declan l. m. cooper, simon l. lewis, martin j. p. sullivan, paulo i. prado, hans ter steege, nicolas barbier, ferry slik, bonaventure sonké, corneille e. n. ewango, stephen adu-bredu, kofi affum-baffoe, mohd nizam mohd said et al.. (2024). consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities. - nature. 728-734.
noraini talip, jayasrie eyamalay, mohamad ruzi abdul rahman, mohd nizam mohd said, haja maideen kader maideen, nik norhazrina nik mohd kamil, nur aqilah mustafa bakray, shamsul khamis, ahmad fitri zohari, nur farah ain zainee, hamidun bunawan. (2024). ciri adaptasi anatomi daun bougainvillea spectabilis w. yang dijangkiti virus bougainvillea chlorotic vein-banding. - malaysian applied biology. 43-54.
aisyah marliza muhmad kamarulzaman, wan shafrina wan mohd jaafar, mohd nizam mohd said, hamdan omar, nurul asyiqin abu bakara, siti nor maizah saad. (2024). mengekstrak parameter fungsi skala kanopi di kawasan konservasi lembah danum, sabah menggunakan data pesawat udara lidar. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 1263-1279.
nur aqilah mustafa bakray, ahmad fitri zohari, mohammad khairul faizi zulkifli & mohd nizam mohd said. (2024). struktur dan kepelbagaian vegetasi lantai hutan mossy forest cameron highlands, pahang. - seminar ekspedisi saintifik kepelbagaian biologi hutan mossy forest, cameron highlands, pahang. 1-6.
noorashikin binti md noor;mohd. nizam bin mohd. said;mohd talib bin latif;siti norliyana binti harun. (2024). mercury concentration status in aquatic biota: a national fish mercury dataset. - . .
declan l. m. cooper, simon l. lewis, martin j. p. sullivan, paulo i. prado, hans ter steege, nicolas barbier, ferry slik, bonaventure sonké, corneille e. n. ewango, stephen adu-bredu, kofi affum-baffoe, mohd nizam mohd said et al.. (2024). consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities. - nature. 728-734.
aisyah marliza muhmad kamarulzaman, wan shafrinawan mohd jaafar, mohd nizam mohd said, siti nor maizah saad, midhun mohan. (2023). uav implementations in urban planning and related sectors of rapidly developing nations: a review and future perspectives for malaysia. - remote sensing. 1-37.
esmaeel adrah, wan shafrina wan mohd jaafar, hamdan omar, shaurya bajaj, rodrigo vieira leite, siti munirah mazlan, carlos alberto silva, maggie chel gee ooi, mohd nizam mohd said, khairul nizam abdul maulud, adrian cardil, midhun mohan. (2022). analyzing canopy height patterns and environmental landscape drivers in tropical forests using nasas gedi spaceborne lidar. - remote sensing. 1-22.
norzalyta mohd ghazali, mohd nizam mohd said, wan shafrina wan mohd jaafar, aisyah marliza muhmad kamarulzaman, siti nor maizah saad. (2022). research opportunity on fractional cover of forest: a bibliometric review. - forests. 1-17.
siti nur fatehah radzi, kamisah osman, mohd nizam mohd said. (2022). progressing towards global citizenship and a sustainable nation: pillars of climate change education and actions. - sustainability. 1-23.
asif raihan, rawshan ara begum, mohd nizam mohd said, joy jacqueline pereira. (2022). dynamic impacts of energy use, agricultural land expansion, and deforestation on co2 emissions in malaysia. - environmental and ecological statistics. 477-507.
azian m., nizam m.s., nik-norafida n.a., ismail p., samsudin m., noor-farahanizan z.. (2022). projection of soil carbon changes and forest productivity for 100 years in malaysia using dynamic vegetation model lund-potsdam-jena. - journal of tropical forest science. 275-284.
m.n.l. wahidah, m.s. nizam, c.m.z. che radziah, w.a. wan juliana. (2021). growth responses of light demanding and shade tolerant peat swamp forest saplings to elevated co2. - journal of environmental biology. 735-743.
asif raihan, rawshan ara begum, mohd nizam mohd said, sharifah mastura syed abdullah. (2019). a review of emission reduction potential and cost savings through forest carbon sequestration. - asian journal of water, environment and pollution. 1-7.
