pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian diagnostik, teraputik & penyiasatan (codtis)
Assoc. Prof Dr Khairul Osman is a Biomedical Scientist graduate from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He specializes in microscopy imaging with an emphasis on live-cell imaging. Currently, his work is focused on capturing the various activities happening on moving sperm. He and his team have managed to visualized calcium spike, mitochondrial membrane
potential, pH changes, reactive oxygen species spikes in 1/3 sperm tail, and kinematics of sperm movements. Apart from live-cell visualization, he has managed to identify sperms which had gone capacitation, identify sperm with severe DNA damage, recognised sperm DNA maturation states and status of individual sperm viability. He has numerous copyrights under his name.
His in-depth understanding in biomedical science, his training in forensic education from John Hopkins University and certification in forensic investigation (CEH, CEFI) has allowed him to conducts numerous crime scene investigation consultations and training for local and international enforcement agencies. Due to his close relationship with the forensic education community. and his expertise in data mining, he is frequently called by private companies to help develop STEM programs for targeted populations.
chialeexian chelladurai, hamzah noor hazfalinda, gabriel gina francesca, khairunnisa zaidan, khairul osman. (2024). quality assessment of alternative patent fingerprint method using alcohol gel and thermal paper. - jurnal sains kesihatan malaysia. 13-22.
noor hazfalinda hamzah, khairul osman, khairunnisa aliah abdullah faizal. (2024). pemilikan senjata api di malaysia edisi kedua. - . 141.
mohd fahmi bin ghazali;khairul bin osman;wong wai yan. (2024). new measures of performance index of academicians. - . .
siti fatimah ibrahim, nur syahmimi nadwa binti mohd isa, vivaashiny a/p balakrishnan, khairul osman, jalifah binti latip, seri mirianti ishar, rus dina rus din. (2024). pembangunan protokol sampel-prep untuk urin yang mengandungi metabolik dadah nps. - . 1-64.
farah hanan fathihah binti jaffar;khairul bin osman;siti fatimah binti ibrahim. (2024). elucidating the effect of wi-fi exposure on the kisspeptin and the hormones in hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis and its subsequent impact on spermatogenesis outcome in male sprague dawley rats.. - . .
nur hilwani, ibrahim siti fatimah, mokhtar mohd helmy, yahaya azyani, zulkefli aini farzana, ankasha sheril june, osman khairul. (2023). modulation of vulvovaginal atrophy (vva) by gelam honey in bilateral oophorectomized rats. - frontiers in endocrinology. 1-13.
jaffar farah hanan fathihah, osman khairul, hui chua kien, zulkefli aini farzana, ibrahim siti fatimah. (2022). long term wi-fi exposure from pre-pubertal to adult age on the spermatogonia proliferation and protective effects of edible bird's nest supplementation. - frontiers in physiology. 199-209.
maluin sofwatul mokhtarah, osman khairul, jaffar farah hanan fathihah, ibrahim siti fatimah. (2021). effect of radiation emitted by wireless devices on male reproductive hormones: a systematic review. - frontiers in physiology. 1-8.
farah hanan fathihah jaffar, khairul osman, chua kien hui, aini farzana zulkefli and siti fatimah ibrahim. (2021). edible bird's nest supplementation improves male reproductive parameters of sprague dawley rat. - frontiers in pharmacology. 1-6.
farah hanan fathihah jaffar, khairul osman, chua kien hui, aini farzana zulkefli and siti fatimah ibrahim. (2021). edible bird's nest supplementation improves male reproductive parameters of sprague dawley rats. - frontiers in pharmacology. 21-26.
nurul atiqah azhar, khairul osman, farah hanan fathihah jaffar, chua kien hui, farisyam mat ros, aini farzana zulkefli, siti fatimah ibrahim. (2024). effect of edible bird nest supplementation against busulfan-induced oligospermia in adult rats. - sains malaysiana. 1219-1234.
noor hazfalinda hamzah, mohd faizal abdul rahman, gina francesca gabriel & khairul osman. (2022). detection vapour of nitrate fertiliser based explosives on transportation of nitrates during shipping using diphenylamine-calorimeter optic device. - sains malaysiana. 2955-2966.
