m. n. husain, r. daud, k. s. basaruddin, f. mat, m. y. bajuri, a. k. arifin. (2017). influence of local meshing size on stress intensity factor of orthopaedic lag screw. - aip conference proceedings. 1-7. |
n n mansor, r.daud, k s basaruddin, f mat, y bajuri and a k ariffin. (2017). elastic interactions between single microcrack and single osteon microstructure of human femur cortical bone. - aip conference proceedings. 1-7. |
zulkifli mohd nopiah, siti sarah januri, ahmad kamal ariffin, nurulkamal masseran, shahrum abdullah. (2016). transition probabilities matrix of markov chain in the fatigue crack growth model. - the 4th international conference on quantitative sciences and its applications (icoqsia 2016). 1-6. |
ahmad kadri junoh, zulkifli mohd nopiah and ahmad kamal ariffin. (2014). application of feed-forward neural networks for classifying acoustics levels in vehicle cabin. - applied mechanics and materials. . |
m. ihsan, s. fonna, m. ridha, s. huzni and a. k. ariffin. (2013). the influence of anode profiles for three dimensions numerical simulation of reinforced concrete corrosion using boundary element method. - advanced materials research. . |
a.p. rahmadi, w.h. wan badaruzzaman and a.k. ariffin. (2013). prediction of deflection of the composite profiled steel sheet mdf-board (pssmdfb) floor system. - procedia engineering. . |
fonna s., ridha m., huzni s., israr, ariffin a.k.. (2012). boundary element inverse analysis by using particle swarm optimization for reinforced concrete corrosion identification. - 2011 international conference on materials and products manufacturing technology, icmpmt 2011; chengdu. . |
bahari, a.r., nuawi, m.z., abdullah, s., ihsan, a.k.a.m., ali, m.b.. (2012). characterisation of the sound and vibration signal of impact testing on automotive component materials. - regional conference on automotive research, recar 2011;kuala lumpur (applied mechanics and materials). . |
kadhim, n.a., abdullah, s., ariffin, a.k., nikabdullah, n.. (2012). experimental and analytical durability assessment of sae 1045 steel under service loadings. - regional conference on automotive research, recar 2011;kuala lumpur (applied mechanics and materials). . |
ali, m.b., abdullah, s., nuawi, m.z., ariffin, a.k.. (2012). investigation of energy absorbed from an instrumented charpy impact on automotive specimens. - regional conference on automotive research, recar 2011;kuala lumpur (applied mechanics and materials). . |
baba md deros, azah mohamed, norhamidi mohamed, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2012). a study of alumni feedback on outcome based education in the faculty of engineering & built environment, universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - ukm teaching and learning congress 2011. . |
eshkour, ra; ariffin, ak; zulkifli, r; sulong, ab; azhari, ch. (2012). the failure mode of natural silk epoxy triggered composite tubes. - 1st international conference on mechanical engineering research 2011 (icmer);kuantan ( iop conference series-materials science and engineering). . |
n. a. akeel, z. sajuri and a. k. ariffin. (2012). prediction of fatigue crack propagation of rail material using 2d finite element modeling. - regional conference on automotive research, recar 2011;kuala lumpur (applied mechanics and materials). . |
daud r., ariffin a.k., abdullah s., ismail a.e., zulkifli a.. (2011). computation of stress intensity factor for multiple cracks using singular finite element. - 2011 international conference on key engineering materials, ickem 2011(advanced materials research). . |
rahman m.m., tarlochan f., ramesh s., ariffin a.k., nor s.s.m.. (2011). numerical simulation and experimentation of warm metal powder compaction process. - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010, feofs2010; kuala lumpur(key engineering materials). . |
beden s.m., abdullah s., ariffin a.k., kadhim n.a.. (2011). observing load sequence effects on simulated and experimental fatigue crack growth occurrence. - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010, feofs2010; kuala lumpur(key engineering materials). . |
abdulrazzaq m., ariffin a.k., el-shafie a., abdullah s., sajuri z., akeel n.a.. (2011). adaptive neural network modelling in fatigue life prediction under load history effects. - 2011 international conference on advanced engineering materials and technology, aemt 2011; sanya; 29 july 2011 through 31 july 2011 (advanced materials research). . |
