Projek Penyelidikan

Projek Tempoh Peranan
ability, motivation and opportunity (amo) enhancing practices and employee wellbeing in malaysia: exploring the effect of generational differences. 01-10-202231-03-2025 Penyelidik Bersama
dana inisiatif penerbitan fep 01-01-202431-12-2024 Penyelidik Bersama
enhancing shoppers impulsive buying tendency in live-streaming via cognitive appraisal pathway among young shoppers in malaysia 01-10-202230-09-2024 Penyelidik Bersama
exploring the potential of extended reality as tools to enhance users’ experiences in the tourism education. a bibliometric analysis using vosviewer 27-07-202226-01-2024 Ketua Projek
evolution of gaming experience: assessment of an extended uses and gratifications model of online gaming among higher institution students in malaysia 15-10-202115-04-2023 Ketua Projek
- 17-11-2023 Ketua Projek
tabung agihan penyelidikan (tap)-k023787 01-09-2022 Penyelia