pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian penuaan sihat & kesejahteraan (h-care)
Profesor Madya Dr. Zahara Abdul Manaf adalah Pensyarah, penyelidik dan Dietitian di Program Dietetik, Fakulti Sains Kesihatan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Mempunyai Ijazah Sarjana Muda dan Sarjana dalam bidang Dietetik di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Beliau juga mempunyai kelulusan doktor falsafah dalam bidang yang sama dari Universiti Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Mempunyai pengalaman lebih daripada 27 tahun dalam bidang penjagaan pemakanan untuk pencegahan penyakit dan untuk individu yang berpenyakit. Telah menerbitkan lebih 100 jurnal dan 7 buah buku berkaitan pemakanan. Bidang kepakaran beliau adalah obesiti, intervensi penurunan berat badan, chrononutriton dan pembangunan bahan pendidikan pemakanan. Beliau sering dilantik sebagai konsultan oleh badan kerajaan dan agensi swasta untuk menjalankan program kesedaran gaya hidup sihat dalam kalangan pekerja.
Associate Professor Dr. Zahara Abdul Manaf is a lecturer, researcher and Dietitian in the Dietetics Programme at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She holds a bachelor and master degree in dietetics from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She attained her PhD in the same field from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom. She has 27 years of experience in dietary management for disease prevention and treatment of sick individuals. She published over 100 journals and authored 7 books in nutrition related topics. Areas of expertise are obesity, weight loss interventions, chrononutrition, and the development of nutrition education materials. She is often appointed as a consultant by government bodies and private agencies to run healthy lifestyle awareness programmes among employees.
zahara abdul manaf, mohd hafiz mohd rosli, norhayati mohd noor, nor aini jamil, fatin hanani mazri, suzana shahar. (2024). exploring dietitians views on digital nutrition educational tools in malaysia: a qualitative study. - nutrition research and practice. 294-307.
khang jin cheah, zahara abdul manaf, arimi fitri mat ludin, nurul huda razalli, norfilza mohd mokhtar, sawal hamid md ali. (2024). mobile apps for common noncommunicable disease management: systematic search in app stores and evaluation using the mobile app rating scale. - jmir mhealth and uhealth. 1-13.
zainorain natasha zainal arifen, hasnah haron,suzana shahar,zaliha harun, viola michael, yee xing you, zahara abdul manaf, hazreen abdul majid, yook chin chia, feng j he,mhairi karen brown and graham a macgregor. (2024). perceptions, barriers and enablers on salt reduction in the out-of-home sectors in malaysia (mysaltoh) from the perspective of street food vendors, caterers and consumers. - public health nutrition. 1-20.
zaliha harun [et al.]. (2024). salt reduction policy for out of home sectors: a supplementary document for the salt reduction strategy to prevent and control non-communicable diseases (ncds) in malaysia 2021-2025. - health research policy and systems. 1-13.
khadijah alavi, zahara abdul manaf. (2023). ukm malaysia ajak kolaborasi penelitian. - direktorat penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat malang indonesia. 1.
khang jin cheah, zahara abdul manaf, arimi fitri mat ludin, nurul huda razalli, norfilza mohd mokhtar, sawal hamid md ali. (2024). mobile apps for common noncommunicable disease management: systematic search in app stores and evaluation using the mobile app rating scale. - jmir mhealth and uhealth. 1-13.
zaliha harun [et al.]. (2024). salt reduction policy for out of home sectors: a supplementary document for the salt reduction strategy to prevent and control non-communicable diseases (ncds) in malaysia 2021-2025. - health research policy and systems. 1-13.
sangeetha manimaran, nurul huda razalli, zahara abdul manaf, arimi fitri mat ludin, suzana shahar. (2023). strategies to reduce the rate of plate waste in hospitalized patients: a scoping review. - nutrients. 1-18.
zaliha harun, suzana shahar , yee xing you, zahara abdul manaf, hazreen abdul majid, yook chin chia, hasnah haron, viola michael, noor shahida sukiman, aida farzana mohamad taib, feng j. he & mhairi k. brown. (2023). perceptions, barriers and enablers of salt reduction in malaysian out-of-home sectors (mysaltoh): from the point of view of policy-makers and food industries. - health research policy and systems. 1-16.
fatin hanani mazri, zahara abdul manaf, suzana shahar, arimi fitri mat ludin, norwahidah abdul karim. (2023). improvement in chrono-nutrition is associated with robust weight loss outcomes: an extension of the feasibility study. - chronobiology international. 272-283.
zainorain natasha zainal arifen, hasnah haron,suzana shahar,zaliha harun, viola michael, yee xing you, zahara abdul manaf, hazreen abdul majid, yook chin chia, feng j he,mhairi karen brown and graham a macgregor. (2024). perceptions, barriers and enablers on salt reduction in the out-of-home sectors in malaysia (mysaltoh) from the perspective of street food vendors, caterers and consumers. - public health nutrition. 1-20.
zahara abdul manaf, mohd hafiz mohd rosli, norhayati mohd noor, nor aini jamil, fatin hanani mazri, suzana shahar. (2024). exploring dietitians views on digital nutrition educational tools in malaysia: a qualitative study. - nutrition research and practice. 294-307.
zahara abdul manaf, abdul hadi ruslan, arimi fitri mat ludin & siti munirah abdul basir. (2021). motivations, barriers and preferences to exercise among overweight and obese desk-based employees. - international journal of sport and exercise psychology. 723-737.
nurul huda razalli, cheah chui fen, nur mahirah amani mohammad, zahara abdul manaf. (2021). plate waste study among hospitalised patients receiving texture-modified diet. - nutrition research and practice. 1-17.