ariffin a.k., mustafa m.m., md idrus r., abdul n.a., ramli n.f.l.. (2011). implication of the budget allocation reduction on teaching and learning process. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka. . |
ariffin a.k., ramli n.f.l., abdul n.a., husain h., abd wahab d.. (2011). faculty of engineering and built environment academicians` actual hours of workload. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka. . |
ali, mb; abdullah, s; nuawi, mz; ariffin, ak. (2011). analysis of an instrumented charpy impact using power spectrum density. - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010, feofs2010; kuala lumpur(key engineering materials). . |
safuadi, ridha m., huzni s., fonna s., ariffin a.k., daud a.r.. (2011). optimization of cathodic protection system design for pipe-lines structure with ribbon sacrificial anode using bem and ga. - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010, feofs2010; kuala lumpur(key engineering materials). . |
ridha m., fonna s., huzni s., fachrizal, ariffin a.k.. (2011). application of bem for improving corrosion assessment of public building stricken by tsunami aceh 2004. - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010, feofs2010; kuala lumpur; 7 june 2010 through 9 june 2010 (key engineering materials). . |
fonna, s., ridha, m., huzni, s., israr, ariffin, a.k.. (2011). pre and post processing for boundary element method (bem) 3d reinforced concrete corrosion simulation. - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010, feofs2010; kuala lumpur. . |
sity daud, zainol mustafa, nur riza mohd suradi, ahmad kamal ariffin, noor rahamah abu bakar and rashila ramli. (2011). compliance to thesis examination procedure in the iso quality management system for teaching and learning. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka (procedia - social and behavioral sciences). . |
abdullah, s; beden, sm; ariffin, ak; nopiah, zm. (2011). effects of load sequence on fatigue crack growth in pressure vessels. - 2011 international conference on materials science and engineering applications, icmsea 2011; xi`an(advanced materials research). . |
ahmad kadri j., wan zuki azman w.m., zulkifli m.n., nor m.j.m., kamal ariffin a., hosseini fouladi m.. (2011). a study on the effects of tyre to vehicle acoustical comfort in passenger car cabin. - 2011 3rd international conference on computer research and development, iccrd 2011; shanghai; 11 march 2011 through 15 march 2011. . |
sabri m., ariffin a.k., nor m.j.m.. (2011). free vibration of tire road contact. - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010, feofs2010; kuala lumpur (key engineering materials). . |
s. abdullah, m. b. ali, m. z. nuawi, z. m. nopiah and a. k. ariffin. (2011). evaluating charpy impact signals with different frequencies using power spectrum densities. - 2010 international conference on advances in materials and manufacturing processes, icammp 2010; shenzhen(advanced materials research). . |
miloud souiyah, a. muchtar and a. k. ariffin. (2011). on the crack propagation trajectory of central cracked plates under mixed mode loading conditions. - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010, feofs2010; kuala lumpur(key engineering materials). . |
miloud souiyah, a. muchtar and a.k. ariffin. (2011). finite element analysis of indentation cracks for brittle materials under static loading. - key engineering materials. . |
a.e ismail, a.k ariffin, s. abdullah, m.j ghazali and r. daud. (2011). j-integral analysis of surface cracks in round bars under combined loadings. - 2011 international conference on key engineering materials, ickem 2011; sanya (advanced materials research). . |
a.e ismail, a.k ariffin, s. abdullah, m.j ghazali and r. daud. (2011). mode iii stress intensity factors of surface crack in round bars. - 2011 international conference on key engineering materials, ickem 2011; sanya(advanced materials research). . |
a.e. ismail, a.k. ariffin, s. abdullah, m.j. ghazali, r. daud, m. abdulrazzaq and a. zulkifli. (2011). j-integral analysis of surface cracks in round bars under tension loadings. - 2011 1st international conference on mechanical engineering, icme 2011; phuket (applied mechanics and materials). . |
m. abdulrazzaq, a. k. ariffin, s. abdullah, z. sajuri. (2011). crack closure behavior under high-load ratio for aisi 4340 steel. - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010, feofs2010; kuala lumpur(key engineering materials). . |
