pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian toksikologi & risiko kesihatan (core)
mazlyzam abdul latif, asrul mustafa, lee chee keong, asmah hamid. (2024). chromolaena odorata layered-nitrile rubber polymer transdermal patch enhanced wound healing in vivo. - plos one. 1-16.
asmah hamid, nor fadilah rajab, yip charmagne, normah awang, nurul farhana jufri, nur rasyiqin rasli. (2024). cellular and dna toxicity study of triphenyltin ethyl phenyl dithiocarbamate and triphenyltin butyl phenyl dithiocarbamate on k562, leukemia cell line. - anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry. 58-65.
nurul amalina abd aziz , normah awang, nurul farahana kamaludin, nur najmi mohamad anuar , asmah hamid and kok meng chan. (2024). illuminating potential of diphenyltin(iv) dithiocarbamate compounds for pharmacological applications: synthesis, structural elucidation, in-silico and cytotoxicity study on a549 human lung cancer cells. - oriental journal of chemistry. 1-8.
elda surhaida latif, normah awang, nur rasyiqin rasli , daphne wong ca xuan, noor eszrezad juferi, nik norhazrina nik mohd kamil and asmah hamid. (2024). phytochemical screening and in vitro cytotoxicity of sphagnum sericeum against human acute lymphoblastic leukaemia cell lines. - oriental journal of chemistry. 1-9.
farah syahibah binti mohd hariri, asmah hamid, nor fadilah rajab. (2024). mutagenic, anti-mutagenic, and cytotoxic activities of methanol, hexane, and ethyl acetate extracts of zingiber zerumbet (l.) smith. - pharmacognosy magazine. 206-217.
mazlyzam abdul latif, asrul mustafa, lee chee keong, asmah hamid. (2024). chromolaena odorata layered-nitrile rubber polymer transdermal patch enhanced wound healing in vivo. - plos one. 1-16.
nur rasyiqin rasli, asmah hamid, normah awang and nurul farahana kamaludin. (2023). series of organotin(iv) compounds with different dithiocarbamate ligands induced cytotoxicity, apoptosis and cell cycle arrest on jurkat e6.1, t acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. - molecules. 1-14.
iffah nadiah laili, mohd hamzah mohd nasir, nurul farhana jufri, farah wahida ibrahim, asmah hamid. (2023). lysosomal dysfunction induced cytosolic vacuolation and increased intracellular amyloid-beta 42 (aß42) in human brain endothelial cells (hbec-5i). - biomedicine & pharmacotheraphy. 1-10.
norhashima abd rashid, farida hussan, asmah hamid, nurul raudzah adib ridzuan, syarifah aisyah syed abdul halim, nahdia afiifah abdul jalil, nor haliza mohamad najib, seong lin teoh, siti balkis budin. (2020). polygonum minus essential oil modulates cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity through inflammatory and apoptotic pathways. - excli journal. 1246-1265.
asmah hamid, farah wahida ibrahim, teoh hooi ming, mohd nazir nasrom, norelina eusoff, khairana husain, mazlyzam abdul latif. (2018). zingiber zerumbet l. (smith) extract alleviates the ethanol-induced brain damage via its antioxidant activity. - bmc complementary and alternative medicine. 1-9.
nurul amalina abd aziz , normah awang* , nurul farahana kamaludin, nur najmi mohamad anuar, asmah hamid, kok meng chan and suhana arshad. (2024). the development of organotin(iv) n-ethyl- n-benzyldithiocarbamate complexes:a study on their synthesis, characterization and cytotoxic effects on a549 cell line. - anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry. 942-953.
asmah hamid, nor fadilah rajab, yip charmagne, normah awang, nurul farhana jufri, nur rasyiqin rasli. (2024). cellular and dna toxicity study of triphenyltin ethyl phenyl dithiocarbamate and triphenyltin butyl phenyl dithiocarbamate on k562, leukemia cell line. - anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry. 58-65.
farah syahibah binti mohd hariri, asmah hamid, nor fadilah rajab. (2024). mutagenic, anti-mutagenic, and cytotoxic activities of methanol, hexane, and ethyl acetate extracts of zingiber zerumbet (l.) smith. - pharmacognosy magazine. 206-217.
nurul farhana jufri, tharshini salyam, farah wahida ibrahim, dharrshine yoganathan, asmah hamid, mazlyzam abdul latif, siti nurdiyana mohd saleh and nor atikah safirah juhari. (2023). increase of claudin-5, icam-1 and enos expressions in human brain endothelial cells by ammonium chloride. - turkish journal of biochemistry. 175-182.
rapidah mohamad, normah awang, nurul farahana kamaludin, nor fadilah rajab and asmah hamid. (2022). synthesis, spectral characterization and antiproliferative activity of new organotin(iv) dithiocarbamate compounds on k562 cells. - pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences. 865-872.
nurul amalina abd aziz , normah awang* , nurul farahana kamaludin, nur najmi mohamad anuar, asmah hamid, kok meng chan and suhana arshad. (2024). the development of organotin(iv) n-ethyl- n-benzyldithiocarbamate complexes:a study on their synthesis, characterization and cytotoxic effects on a549 cell line. - anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry. 942-953.
asmah hamid, nor fadilah rajab, yip charmagne, normah awang, nurul farhana jufri, nur rasyiqin rasli. (2024). cellular and dna toxicity study of triphenyltin ethyl phenyl dithiocarbamate and triphenyltin butyl phenyl dithiocarbamate on k562, leukemia cell line. - anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry. 58-65.
