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Profesor Dr. Bariah Mohd Ali merupakan Profesor di program Optometri dan Sains Penglihatan, Fakulti Sains Kesihatan, UKM dalam bidang kanta lekap. Beliau memperolehi Ijazah Sarjanamuda Optometri (Kepujian) dari UKM dan Doktor Falsafah (PhD) dari UNSW, Australia dan telah terlibat dalam perkhidmatan klinikal, pendidikan dan penyelidikan mengenai kanta lekap khas selama lebih dari 25 tahun. Kepakaran beliau telah mendapat pengiktirafan diperingkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa dimana beliau telah dilantik sebagai felo oleh Association of Malaysian Optometrist (2008), British Contact Lens Association (2012) , American Academy of Optometry (2019) dan Pertubuhan Akademi Optometri Malaysia (2019. Beliau turut dipilih sebagai penerima anugerah berprestij 2020 IACLE Contact Lens Educator Award bagi rantau Asia Pacific dari International Association of Contact Lens Educators (IACLE). Profesor Dr. Bariah juga merupakan Presiden dan felo Pertubuhan Akademi Optometri Malaysia (PAOM) dan telah dipilih menjadi ahli Majlis Optik Malaysia (2020-2023).
Professor Dr Bariah Mohd Ali is a Professor at the Optometry and Vision Science Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM. She obtained her Bachelor in Optometry from UKM and PhD from UNSW, Australia. She has been involved clinical services, teaching and research in specialty contact lenses for more than 25 years. She was admitted as fellow by British Contact Lens Association in 2012, American Academy of Optometry and Pertubuhan Akademi Optometri Malaysia in 2019. She was the recipient for the prestigious 2020 IACLE Contact Lens Educator`s Award for Asia Pacific region and was elected as member in Malaysia Optical Council (2020-2023).
norsyariza razak, wan haslina wan abdul halim, bariah mohd ali. (2024). comparison of corneal biomechanics properties among keratoconus, first degree relatives and normal. - 39th asia-pacific academy of ophthalmology (apao) congress. 1-10.
low yu chen, bariah mohd ali, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, norhani mohidin, hamzaini abdul hamid, siti salasiah mokri. (2024). peripheral eye length evaluation in myopic children undergoing orthokeratology treatment for 12 months using mri. - clinical optometry. 35-44.
nur syakirah mardhiah shamsul bahari, bariah mohd ali, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, norlaili arif. (2024). a comparison of noncontact and ultrasound a-scan in the measurement of axial length in myopic subjects. - international journal of allied health sciences. 2962-2967.
fatin nur najwa norazman, bariah mohd ali, syarifah faiza syed mohd dardin, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, norliza mohd fadzil, mohd norhafizun mohd saman, norhani mohidin. (2024). baseline accommodation and binocular vision measures in malay school children enrolled in the myopia control study using spectacle lenses in kuala lumpur. - clinical optometry. 45-52.
syarifah faiza syed mohd dardin, bariah mohd ali, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, mohd norhafizun mohd saman, norhani mohidin. (2024). corneal characteristics of myopic malay school children and their association with axial length. - clinical optometry. 107-114.
bariah mohd ali, low yu chen, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, norlaili arif, hamzaini abdul hamid, wan haslina wan abdul halim, norhani mohidin. (2023). comparison of vision related quality of life between wearing orthokeratology lenses and spectacles in myopic children living in kuala lumpur. - contact lens and anterior eye. 1-5.
bariah mohd ali, low yu chen. (2021). the morphology of corneal endothelial cells in long term contact lens wearers in kuala lumpur. - contact lens anterior eye. 72-75.
wolffsohn, james [31 others]. (2020). global trends in myopia management attitudes and strategies in clinical practice: 2019 update. - contact lens and anterior eye. 9-17.
bariah mohd ali dan tan xuan li. (2019). patterns of use and knowledge about contact lens wear amongst teenagers in rural areas in malaysia. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-7.
mustafa abdu, norhani mohidin, bariah mohd ali. (2015). visual performance and aberration in keratoconus. a comparison between rigid gas-permeable and soft contact lenses. a pilot study. - contact lens and anterior eye. e24.
mohamad hanif hajar maidin, bariah mohd-ali, zainora mohammed, jamaluddin mohammed. (2020). meibomian gland dropout and ocular surface appearances of young adults in kuala lumpur. - sains malaysiana. 801-808.
bashirah ishak, nur sakinah saad, lim siew lee, norlaila mat daud, bariah mohd ali & norhani mohidin. (2020). eye blinking patterns, corneal staining and compliance in a group of soft contact lens wearers. - sains malaysiana. 2785-2791.
