pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian pembangunan inklusif & lestari (sid)
Dr Mariani Abdul-Majid is an associate professor in the Sustainable and Inclusive Development Center, Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She received both her Bachelor of Economics and Masters of Economics from International Islamic University Malaysia. She obtained her PhD from Aston University, United Kingdom. Her research and teaching experience is mainly in Islamic banking and finance, financial economics, and microeconomics. Many of her papers have been published in refereed academic journals such as Journal of Productivity Analysis, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Applied Economics, and Services Industries Journal. She has papers published as chapters in book.
She has supervised several doctoral thesis at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and acted as external examiners for several dissertations. She is the chief editor of Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia (SCOPUS).
mariani abdul-majid, siti aisyah zahari, norfaizah othman, suhaila nadzri. (2024). influence of technology adoption on farmers` well being: systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. - heliyon. 1-16.
mariani binti abd majid. (2023). developing a new maqasid-based integrated economic well-being model of smallholders in palm oil industry. - . .
mariani abdul-majid, norfaizah othman, suhaila nadzri. (2023). industri sawit pemacu kemakmuran ekonomi keluarga malaysia. - . 13.
amelia nur natasha nazeri, shifa mohd nor, aisyah abdul-rahman, mariani abdul-majid, siti ngayesah ab hamid. (2023). exploration of a new zakat management system empowered by blockchain technology in malaysia. - isra international journal of islamic finance. 127-147.
ahmad monir abdullah, hishamuddin abdul wahab, abul mansur mohammed masih, mariani abdul majid, wai-yan wong. (2023). the co-movement of china and us stock indices: a portfolio diversification analysis. - journal of international studies. 1-35.
mariani abdul-majid, siti aisyah zahari, norfaizah othman, suhaila nadzri. (2024). influence of technology adoption on farmers` well being: systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. - heliyon. 1-16.
norfaizah othman; mariani abdul-majid; aisyah abdul-rahman. (2023). equity financing and islamic bank stability: evidence from malaysia and indonesia. - international journal of islamic and middle eastern finance and management. 1248-1268.
dung viet tran, m. kabir hassan, ahmed w. alam, luca pezzo, mariani abdul-majid. (2021). economic policy uncertainty, agency problems, and funding structure: evidence from us banking industry. - research in international business and finance. 1-16.
mariani abdul-majid; david s. saal; giuliana battisti. (2010). efficiency in islamic and conventional banking: an international comparison. - journal of productivity analysis. 25-43.
syed munawar-shah, mariani abdul-majid, zulkefly abdul karim. (2019). debt-oriented capital structure and economic growth: a panel evidence for oecd countries. - european review. 519-542.
aisyah abdul-rahman, mariani abdul-majid, nurul fatihah khair johari. (2019). equity-based financing and liquidity risk: an insights from malaysia and indonesia. - international journal of economics, management, and accounting. 291-313.
anowar zahid, md habib alam, hasani mohd ali, salawati mat basir, mariani abd majid. (2018). in quest of a case law e-repository for asean economic community with particular reference to legal harmonization of electronic commerce. - international journal of business and society. .
norfaizah othman; mariani abdul majid; aisyah abdul rahman. (2017). partnership financing and bank efficiency. - pacific-basin finance journal. 1-13.
mariani abdul-majid; manizheh falahaty; mansor jusoha. (2017). performance of islamic and conventional banks: a meta-frontier approach. - research in international business and finance. 1327-1335.
mariani abdul-majid, siti aisyah zahari, norfaizah othman, suhaila nadzri. (2024). influence of technology adoption on farmers` well being: systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. - heliyon. 1-16.
qamar uz zaman, waheed akhter, mariani abdul-majid, s. iftikhar ul hassan, muhammad fahad anwar. (2023). does bank affiliation affect firm capital structure? evidence from a financial crisis. - journal of economic and administrative sciences. 150-174.
ahmad monir abdullah, hishamuddin abdul wahab, abul mansur mohammed masih, mariani abdul majid, wai-yan wong. (2023). the co-movement of china and us stock indices: a portfolio diversification analysis. - journal of international studies. 1-35.
norfaizah othman; mariani abdul-majid; aisyah abdul-rahman. (2023). equity financing and islamic bank stability: evidence from malaysia and indonesia. - international journal of islamic and middle eastern finance and management. 1248-1268.