n. norhazrina, n. syazwana, m. aisyah, h. aznani, h. maideen, m.s. nizam. (2019). mosses of gunung senyum recreational forest, a tropical limestone forest in pahang, peninsular malaysia. - phytokeys. 57-72.
declan l. m. cooper, simon l. lewis, martin j. p. sullivan, paulo i. prado, hans ter steege, nicolas barbier, ferry slik, bonaventure sonké, corneille e. n. ewango, stephen adu-bredu, kofi affum-baffoe, mohd nizam mohd said et al.. (2024). consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities. - nature. 728-734.
noraini talip, jayasrie eyamalay, mohamad ruzi abdul rahman, mohd nizam mohd said, haja maideen kader maideen, nik norhazrina nik mohd kamil, nur aqilah mustafa bakray, shamsul khamis, ahmad fitri zohari, nur farah ain zainee, hamidun bunawan. (2024). ciri adaptasi anatomi daun bougainvillea spectabilis w. yang dijangkiti virus bougainvillea chlorotic vein-banding. - malaysian applied biology. 43-54.
aisyah marliza muhmad kamarulzaman, wan shafrinawan mohd jaafar, mohd nizam mohd said, siti nor maizah saad, midhun mohan. (2023). uav implementations in urban planning and related sectors of rapidly developing nations: a review and future perspectives for malaysia. - remote sensing. 1-37.
ahmad fitri, z., nur aqilah, m.b.,mohammad khairul faizi, z., nizam, m.s., nik hazlan, n.h., nik norafida, n.a., wan norilani, w.i.,norazlinda, m. , noraini, t., a. latiff. (2023). burseraceae in sungai menyala forest reserve, port dickson, negeri sembilan. - malayan nature journal. 403-414.
ahmad fitri, z., nizam, m.s., noraini, t.,nik hazlan, n.h., nik norafida, n.a., wan norilani, w.i., nur aqilah, m.b., latiff, a.. (2023). on the distribution of dacryodes nervosa (h.j. lam) leenh. (burseraceae) in peninsular malaysia with additional notes on fruit characters. - malayan nature journal. 279-283.
n m ghazali, m n m said, a m m kamarulzaman, s n m saad. (2023). recovery of forest structure dynamics following selective logging in lowland dipterocarp peninsular malaysia. - international conference on science and technology applications in climate change (staclim-2022) iop conference series: earth and environmental science. 1-10.
ahmad fitri z., nik hazlan n. h., m. kusin, engku azlin rahayu engku ariff, t. t. m. z. hashim, s. a. k. yamani, nazip s., nik norafida n. a., nizam m. s., latiff a.. (2022). notes of some rheophytes and riparian species of seed plants in taman negara kuala tahan, pahang. - the 1st international conference on biodiversity and sustainable development 2021 (ibiosdg 2021): earth and environmental science. 1-17.
ahmad fitri z., nik hazlan n .h., s. n. sarmin, m. kusin, engku azlin rahayu engku ariff, badli esham ahmad, zulkiflee abd latif, t. t. m. z. hashim, s. a. k. yamani, nazip s., nik norafida n. a., nizam m. s., latiff a.. (2022). notes of pioneer species in kuala keniam and surrounding area at taman negara, pahang, peninsular malaysia. - the 1st international conference on biodiversity and sustainable development 2021 (ibiosdg2021): earth and environmental science. 1-16.
ahmad fitri z., nik hazlan n. h., s n. sarmin, m. kusin, engku azlin rahayu engku ariff, t. t. m. z. hashim, s. a. k. yamani, nazip s., nik norafida n. a., nizam m. s., latiff a.. (2022). burseraceae in kuala keniam and surrounding area at taman negara pahang, peninsular malaysia. - the 1st international conference on biodiversity and sustainable development 2021 (ibiosdg 2021) : earth and environmental science. 1-8.
ahmad fitri z., nik hazlan n. h., s. n. sarmin, engku azlin rahayu engku ariff, t. t. m. z. hashim, n. basiron, s. sahalan, syarifah haniera s. k., nazip s., nik norafida n. a., nizam m. s., latiff a.. (2022). notes on annonaceae from kuala keniam and surrounding areas at taman negara (pahang), peninsular malaysia. - the 1st international conference on biodiversity and sustainable development 2021 (ibiosdg2021) iop conference series: earth and environmental science. 1-17.
wan juliana wan ahmad, khairul nizam abdul maulud, mohd. nizam mohd. said. (2022). sejuta pokok segunung harapan. - . 56.
