of vehicles based on cellular-vehicle-to-everything (c-v2x). - international journal of integrated engineering. 244-252. |
saddam alraih, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu-samah, ibraheem shayea, nor fadzilah abdullah. (2023). a survey on handover optimization in beyond 5g mobile networks: challenges and solutions. - ieee access. 59317-59345. |
nur farahin abdull rashid, asma abu-samah, aishah mohd noh, noor zaim syafiq azam, nur najihah wahid, chee qin chiang, haider alobaidy, nor fadzilah abdullah, sawal abdul hamid, rosdiadee nordin. (2022). development of smart campus applications based on wireless technologies using open-source platforms. - jurnal teknologi. 173-184. |
aqeel mahmood jawad, rosdiadee nordin, haider mahmood jawad, sadik kamel gharghan, asma abu-samah, mahmood jawad abu-alshaeer and nor fadzilah abdullah. (2022). wireless drone charging station using class-e power amplifier in vertical alignment and lateral misalignment conditions. - energies. 1-29. |
teh xuan ying, asma abu-samah. (2022). early prediction of sepsis for icu patients using gradient boosted tree. - 2022 ieee international conference on automatic control and intelligent systems (i2cacis). 78-83. |
athirah abdul razak, normy n. razak, norliyana nor hisham shah, jay wing wai lee, asma' abu-samah, j. geoffrey chase. (2022). model-based glycaemic control in critically ill diabetes mellitus patients: monte carlo sensitivity analysis. - icbet '22: proceedings of the 12th international conference on biomedical engineering and technology. 203-209. |
chun hoe loke, mohammed sani adam, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma' abu-samah. (2022). physical distancing device with edge computing for covid-19 (paddie-c19). - sensors. 1-17. |
ali h. wheeb, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu samah, mohammed h. alsharif, muhammad asghar khan. (2022). topology-based routing protocols and mobility models for flying ad hoc networks: a contemporary review and future research direction. - drones. 1-28. |
saddam alraih, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu-samah, ibraheem shayea, nor fadzilah abdullah and abdulraqeb alhammadi. (2022). robust handover optimization technique with fuzzy logic controller for beyond 5g mobile networks. - sensors. 1-21. |
saddam alraih, ibraheem shayea, mehran behjati, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu samah, dalia nandi. (2022). revolution or evolution? technical requirements and considerations towards 6g mobile communications. - sensors. 1-29. |
muhammad faiz bukhori, aida baharuddin, mohd huzairi johari, ahmad yunus misdi, asma' abu samah, syahirah abd halim, siti salasiah mokri, noraishikin zulkarnain, anuar mikdad muad, hilmi sanusi, mohd. nazmi abd razak. (2022). buletin jkees 2022. - . 1-29. |
shujat ali, asma abu-samah, nor fadzilah abdullah, nadhiya liyana mohd kamal. (2022). a review of 6g enabler: vertical heterogeneous network (v-hetnet). - scored 2022. 180-184. |
abdul hadi azman, muhamad alias md. jedi, azmin sham rambely, razinah sharif @ mohd sharif, ahmad yunus mohd nor, zurina mahadi, asma' abu samah, nor kamaliana khamis. (2022). prosiding knovasi 2022 menginsankan pendidikan digital. - prosiding kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi) 2022 menginsankan pendidikan digital. 1-331. |
saddam alraih, rosdiadee nordin, ibraheem shayea, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, and abdulraqeb alhammadi. (2022). effectiveness of handover control parameters on handover performance in 5g and beyond mobile networks. - wireless communications and mobile computing. 1-12. |
abdul hadi azman, muhamad alias md jedi, mourad zirour, muhammad saifuddin mohamed rehan, muhammad amin azman, asma abu samah, mohd azri hizami rasid, nor ashikin abu bakar. (2022). effectiveness of online and face-to-face classes: a survey among malaysian university students for engineering courses. - prosiding knovasi 2022. 34-37. |
abdul hadi azman, muhamad alias bin md. jedi, mourad zirour, muhammad saifuddin mohamed rehan, muhammad amin azman, asma abu samah, mohd azri hizami rasid, nor ashikin abu bakar. (2022). effectiveness of online and face to face classes: a survey among malaysian university students for engineering courses. - knovasi 2022. 1-18. |
asma abu-samah, abdul hadi azman. (2022). a systematic review on moodle gamification plugin level up!. - knovasi 2022. 14-18. |
abdul hadi azman, asma' abu samah. (2022). teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid 19 inklusif, imersif dan integratif. - . 11. |
ahmad rafiq mohd khairudin, muhammad hanif abdul karim, asma abu samah, dyanatasya irwansyah, muhammad yunus yakob, norhaslina mat zian. (2022). development of colour sorting robotic arm using tcs3200 sensor. - 2021 ieee 9th conference on systems, process and control (icspc 2021). 108-113. |
abdul hadi azman, muhamad alias bin md. jedi, asma abu samah, muhammad amin azman, mourad zirour, muhammad saifuddin mohamed rehan, mohd azri hizami rasid, nor ashikin abu bakar. (2022). effectiveness of online and face-to-face classes: a survey among malaysian university students for engineering courses. - asean journal of teaching & learning in higher education (ajtlhe). 186-202. |
nur amaliea izzatie azmi, asma abu-samah, aqilah baseri huddin. (2021). design optimization of fuzzy-pid controller for autonomous hovercraft path tracking. - prosiding penyelidikan prasiswazah, issue no. 1, 2020. 82-89. |
