Projek Penyelidikan

Projek Tempoh Peranan
evolution of transmission channel of monetary policy in malaysia 15-01-202315-06-2024 Ketua Projek
kesan faktor makroekonomi keatas ketidaksamarataan pendapatan 27-07-202226-01-2024 Ketua Projek
tabung agihan penyelidikan (tap)-k024596 01-09-202215-05-2023 Penyelia
malaysia country report for spearheading new economic growth post-pandemic through asean blue economy framework 10-02-202330-04-2023 Penyelidik Bersama
public debt and economic growth: foreign direct investment and digitalization using a threshold regression analysis. 01-09-202131-08-2022 Penyelidik Bersama