siti nurfaeiza abd razak, wan juliana wan ahmad, mohd. nizam mohd. said & khairul nizam maulud. (2022). sejuta pokok segunung harapan. - . 18.
ahmad fitri zohari, wan norilani wan ismail, wan juliana wan ahmad, mohamad ruzi abdul rahman, mohd nizam mohd said. (2018). a natural heritage - the flora and fauna of universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 13.
mee young choi, leelavathy menon dahal, mohd nizam mohd said, sharifah zarina syed zakaria, rawshan ara begum, maimon abdullah, shamsul nizam kachi mohideen & che nidzam che ahmad. (2016). training material for climate change education (cce) for small island developing states (sids) in asia pacific. - . 179.
wan juliana wan ahmad, ahmad fitri zohari, mohd nizam m. said & abdul latiff mohamed. (2014). taman paku pakis fern garden: a hidden gem of universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . Bab 6: 83-93.
ahmad fitri, z., nur aqilah, m.b., mohammad khairul faizi, z., nizam, m.s., nik hazlan, n.h., nik norafida, n.a., wan norilani, w.i., noraini, t. & latiff, a.. (2023). hutan simpan sungai menyala, port dickson, negeri sembilan: persekitaran fizikal dan kepelbagaian biologi. - . 4.
ahmad fitri, z., nur aqilah, m.b., mohammad khairul faizi, z., nizam, m.s., nik hazlan, n.h., nik norafida, n.a., wan norilani, w.i., noraini, t. & a. latiff. (2023). hutan simpan sungai menyala, port dickson, negeri sembilan: persekitaran fizikal dan kepelbagaian biologi. - . 19.
ahmad fitri, z., nur aqilah, m. b., mohamad khairul faizi, z., nizam, m. s., nik hazlan, n. h., nik norafida, n. a., noraini, t., a. latiff. (2023). hutan simpan sungai menyala, port dickson, negeri sembilan: persekitaran fizikal dan kepelbagaian biologi. - hutan simpan sungai menyala, port dickson, negeri sembilan: persekitaran fizikal dan kepelbagaian biologi. 7.
ahmad fitri, z., nur aqilah, m.b., mohammad khairul faizi, z., nizam, m.s., nik hazlan, n.h., nik norafida, n.a., wan norilani, w.i., noraini, t., a. latiff. (2023). hutan simpan sungai menyala, port dickson, negeri sembilan: persekitaran fizikal dan kepelbagaian biologi. - . 5.
mohd shafiq, a., ahmad fitri, z., nizam, m.s., nur aqilah, m.b., mohammad khairul faizi, z., latiff, a.. (2023). hutan simpan sungai menyala, port dickson, negeri sembilan: persekitaran fizikal dan kepelbagaian biologi. - . 23.
wan juliana wan ahmad, khairul nizam abdul maulud, mohd. nizam mohd. said. (2022). sejuta pokok segunung harapan. - . 56.
mee young choi, leelavathy menon dahal, mohd nizam mohd said, sharifah zarina syed zakaria, rawshan ara begum, maimon abdullah, shamsul nizam kachi mohideen & che nidzam che ahmad. (2016). training material for climate change education (cce) for small island developing states (sids) in asia pacific. - . 179.
ahmad fitri, z., nur aqilah, m.b., mohammad khairul faizi, z., nik hazlan, n.h., nik norafida, n.a., nizam, m.s., wan norilani, w.i., norazlinda, ahmad firdaus, z., m., engku azlin rahayu engku ariff, noraini, t. & latiff, a.. (2024). suatu senarai awal tumbuhan berbunga di taman eko rimba mossy forest, hutan simpan batu gangan, cameron highlands, pahang. - seminar ekspedisi saintifik kepelbagaian biologi hutan mossy forest, cameron highlands, pahang. 1-6.
nur aqilah mustafa bakray, ahmad fitri zohari, mohammad khairul faizi zulkifli & mohd nizam mohd said. (2024). struktur dan kepelbagaian vegetasi lantai hutan mossy forest cameron highlands, pahang. - seminar ekspedisi saintifik kepelbagaian biologi hutan mossy forest, cameron highlands, pahang. 1-6.
noorashikin binti md noor;mohd. nizam bin mohd. said;mohd talib bin latif;siti norliyana binti harun. (2024). mercury concentration status in aquatic biota: a national fish mercury dataset. - . .
