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pusat kajian pembangunan inklusif & lestari (sid)
Tamat Sarmidi (PhD) ialah Profesor Ekonomi di Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dan Timbalan Pengarah Institut Kajian Malaysia dan Antarabangsa (IKMAS), UKM. Beliau memperoleh PhD dari University of Leicester, U.K. pada tahun 2008, dalam bidang ekonomi antarabangsa. Penyelidikan semasa beliau adalah dalam bidang makroekonomi gunaan dengan sub-pengkhususan dalam ekonometrik gunaan, ekonomi pembangunan, dan ekonomi antarabangsa. Beliau telah menerbitkan beberapa buku penyelidikan dan artikel jurnal bereputasi dalam jurnal berpangkat teratas. Penyelidikan semasa beliau termasuk kajian mengenai definisi, sumbangan, isu dan cabaran perkhidmatan berkaitan pembuatan (MRS) di negara APEC; kajian mengenai penawaran dan permintaan perkhidmatan profesional di ASEAN; kajian penilaian kos pengurusan hutan bagi hutan simpanan kekal Semenanjung Malaysia; membangunkan sistem Malaysia Urban Observatory (M.U.O.); penawaran dan permintaan perkhidmatan profesional di bawah MRA ASEAN dan kesan pandemik terhadap industri penerbangan di ASEAN, antara lainnya.
Tamat Sarmidi (PhD) is a Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and a Deputy Director of the Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS). In 2008, he obtained a PhD from the University of Leicester, U.K., in the area of international economics. His current research interest is in the area of applied macroeconomics with sub-specialization in applied econometrics, development economics, Islamic finance and international economics. He has published several research books and reputable journal articles in top-ranking journals. His current research includes a study on the definition, contribution, issues and challenges of the manufacturing-related services (MRS) in APEC countries; the study on supply and demand of professional services in ASEAN; evaluation study on the cost of forest management for permanent reserved forests of Peninsular Malaysia; research on improving connectivity in the Central Forest Spine Landscape (IC-CFS) for sustainable finance plan for Central Forest Spine Landscape in the state of Pahang; developing the Malaysia Urban Observatory (M.U.O.) system; the suply and demand of professional services under ASEAN`s MRA and the impact of the pandemic on the aviation industry in ASEAN, are among others
tamat bin sarmidi;norlin binti khalid. (2024). interactive dashboard on non-tariff measures for palm oil sector. - . .
kabiru hannafi ibrahim, rossanto dwi handoyo, feliks dwi kristianto, deni kusumawardani, keichi ogawa, mohd azlan shah zaidi, angga erlando, tri haryanto, tamat sarmidi. (2024). exchange rate volatility and covid-19 effects on indonesia's food products' trade: symmetric and asymmetric approach. - heliyon. 1-28.
abdul hafizh bin mohd azam;tamat bin sarmidi. (2024). kesan faktor makroekonomi keatas ketidaksamarataan pendapatan. - . .
nurhamizah rashid, abdul hafizh mohd azam, tamat sarmidi, naziatul aziah mohd radzi. (2024). asymmetric effect of market sentiment on banking: a nonlinear ardl approach. - jurnal ekonomi malaysia. 1-15.
etty puji lestari, rossanto dwi handoyo, kabiru hannafi ibrahim, tri kurniawati retnaningsih, elok lita pradinda, tamat sarmidi, yessi rahmawati, deni kusumawardani, tri haryanto and angga erlando. (2024). small and medium industry export development strategy. - cogent business and management. 1-18.
kabiru hannafi ibrahim, rossanto dwi handoyo, feliks dwi kristianto, deni kusumawardani, keichi ogawa, mohd azlan shah zaidi, angga erlando, tri haryanto, tamat sarmidi. (2024). exchange rate volatility and covid-19 effects on indonesia's food products' trade: symmetric and asymmetric approach. - heliyon. 1-28.
rossanto dwi handoyo, sesotya putri alfani, kabiru hannafi ibrahim, tamat sarmidi, tri haryanto. (2023). exchange rate volatility and manufacturing commodity exports in asean-5: a symmetric and asymmetric approach. - heliyon. 1-19.