farah dayana rosli, noor hashida hashim, yusmin mohd yusuf, khairul osman, siti fatimah ibrahim, nurul kabir. (2019). thymoquinone enhances sperm dna integrity in nicotine-induced infertile male rats. - tropical journal of pharmaceutical research. 1219-1225.
farah dayana rosli, noor hashida hashim, khairul osman, siti fatimah ibrahim, nurul kabir.. (2019). ameliorative effects of thymoquinone on sperm parameters and testosterone level of nicotine-treated sprague dawley rats. - brazilian archives of biology and technology. 1-11.
farah hanan fathihah jaffar, khairul osman, nur hilwani ismail, kok-yong chin and siti fatimah ibrahim. (2019). adverse effects of wi-fi radiation on male reproductive system: a systematic review. - tohoku journal of experimental medicine. 169-179.
nurul atiqah azhar, khairul osman, farah hanan fathihah jaffar, chua kien hui, farisyam mat ros, aini farzana zulkefli, siti fatimah ibrahim. (2024). effect of edible bird nest supplementation against busulfan-induced oligospermia in adult rats. - sains malaysiana. 1219-1234.
nur hilwani, ibrahim siti fatimah, mokhtar mohd helmy, yahaya azyani, zulkefli aini farzana, ankasha sheril june, osman khairul. (2023). modulation of vulvovaginal atrophy (vva) by gelam honey in bilateral oophorectomized rats. - frontiers in endocrinology. 1-13.
mohd najib sam, glenna tan jie yee, noor hazfalinda hamzah, mohd zulkarnain embi, ahmad zamri md rejab, gina francesca gabriel, khairul osman. (2023). effects of shooting angles and ricochet angles on bullet weight upon impact on three types of woods (balau, resak, and seraya). - pertanika journal of science & technology. 1475-1491.
jaffar farah hanan fathihah, osman khairul, hui chua kien, zulkefli aini farzana, ibrahim siti fatimah. (2022). long term wi-fi exposure from pre-pubertal to adult age on the spermatogonia proliferation and protective effects of edible bird's nest supplementation. - frontiers in physiology. 199-209.
noor hazfalinda hamzah, mohd faizal abdul rahman, gina francesca gabriel & khairul osman. (2022). detection vapour of nitrate fertiliser based explosives on transportation of nitrates during shipping using diphenylamine-calorimeter optic device. - sains malaysiana. 2955-2966.
choong-yeun liong, loong-chuen lee, khairul osman, and abdul aziz jemain. (2016). genetic algorithms for wavenumber selection in forensic differentiation of paper by linear discriminant analysis. - aip conference proceedings / johor bahru, malaysia. 1-7.
loong-chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, khairul osman, and abdul aziz jemain. (2016). effects of scatter-correction pre-processing methods and spectral derivative algorithms on forensic classification of paper. - aip conference proceedings / johor bahru, malaysia. 1-9.
loong-chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, khairul osman, and abdul aziz jemain. (2016). forensic differentiation of paper by atr-ftir spectroscopy technique and partial least squares-discriminant analysis (pls-da). - aip conference proceedings / johor bahru, malaysia. 1-7.
loong-chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, khairul osman, and abdul aziz jemain. (2016). comparison of several variants of principal component analysis (pca) on forensic analysis of paper based on ir spectrum. - aip conference proceedings / johor bahru, malaysia. 1-7.
noor hazfalinda hamzah, khairul osman, khairunnisa aliah abdullah faizal. (2024). pemilikan senjata api di malaysia edisi kedua. - . 141.
farah hanan fathihah jaffar, siti fatimah ibrahim, khairul osman, chua kien hui. (2023). wi-fi dan sistem pembiakan lelaki: pencegahan menggunakan sarang burung walit. - . 167.
nur azwa azman, noor hazfalinda hamzah, khairul osman & gina francesca gabriel. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 6.
khairul osman, glenna tan jie yee, najib sam, gina francesca gabriel & noor hazfalinda hamzah. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 4.
noor hazfalinda hamzah, goh yee ze, khairul osman, gina francesca gabriel, seri mirianti ishar, rus dina rus din & nur mahiza md isa. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 6.
