Riza Bin Sulaiman is a Professor in Visualization in the Institute of Visual Informatic, National University of Malaysia (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM). Before joining the academics, between 1990-1995, he had experienced working in the private sector (Engineering). He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, a MSc in Advanced Manufacturing Technology from the University of Portsmouth and B.Eng. (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Sunderland, United Kingdom. His research area are in Visualisation, CADCAM, Graphics and Image Recognition. He is also a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), United Kingdom, the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and the Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Malaysia Chapter and the Malaysia Society for Computer Tomography and Imaging Technology (MyCT).
abdul quadir md, dibyanshu jaiswal, senthilkumar mohan, nisreen innab, riza sulaiman, mohammed kbiri alaoui, ali ahmadian. (2024). a novel approach for self-driving car in partially observable environment using life long reinforcement learning. - sustainable energy, grids and networks. 1-12.
wydyanto wydyanto, norshita mat nayan, riza sulaiman , deshinta arrova dewi, tri basuki kurniawan. (2024). a hybrid approach to detect and identify text in picture. - emerging science journal. 218-238.
thirumalai nallasivan parthasarathy, samayan narayanamoorthy, riza sulaiman, amir mohamed elamir, ali ahmadian, daekook kang. (2024). an end-to-end categorizing strategy for green energy sources: picture q-rung orthopair fuzzy exprom-ii: mada approach. - sustainable energy technologies and assessments (seta). 1-11.
lee thian seng, paul gardner-stephen, nazlena mohamad ali, riza sulaiman.. (2024). exploring the role of wi-fi direct's service discovery protocol in forming wireless collaboration networks: a scoping review. - journal of advanced research in applied sciences and engineering technology. 204-230.
riza sulaiman. (2023). sensordat : sistem pemantauan penderia. - dewan kosmik. 14-15.
abdul quadir md, dibyanshu jaiswal, senthilkumar mohan, nisreen innab, riza sulaiman, mohammed kbiri alaoui, ali ahmadian. (2024). a novel approach for self-driving car in partially observable environment using life long reinforcement learning. - sustainable energy, grids and networks. 1-12.
thirumalai nallasivan parthasarathy, samayan narayanamoorthy, riza sulaiman, amir mohamed elamir, ali ahmadian, daekook kang. (2024). an end-to-end categorizing strategy for green energy sources: picture q-rung orthopair fuzzy exprom-ii: mada approach. - sustainable energy technologies and assessments (seta). 1-11.
emil nafan, riza sulaiman, nazlena mohamad ali. (2023). optimization of trash identification on the house compound using a convolutional neural network (cnn) and sensor system. - sensor. 1-23.
changyuan sun, jingjing li, riza sulaiman, badr s. alotaibi, samia elattar, mohammed abuhussai. (2023). air quality prediction and multi-task offloading based on deep learning methods in edge computing. - journal of grid computing. 1-16.
mingye li, haiwei lie, huan guo, riza sulaiman, wejdan deebani, mesyal shutaywi. (2023). effiecient data offloading using markovian decision on state reward action in edge computing. - journal of grid computing. 1-14.
manal a. mizher, riza sulaiman, ayman m. abdalla, manar a. mizher. (2019). an improved simple flexible cryptosystem for textured 3d objects with texture map and images. - journal of information security and applications. 390-409.
manal a.mizher, riza sulaiman, ayman m.abdalla, manar a.mizher. (2019). an improved simple flexible cryptosystem for 3d objects with texture maps and 2d images. - journal of information security and applications. 390-409.
lutfun nahar, azizah jaafar, riza sulaiman. (2019). usability evaluation of a mobile phone based braille learning application mbraille. - malaysian journal of computer science. 108-117.
lee thian seng, riza sulaiman. (2019). preliminary analysis of wireless collaborative network on mobile devices. - journal of information and communication technology. 327-343.
riza sulaiman, azrulhizam shapi`i, mohammad khatim hasan, anton satria prabuwono, abdul yazid mohd kassim, hamzaini abd. hamid. (2011). reka bentuk implan sendi pinggul dan penggunaannya dalam persekitaran digital. - sains malaysiana. 40(11): 1307-1312.
abdul quadir md, dibyanshu jaiswal, senthilkumar mohan, nisreen innab, riza sulaiman, mohammed kbiri alaoui, ali ahmadian. (2024). a novel approach for self-driving car in partially observable environment using life long reinforcement learning. - sustainable energy, grids and networks. 1-12.
wydyanto wydyanto, norshita mat nayan, riza sulaiman , deshinta arrova dewi, tri basuki kurniawan. (2024). a hybrid approach to detect and identify text in picture. - emerging science journal. 218-238.
thirumalai nallasivan parthasarathy, samayan narayanamoorthy, riza sulaiman, amir mohamed elamir, ali ahmadian, daekook kang. (2024). an end-to-end categorizing strategy for green energy sources: picture q-rung orthopair fuzzy exprom-ii: mada approach. - sustainable energy technologies and assessments (seta). 1-11.
lee thian seng, paul gardner-stephen, nazlena mohamad ali, riza sulaiman.. (2024). exploring the role of wi-fi direct's service discovery protocol in forming wireless collaboration networks: a scoping review. - journal of advanced research in applied sciences and engineering technology. 204-230.
