pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian penciptaan nilai & kesejahteraan insan (insan)
Dr. Nor Liza has more than 20 years of experience in teaching and is an associate
professor in the Faculty of Economics and Management, UKM since 1997. Prior to this,
Dr. Nor Liza was a certified trainer in Malaysian Productivity Center and later joined
UiTM, Segamat Johor as an economics lecturer. Dr. Nor Liza obtained her Bachelor of
Economics degree from the International Islamic University and MBA from UKM. She
obtained her PhD from University Malaya in the area of Strategic Management. Besides
strategic management, her research interest covers the area of entrepreneurship,
knowledge management and organizational learning. She has completed Postgraduate
Diploma in Entrepreneurship from Cambridge University, United Kingdom under the
Ministry of Higher Education program to strengthen entrepreneurship
education in higher education institutions. She has received several academic
excellence awards during her studies, such as Harvard Alumni Gold Medal Award,
Perbadanan Nasional Berhad Award and Standard Chartered Award. She has led a
number of research projects in the area of knowledge management and strategy. She is also an active consultant and trainer, and has led projects commissioned by MDEC, SKMM and several other government agencies.
nor liza abdullah, mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nor syamaliah ngah, khoo yin yin, suzyanty mohd shokory, dayang rafidah syariff m. fuad, azita yonus. (2024). an integrated framework of online learning effectiveness in institutions of higher learning. - european journal of educational research. 1321-1333.
nor liza bt abdullah;zaleha binti yazid. (2024). the effectiveness of online assessment in promoting quality in undergraduate programs in ihl for hybrid learning. - . .
nor liza bt. abdullah;noradiva bt. hamzah;rosmah bt. mat isa;rasidah binti arshad;liew chei siang;noor azuan binti hashim;hazrul izuan bin shahiri. (2024). a new framework for human capital mobility: brain gain from professional expatriates in malaysia. - . .
zaleha binti yazid;nor liza bt. abdullah. (2024). exploring the differences of digital learning experiences between local and international students in higher learning institutions. - . .
nor liza bt. abdullah;mohd radzuan bin rahid;nur sa`adah binti muhamad. (2023). developing youth identity through social entrepreneurship. - . .
mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nurul ashykin abd aziz, nor liza abdullah, norsamsinar samsudin, gurcharanjit singh veer singh, thuraiya zakaria, nursyazwani mohd fuzi, sharon yong yee ong. (2022). smes performance in malaysia: the role of contextual ambidexterity in innovation culture and performance. - sustainability. 1-18.
veknesh arumugam, ismail abdullah, irwan syah md yusoff, nor liza abdullah, ramli mohd tahir, ahadi mohd nasir, ammar ehsan omar and muhammad heikal ismail. (2021). the impact of covid 19 on solid waste generation in the perspectives of socioeconomic and people's behavior: a case study in serdang, malaysia. - sustainability. 1-11.
nor syamaliah ngah, nor liza abdullah, norazah mohd suki. (2021). servant leadership, volunteer retention, and organizational citizenship behavior in nonprofit organizations: examining the mediating role of job satisfaction. - nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly. 1-23.
nor asiah omar, nor liza abdullah, zuraidah zainol, muhamad azrin nazri. (2021). consumers responsiveness towards contaminated canned sardine in malaysia: does perceived severity matter. - food control. 1-9.
nor syamaliah ngah, nor liza abdullah, norazah mohd suki, mohd ariff kasim. (2023). does servant leadership affect organisational citizenship behaviour? mediating role of affective commitment and moderating role of role identity of young volunteers in non-profit organisations. - leadership & organization development journal. 681-701.
yunia wardi, perengki susanto, abror abror, nor liza abdullah. (2018). impact of entrepreneurial proclivity on firm performance: the role of market and technology turbulence. - pertanika journal of social sciences and humanities. .
farzana quoquab, jihad mohammad, norjaya md. yasin, nor liza abdullah. (2018). antecedents of switching intention in the mobile telecommunications industry: a partial least square approach. - asia pacific journal of marketing and logistics. .