nurul hafizah amil bangsa, bariah mohd ali, bashirah ishak, che nurul nabihah abdul aziz, nor fariza ngah, hanizasurana hashim and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2019). total protein concentration and tumor necrosis factor in tears of nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy. - optometry and vision science : official publication of the american academy of optometry. 934-939.
bariah mohd ali, leong syin ying. (2018). changes in corneal endothelial cells morphology due to different cataract surgery procedures: a retrospective study from november 2014 to november 2016. - international medical journal malaysia. .
bariah mohd-ali, wong mei yee, bashirah ishak. (2018). colour vision status of staff working with radiation in public hospital. - sains malaysiana. .
syarifah faiza syed mohd dardin, bariah mohd ali, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, mohd norhafizun mohd saman, norhani mohidin. (2024). corneal characteristics of myopic malay school children and their association with axial length. - clinical optometry. 107-114.
fatin nur najwa norazman, bariah mohd ali, syarifah faiza syed mohd dardin, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, norliza mohd fadzil, mohd norhafizun mohd saman, norhani mohidin. (2024). baseline accommodation and binocular vision measures in malay school children enrolled in the myopia control study using spectacle lenses in kuala lumpur. - clinical optometry. 45-52.
low yu chen, bariah mohd ali, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, norhani mohidin, hamzaini abdul hamid, siti salasiah mokri. (2024). peripheral eye length evaluation in myopic children undergoing orthokeratology treatment for 12 months using mri. - clinical optometry. 35-44.
bariah mohd ali, low yu chen, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, norlaili arif, hamzaini abdul hamid, wan haslina wan abdul halim, norhani mohidin. (2023). comparison of vision related quality of life between wearing orthokeratology lenses and spectacles in myopic children living in kuala lumpur. - contact lens and anterior eye. 1-5.
nur amalina abdul khalid, bariah mohd ali, mohd norhafizun mohd saman, mohd izzuddin hairol, nur adibah yahaya, bashirah ishak. (2023). association between visual status of remaining eye, emotional well being and social functions in a sample of anophthalmic patients in malaysia - a pilot study. - journal of sustainability science and management. 167-172.
jennifer e rayan siti salasiah mokri yu chen low bariah mohd ali aqilah baser huddin mizhanim mohamad shahimin norlaili arif hamzaini abdul hamid norlaili arif. (2022). eyeball segmentation and measurement in mri images of myopic children. - journal of physics: conference series. 1-11.
bariah mohd ali & nur zakiah mohd saat. (2022). kesan covid-19 ke atas tingkah laku dan kesihatan komuniti. - . 149.
bariah mohd ali. (2021). kanta sentuh dan aplikasi untuk bayi dan kanak-kanak. - . 95.
bariah mohd ali, asmah ahmad, bashirah ishak. (2021). kesan pemakaian kanta sentuh keatas lipid airmata. - . 100.
nur zakiah mohd saat, bariah mohd ali. (2022). kesan covid-19 ke atas tingkah laku dan kesihatan komuniti. - . 149.
bariah mohd ali & nur zakiah mohd saat. (2022). kesan covid-19 ke atas tingkah laku dan kesihatan komuniti. - . 149.
bariah mohd ali. (2021). kanta sentuh dan aplikasi untuk bayi dan kanak-kanak. - . 95.
bariah mohd ali, asmah ahmad, bashirah ishak. (2021). kesan pemakaian kanta sentuh keatas lipid airmata. - . 100.
bariah mohd ali. (2010). manual makmal kanta sentuh. - . 50.
mohd `izzuddin hairol, norhani mohidin, bariah mohd ali. (2007). warisan kecemerlangan optometri 25 tahun 1982-2007. - . 56.
norsyariza razak, wan haslina wan abdul halim, bariah mohd ali. (2024). comparison of corneal biomechanics properties among keratoconus, first degree relatives and normal. - 39th asia-pacific academy of ophthalmology (apao) congress. 1-10.
bariah mohd ali, low yu chen, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, norlaili arif, norhani mohidin. (2023). efficacy, safety, and quality of life of myopic children undergoing orthokeratology for 12 months: a malaysia experience. - 4th world congress of optometry. 1.
bariah mohd ali, mohd izzuddin hairol, bashirah ishak, nur adibah yahaya, mohd norhafizum mohd saman. (2023). meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup pesakit anoftalmik dengan i prostetik ukm. - . 1-11.
bariah mohd ali, low yu chen, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, norlalili arif, hamzaini abdul hamid, siti salasiah mokri, norhani mohidin. (2023). changes in retinal shape of myopic eyes undergoing orthokeratology treatment for 12 months - results from mri. - global orthokeratology and myopia control conference 2023. 1.
norsyariza razak, wan haslina wan abdul halim, and bariah mohd ali. (2023). diagnostic ability of cornea biomechanical parameters to detect keratoconus in high astigmatism. - 12th conjoint ophthalmology scientific conference. 1-14.
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