Projek Penyelidikan

Projek Tempoh Peranan
design and development of m-learning interpretive model for esl writing skills towards quality education and innovative technology for learning 01-07-202431-12-2025 Penyelidik Bersama
gender-responsive teaching training module for inclusive stem education 01-01-202431-12-2025 Ketua Projek
from funds to functionality: analyzing the role of strategic resource allocation in academis research success 01-11-202431-10-2025 Penyelidik Bersama
pembangunan program pra-transisi dan persediaan murid berkeperluan khas (mbk) ke sekolah 01-11-202431-10-2025 Penyelidik Bersama
a study of learning experience enhancement students at the faculty of education, ukm. 01-11-202431-10-2025 Ketua Projek
pembangunan kerangka pelaksanaan dan instrumen penilaian praktikum bagi program diploma pendidikan lepasan ijazah (dpli) fakulti pendidikan ukm 01-05-202430-04-2025 Penyelidik Bersama
- 09-02-202431-12-2024 Ketua Kumpulan
- 09-02-202431-12-2024 Ahli Kumpulan
apec climate economics cross-border educational course (cecc) 01-10-202330-09-2024 Ketua Projek
effective learning on solar energy technologies through mobile-research-laboratory for secondary schools in urban and rural areas. 01-12-201931-05-2024 Penyelidik Bersama
- 09-11-202108-11-2023 Ketua Projek
developing malaysian sustainable palm oil learning box (my-spo learning box) for secondary school science education 01-09-202231-08-2023 Ketua Projek
towards sustainable society: exploring components of an intergenerational learning for promoting environmental literacy 01-07-202230-06-2023 Ketua Projek
exploring gender-responsive dimensions for stem teachers: towards developing a fundamental gender-responsive framework 01-11-202030-04-2023 Ketua Projek
enhancing stem teacher epistemic fluency, and design thinking through design-oriented problem-solving professional development. 01-02-202131-01-2023 Penyelidik Bersama
- 18-12-202017-12-2022 Ketua Projek
developing an early framework of intensive research-based curriculum for teacher education programme 01-09-202031-08-2022 Ketua Projek
integrating augmented reality in problem based learning environment to enhance the performance in engineering mathematics courses 01-10-201930-06-2022 Penyelidik Bersama
post-pandemic teacher education in malaysia: forever changed? 01-01-202231-03-2022 Ketua Projek
developing instructional module of an integrated sustainable palm oil (ispo) curriculum for lower secondary school 10-10-201909-01-2022 Ketua Projek
pemerkasaan kepimpinan wanita orang asli di negeri pahang 01-07-202031-12-2021 Penyelidik Bersama
e-study learning app - improving academic performance for b40 at-risk students 01-02-202031-12-2021 Penyelidik Bersama
exploring students’ online learning experiences during covid-19 pandemic: a mixed-method research 01-06-202130-11-2021 Ketua Projek
industry-academia-government (iag) collaboration on alternative re-employment project for aging population: an innovative employment management model (iemm) 01-04-202031-08-2021 Ketua Projek
amalan pengurusan hal ehwal murid dalam kalangan pengetua serta pencapaian murid golongan b40 di negeri kelantan 01-11-201830-04-2021 Penyelidik Bersama
pencapaian wanita di peringkat pembuat keputusan di malaysia 03-12-201902-03-2021 Penyelidik Bersama
needs analysis for teaching and learning stem towards integrated stem education 02-05-201931-01-2021 Penyelidik Bersama
amalan kepimpinan perpaduan dalam kalangan pengetua di sekolah menengah daerah hulu langat 2 01-05-201931-01-2021 Penyelidik Bersama
exploring teachers’ perspectives on culturally responsive pedagogy to foster equitable classrooms 01-05-201931-01-2021 Ketua Projek
systems thinking competency for teaching integrated stem 01-05-201931-01-2021 Penyelidik Bersama
integrated studies in japan: a model for culturally relevant science teaching and learning for malaysia and indonesia. 01-04-201831-12-2020 Penyelidik Bersama
environmental and personal factors as predictors to interest in stem careers 01-05-201930-11-2020 Penyelidik Bersama
pengukuran impak kecerdasan emosi (eq), kecerdasan spiritual (sq) terhadap adversity quotient (aq) dalam kalangan belia politeknik di malaysia 01-05-201931-10-2020 Penyelidik Bersama
lonjakan penerbitan pusat kepimpinan dan polisi pendidikan 01-10-201830-06-2020 Penyelidik Bersama
program peningkatan profesionalisme guru matematik sekolah rendah: guru sebagai perancang kurikulum 01-02-201931-01-2020 Ketua Projek
ensuring culturally relevant science curriculum (crsc) for all:researched- context informed interactive supplementary teaching and learning resources 01-02-201931-01-2020 Ketua Projek
kajian amalan kepimpinan perpaduan dan tahap perpaduan di sekolah menengah 15-11-201814-11-2019 Penyelidik Bersama
kajian pengukuran tahap integriti dalam kalangan ahli akademik universiti kebangsaan malaysia 15-11-201814-11-2019 Penyelidik Bersama
sociocultural dimensions of self-directed learning through the eyes of postgraduate students 16-10-201715-10-2019 Ketua Projek
melonjakkan penerbitan: isu dan cabaran ahli akademik muda 01-02-201831-01-2019 Ketua Projek
- 09-02-2023 Ketua Projek
- 21-10-2019 Penyelia