pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian diagnostik, teraputik & penyiasatan (codtis)
Dayang Fredalina’s main research achievement is in the extraction and pharmacology of natural products. She has improvised the existing technique of extraction using various solvents and has studied extensively on Quercus infectoria (manjakani) and Canarium odontophyllum (dabai) which have been effective against a dangerous pathogen in the hospital setting namely, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). She has been involved in the field of antimicrobial pharmacology for more than 25 years specifically in the field of pharmacology of natural product. Her current research focus on the evaluation of mechanism of cytotoxicity of Canarium odontophyllum Miq. (Dabai) against human colorectal cancer cell lines HCT 116 and skin cancer models. Other contributions include the field of proteomic to investigate mechanistic pathway in her quest of cure in the development of novel antibiotic from natural sources for many non-communicable diseases such as colon cancer, skin cancer, hypertension and diabetes.
omchit surien, dayang fredalina basri, siti fathiah masre and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). oral pterostilbene as a chemopreventive agent against dmba/tpa induced skin squamous cell carcinoma mouse model. - postgraduate colloqium 2023. 37.
muhammad wahizul haswan abdul aziz, dayang fredalina basri, siti fathiah masre, ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). chemopreventive measurements and oxidative stress effects of terpenoid-rich canarium odontophyllum miq. leaf extract (trco) in ultraviolet b-induced in-vitro skin carcinogenesis model. - biomedical and pharmacology journal. 1537-1548.
dayang fredalina basri. (2023). covid-19: pembunuh senyap dunia. - . 8.
omchit surien , siti fathiah masre , dayang fredalina basri and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). potential chemopreventive role of pterostilbene in its modulation of the apoptosis pathway. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-18.
siti fairuz ishak, nor fadilah rajab and dayang fredalina basri. (2023). antiproliferative activities of acetone extract from canarium odontophyllum (dabai) stem bark against human colorectal cancer cells. - dose-response. 1-10.
omchit surien , siti fathiah masre , dayang fredalina basri and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). potential chemopreventive role of pterostilbene in its modulation of the apoptosis pathway. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-18.
zarina mohd zawawi, jeevanathan kalyanasundram, rozainanee mohd zain, ravindran thayan, dayang fredalina basri, wei boon yap. (2023). prospective role of tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf-a) in covid-19: prognosis, therapeutic and management. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-13.
omchit surien , siti fathiah masre, dayang fredalina basri and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2022). chemopreventive effects of oral pterostilbene in multistage carcinogenesis of skin squamous cell carcinoma mouse model induced by dmba/tpa. - biomedicines. 1-17.
dayang fredalina basri, leong chen lew, raveena vaidheswary muralitharan, tava shelan nagapan and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2021). pterostilbene inhibits the melanogenesis activity in uvb-irradiated b164a5 cells. - dose-response. 1-8.
tava shelan nagapan, wenna nallance lim, dayang fredalina basri, ahmad rohi ghazali. (2019). oral supplementation of l-glutathione prevents ultraviolet b-induced melanogenesis and oxidative stress in balb/c mice. - experimental animals. 541-548.
siti fairuz ishak, nor fadilah rajab and dayang fredalina basri. (2023). antiproliferative activities of acetone extract from canarium odontophyllum (dabai) stem bark against human colorectal cancer cells. - dose-response. 1-10.
laina zarisa mohd kamal, mowaffaq adam ahmed adam, siti nurfatimah mohd shahpudin, ahmad naqeeb shuib, rosline sandai, norazian mohd hassan, yasser tabana, dayang fredalina basri, leslie thian lung than & doblin sandai. (2021). identification of alkaloid compounds arborinine and graveoline from ruta angustifolia (l.) pers for their antifungal potential against isocitrate lyase (icl1) gene of candida albicans. - mycopathologia. 221-236.
tava shelan nagapan, wenna nallance lim, ahmad rohi ghazali & dayang fredalina basri. (2021). pterostilbene supplementation inhibits early inflammatory response and oxidative stress in uvb-induced balb/c mice. - sains malaysiana. 1407-1414.
dayang fredalina basri, kuek sze yee, jacinta santhanam, mohd asyraf shamsudin, nur hanis zakaria, jalifah latip, nurul izzaty hassan. (2020). time-kill assay of n-(2-bromoethyl)-7-chloroquinilin-4-amine (acp 4a) with fungistatic activity against aspergillus fumigatus. - sains malaysiana. 2465-2476.
shafariatul akmar ishak, syahirah ariffudin, fifi fariza azmi, asmah hamid, latifah ibrahim and dayang fredalina basri. (2019). in-vitro antileptospiral activity of canarium odontophyllum miq. (dabai) leaves extract. - malaysian journal of microbiology. 220-225.