fathin faizah said, raja solan somasuntharam, mohd ridzwan yaakub, tamat sarmidi. (2023). impact of google searches and social media on digital assets' volatility. - humanities and social sciences communications. 1-17.
mohd syafiq sabri, norlin khalid, abdul hafizh mohd azam, tamat sarmidi. (2022). impact analysis of the external shocks on the prices of malaysian crude palm oil: evidence from a structural vector autoregressive model. - mathematics. 1-22.
rosmah nizam, zulkefly abdul karim, tamat sarmidi, aisyah abdul rahman. (2021). financial inclusion and firm growth in asean-5 countries: a new evidence using threshold regression. - finance research letters. 1-6.
mahmoud kraim, tamat sarmidi, fathin faizah, norlin khalid. (2023). a sectoral specification of okuns law in oil producing countries: evidence from panel ardl model. - economic change and restructuring. 2385-2404.
norlee ramli, abdul hafzh mohd azam, abu hassan shaari md nor, tamat sarmidi. (2022). spillover of rubber prices volatility in asean-3 countries. - journal of rubber research. 251-263.
elya nabila abdul bahri, abu hassan shaari md nor, tamat sarmidi, nor hakimah hj mohd nor. (2019). the role of financial development in the relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth: a nonlinear approach. - review of pacific basin financial markets and policies. 1-32.
norlee ramli, abu hassan shaari md noor, tamat sarmidi, fathin faizah said, abdul hafizh mohd azam. (2019). modelling the volatility of rubber prices in asean-3. - international journal of business and society. 1-18.
wai weng yap, tamat sarmidi, abu hassan shaari, fathin faizah said. (2018). income inequality and shadow economy: a nonparametric and semiparametric analysis. - journal of economic studies. 2-13.
kabiru hannafi ibrahim, rossanto dwi handoyo, feliks dwi kristianto, deni kusumawardani, keichi ogawa, mohd azlan shah zaidi, angga erlando, tri haryanto, tamat sarmidi. (2024). exchange rate volatility and covid-19 effects on indonesia's food products' trade: symmetric and asymmetric approach. - heliyon. 1-28.
etty puji lestari, rossanto dwi handoyo, kabiru hannafi ibrahim, tri kurniawati retnaningsih, elok lita pradinda, tamat sarmidi, yessi rahmawati, deni kusumawardani, tri haryanto and angga erlando. (2024). small and medium industry export development strategy. - cogent business and management. 1-18.
nurhamizah rashid, abdul hafizh mohd azam, tamat sarmidi, naziatul aziah mohd radzi. (2024). asymmetric effect of market sentiment on banking: a nonlinear ardl approach. - jurnal ekonomi malaysia. 1-15.
rossanto dwi handoyo, kabiru hannafi ibrahim, nadia komaneci, deni kusumawardani, yessi rahmawati, tri haryanto, tamat sarmidi, keiichi ogawa, mohd azlan shah zaidi, widya sylviana, fernanda reza muhammad, angga erlando. (2024). effect of exchange rate volatility and covid-19 on indonesia-united states bilateral trade. - international journal of sustainable development and planning. 83-95.
rossanto dwi handoyo, kabiru hannafi ibrahim, lodi bagus rismawan, tri haryanto, angga erlando, tamat sarmidi, felicia vionita djayadi, mohd azlan shah zaidi, narayan sethi, widya sylviana. (2024). information communication technology and manufacturing industry exports based on technology intensity in oecd and non-oecd countries. - research in globalization. 1-12.
malik cahyadin, tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid, siong hook law. (2023). fiscal sustainability indicators: new evidence from developing and developed countries. - 1st international conference on development and innovation in agriculture (icdia) 2020 aip conference proceedings. 1-11.
abu hassan shaari md nor, tamat sarmidi , ehsan hosseinidoust. (2014). forecasting of palm oil price in malaysia using linear and nonlinear methods. - aip conference proceeding - statistics and operational research international conference (soric 2013). 138-152.