wee hin boo;mohd. nizam bin mohd. said;khoo mei ling. (2024). assessing the ecological integration of artificial reefs (ars) into adjacent low visibility coral reefs of the datai bay, langkawi.. - . .
ahmad fitri, z., nur aqilah, m.b., mohammad khairul faizi, z., nasarudin, j., shahrool anuar, r., asiyahtul husna, h., nizam, m.s., nik hazlan, n.h., nik norafida, n.a., noraini, t. & latiff, a.. (2023). notes of pioneer species in panti forest reserve, kota tinggi, johor. - seminar ekspedisi saintifik kepelbagaian biologi hutan: hutan simpan panti, kota tinggi, johor. 36.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
BOTANICAL DIVERSITY OF THE AL-SULTAN ABDULLAH ROYAL TIGER RESERVE, PAHANG | the habitat foundation | 76.9% (2024-02-10 sehingga 2025-07-31) |
SUATU SENARAI FLORA TUMBUHAN BERBIJI DI TAMAN NEGERI ROMPIN, PAHANG | jabatan perhutanan negeri pahang | 23.9% (2025-01-01 sehingga 2025-12-31) |
pensyarah universiti
jabatan sains biologi & bioteknologi
declan l. m. cooper, simon l. lewis, martin j. p. sullivan, paulo i. prado, hans ter steege, nicolas barbier, ferry slik, bonaventure sonké, corneille e. n. ewango, stephen adu-bredu, kofi affum-baffoe, mohd nizam mohd said et al.. (2024). consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities. - nature. 728-734.
noraini talip, jayasrie eyamalay, mohamad ruzi abdul rahman, mohd nizam mohd said, haja maideen kader maideen, nik norhazrina nik mohd kamil, nur aqilah mustafa bakray, shamsul khamis, ahmad fitri zohari, nur farah ain zainee, hamidun bunawan. (2024). ciri adaptasi anatomi daun bougainvillea spectabilis w. yang dijangkiti virus bougainvillea chlorotic vein-banding. - malaysian applied biology. 43-54.
aisyah marliza muhmad kamarulzaman, wan shafrina wan mohd jaafar, mohd nizam mohd said, hamdan omar, nurul asyiqin abu bakara, siti nor maizah saad. (2024). mengekstrak parameter fungsi skala kanopi di kawasan konservasi lembah danum, sabah menggunakan data pesawat udara lidar. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 1263-1279.
nur aqilah mustafa bakray, ahmad fitri zohari, mohammad khairul faizi zulkifli & mohd nizam mohd said. (2024). struktur dan kepelbagaian vegetasi lantai hutan mossy forest cameron highlands, pahang. - seminar ekspedisi saintifik kepelbagaian biologi hutan mossy forest, cameron highlands, pahang. 1-6.
noorashikin binti md noor;mohd. nizam bin mohd. said;mohd talib bin latif;siti norliyana binti harun. (2024). mercury concentration status in aquatic biota: a national fish mercury dataset. - . .
declan l. m. cooper, simon l. lewis, martin j. p. sullivan, paulo i. prado, hans ter steege, nicolas barbier, ferry slik, bonaventure sonké, corneille e. n. ewango, stephen adu-bredu, kofi affum-baffoe, mohd nizam mohd said et al.. (2024). consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities. - nature. 728-734.
aisyah marliza muhmad kamarulzaman, wan shafrinawan mohd jaafar, mohd nizam mohd said, siti nor maizah saad, midhun mohan. (2023). uav implementations in urban planning and related sectors of rapidly developing nations: a review and future perspectives for malaysia. - remote sensing. 1-37.
esmaeel adrah, wan shafrina wan mohd jaafar, hamdan omar, shaurya bajaj, rodrigo vieira leite, siti munirah mazlan, carlos alberto silva, maggie chel gee ooi, mohd nizam mohd said, khairul nizam abdul maulud, adrian cardil, midhun mohan. (2022). analyzing canopy height patterns and environmental landscape drivers in tropical forests using nasas gedi spaceborne lidar. - remote sensing. 1-22.
norzalyta mohd ghazali, mohd nizam mohd said, wan shafrina wan mohd jaafar, aisyah marliza muhmad kamarulzaman, siti nor maizah saad. (2022). research opportunity on fractional cover of forest: a bibliometric review. - forests. 1-17.