omchit surien , siti fathiah masre , dayang fredalina basri and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). potential chemopreventive role of pterostilbene in its modulation of the apoptosis pathway. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-18.
siti fairuz ishak, nor fadilah rajab and dayang fredalina basri. (2023). antiproliferative activities of acetone extract from canarium odontophyllum (dabai) stem bark against human colorectal cancer cells. - dose-response. 1-10.
muhammad wahizul haswan abdul aziz, dayang fredalina basri, siti fathiah masre, ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). chemopreventive measurements and oxidative stress effects of terpenoid-rich canarium odontophyllum miq. leaf extract (trco) in ultraviolet b-induced in-vitro skin carcinogenesis model. - biomedical and pharmacology journal. 1537-1548.
zarina mohd zawawi, jeevanathan kalyanasundram, rozainanee mohd zain, ravindran thayan, dayang fredalina basri, wei boon yap. (2023). prospective role of tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf-a) in covid-19: prognosis, therapeutic and management. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-13.
muhammad wahizul haswan abdul aziz, dayang fredalina basri, siti fathiah masre, ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). uvb induced skin cancer development in experimental mouse model: a review. - malaysian journal of fundamental and applied sciences. 754-761.
dayang fredalina basri, ahmad fudholi, mohd hafidz ruslan, mohamad ahmed alghoul. (2012). study of the drying kinetics of baccaurea angulata merr. (belimbing dayak) fruit. - recent researches in energy, environment and sustainable development : proceedings of the 6th wseas international conference on renewable energy sources (res `12). .
muhammad wahizul haswan aa, siti fathiah m, dayang fredalina b & ahmad rohi g. (2021). bridging traditional knowledge & natural products innovations towards wellness and shared prosperity. - . 5.
ahmad rohi ghazali, chan kam soon, dayang fredalina basri & noraisah akbar ali. (2021). bridging traditional knowledge & natural products innovations towards wellness and shared prosperity. - . 5.
ahmad rohi ghazali, asmah hamid, dayang fredalina basri, hawa ismail, ismarulyusda ishak, mazlyzam abdul latif, nor fadilah rajab, nihayah mohammad & yanti rosli. (2012). mercu kesarjanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran: penyelidikan tindakan di institusi pengajian tinggi. - . Bab 9, 140-143.
dayang fredalina basri. (2023). covid-19: pembunuh senyap dunia. - . 8.
shafariatul akmar ishak, fifi fariza azmi, muhamad ismail md esam, dayang fredalina basri. (2021). potensi perubatan patawali, buah naga, rosel dan dabai. - . 19.
muhammad wahizul haswan aa, siti fathiah m, dayang fredalina b & ahmad rohi g. (2021). bridging traditional knowledge & natural products innovations towards wellness and shared prosperity. - . 5.
ahmad rohi ghazali, chan kam soon, dayang fredalina basri & noraisah akbar ali. (2021). bridging traditional knowledge & natural products innovations towards wellness and shared prosperity. - . 5.
nur izzati mohd razali, noor syazwani mohd saufi, raha ahmad raus, wan mohd fazli wan nawawi and dayang fredalina basri. (2019). nanotechnology: applications in energy, drug and food. - . 15.
dayang fredalina basri, noraziah mohamad zin, nur faizah abu bakar. (2018). agen perencat semula jadi mikroorganisma. - . 97.
omchit surien, dayang fredalina basri, siti fathiah masre and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). oral pterostilbene as a chemopreventive agent against dmba/tpa induced skin squamous cell carcinoma mouse model. - postgraduate colloqium 2023. 37.
fifi fariza azmi, shafariatul akmar ishak, muhammad zamir anuar, amirah begum aziz khan and dayang fredalina basri. (2022). in vivo study on effects of canarium odontophyllum leaves extracts against plasmodium berghei nk 65. - 13th international symposium of health sciences. 74-75.
fifi fariza azmi, shafariatul akmar ishak, kauthamee loganathan and dayang fredalina basri. (2022). ex-vivo study of canarium odontophyllum miq leaf extracts against erythrocyte infected with plasmodium berghei nk65. - 13th international symposium of health science. 96-97.
jacinta a/p santhanam;farah diba bt. abu bakar;dayang fredalina bt. basri. (2022). relationship of atp-binding cassette transporter and cyp51a gene with azole antifungal resistance in fusarium solani isolates from malaysia . - . .
chan kam soon, ahmad rohi ghazali, dayang fredalina basri, noraisah akbar ali. (2021). chemopreventive activity of methanolic leaves extract from canarium odontophyllum miq. (dabai) against uvb induced b16 melanoma cell. - 31st macb virtual conference (2021) : empowering laboratory services in keeping with technology advancement. 22.
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