Projek Penyelidikan

Projek Tempoh Peranan
epidemiology and molecular characterization of blastocystis spp. in humans, animals and water in the senoi tribe of orang asli, peninsular malaysia 01-11-201430-04-2016 Penyelidik Bersama
pengaruh suhu ke atas perkembangan larva lalat chrysomya villeneuvi (diptera: calliphoridae): kegunaan ke atas sains forensik 01-09-201131-08-2015 Penyelidik Bersama
epidemiology and molecular characterization of emtamoeba histolytica, emtamoeba dispar and entamoeba moshkovskii among orang asli populations in malaysia 08-08-201107-08-2012 Penyelidik Bersama
intervention study - effects of iron supplementation on soil transmitted helminthes re infection iron status, growth and cognitive functions amongst orang asli's children in 08-08-201107-08-2012 Penyelidik Bersama
entomofauna on carcasses at high rise buildings and its applications in forensic cases 01-08-200931-01-2012 Penyelidik Bersama