siti nur fatehah radzi, kamisah osman, mohd nizam mohd said. (2022). progressing towards global citizenship and a sustainable nation: pillars of climate change education and actions. - sustainability. 1-23.
asif raihan, rawshan ara begum, mohd nizam mohd said, joy jacqueline pereira. (2022). dynamic impacts of energy use, agricultural land expansion, and deforestation on co2 emissions in malaysia. - environmental and ecological statistics. 477-507.
azian m., nizam m.s., nik-norafida n.a., ismail p., samsudin m., noor-farahanizan z.. (2022). projection of soil carbon changes and forest productivity for 100 years in malaysia using dynamic vegetation model lund-potsdam-jena. - journal of tropical forest science. 275-284.
m.n.l. wahidah, m.s. nizam, c.m.z. che radziah, w.a. wan juliana. (2021). growth responses of light demanding and shade tolerant peat swamp forest saplings to elevated co2. - journal of environmental biology. 735-743.
asif raihan, rawshan ara begum, mohd nizam mohd said, sharifah mastura syed abdullah. (2019). a review of emission reduction potential and cost savings through forest carbon sequestration. - asian journal of water, environment and pollution. 1-7.
n. norhazrina, n. syazwana, m. aisyah, h. aznani, h. maideen, m.s. nizam. (2019). mosses of gunung senyum recreational forest, a tropical limestone forest in pahang, peninsular malaysia. - phytokeys. 57-72.
declan l. m. cooper, simon l. lewis, martin j. p. sullivan, paulo i. prado, hans ter steege, nicolas barbier, ferry slik, bonaventure sonké, corneille e. n. ewango, stephen adu-bredu, kofi affum-baffoe, mohd nizam mohd said et al.. (2024). consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities. - nature. 728-734.
noraini talip, jayasrie eyamalay, mohamad ruzi abdul rahman, mohd nizam mohd said, haja maideen kader maideen, nik norhazrina nik mohd kamil, nur aqilah mustafa bakray, shamsul khamis, ahmad fitri zohari, nur farah ain zainee, hamidun bunawan. (2024). ciri adaptasi anatomi daun bougainvillea spectabilis w. yang dijangkiti virus bougainvillea chlorotic vein-banding. - malaysian applied biology. 43-54.
aisyah marliza muhmad kamarulzaman, wan shafrinawan mohd jaafar, mohd nizam mohd said, siti nor maizah saad, midhun mohan. (2023). uav implementations in urban planning and related sectors of rapidly developing nations: a review and future perspectives for malaysia. - remote sensing. 1-37.
ahmad fitri, z., nur aqilah, m.b.,mohammad khairul faizi, z., nizam, m.s., nik hazlan, n.h., nik norafida, n.a., wan norilani, w.i.,norazlinda, m. , noraini, t., a. latiff. (2023). burseraceae in sungai menyala forest reserve, port dickson, negeri sembilan. - malayan nature journal. 403-414.
ahmad fitri, z., nizam, m.s., noraini, t.,nik hazlan, n.h., nik norafida, n.a., wan norilani, w.i., nur aqilah, m.b., latiff, a.. (2023). on the distribution of dacryodes nervosa (h.j. lam) leenh. (burseraceae) in peninsular malaysia with additional notes on fruit characters. - malayan nature journal. 279-283.
n m ghazali, m n m said, a m m kamarulzaman, s n m saad. (2023). recovery of forest structure dynamics following selective logging in lowland dipterocarp peninsular malaysia. - international conference on science and technology applications in climate change (staclim-2022) iop conference series: earth and environmental science. 1-10.
ahmad fitri z., nik hazlan n. h., m. kusin, engku azlin rahayu engku ariff, t. t. m. z. hashim, s. a. k. yamani, nazip s., nik norafida n. a., nizam m. s., latiff a.. (2022). notes of some rheophytes and riparian species of seed plants in taman negara kuala tahan, pahang. - the 1st international conference on biodiversity and sustainable development 2021 (ibiosdg 2021): earth and environmental science. 1-17.
ahmad fitri z., nik hazlan n .h., s. n. sarmin, m. kusin, engku azlin rahayu engku ariff, badli esham ahmad, zulkiflee abd latif, t. t. m. z. hashim, s. a. k. yamani, nazip s., nik norafida n. a., nizam m. s., latiff a.. (2022). notes of pioneer species in kuala keniam and surrounding area at taman negara, pahang, peninsular malaysia. - the 1st international conference on biodiversity and sustainable development 2021 (ibiosdg2021): earth and environmental science. 1-16.
