pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian penuaan sihat & kesejahteraan (h-care)
Professor in Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology at the Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM and Advisory Council to Biocompatibility and Toxicity Testing Laboratory
(Makmal Bioserasi), Center for Research and Innovation Management, UKM. An ISO 17025
Technical Assessor under SAMM and Good Laboratory Practice Inspector GLP Compliance
Programme (GLP CP) as well as committee Member for Technical Working Group for the
preparation of document of Handling of Test System under the GLP compliance and Chairman of Technical Working Group for the revision of STR1.2 Toxicity Testing document for MS ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Program for Department of Standard Malaysia. Over the years, she had participated in numerous presentations both locally and internationally (including invited and panel discussions) on the topics relevant to her expertise in Molecular Biochemistry as well as Genetic Toxicology. This include scientific or expert-related sharing session with academician as well as industrial or profit and non-profit organization and agencies such as SIRIM, Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council (MREPC) and Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA). ProfNor Fadilah had published in several peer-reviewed articles and co-editored of books from local and international publication and had more than 100 papers in several peer-reviewed indexed journal publication. Prof Dr. Nor Fadilah has successfully supervised PhD (10 completed, 6 on-going), MSc research ( 26 completed, 2 ongoing) and MSc by coursework (11 completed). She has established good research collaborations locally with other universities in her field of expertise and appointed as the co-supervisor for PhD and MSc from UPM, USM, UIAM & UiTM. Prof Dr. Nor Fadilah was appointed as a reviewer for several journals including articles from Elsevier group of journals in the area of Molecular Biochemistry and Genetic Toxicology.
ezanee azlina binti mohamad hanif;nor fadilah binti rajab;chin siok fong. (2025). explicating distinct intra-tumoral features of tgfβ isoforms in driving functional mechanisms and chemoresistance in triple negative breast cancers (tnbcs).. - . .
nur syahirah che razali kok wai lam nor fadilah rajab a. rahman a. jamal nurul farahana kamaludin and kok meng chan. (2024). curcumin piperidone derivatives induce caspase-dependent apoptosis and suppress mirna-21 expression in ln-18 human glioblastoma cells. - genes and environment. 1-16.
ooi, t. c., abd rahman, n., ibrahim, f. w., shahar, s. and rajab, n. f.. (2024). abrogation of methyl methanesulphonate (mms)-induced cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of tropical fruit juice mixture on fibroblast cells. - international food research journal. 149-156.
farah syahibah binti mohd hariri, asmah hamid, nor fadilah rajab. (2024). mutagenic, anti-mutagenic, and cytotoxic activities of methanol, hexane, and ethyl acetate extracts of zingiber zerumbet (l.) smith. - pharmacognosy magazine. 206-217.
asmah hamid, nor fadilah rajab, yip charmagne, normah awang, nurul farhana jufri, nur rasyiqin rasli. (2024). cellular and dna toxicity study of triphenyltin ethyl phenyl dithiocarbamate and triphenyltin butyl phenyl dithiocarbamate on k562, leukemia cell line. - anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry. 58-65.
shi rui seow, sumaiyah mat, amalina ahmad azam, nor fadilah rajab, intan safinar ismail, devinder kaur ajit singh, suzana shahar, maw pin tan, francis berenbaum. (2024). impact of diabetes mellitus on osteoarthritis: a scoping review on biomarkers. - expert reviews in molecular medicine. 1-11.
theng choon ooi, nurul fatin malek rivan, suzana shahar, nor fadilah rajab, munirah ismail and devinder kaur ajit singh. (2024). predictors, protective factors, and adverse outcomes of joint pain among malaysian community-dwelling older adults: findings from the lrgs-tua longitudinal study. - journal of clinical medicine. 1-12.
theng choon ooi, azizan ahmad, nor fadilah rajab, razinah sharif. (2024). effects of 12 weeks colostrum milk supplement among older adults: a randomised, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. - international dairy journal. 1-9.
daren kumar joseph, arimi fitri mat ludin, farah wahida ibrahim, amalina ahmadazam, nur aishah che roos, suzana shahar, nor fadilah rajab. (2023). effects of aerobic exercise and dietary flavonoids on cognition: a systematic review and meta analysis. - frontiers in physiology. 1-11.