mohammed fadhil, asma abu-samah, rosdiadee nordin, mahamod ismail and nor fadzilah abdullah. (2021). comparison of bch code performance in lte-advanced cooperative system in suburban, urban and rural environment based on winner ii channel model. - international journal of integrated engineering. 262-275. |
asma abu samah. (2021). gamification for project-based assessment: an application towards software engineering course. - knovasi2021. 1-12. |
abdul hadi azman, asma`abu samah. (2021). h5p-based interactive video for adaptive learning in learning management systems: challenges and opportunities. - knovasi 2021. 1-16. |
ahmad yunus mohd noor, asma abu-samah, zurina mahadi. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 230. |
asma abu-samah. (2021). prosiding penyelidikan pra siswazah: undergraduate research project symposium, dept. of electrical, electronic and systems. - undergraduate research project symposium. 1-92. |
izzah atirah shukri, asma abu-samah, rosdiadee nordin. (2021). planning and predicting iot wireless communication coverage based on three applications in kuala lumpur city. - 2021 26th ieee asia-pacific conference on communications (apcc). 173-178. |
asma abu-samah, ahmad yunus mohd noor & zurina mahadi. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 12. |
muhammad ikmal ahmad, mohd hafizi ab. rahim, rosdiadee nordin, faizal mohamed, asma abu-samah, nor fadzilah abdullah. (2021). ionizing radiation monitoring technology at the verge of internet of things. - sensors. 1-29. |
athirah abdul razak, radiyati umi partan, normy norfiza razak, asma abu-samah, norliyana nor hisham shah, mohd shahnaz hasan. (2021). machine learning classification for blood glucose performances using insulin sensitivity and respiratory scores in diabetic icu patients. - international visual informatics conference (ivic 2021): advances in visual informatics. 508-517. |
norliyana nor hisham shah, normy razak, asma abu-samah, athirah abdul razak. (2021). review of acute kidney injury classification using machine learning. - 2020 ieee-embs conference on biomedical engineering and sciences (iecbes). 324-328. |
ammar riadh kairaldeen, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, and rosdiadee nordin. (2021). data integrity time optimization of a blockchain iot smart home network using different consensus and hash algorithms. - wireless communications and mobile computing. 1-23. |
ahmad yunus mohd noor, zurina mahadi & asma abu-samah. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 10. |
ammar albayati, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, ammar hussein mutlag and rosdiadee nordin. (2021). smart grid data management in a heterogeneous environment with a hybrid load forecasting model. - applied sciences. 1-33. |
izzah atirah shukri, asma' abu samah, kalaivani chellapan. (2021). gamification for project-based assessment: an application toward software engineering course. - prosiding knovasi 2021. 312-314. |
abdul hadi azman, meor iqram meor ahmad, muhamad alias md jedi, norhana arsad, seri mastura, asma' abu samah. (2021). h5p-based interactive video for adaptive learning in learning management systems: challenges and opportunities. - prosiding k-novasi 2021. 318-321. |
abdul hadi azman, azmin sham rambely, razinah sharif @ mohd sharif, muhamad alias md. jedi, zurina mahadi, asma' abu samah, nor kamaliana khamis, ahmad yunus mohd noor. (2021). kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi) 2021. - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi) 2021. 1-349. |
asma abu-samah, nor fadzilah abdullah, mohd fais mansor, rosdiadee nordin. (2020). perception study on multiple active learning techniques for telecommunication courses in universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - asean journal of teaching and learning in higher education. 140-151. |
ammar albayati, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, ammar hussein mutlag, and rosdiadee nordin.. (2020). a serverless advanced metering infrastructure based on fog-edge computing for a smart grid: a comparison study for energy sector in iraq. - energies. 1-23. |
muhammad nizammudin mohd daud; asma abu-samah. (2020). zigbee-based energy saving control system for centralized air-conditioning system. - 2020 ieee 10th international conference on system engineering and technology (icset). 89-93. |
athirah abdul razak, asma abu-samah, normy norfiza abdul razak, ummu jamaludin, fatanah suhaimi, azrina ralib, mohd basri mat nor, christopher pretty, jennifer laura knopp, james geoffrey chase. (2020). assessment of glycemic control protocol (star) through compliance analysis amongst malaysian icu patients. - medical devices: evidence and research. 139-149. |
abdul hadi azman, asma' abu samah. (2020). teori dan inovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran: menyusuri pandemik covid-19. - . 11. |
ahmad rafiq mohd khairudin and asma abu-samah. (2019). teaching industrial automation for technical students through development of didactic plc. - international conference of universal wellbeing. xx-yy. |
ahmad rafiq mohd khairudin, asma' abu-samah, n. aimi syaqilah aziz, m. amirul faiz m. azlan, m. hanif abdul karim, norhaslina mat zian. (2019). design of portable industrial automation education training kit compatible for ir 4.0. - ieee conference on systems, process & control (icspc). 38-42. |