changyuan sun, jingjing li, riza sulaiman, badr s. alotaibi, samia elattar, mohammed abuhussai. (2023). air quality prediction and multi-task offloading based on deep learning methods in edge computing. - journal of grid computing. 1-16.
ali hassan, mansoor abdullateef, riza sulaiman, hasan kahtan. (2021). user centric explanations: a breakthrough for explainable models. - 2021 international conference of information technology (icit 2021). 702-707.
jamal hussein, mansoor abdullateef, riza sulaiman, hasan kahtan.. (2021). revisiting knowledge transfer for success enterprise system project. - 2021 international conference on information technology (icit 2021). 499-505.
wydyanto, norshita mat nayan, riza sulaiman. (2019). preliminary simulation of robot on script detection from camera images. - advances in visual informatics 6th international visual informatics conference, ivic 2019 bangi, malaysia, november 19-21, 2019 proceedings. 343-358.
halimah b.z., azlina a., aliimran n., hamidah y., a. aliza, m. c. ang, n. azwan s., s. riza, c. m. normazidah, j. azizah,w. wahiza.m. a. nazlena,k. fauzanita,n. puteri nor ellyza,h. baharin,i. mohamad taha,a. k. rabiah,m. n. norshita, ummul, ely salwana. (2019). computational thinking (ct) problem solving orientation based on logic-decomposition-abstraction (lda) by rural elementary school children using visual-based presentations. - advances in visual informaticss, 6th international visual informatics conference 2019. 713-728.
lutfun nahar, azizah jaafar & riza sulaiman. (2017). mathematic education and accessible technologies for visually impaired students in bangladesh. - advances in visual informatics. .
halimah badioze zaman, azlina ahmad, ali imran n., hanif bahrin, hamidah yamat@ ahmad, puteri nor ellyza, n., ang, m.c., aliza, a., azwan shaiza, n., riza s., normazidah c.m., azizah, j., wahiza, w. nazlena, m.a., fauzanita k., mohamad taha, i., rabiah,. (2020). teknologi fusion dan pemikiran komputasional bagi kesediaan data terbuka. - . 264.
riza sulaiman, anton satria prabuwono.. (2012). asas pembuatan berbantukan komputer. - . 116.
anton satria prabuwono, samsi md said, m.a. burhanuddin, riza sulaiman. (2010). robot manipulators, trends and development.. - . 377-398 (17).
r. sulaiman, m.a. al-jabbar, a. ahmadian, a. m. a. abdalla. (2022). soft computing approach for mathematical modeling of engineering problems. - . 222.
hamzaini abdul hamid, riza sulaiman, fathinul fikri ahmad saad. (2021). highlights on medicine and medical research. - . 8.
halimah badioze zaman, azlina ahmad, ali imran n., hanif bahrin, hamidah yamat@ ahmad, puteri nor ellyza, n., ang, m.c., aliza, a., azwan shaiza, n., riza s., normazidah c.m., azizah, j., wahiza, w. nazlena, m.a., fauzanita k., mohamad taha, i., rabiah,. (2020). teknologi fusion dan pemikiran komputasional bagi kesediaan data terbuka. - . 264.
riza sulaiman, zeinab fardkakaie, azadeh noori hoshyar. (2019). sustainable smart technologies in visual informatics in the fourth industrial revolution for societal well being. - . 23.
anton satria prabuwono, samsi md said, m.a. burhanuddin, riza sulaiman. (2010). robot manipulators, trends and development.. - . 377-398 (17).
halimah badioze zaman, azlina ahmad, azizah jaafar, nazlena mohamad ali, ang mei choo, riza sulaiman. (2012). pelan strategik 2013-2018. - . 150.
riza sulaiman, anton satria prabuwono.. (2012). asas pembuatan berbantukan komputer. - . 116.
riza sulaiman, syaimak abdul shukor, nur fazidah elias.. (2011). informatik industri: siri penyelidikan icomp.. - . 140.
mohammad nazir bin ahmad @ sharif;riza bin sulaiman. (2023). pembangunan dan pengembangan sistem ”smartbin” berintegrasi untuk kerajaan negeri terengganu – ”smartbin @ 1t”. - . .
rabiah abdul kadir, mohammad nazir bin ahmad@sharif, riza sulaiman, b. m. badrun. (2023). optimizing agricultural practices with artificial intelligence algorithm to predict crop fertilizer and water needs. - international expert summit on artificial intelligence and robotic technology. 1-3.
mohammad nazir bin ahmad @ sharif;riza bin sulaiman. (2023). an investigation of critical success factors on applying online exams during covid-19 pandemic: a case study at majlis peperiksaan malaysia (mpm). - . .
riza sulaiman, sulaiman shamsuri.. (2023). keberkesanan doktrin in loco parentis. - dewan masyarakat, dbp. 32-35.
riza sulaiman. (2023). sensordat : sistem pemantauan penderia. - dewan kosmik. 14-15.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
INOVASI PEMBANGUNAN SISTEM LETAK KERETA PINTAR "KEMAMAN PARK (K-PARK)" MAJLIS PERBANDARAN KEMAMAN | majlis perbandaran kemaman | 84.2% (2023-03-01 sehingga 2025-06-30) |
AI-DRIVEN SMART VENDING MACHINE USING FACE AND IDENTIFICATION (ID) RECOGNITION | powernow asia sdn bhd | 3.2% (2025-01-23 sehingga 2027-01-22) |