m. abdulrazzaq, a. k. ariffin, s. abdullah, z. sajuri, a.e ismail and a. ariffin. (2011). fatigue crack growth prediction of thick wall cylinder under variable amplitude loading. - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010, feofs2010; kuala lumpur (key engineering materials). . |
a. e. ismail, a. k. ariffin, s. abdullah. m. j. ghazali and r. daud. (2011). j-integral analysis of surface cracks in round bars under bending moments. - 2011 1st international conference on mechanical engineering, icme 2011; phuket (applied mechanics and materials). . |
shahrom md zain, mohd syuhaimi ab-rahman, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, azami zahrim, mohd jailani mohd nor, mohd fauzi mohd zain, afiq hipni, nurfarah liza ramli & wan aizon wan ghopa. (2011). motivation for research and publication: experience as a researcher and an academic. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka. . |
n. a. kadhim, s. abdullah, a. k. ariffin and s. m. beden. (2011). fatigue failure behaviour study of automotive lower suspension arm. - key engineering materials. . |
daud r., ariffin a.k., abdullah s., ismail a.e.. (2011). j-integral evaluation in two dimensional interacting cracks. - 2011 international conference on key engineering materials, ickem 2011; sanya (advanced materials research). . |
saibani. n, arsad. n, ariffin. a. k, wahab, d. a, azrilah. a. a. (2011). course outcomes measurement analysis using rasch model for an engineering course. - 2011 3rd international congress on engineering education (iceed), kuala lumpur, ieee catalog number: cfp1168h-cdr. . |
m. abdulrazzaq, a. k. ariffin, ahmed el-shafie, s. abdullah, z. sajuri & n.a. akeel. (2011). adaptive neural network modelling in fatigue life prediction under load history effects. - advanced materials research. . |
ihsan a.k.a.m.. (2011). key engineering materials: preface. - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010, feofs2010; kuala lumpur (key engineering materials). . |
ridha, m., safuadi, huzni, s., israr, ariffin, a.k., daud, a.r.. (2011). the evaluation of cathodic protection system design by using boundary element method. - 2011 international conference on materials and products manufacturing technology, icmpmt 2011; chengd (advanced materials research). . |
beden s.m., abdullah s., ariffin a.k., al-asady n.a.. (2011). simulation and experimental analysis of fatigue crack growth under cyclic loading. - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010, feofs2010; kuala lumpur (key engineering materials). . |
zulkifli a., ariffin a.k., ismail a.e., daud r., akramin m.r.m.. (2011). stress and probabilistic study of the lumbar vertebra under compression loading. - 2011 1st international conference on mechanical engineering, icme 2011; phuket (applied mechanics and materials). . |
huzni s., ridha m., ariffin a.k.. (2011). stress distribution analysis on four types of stress corrosion cracking specimen. - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010, feofs2010; kuala lumpur (key engineering materials). . |
ismail, a.e., ariffin, a.k., abdullah, s., ghazali, m.j.. (2011). probabilistic assessments of the plate using monte carlo simulation. - conference on advanced materials and nanotechnology, caman 2009 (iop conference series: materials science and engineering); kuala lumpur. . |
ali, m.b., abdullah, s., nuawi, m.z., ariffin, a.k.. (2011). test simulation using finite element method. - conference on advanced materials and nanotechnology, caman 2009; kuala lumpur (iop conference series: materials science and engineering). . |
akeel, n.a., sajuri, z., ariffin, a.k., abdulrazzaq, m.. (2011). three dimensional simulations on stress distribution and fatigue damage life of wheel/rail contact region. - 2011 international conference on advanced engineering materials and technology, aemt 2011; sanya (advanced materials research). . |
daud r., ariffin a.k., abdullah s., ismail a.e.. (2011). computation of mixed mode stress intensity factor for parallel edge cracks. - 2011 1st international conference on mechanical engineering, icme 2011; phuket(applied mechanics and materials). . |
n. a. akeel, m. a. aziman, z. sajuri, a. k. ariffind and a. w. ikhsan. (2010). identification of damages and stress analysis of rail/wheel rolling contact region. - key engineering materials - 8th international conference on fracture and strength of solids 2010. . |