shahrom md zain, noor ezlin ahmad basri, nur ajlaa mahmood, hassan basri, mashitoh yaacob, maisarah ahmad. (2013). sustainable education and entrepreneurship triggers innovation culture in 3r. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - 6th international forum on engineering education (ifee 2012). . |
m. arebey, m. a. hannan, hasan basri. (2013). integrated communication for truck monitoring in solid waste collection systems. - advances in visual informatics : lecture notes in computer science (third international visual informatics conference - ivic 2013). . |
shahrom md zain, noor ezlin ahmad basri , hassan basri, norhidayu zakaria, rahmah elfithri, maisarah ahmad, tiew kian ghee, zarina shahudin, sarifah yaakub & ismi azura istear khan. (2012). focusing on recycling practice to promote sustainable behavior. - procedia social and behavioral science. . |
rahman, m.o., hussain, a., scavino, e., hannan, m.a., basri, h.. (2012). object identification using dna computing algorithm. - 2012 ieee congress on evolutionary computation, cec 2012;brisbane. . |
mohd huzairi johari, roslena md.zaini, azami zaharim, hassan basri, andanastuti muchtar. (2012). mean gap analysis between universiti kebangsaan malaysia engineering graduates and malaysia engineering graduates from the perception and expectation of employers. - recent researches in engineering education and software engineering : proceedings of the 9th wseas international conference on engineering education (education`12). . |
shahrom md zain, wan hamidon wan badaruzzaman, riza atiq o.k rahmat, othman jaafar, noor ezlin ahmad basri & hassan basri. (2012). learning outcome measurement for environmental and sustainable development component in the field of civil engineering. - procedia social and behavioral science. . |
noor ezlin ahmad basri, shahrom md zain, othman jaafar, hassan basri, fatihah suja. (2012). introduction to environmental engineering: a problem-based learning approach to enhance environmental awareness among civil engineering students. - procedia social and behavioral science - ukm teaching and learning congress 2011. . |
mastor, k.a., sulehan, j., mustafa, j., pawanteh, l., basri, h., abdullah, s., mokthtar, a., (...), axel, h.. (2011). personality traits orientation of university kebangsaan malaysia (ukm) and ukm - university duisburg-essen (ude) engineering students. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka (procedia - social and behavioral sciences). . |
m.s. suhaida, n.m. tawil, n. hamzah, a.i. che-ani, h. basri, m.y. yuzainee. (2011). housing affordability a conceptual overview for house price index. - the 2nd international building control conference (ibcc) 2011. 7-8 jul. penang, malaysia: g-hotel. procedia engineering. . |
jamilah mustafa, junaenah sulehan, latiffah pawanteh, shahrum abdullah, hassan basri, andanastuti muchtar, khairul anwar mastor, zulkiple abdul ghani, hunger axel. (2011). internationalisation and its implications for intercultural maturity among academic staff : a case study. - procedia social and behaviourial sciences. . |
maher arebey, m.a. hannan, r.a. begum, and hassan basri. (2011). cbir for an automated solid waste bin level detection system using glcm. - lecture notes in computer science (2nd international visual informatics conference, ivic 2011). . |
maher arebey, m a hannan, hassan basri, r a begum. (2011). integrated sensing system for solid waste bin and truck monitoring and management. - ieee international conference on intelligent computing and intelligent systems (icis 2011), guangzhou, china.. . |
mohd huzairi johari, roslena md.zaini, azami zaharim, hassan basri, mohd. zaidi omar. (2011). perception and expectation toward engineering graduates by employers : a ukm study case. - 3rd international congress on engineering education (iceed 2011) , kuala lumpur. . |
a. r. musa, n. m. tawil*, s. m. sood, a. i. che-ani, n. hamzah, h. basri. (2011). constructing formulation of affordable green home for middle income group. - procedia engineering. . |
m a hannan, a. m. mustapha, a. hussain and h. basri. (2011). communication technologies for an intelligent bus monitoring system. - world congress on sustainable technologies (wcst-2011), london, uk. . |
m a hannan, maher arebey, r. a. begum, h. basri. (2011). gray level aura matrix : an image processing approach for waste bin level detection. - 2011 world congress on sustainable technologies, wcst 2011;london. . |
m. jamil, m.f.m. zain, h.b. basri. (2011). development phase of intelligent optimization system for sustainable high performance concrete mix design. - international conference on future environment & energy. . |
shahrom md zain, noor ezlin ahmad basri, hassan basri, rahmah elfithri, azimin |
saidfudin, m, azrilah, a.a, rodzo`an, n. a, omar, m.z, zaharim a and basri, h. (2010). easier learning outcomes analysis using rasch model in engineering education research. - 7th wseas international conference in engineering education (education 10 ), corfu island, greece, july 22-24, 2010. . |
saidfudin, m, azrilah, a.a, rodzo`an, n. a, omar, m.z, zaharim, a and basri, h. (2010). use of rasch analysis to measure students performance in engineering education. - 7h wseas international conference in engineering education (education 10 ), corfu island, greece, july 22-24, 2010. . |
aishah mahani mustapha, m a hannan, a hussain and h. basri. (2009). ukm campus bus identification and monitoring using rfid and gis. - proceedings of the ieee student conference on research and development (scored 2009),. . |
maher arebey, m a hannan, hassan basri, huda abdullah. (2009). solid waste monitoring and management using rfid, gis and gsm. - proceedings of 2009 student conference on research and development (scored 2009), 16-18 nov. 2009, upm serdang, malaysia. . |
edgar scavino, dzuraidah abdul wahab, hasan basri, mohd marzuki mustafa, aini hussain. (2007). an efficient segmentation technique for known touching objects using a genetic algorithm approach. - lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics). . |