amelia nur natasha nazeri, shifa mohd nor, aisyah abdul-rahman, mariani abdul-majid, siti ngayesah ab hamid. (2023). exploration of a new zakat management system empowered by blockchain technology in malaysia. - isra international journal of islamic finance. 127-147.
suriati jamalludin, norleyza jailani, shofian ahmad, salha abdullah, muriati mukhtar, marini abu bakar, mariani abdul majid, mohd rosmadi mokhtar, zuraidah abdullah. (2011). a syariah compliant e-auction framework. - proceedings of the 3rd international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei 2011), bandung, indonesia. .
mariani abdul-majid, norfaizah othman, suhaila nadzri. (2023). industri sawit pemacu kemakmuran ekonomi keluarga malaysia. - . 13.
mustazar mansur, mariani abdul majid, zulkefly abdul karim, doris padmini s.selvaratnam,fathin faizah said,lai wei sieng,norshamliza chamhuri,nafisah mohammed,riayati ahmad,azmafazilah jauhari, mohd azlan shah zaidi, mohd adib ismail, hazrul izuan shahiri. (2022). mikroekonomi. - . 182.
siti atirah zakaria, nurul wafa mohd bohari, mariani abdul majid. (2021). bank performance and financial technology- towards financial inclusiveness. - . 13.
mariani abdul-majid, norfaizah othman, syed munawar shah. (2021). bank performance & financial technology: towards financial inclusiveness. - . 12.
hanisah mohd sobre, mariani abdul-majid, shifa mohd nor. (2021). bank performance and financial technology: towards financial inclusiveness. - . 133.
mariani abdul-majid, norfaizah othman, suhaila nadzri. (2023). industri sawit pemacu kemakmuran ekonomi keluarga malaysia. - . 13.
siti najihah noory, mariani abdul majid, syed munawar shah. (2021). bank performance & financial technology: towards financial inclusiveness. - . 14.
mariani abdul-majid, norfaizah othman, syed munawar shah. (2021). bank performance & financial technology: towards financial inclusiveness. - . 12.
hanisah mohd sobre, mariani abdul-majid, shifa mohd nor. (2021). bank performance and financial technology: towards financial inclusiveness. - . 133.
nurul syazwani, muhammad saifudin, mariani abdul majid, mohd aseel shokr. (2021). bank performance and financial technology: towards financial inclusiveness. - . 15.
mustazar mansur, mariani abdul majid, zulkefly abdul karim, doris padmini s.selvaratnam,fathin faizah said,lai wei sieng,norshamliza chamhuri,nafisah mohammed,riayati ahmad,azmafazilah jauhari, mohd azlan shah zaidi, mohd adib ismail, hazrul izuan shahiri. (2022). mikroekonomi. - . 182.
norfaizah othman, mariani abdul-majid, aisyah abdul-rahman. (2021). financial crises, bank efficiency and bank stability. - . 105.
mariani abdul majid, syed munawar shah, norfaizah othman. (2021). bank performance and financial technology towards financial inclusiveness. - . 133.
syed munawar shah, mariani abdul-majid. (2020). debt-bias corporatetax system: issues, consequences and solution. - . 99.
mohd fahmee ab hamid, aisyah abdul-rahman, mariani abdul-majid, hawati janor. (2020). bank market risk, efficiency and financial crisis in asia-pacific region. - . 105.
mariani binti abd majid. (2023). developing a new maqasid-based integrated economic well-being model of smallholders in palm oil industry. - . .
mariani binti abd majid;nor asiah binti omar. (2022). the intention to use internet banking between islamic and conventional bank consumers. - . .
mariani abdul-majid. (2022). closing remark global labor organisation - jurnal ekonomi malaysia conference session. - the global labor organisation (glo) global conference: glo - jurnal ekonomi malaysia conference session. 1-5.
mohammed r. m. salem, mariani abdul-majid, shahida shahimi. (2022). a comprehensive analysis of fintech: a bibliometric approach. - 6th islamic finance, banking & business ethics global conference 14th international conference on islamic economics & finance. 1-38.
aisyah binti abdul rahman;hawati binti janor;mariani binti abd majid;syajarul imna binti mohd amin. (2021). bank efficiency: a new factor in the liquidity risk management framework. - . .
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