ahmad fitri z., nik hazlan n. h., s n. sarmin, m. kusin, engku azlin rahayu engku ariff, t. t. m. z. hashim, s. a. k. yamani, nazip s., nik norafida n. a., nizam m. s., latiff a.. (2022). burseraceae in kuala keniam and surrounding area at taman negara pahang, peninsular malaysia. - the 1st international conference on biodiversity and sustainable development 2021 (ibiosdg 2021) : earth and environmental science. 1-8.
ahmad fitri z., nik hazlan n. h., s. n. sarmin, engku azlin rahayu engku ariff, t. t. m. z. hashim, n. basiron, s. sahalan, syarifah haniera s. k., nazip s., nik norafida n. a., nizam m. s., latiff a.. (2022). notes on annonaceae from kuala keniam and surrounding areas at taman negara (pahang), peninsular malaysia. - the 1st international conference on biodiversity and sustainable development 2021 (ibiosdg2021) iop conference series: earth and environmental science. 1-17.
wan juliana wan ahmad, khairul nizam abdul maulud, mohd. nizam mohd. said. (2022). sejuta pokok segunung harapan. - . 56.
siti nurfaeiza abd razak, wan juliana wan ahmad, mohd. nizam mohd. said & khairul nizam maulud. (2022). sejuta pokok segunung harapan. - . 18.
ahmad fitri zohari, wan norilani wan ismail, wan juliana wan ahmad, mohamad ruzi abdul rahman, mohd nizam mohd said. (2018). a natural heritage - the flora and fauna of universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 13.
mee young choi, leelavathy menon dahal, mohd nizam mohd said, sharifah zarina syed zakaria, rawshan ara begum, maimon abdullah, shamsul nizam kachi mohideen & che nidzam che ahmad. (2016). training material for climate change education (cce) for small island developing states (sids) in asia pacific. - . 179.
wan juliana wan ahmad, ahmad fitri zohari, mohd nizam m. said & abdul latiff mohamed. (2014). taman paku pakis fern garden: a hidden gem of universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . Bab 6: 83-93.
ahmad fitri, z., nur aqilah, m.b., mohammad khairul faizi, z., nizam, m.s., nik hazlan, n.h., nik norafida, n.a., wan norilani, w.i., noraini, t. & latiff, a.. (2023). hutan simpan sungai menyala, port dickson, negeri sembilan: persekitaran fizikal dan kepelbagaian biologi. - . 4.
ahmad fitri, z., nur aqilah, m.b., mohammad khairul faizi, z., nizam, m.s., nik hazlan, n.h., nik norafida, n.a., wan norilani, w.i., noraini, t. & a. latiff. (2023). hutan simpan sungai menyala, port dickson, negeri sembilan: persekitaran fizikal dan kepelbagaian biologi. - . 19.
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ahmad fitri, z., nur aqilah, m.b., mohammad khairul faizi, z., nik hazlan, n.h., nik norafida, n.a., nizam, m.s., wan norilani, w.i., norazlinda, ahmad firdaus, z., m., engku azlin rahayu engku ariff, noraini, t. & latiff, a.. (2024). suatu senarai awal tumbuhan berbunga di taman eko rimba mossy forest, hutan simpan batu gangan, cameron highlands, pahang. - seminar ekspedisi saintifik kepelbagaian biologi hutan mossy forest, cameron highlands, pahang. 1-6.
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ahmad fitri, z., nur aqilah, m.b., mohammad khairul faizi, z., nasarudin, j., shahrool anuar, r., asiyahtul husna, h., nizam, m.s., nik hazlan, n.h., nik norafida, n.a., noraini, t. & latiff, a.. (2023). notes of pioneer species in panti forest reserve, kota tinggi, johor. - seminar ekspedisi saintifik kepelbagaian biologi hutan: hutan simpan panti, kota tinggi, johor. 36.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
BOTANICAL DIVERSITY OF THE AL-SULTAN ABDULLAH ROYAL TIGER RESERVE, PAHANG | the habitat foundation | 76.9% (2024-02-10 sehingga 2025-07-31) |
SUATU SENARAI FLORA TUMBUHAN BERBIJI DI TAMAN NEGERI ROMPIN, PAHANG | jabatan perhutanan negeri pahang | 23.9% (2025-01-01 sehingga 2025-12-31) |