khairul osman, glenna tan jie yee, najib sam, gina francesca gabriel & noor hazfalinda hamzah. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 4.
noor hazfalinda hamzah, darishini manimaran, khairul osman, gina francesca gabriel, seri mirianti ishar & rus dina rus din. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 5.
nur azwa azman, noor hazfalinda hamzah, khairul osman & gina francesca gabriel. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 6.
noor hazfalinda hamzah, goh yee ze, khairul osman, gina francesca gabriel, seri mirianti ishar, rus dina rus din & nur mahiza md isa. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 6.
noor hazfalinda hamzah, khairul osman, khairunnisa aliah abdullah faizal. (2024). pemilikan senjata api di malaysia edisi kedua. - . 141.
farah hanan fathihah jaffar, siti fatimah ibrahim, khairul osman, chua kien hui. (2023). wi-fi dan sistem pembiakan lelaki: pencegahan menggunakan sarang burung walit. - . 167.
khairul osman, noor hazfalinda hamzah, gina francesca gabriel, amidon anan. (2022). a partial crime scene reconstruction of muhammad adib and aminulrasyid amzah death. - . 101.
ahmad rohi g, anisah n, asmah h, mahanem mn, hassan md, mohd hafiz s, john shia ks, kamisah y, khairul o, low kc, mohd hanafi ad, norazrina a, nur azlina mf, siti balkis b, siti fatimah i, tay st, vivian jg, zamirah za, chen hc. (2022). universiti kebangsaan malaysia ethical principles and guidelines on the use of laboratory animals. - . 93.
gina francesca gabriel, khairul osman, noor hazfalinda hamzah. (2022). in the line of fire: fire debris analysis in a forensic setting. - . 143.
mohd fahmi bin ghazali;khairul bin osman;wong wai yan. (2024). new measures of performance index of academicians. - . .
farah hanan fathihah binti jaffar;khairul bin osman;siti fatimah binti ibrahim. (2024). elucidating the effect of wi-fi exposure on the kisspeptin and the hormones in hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis and its subsequent impact on spermatogenesis outcome in male sprague dawley rats.. - . .
siti fatimah ibrahim, nur syahmimi nadwa binti mohd isa, vivaashiny a/p balakrishnan, khairul osman, jalifah binti latip, seri mirianti ishar, rus dina rus din. (2024). pembangunan protokol sampel-prep untuk urin yang mengandungi metabolik dadah nps. - . 1-64.
noor hazfalinda binti hamzah;khairul bin osman;seri mirianti binti ishar;gina francesca gabriel;rus dina binti rus din. (2023). pembinaan satu model baharu (modelling) untuk mengesan tembakan peluru menggunakan pistol tangan dan 9mm peluru ke atas struktur kayu. - . .
seri mirianti binti ishar;khairul bin osman;noor hazfalinda binti hamzah;rus dina binti rus din. (2023). determination of mtdna variants using allele specific pcr for human identification. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
KESAN KETOKSIKAN BAHAN PSIKOAKTIF BAHARU (NPS) TERPILIH TERHADAP ORGAN UTAMA FUNGSI TUBUH | jabatan siasatan jenayah narkotik, polis diraja malaysia | 14.8% (2024-10-01 sehingga 2027-09-30) |
PEMBANGUNAN DAN PENGOPERASIAN PANGKALAN DATA FORENSIK MOLEKUL NPS | jabatan siasatan jenayah narkotik, polis diraja malaysia | 43% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2026-12-31) |
PENCIRIAN SEBATIAN AKTIF (TERMASUK NPS) TERKAIT DENGAN PENYALAHGUNAAN BAHAN | jabatan siasatan jenayah narkotik, polis diraja malaysia | 44.2% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2026-11-30) |
PEMBANGUNAN PROSEDUR PENGENALPASTIAN DAN PENCIRIAN BAGI PENJEJAKAN FORENSIK ASAL USUL DADAH NPS | jabatan siasatan jenayah narkotik, polis diraja malaysia | 39.8% (2024-01-01 sehingga 2026-12-31) |