farah syahibah binti mohd hariri, asmah hamid, nor fadilah rajab. (2024). mutagenic, anti-mutagenic, and cytotoxic activities of methanol, hexane, and ethyl acetate extracts of zingiber zerumbet (l.) smith. - pharmacognosy magazine. 206-217.
mazlyzam abdul latif, asrul mustafa, lee chee keong, asmah hamid. (2024). chromolaena odorata layered-nitrile rubber polymer transdermal patch enhanced wound healing in vivo. - plos one. 1-16.
nur rasyiqin rasli, asmah hamid, normah awang and nurul farahana kamaludin. (2023). series of organotin(iv) compounds with different dithiocarbamate ligands induced cytotoxicity, apoptosis and cell cycle arrest on jurkat e6.1, t acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. - molecules. 1-14.
ahmad rohi ghazali, ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, rifina arlin zainal arifin, asmah hamid, yanti rosli, zainora mohammed, mohd sham othman & firdaus kamarulzaman. (2012). students` perception on lecture delivery effectiveness among the faculty of health sciences lecturers. - procedia - social and behavioral sciences / ukm teaching and learning congress 2011. .
hidayatulfathi othman, asmah hamid, siti balkis budin, nor fadilah rajab. (2011). the effectiveness of learning intervention program among first year students of biomedical science program. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010;tanjung keling, melaka (procedia social and behavioral sciences). .
yanti rosli, asmah hamid, mohammad khairul muzamir hashim. (2021). nilai terapeutik hasilan semula jadi. - . 147.
farah wahida ibrahim, nurul farhana jufri, nor fadilah rajab, asmah hamid. (2021). nilai terapeutik hasilan semula jadi. - . 19.
asmah hamid, mazlyzam abdul latif, farah wahida ibrahim, nurul farhana jufri. (2021). nilai terapeutik hasilan semula jadi. - . 17.
ahmad rohi ghazali, asmah hamid, dayang fredalina basri, hawa ismail, ismarulyusda ishak, mazlyzam abdul latif, nor fadilah rajab, nihayah mohammad & yanti rosli. (2012). mercu kesarjanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran: penyelidikan tindakan di institusi pengajian tinggi. - . Bab 9, 140-143.
shafariatul akmar ishak, asmah hamid dan anis atiqah sobri. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 358.
yanti rosli, asmah hamid, mohammad khairul muzamir hashim. (2021). nilai terapeutik hasilan semula jadi. - . 147.
farah wahida ibrahim, nurul farhana jufri, nor fadilah rajab, asmah hamid. (2021). nilai terapeutik hasilan semula jadi. - . 19.
asmah hamid, mazlyzam abdul latif, farah wahida ibrahim, nurul farhana jufri. (2021). nilai terapeutik hasilan semula jadi. - . 17.
ahmad rohi ghazali, asmah hamid, dayang fredalina basri, hawa ismail, ismarulyusda ishak, mazlyzam abdul latif, nor fadilah rajab, nihayah mohammad & yanti rosli. (2012). mercu kesarjanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran: penyelidikan tindakan di institusi pengajian tinggi. - . Bab 9, 140-143.
ahmad rohi g, anisah n, asmah h, mahanem mn, hassan md, mohd hafiz s, john shia ks, kamisah y, khairul o, low kc, mohd hanafi ad, norazrina a, nur azlina mf, siti balkis b, siti fatimah i, tay st, vivian jg, zamirah za, chen hc. (2022). universiti kebangsaan malaysia ethical principles and guidelines on the use of laboratory animals. - . 93.
ahmad rohi ghazali, anisah nordin, asmah hamid, kamisah yusof, khairul osman, low kiat cheong, mohd hanafi ahmad damanhuri, norazrina azmi, nur azlina mohd fahami, siti balkis budin, siti fatimah ibrahim, tay sun tee, zamirah zainal abidin. (2020). prinsip dan garis panduan etika penggunaan haiwan makmal universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 94.
normah bt. awang;asmah bt. hamid;nor fadilah bt. rajab;nurul farahana binti kamaludin. (2024). mechanistic identification of the anticancer properties of tinospora crispa stem extract and its alkaloids in human reproductive cancer cells in vitro (mcf-7 and caov-3). - . .
amirul hafiz ahmad abdullah, nur afiqha rosli, husna anuar, nurul farhana jufri, asmah hamid, siti fathiah masre, nor fadilah rajab, farah wahida ibrahim. (2023). aluminium exposure impairs memory in rats via an oxidative stress mechanism. - national biology symposium 2023. 1.
amirul hafiz ahmad abdullah, nur afiqha rosli, husna anuar, nurul farhana jufri, asmah hamid, siti fathiah masre, nor fadilah rajab and farah wahida ibrahim. (2023). aluminium exposure increases brain mda and decreases gsh levels causing memory impairment in rats. - postgraduate colloquium 2023. 26.
farah syahibah mohd hariri, fatini nadiah mohammad zamzami, asmah hamid, khairana husain, farah wahida ibrahim, mazlyzam abdul latif, nurul farhana jufri. (2023). neuroprotective effects of zerumbone against aluminium induced alzheimers rats behavioral perspectives. - simposium biologi kebangsaan 2023. 1.
asmah hamid, norelina eusoff, farah syahibah mohd hariri, farah wahida ibrahim, mazlyzam abdul latif. (2023). zingiber zerumbet ethyl acetate extract prevented aluminum chloride-induced alzheimerism in rats: behavioral and biochemical study. - 33rd malaysian association of clinical biochemists (macb) annual scientific conference. 1.
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