Projek Penyelidikan

Projek Tempoh Peranan
identification of oviposition attractant and optimisation of larval rearing medium for scavenging black soldier fly (diptera: stratiomyidae) from community organic waste 01-09-201930-11-2023 Ketua Projek
possible incipient speciation between bactrocera dorsalis and four closely related but geographically isolated sibling species 15-01-201630-06-2021 Ketua Projek
rawatan sisa organik menggunakan larva lalat tentera hitam. hermetia illucens (diptera:stratiomyidae) 15-08-201814-05-2021 Penyelidik Bersama
pensampelan lalat buah tephritidae 17-08-202016-02-2021 Ketua Projek
volatile emission pattern and localization of floral scent emission in relation to plant-pollinator interactions in rafflesia 02-11-201501-05-2018 Ketua Projek
ganjaran penerbitan: wee suk ling 01-05-201630-04-2018 Ketua Projek
morphological attributes and diurnal pollination behavior of elaeidobius kamerunicus, the main pollinator of oil palm flower in malaysia 01-08-201431-01-2017 Penyelidik Bersama
assessment of the flora and fauna biodiversity and inventory at desa melawati ecopark and its potential for invaluable ecosystem services 01-05-201431-12-2016 Penyelidik Bersama
penerbitan buku dan modul kursi perubahan iklim ukm-ysd 01-08-201331-12-2016 Penyelidik Bersama
identification of antennal proteins involved in the attraction of male oriental fruit fly bacterocera dorsalis to methyl eugenol 16-11-201516-11-2016 Penyelidik Bersama
male rectal gland volatile constituents of five economically important cryptic species within the oriental fruit fly, bactrocera dorsalis complex (diptera: tephritidae) 22-11-201416-11-2016 Penyelidik Bersama
bio-ecology of oil palm pollinator (elaeidobius kamarunicus) in relation to fruit bunch 15-06-201530-09-2016 Penyelidik Bersama
insentif penyelidikan: wee suk ling 01-06-201431-05-2016 Ketua Projek
development of a female attraction from host-derived kairomone for improvement of trapping technology for assessing aperational sit programmes against diamondback moth 15-09-200815-06-2015 Ketua Projek
kajian sistematik, taksonomi, kepelbagaian , ekologi dan kawalan terhadap flora dan fauna terpilih dari habitat-habitat hutan dan kawasan pertanian di malaysia 01-04-201431-03-2015 Penyelidik Bersama
male rectal gland volatile constituents of five economically important cryptic species within the oriental fruit fly, bactrocera dorsalis complex (diptera tephritidae) 18-03-201021-11-2014 Penyelidik Bersama
kajian sistematik, taksonomi, kepelbagaian, ekologi dan kawalan terhadap flora dan fauna terpilih dari abitat-habitat hutan dan kawasan pertanian di malaysia 01-01-201331-03-2014 Penyelidik Bersama
bantuan kewangan bahan penyelidikan: wee suk ling 01-03-201328-02-2014 Penyelia
identification of plant-based chemicals(s) as potential non-insecticidal female attraction for diamodback moth (plutella xylostella)control 01-06-201030-11-2013 Ketua Projek
mating compatibility of economically important cryptic species in the bactorecera dorsalis complex (diptera: tephritidae) 14-11-201213-11-2013 Penyelidik Bersama
mating compatibility of economically important cryptic species in the bacttrocera dorsalis complex (diptera: tephritide) 18-03-201013-11-2013 Penyelidik Bersama
the scent of the world`s largest flower: headspace isolation and characterisation of chemical volatiles emitted by the rafflesia and their attractancy towards insects pollinators 08-07-201007-07-2013 Ketua Projek
penglibatan komuniti lokal dalam pembangunan ekopelancongan di malaysia.skop: pahang dan sabah 08-08-201107-08-2012 Penyelidik Bersama
transport of sex pheromonal component in male fruit fly bactrocera carambolae following pharmacophagy of methyl eugenol, a plant-derived potent attractant 12-11-200912-11-2011 Penyelidik Bersama
floral odour composition of rafflesia canteyi (rafflesiacese) and its ecological significance in pollination biology 01-12-200831-03-2011 Ketua Projek
tabung agihan penyelidikan (tap)-k016221 24-07-2021 Penyelia
- 06-04-2021 Ketua Projek
- 03-04-2020 Ketua Projek