pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian keutuhan tadbir urus & akauntabiliti (grace)
Prof. Dr. Norman Mohd Saleh (CFiA) is a Professor in Corporate Reporting and Governance at the Center of Accountability and Governance Resilience. He received his bachelor`s degree from UKM in 1993, Master of Science from the University of East Anglia, the UK in 1995, and Ph.D. from La Trobe University, Australia in 2003. Research interest is in the area of accounting policy choice, earnings quality, corporate disclosure practices, and the effect of corporate governance on accounting issues, secured funding from the university as well as professional and government bodies. He was involved in a team that developed the Malaysian Code of University Good Governance and University Good Governance Index in 2011. His teaching experience includes also visiting position at Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan. He was the Risk Management Officer for the University, the Deputy Dean for Research and Innovation, Dean at the Faculty of Economics and Management, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Strategy and Corporate Development). He is a Member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) and the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants and has served as Council Member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, the President of the Malaysian Accounting Association, and Chair of the Malaysian Accountancy Dean’s Council.
Published in more than 50 local and international articles in journals. Among others in several reputable journals such as Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, The International Journal of Accounting, Managerial Auditing Journal, and Accounting and Business Research.
yongjun gao, norman mohd saleh , ahmad monir abdullah , syaima adznan. (2024). climate-related disclosures under the tcfd framework and business green innovation: evidence from china a-share companies. - finance research letters. 1-8.
norman mohd saleh, mohamat sabri hassan, noradiva hamzah, romlah jaffar, zaini embong, sarah aziz abdul ghani aziz, azizah abdullah, zahir dahari, romaizah abdul kadir. (2023). modul latihan tadbir urus koperasi (mekanisme tadbir urus, keaktifan anggota dan pencapaian akauntabiliti koperasi sederhana, kecil dan mikro di malaysia: memacu kelestarian dalam menghadapi kesan pandemik covid-19). - . 1-35.
nurfarahin roslan; norman mohd saleh. (2023). connectivity in integrated report: a systematic literature review. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 1-18.
mohd. taufix a. aziz, norman mohd. saleh, siti faridah abdul jabbar, noradiva hamzah, hayati md salleh. (2023). kesan ketidakpastian persekitaran terhadap hubungan antara tadbir urus dan prestasi koperasi peladangan kelapa sawit di malaysia. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-16.
suria majdi, norman mohd saleh, maizatulakma abdullah, norazlan alias. (2023). sustainability disclosure in the malaysian construction sector: the effect of community and media legitimacies. - the south east asian journal of management. 122-144.
yongjun gao, norman mohd saleh , ahmad monir abdullah , syaima adznan. (2024). climate-related disclosures under the tcfd framework and business green innovation: evidence from china a-share companies. - finance research letters. 1-8.
faridzah jamaluddin, norman mohd saleh, azizah abdullah, mohamat sabri hassan , noradiva hamzah, romlah jaffar, sarah aziz abdul ghani aziz, zaini embong. (2023). cooperative governance and cooperative performance: a systematic literature review. - sage open. 1-21.
norman mohd saleh; sun xiao wei. (2022). the influence of female directors proportion on investment efficiency: the mediating role of caution. - gender in management: an international journal. 289-304.
abdullah jihad rabaya; norman mohd saleh. (2022). the moderating effect of ir framework adoption on the relationship between environmental, social, and governance (esg) disclosure and a firm's competitive advantage. - environment, development and sustainability. 2037-2055.
mohd mohid rahmat, siti hajar asmah ali , norman mohd saleh. (2021). auditor-client relationship and related party transactions disclosure: the role of family controlling shareholders from a network perspective. - managerial auditing journal. 591-615.
mas nordiana rusli, norman mohd saleh, hafizuddin-syah b.a.m, mohamat sabri hasan. (2019). political connection types and investors' perceived risk: evidence from malaysia. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 1-14.
sayed alwee hussnie sayed hussin, norman mohd saleh, ahnaf ali al-smady. (2019). auditor demographic factors and dimensions of auditors skepticism in jordan. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 1-14.
asna atqa abdullah, kok-hwa lee, norman mohd saleh. (2019). has ifrss improves predictions of future cash flows? evidence from malaysia. - international journal of business and society. 850-869.
hazlina hassan, noradiva hamzah, norman mohd. saleh, amrizah kamaluddin. (2019). the effect of transformational leadership styles towards managing knowledge assets. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 171-180.
fakhroddin mohammadrezaei, norman mohd-saleh, kamran ahmed. (2018). audit firm ranking, audit quality and audit fees: examining conflicting price discrimination views. - the international journal of accounting. .