subashini muniandy, hanis mastura yahya, suzana shahar, ixora kamisan atan, zaleha abdullah mahdy, nor fadilah rajab, annie george, sasikala m chinnappan. (2023). effects of eurycoma longifolia jack standardised water extract (physta) on well-being of perimenopausal and postmenopausal women: protocol for a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, parallel group study. - bmj open. 1-7.
nur syahirah che razali kok wai lam nor fadilah rajab a. rahman a. jamal nurul farahana kamaludin and kok meng chan. (2024). curcumin piperidone derivatives induce caspase-dependent apoptosis and suppress mirna-21 expression in ln-18 human glioblastoma cells. - genes and environment. 1-16.
ooi, t. c., abd rahman, n., ibrahim, f. w., shahar, s. and rajab, n. f.. (2024). abrogation of methyl methanesulphonate (mms)-induced cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of tropical fruit juice mixture on fibroblast cells. - international food research journal. 149-156.
farah syahibah binti mohd hariri, asmah hamid, nor fadilah rajab. (2024). mutagenic, anti-mutagenic, and cytotoxic activities of methanol, hexane, and ethyl acetate extracts of zingiber zerumbet (l.) smith. - pharmacognosy magazine. 206-217.
asmah hamid, nor fadilah rajab, yip charmagne, normah awang, nurul farhana jufri, nur rasyiqin rasli. (2024). cellular and dna toxicity study of triphenyltin ethyl phenyl dithiocarbamate and triphenyltin butyl phenyl dithiocarbamate on k562, leukemia cell line. - anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry. 58-65.
theng choon ooi , fariza juliana nordin , nur sakina rahmat , syahrina nur ain abdul halim , rozie sarip , kok meng chan , nor fadilah rajab. (2023). genotoxicity and apoptotic effect of silver i complexes with mixed ligands of thiosemicarbazones and diphenyl p-tolyl phosphine on malignant melanoma cells sk mel 28. - mutation research - genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis. 1-8.
nur syahirah che razali kok wai lam nor fadilah rajab a. rahman a. jamal nurul farahana kamaludin and kok meng chan. (2024). curcumin piperidone derivatives induce caspase-dependent apoptosis and suppress mirna-21 expression in ln-18 human glioblastoma cells. - genes and environment. 1-16.
asmah hamid, nor fadilah rajab, yip charmagne, normah awang, nurul farhana jufri, nur rasyiqin rasli. (2024). cellular and dna toxicity study of triphenyltin ethyl phenyl dithiocarbamate and triphenyltin butyl phenyl dithiocarbamate on k562, leukemia cell line. - anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry. 58-65.
farah syahibah binti mohd hariri, asmah hamid, nor fadilah rajab. (2024). mutagenic, anti-mutagenic, and cytotoxic activities of methanol, hexane, and ethyl acetate extracts of zingiber zerumbet (l.) smith. - pharmacognosy magazine. 206-217.
theng choon ooi, nurul fatin malek rivan, suzana shahar, nor fadilah rajab, munirah ismail and devinder kaur ajit singh. (2024). predictors, protective factors, and adverse outcomes of joint pain among malaysian community-dwelling older adults: findings from the lrgs-tua longitudinal study. - journal of clinical medicine. 1-12.
theng choon ooi, azizan ahmad, nor fadilah rajab, razinah sharif. (2024). effects of 12 weeks colostrum milk supplement among older adults: a randomised, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. - international dairy journal. 1-9.
hidayatulfathi othman, asmah hamid, siti balkis budin, nor fadilah rajab. (2011). the effectiveness of learning intervention program among first year students of biomedical science program. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010;tanjung keling, melaka (procedia social and behavioral sciences). .
hanisah rosli, suzana shahar, nor fadilah rajab. (2022). polyphenols: food medicine for cognitive decline. - . 97.
nurul fatin malek rivan, suzana shahar, nor fadilah rajab, devinder kaur ajit singh, normah che din, mohd zul amin kamaruddin, hazlina mahadzir. (2021). cognitive frailty among malaysian older adults. - . 13.