dzairudzee rosli, suzana shahar, zahara abdul manaf, hui jin lau, nurul yuziana mohd yusof, mohd roslan haron, hazreen abdul majid. (2021). randomized controlled trial on the effect of partially hydrolyzed guar gum supplementation on diarrhea frequency and gut microbiome count among pelvic radiation patients. - journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition. 277-286.
zaliha harun [et al.]. (2024). salt reduction policy for out of home sectors: a supplementary document for the salt reduction strategy to prevent and control non-communicable diseases (ncds) in malaysia 2021-2025. - health research policy and systems. 1-13.
khang jin cheah, zahara abdul manaf, arimi fitri mat ludin, nurul huda razalli, norfilza mohd mokhtar, sawal hamid md ali. (2024). mobile apps for common noncommunicable disease management: systematic search in app stores and evaluation using the mobile app rating scale. - jmir mhealth and uhealth. 1-13.
zainorain natasha zainal arifen, hasnah haron,suzana shahar,zaliha harun, viola michael, yee xing you, zahara abdul manaf, hazreen abdul majid, yook chin chia, feng j he,mhairi karen brown and graham a macgregor. (2024). perceptions, barriers and enablers on salt reduction in the out-of-home sectors in malaysia (mysaltoh) from the perspective of street food vendors, caterers and consumers. - public health nutrition. 1-20.
zahara abdul manaf, mohd hafiz mohd rosli, norhayati mohd noor, nor aini jamil, fatin hanani mazri, suzana shahar. (2024). exploring dietitians views on digital nutrition educational tools in malaysia: a qualitative study. - nutrition research and practice. 294-307.
sangeetha manimaran, nurul huda razalli, zahara abdul manaf, arimi fitri mat ludin, suzana shahar. (2023). strategies to reduce the rate of plate waste in hospitalized patients: a scoping review. - nutrients. 1-18.
nur zakiah mohd saat, chong pn, b omar, z manaf, i ishak, n ramli, jayusman a, zailan n, zaki mzm, rasaei b and nasrudin nf. (2012). knowledge, perception and practice on the usage of e-learning among health students in kuala lumpur. - procedia-social and behavioral sciences. .
zahara abdul manaf dan siti munirah abdul basir. (2023). kualiti hidup menuju kebahagiaan dan ketenangan minda. - . 15.
zahara abdul manaf dan siti munirah abdul basir. (2023). kualti hidup: menuju kebahagian dan ketenangan minda. - . 14.
suzana shahar, hanis mastura yahya, ainor farahin aziz, siti nur arina ismail, normah che din, zahara a. manaf & manal badrasawi. (2021). the wonders of kesum: findings from the national kesum initiative. - . 4.
zahara abdul manaf & siti munirah abdul basir. (2020). penuaan sihat dan kesejahteraan. - . 9.
zahara abdul manaf, shahir shamsuddin, arimi fitri mat ludin. (2019). jom bawa bekal. - . 86.
nor syaidatul balqis norzali, hanis mastura yahya, suzana shahar, zahara abdul manaf. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 8.
zahara abdul manaf dan siti munirah abdul basir. (2023). kualiti hidup menuju kebahagiaan dan ketenangan minda. - . 15.
zahara abdul manaf dan siti munirah abdul basir. (2023). kualti hidup: menuju kebahagian dan ketenangan minda. - . 14.
thian hou ooi, meng chun lam & zahara abdul manaf. (2022). aplikasi mudah alih untuk komuniti. - . 21.
suzana shahar, hanis mastura yahya, ainor farahin aziz, siti nur arina ismail, normah che din, zahara a. manaf & manal badrasawi. (2021). the wonders of kesum: findings from the national kesum initiative. - . 4.
zahara abdul manaf, shahir shamsuddin, arimi fitri mat ludin. (2019). jom bawa bekal. - . 86.
norsham juliana nordin, suzana shahar & zahara abd. manaf. (2017). mencapai berat badan idaman : teknik kekuatan minda. - . 167.
suzana shahar, zahara abdul manaf, nurzetty sofia zainuddin, nurul hidayah mustafa. (2017). diy diet lampu isyarat : the traffic light diet. - . 81.
zahara abdul manaf, awina farhana alies anor, nurul hidayah mustafa. (2016). atlas makanan bayi & kanak-kanak. - . 162.
suzana shahar, nik shanita safii, zahara abdul manaf & hasnah haron. (2015). atlas makanan: saiz pertukaran & porsi. - atlas of food exchanges and portion sizes. 151.
nannee marlia jaafar dan zahara abdul manaf. (2023). penggunaan produk penyahtoksikan: caknakah kita?. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. 1-3.
fatin hanani mazri, zahara abdul manaf, suzana shahar, arimi fitri mat ludin. (2023). the effect of temporal patterns of protein and fat intake on adiposity parameters. - international congress on obesity and metabolic syndrome. 314.
zahara abdul manaf, zainorain natasha zainal arifen, darwish isa, viola michael, siti farrah zaidah mohd yazid, zaliha harun, suzana shahar. (2023). modul latihan strategi pengurangan garam pengusaha makanan. - . 1-54.
zahara abdul manaf. (2023). program ekpedisi wira galaksi pupuk kesedaran penjagaan tanaman. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. 1-3.
zahara abdul manaf, siti munirah abdul basir, arimi fitri mat ludin, suzana shahar. (2023). effectiveness of a hybrid workplace weight reduction program in malaysia during the covid-19 pandemic. - international cardiovascular & metabolic health 2023 (comet 2023). 53.
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