mohd salleh n.h., othman r., sarmidi t., darawi z.. (2011). a comparison of local community sustainability of livelihood: a case study in redang and tioman islands, malaysia. - 2011 ieee international summer conference of asia pacific business innovation and technology management, apbitm 2011; dalian. .
ruzita abdul rahim, adilah a. wahab, tamat sarmidi, nafisah mohammed. (2022). amalan lindung nilai dan kepentingannya kepada nilai syarikat : bukti dari malaysia. - . 134.
muhamad rias kv zainuddin, tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid. (2021). perkongsian ekonomi komprehensif serantau: halangan dan potensi perdagangan. - . 108.
tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid, muhamad rias k v zainuddin. (2021). management of sustainable palm oil: policies and environmental considerations. - . 12.
zafir khan mohamed makhbul, mohd helmi ali, tamat sarmidi. (2021). managing sustainable socio-economic palm oil. - . 169.
zafir mohd makhbul, mohd helmi ali, tamat sarmidi. (2021). managing sustainable socio-economic palm oil. - . 9.
zafir mohd makhbul, mohd helmi ali, tamat sarmidi. (2021). managing sustainable socio-economic palm oil. - . 9.
zafir mohd makhbul, norlin khalid, tamat sarmidi. (2021). management of sustainable palm oil: policies and environmental considerations. - . 11.
tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid, muhamad rias k v zainuddin. (2021). management of sustainable palm oil: policies and environmental considerations. - . 12.
nurhidayu rosli, tamat sarmidi. (2018). the middle east arc of crisis: political spin-off and developmental outcome. - . 20.
tamat sarmidi, siong-hook law dan norlida hanim mohd salleh. (2013). emerging markets and financial resilience. - . 38-50(3).
tamat sarmidi, norlida hanim mohd salleh, muhamad rias k v zainuddin. (2023). industri sawit pemacu kemakmuran ekonomi keluarga malaysia. - . 185.
ruzita abdul rahim, adilah a. wahab, tamat sarmidi, nafisah mohammed. (2022). amalan lindung nilai dan kepentingannya kepada nilai syarikat : bukti dari malaysia. - . 134.
muhamad rias kv zainuddin, tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid. (2021). perkongsian ekonomi komprehensif serantau: halangan dan potensi perdagangan. - . 108.
zafir khan mohamed makhbul, mohd helmi ali, tamat sarmidi. (2021). managing sustainable socio-economic palm oil. - . 169.
zafir khan mohamed makhbul, norlin khalid, tamat sarmidi. (2021). management of sustainable palm oil: policies and environmental considerations. - . 219.
tamat bin sarmidi;norlin binti khalid. (2024). interactive dashboard on non-tariff measures for palm oil sector. - . .
abdul hafizh bin mohd azam;tamat bin sarmidi. (2024). kesan faktor makroekonomi keatas ketidaksamarataan pendapatan. - . .
ruzita binti abdul rahim;tamat bin sarmidi;nafisah binti mohammed. (2023). kesan risiko mata wang asing, status patuh shariah dan amalan lindung nilai terhadap prestasi syarikat bukan kewangan di malaysia. - . .
muhammad faliq abd. razak, sufian jusoh, tamat sarmidi, ahmad rizal mohd yusof, andika ab. wahab, hariszuan jaharuddin. (2023). manufacturing-related services (mrs): definition, contribution, issues & challenges. - . 53.
abdul hafizh mohd azam, muhammad rias k.v. zainuddin, and tamat sarmidi. (2023). malaysia blue economy: position, initiatives, and challenges. - . 4.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
MANUFACTURING-RELATED SERVICES (MRS) : DEFINITION, CONTRIBUTION, ISSUES & CHALLENGES | kementerian pelaburan, perdagangan & industri (miti) | 85.2% (2023-06-30 sehingga 2025-06-30) |
WORLD BANK GROUP COUNTRY OPINION FOR MALAYSIA | world bank | 86.3% (2023-05-01 sehingga 2025-06-30) |