yongjun gao, norman mohd saleh , ahmad monir abdullah , syaima adznan. (2024). climate-related disclosures under the tcfd framework and business green innovation: evidence from china a-share companies. - finance research letters. 1-8.
suria majdi, norman mohd saleh, maizatulakma abdullah, norazlan alias. (2023). sustainability disclosure in the malaysian construction sector: the effect of community and media legitimacies. - the south east asian journal of management. 122-144.
faridzah jamaluddin, norman mohd saleh, azizah abdullah, mohamat sabri hassan , noradiva hamzah, romlah jaffar, sarah aziz abdul ghani aziz, zaini embong. (2023). cooperative governance and cooperative performance: a systematic literature review. - sage open. 1-21.
mohd. taufix a. aziz, norman mohd. saleh, siti faridah abdul jabbar, noradiva hamzah, hayati md salleh. (2023). kesan ketidakpastian persekitaran terhadap hubungan antara tadbir urus dan prestasi koperasi peladangan kelapa sawit di malaysia. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-16.
suria majdi, norman mohd saleh, maizatul akma abdullah, norazlan alias. (2023). stakeholder power and sustainability disclosure: stakeholder salience perspective. - the south east asian journal of management. 28-48.
norman mohd saleh, mohd nurfirdaus wan chik, khairul rizan mat ludin. (2022). pengurusan risiko enterprise badan berkanun di malaysia: peranan ketua pegawai eksekutif dan juruaudit dalaman. - . 156.
norman mohd saleh. (2018). pelaporan dan jurang maklumat korporat di malaysia. - . 32.
norman mohd saleh, zaini embong & romlah jaffar. (2018). pelaporan dan jurang maklumat korporat di malaysia. - . 309.
norman mohd saleh. (2018). pelaporan dan jurang maklumat korporat di malaysia. - . 10.
seyedsajad ebrahimirad, zaini embong & norman mohd-saleh. (2016). ifrs adoption, financial information quality and investment efficiency: principles versus rules-based standards. - . 257.
norman mohd saleh. (2018). pelaporan dan jurang maklumat korporat di malaysia. - . 32.
norman mohd saleh. (2018). pelaporan dan jurang maklumat korporat di malaysia. - . 10.
norman mohd saleh, zaini embong & romlah jaffar. (2018). pelaporan dan jurang maklumat korporat di malaysia. - . 24.
norman mohd saleh and aini aman. (2015). governance reforms in public universities of malaysia. - . 36-58.
nur adiana hiau abdullah, fauziah md taib, melissa ng lee yen abdullah, azlan amran, norman mohd saleh, siti nabiha abdul khalid, aini aman dan joriah muhammad. (2015). governance reforms in public universities of malaysia. - . 119-134.
norman mohd saleh, mohd nurfirdaus wan chik, khairul rizan mat ludin. (2022). pengurusan risiko enterprise badan berkanun di malaysia: peranan ketua pegawai eksekutif dan juruaudit dalaman. - . 156.
norman mohd saleh. (2021). pelaporan korporat ke arah akauntabiliti: kusut di hujung balik ke pangkal. - . 95.
norman mohd saleh, zaini embong & romlah jaffar. (2018). pelaporan dan jurang maklumat korporat di malaysia. - . 309.
seyedsajad ebrahimirad, zaini embong & norman mohd-saleh. (2016). ifrs adoption, financial information quality and investment efficiency: principles versus rules-based standards. - . 257.
takiah mohd iskandar, norman mohd saleh & mohd mohid rahmat. (2010). jawatankuasa audit di malaysia: peranan dan cabaran. - . 232.
norman mohd saleh, mohamat sabri hassan, noradiva hamzah, romlah jaffar, zaini embong, sarah aziz abdul ghani aziz, azizah abdullah, zahir dahari, romaizah abdul kadir. (2023). modul latihan tadbir urus koperasi (mekanisme tadbir urus, keaktifan anggota dan pencapaian akauntabiliti koperasi sederhana, kecil dan mikro di malaysia: memacu kelestarian dalam menghadapi kesan pandemik covid-19). - . 1-35.
tahani ali hakami, mohd mohid rahmat, hasimi yaacob, norman mohd saleh. (2023). audit quality reputation and fraud detection gap: a moderating role of royal family. - 22nd miicema in conjunction with ecobestha international conference (miicema_ecobestha 2023). 1-25.
norman mohd saleh, maizatulakma abdullah, mohamat sabri hassan, romlah jaffar. (2022). report on 2020 annual general meeting of public listed companies. - . 1-38.
norman mohd saleh. (2022). collaboration in research and publication- why and how? virtual webinar. - . 1-38.
norman mohd saleh. (2022). the landscapes of corporate governance in asia: are the mechanisms effective in fraud prevention?. - international seminar fraud in accounting and business. 1-16.
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