nor liza abdullah, mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nor syamaliah ngah, khoo yin yin, suzyanty mohd shokory, dayang rafidah syariff m. fuad, azita yonus. (2024). an integrated framework of online learning effectiveness in institutions of higher learning. - european journal of educational research. 1321-1333.
nor syamaliah ngah, nor liza abdullah, norazah mohd suki, mohd ariff kasim. (2023). does servant leadership affect organisational citizenship behaviour? mediating role of affective commitment and moderating role of role identity of young volunteers in non-profit organisations. - leadership & organization development journal. 681-701.
perengki susanto, mohammad enamul hoque, najeeb ullah shah, andel hopi candra, nik mohd hazrul nik hashim, nor liza abdullah. (2023). entrepreneurial orientation and performance of smes: the roles of marketing capabilities and social media usage. - journal of entrepreneurship in emerging economies. 379-403.
mohd nuruddin zanky, hamizah abd hamid, norliza abdullah, mohd hizam hanafiah. (2023). poverty alleviation through entrepreneurship: a systematic review. - malaysian journal of educational management. 1-22.
nor syamaliah ngah, nor liza abdullah, mohamad rohieszan ramdan, zaleha yazid, norhafizah abu hasan. (2022). kesan kepimpinan kebaktian terhadap tingkah laku kewarganegaraan organisasi: komitmen organisasi sebagai pengantara. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-17.
nor liza abdullah, abdul latif salleh. (2011). to continue prospecting: performance implications of combinative capabilities and explorative learning. - 7th international strategic management conference; paris. .
nor liza abdullah, mohd radzuan rahid, nur saadah muhamad, nor syamaliah ngah. (2022). social entrepreneurs:developments in corporate governance and responsibility. - . 18.
nor liza abdullah, nor syamaliah ngah, mohamad rohieszan ramdan. (2022). green human resource management. - . 16.
rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah. (2021). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . 159.
rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah. (2021). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . 12.
nor liza abdullah. (2021). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . 19.
nor liza abdullah, mohd radzuan rahid, nur saadah muhamad, nor syamaliah ngah. (2022). social entrepreneurs:developments in corporate governance and responsibility. - . 18.
nor liza abdullah, nor syamaliah ngah, mohamad rohieszan ramdan. (2022). green human resource management. - . 16.
nor liza abdullah, perengki susanto. (2021). leadership in a wave of change. - . 16.
nor liza abdullah, zizah che senik, farhana sidek. (2021). pengurusan enterprise kecil dan sederhana. - . 26.
rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah. (2021). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . 12.
rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah. (2021). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . 159.
zafir khan mohamed makhbul, nor liza abdullah, fazilah mohamad hasun. (2020). impak covid-19 terhadap insan. - . 194.
ruzita abdul rahim, nor liza abdullah, hawati janor, noreha halid dan nor asiah omar (penyunting). (2009). buku abstrak business management seminar 2009. - buku abstrak business management seminar 2009. .
hamdan ariffin, nor liza abdullah, abdullah sanusi othman, jumaat abd.moen. (2000). perniagaan antarabangsa. - . -.
nor liza bt abdullah;zaleha binti yazid. (2024). the effectiveness of online assessment in promoting quality in undergraduate programs in ihl for hybrid learning. - . .
zaleha binti yazid;nor liza bt. abdullah. (2024). exploring the differences of digital learning experiences between local and international students in higher learning institutions. - . .
nor liza bt. abdullah;noradiva bt. hamzah;rosmah bt. mat isa;rasidah binti arshad;liew chei siang;noor azuan binti hashim;hazrul izuan bin shahiri. (2024). a new framework for human capital mobility: brain gain from professional expatriates in malaysia. - . .
nor liza bt. abdullah;mohd radzuan bin rahid;nur sa`adah binti muhamad. (2023). developing youth identity through social entrepreneurship. - . .
nor liza bt. abdullah;hazrul izuan bin shahiri. (2023). the awareness and economic impacts of geospatial information and technologies application in malaysian palm oil industry. - . .
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