huijin lau, suzana shahar, mazlyfarina mohamad, nor fadilah rajab, hanis mastura yahya, normah che din, hamzaini abdul hamid, nurul fatin malek rivan & mohd zul amin kamaruddin. (2021). the wonders of kesum: findings from the national kesum initiative. - . 4.
farah wahida ibrahim, nurul farhana jufri, nor fadilah rajab, asmah hamid. (2021). nilai terapeutik hasilan semula jadi. - . 19.
razinah sharif, nor fadilah rajab, suzana shahar, asheila ak meramat. (2021). rahsia penuaan sihat: amalan berpuasa dan penanda biokimia. - . 145.
nurul fatin malek rivan, suzana shahar, nor fadilah rajab, devinder kaur ajit singh, normah che din, mohd zul amin kamaruddin, hazlina mahadzir. (2021). cognitive frailty among malaysian older adults. - . 13.
huijin lau, suzana shahar, mazlyfarina mohamad, nor fadilah rajab, hanis mastura yahya, normah che din, hamzaini abdul hamid, nurul fatin malek rivan & mohd zul amin kamaruddin. (2021). the wonders of kesum: findings from the national kesum initiative. - . 4.
farah wahida ibrahim, nurul farhana jufri, nor fadilah rajab, asmah hamid. (2021). nilai terapeutik hasilan semula jadi. - . 19.
nor fadilah rajab dan ooi theng choon. (2020). penuaan sihat dan kesejahteraan. - . 10.
ahmad rohi ghazali, asmah hamid, dayang fredalina basri, hawa ismail, ismarulyusda ishak, mazlyzam abdul latif, nor fadilah rajab, nihayah mohammad & yanti rosli. (2012). mercu kesarjanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran: penyelidikan tindakan di institusi pengajian tinggi. - . Bab 9, 140-143.
nor fadilah rajab, zariyantey abd hamid, noor amalina ramle. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 358.
hanisah rosli, suzana shahar, nor fadilah rajab. (2022). polyphenols: food medicine for cognitive decline. - . 97.
razinah sharif, nor fadilah rajab, suzana shahar, asheila ak meramat. (2021). rahsia penuaan sihat: amalan berpuasa dan penanda biokimia. - . 145.
zariyantey abd hamid, chow paik wah, nor fadilah rajab. (2020). benzena: perosak sel stem darah dan punca penyakit darah. - . 113.
razinah sharif, nor fadilah rajab. malisanurhidayu yaacob. (2020). kelulut: antioksidan dan tekanan oksidatif. - . 106.
ezanee azlina binti mohamad hanif;nor fadilah binti rajab;chin siok fong. (2025). explicating distinct intra-tumoral features of tgfβ isoforms in driving functional mechanisms and chemoresistance in triple negative breast cancers (tnbcs).. - . .
normah bt. awang;asmah bt. hamid;nor fadilah bt. rajab;nurul farahana binti kamaludin. (2024). mechanistic identification of the anticancer properties of tinospora crispa stem extract and its alkaloids in human reproductive cancer cells in vitro (mcf-7 and caov-3). - . .
siew ee ling;nor fadilah bt. rajab;hasnizawati binti mohamad dalan @ mohamed dahlan. (2024). in vitro lung toxicity of locally fabricated 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid loaded polymeric nanopesticide on human bronchial epithelial cells.. - . .
nur syahidah nor hisam, azizah ugusman, nor fadilah rajab, karina di gregoli, nur najmi mohamad anuar. (2023). navitoclax suppresses il-3 induced human umbilical vein endothelial cells migration and angiogenesis through pi3-akt pathway. - 4th international conference on cell and experimental biology. 61-62.
amirul hafiz ahmad abdullah, nur afiqha rosli, husna anuar, nurul farhana jufri, asmah hamid, siti fathiah masre, nor fadilah rajab, farah wahida ibrahim. (2023). aluminium exposure impairs memory in rats via an oxidative stress mechanism. - national biology symposium 2023. 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF DIETARY METHYL DONORS FOOD FREQUENCY QUESTIONNAIRE (DMD-FFQ) | institut penyelidikan perubatan (imr) | 81.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |