pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian rehabilitasi & keperluan khas (icarehab)
Nashrah Maamor menerima latihan awal dalam bidang Audiologi di UKM. Beliau memperoleh ijazah sarjana dari University of Manchester, United Kingdom dan The University of Western Australia dengan melakukan penyelidikan dalam bidang neurofisiologi pendengaran dan pemprosesan auditori pusat. Pada tahun 2013, beliau menjadi felo penyelidik di The National Centre for Rehabilitative Auditory Research (NCRAR), Portland Oregon, dalam penyelidikan berkaitan kesan bunyi hingar. Di situ, beliau juga mula melibatkan diri dalam bidang pencegahan hilang pendengaran akibat kebisingan dan menjadi sebahagian daripada ahli fakulti Dangerous Decibels®. Pada tahun 2020, beliau telah dijemput terlibat dalam inisiatif Make Listening Safe, Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO). Beliau kini aktif menjalankan penyelidikan dalam bidang pendidikan kesihatan pendengaran untuk pelajar sekolah, pekerja dan pemuzik. Beliau juga banyak terlibat dalam penyelidikan neurofisiologi pendengaran dan dalam membangunkan latihan pendengaran untuk warga emas.
Nashrah Maamor first received her training in Audiology at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) where she now lectures. She gained her postgraduate degrees from University of Manchester, United Kingdom and The University of Western Australia doing research in the area of auditory neurophysiology and central auditory processing. In 2013 she completed a research fellowship at the National Centre for Rehabilitative Auditory Research (NCRAR), Portland Oregon, working on the effect of noise on aging and compromised auditory system. There she also took interest in noise-induced hearing loss prevention and became part of the Dangerous Decibels® faculty members, actively contributing to organizing and conducting educator training and related research. In 2020 She was invited to be part of the World Health Organization (WHO) Make Listening Safe initiative working on developing a school-based module on safe listening. Her current research is on hearing health education for schoolchildren, workers and musicians. She is also heavily involved in auditory neurophysiology research and in developing auditory training for the elderly.
nashrah maamor. (2024). clinical implementation of cortical auditory evoked response audiometry for enhanced auditory assessment. - . 1-23.
nashrah maamor. (2024). auditory brainstem response. - . 1-28.
siti aisyah mohammad tahir, che muhammad amir che awang, noor alaudin abdul wahab, mohd normani zakaria, suzaily wahab, nor haniza abdul wahat, nashrah maamor. (2024). exploring the effects of alternate auditory attention tasks on electromotility of cochlear outer hair cells in healthy normal hearing adults. - auditory and vestibular research. 142-151.
nashrah maamor. (2024). otoacoustic emission. - . 1-26.
noor alaudin bin abdul wahab;roziah bt. sidik @ mat sidek;nashrah binti maamor;zaini bin said;nur`izzati binti md. yusoff;nazrul anuar bin nayan. (2024). investigating the effects of dhikr on the neural response of afferent auditory pathways among healthy-normal hearing young adults.. - . .
nur amirah zakaria, nashrah maamor, nor haniza abdul wahat. (2021). hearing health information in malaysian public schools: a step towards addressing a public health concern. - international journal of audiology. 1009-1015.
siti zamratol mai sarahmukari, yusmeera yusof, wan syafira ishak, nashrah maamor, kalaivani chellapan, mariam adawiah dzulkifli. (2020). relative contributions of auditory and cognitive functions on speech recognition in quiet and in noise among older adults. - brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology. 149-156.
yusmeera yusof, siti zamratol-mai sarah mukari, mariam adawiah dzulkifli, kalaivani chellapan, kartini ahmad, ismarulyusda ishak, nashrah maamor dan wan syafira ishak. (2019). efficacy of a newly developed auditory cognitive training system on speech recognition,central auditory processing and cognitive ability among older adults with normal cognition and with ...... - geriatrics gerontology international. 768-773.
mohd normani zakaria, wan najibah wan mohamad, noor alaudin abdul wahab, nashrah maamor. (2019). auditory localization performances in subjects with simulated unilateral conductive hearing loss. - journal of audiology and otology. 1-2.
yap quin jean, rafidah mazlan, mahadir ahmad, nashrah maamor. (2018). parenting stress and maternal coherence: mothers with deaf or hard-of-hearing children. - american journal of audiology. .
curtis j. billings, leslie d. grush, nashrah maamor. (2017). acoustic change complex in background noise: phoneme level and timing effects. - physiological reports. 1-8.
siti zamratol-mai sarah mukari, wan syafira ishak, nashrah maamor & wan fazlina wan hashim. (2017). a preliminary study investigating the association between hearing acuity and a screening cognitive tool. - annals of otology rhinology and laryngology. 697-705.
mohd fadzil nor rashid, nashrah maamor, chong foong yen, quar tian kar. (2024). development of teleaudiology service in special education service centre in malaysia: lessons learned. - journal of advanced research in applied sciences and engineering technology. 289-298.
siti aisyah mohammad tahir, che muhammad amir che awang, noor alaudin abdul wahab, mohd normani zakaria, suzaily wahab, nor haniza abdul wahat, nashrah maamor. (2024). exploring the effects of alternate auditory attention tasks on electromotility of cochlear outer hair cells in healthy normal hearing adults. - auditory and vestibular research. 142-151.
rashid, mohd fadzil nor; quar, tian kar; maamor, nashrah; chong, foong yen. (2022). implementation of the teleaudiology approach in special education service centre: a preliminary study. - malaysian journal of public health medicine. 20.
nur afiqah binti amirullah, sarah binti rahmat, ahmad aidil arafat bin dzulkarnain, nashrah binti maamor, mohd khairil azahar bin jamaludin, mohd zulfaezal bin che azemin. (2022). calibrating different sounds for sound therapy: a general guide. - medical journal of malaysia. 12-19.
nur amirah zakaria, nashrah maamor, nor haniza abdul wahat. (2021). hearing health information in malaysian public schools: a step towards addressing a public health concern. - international journal of audiology. 1009-1015.
lokman saim, siti zamratol-mai sarah mukari, asma abdullah, goh bee see, kartini ahmad, cila umat, raja juanita raja lope and 17 others. (2015). protocol for ukm cochlear implant program: guidelines for professionals 2015. - . 43.
nashrah maamor. (2024). auditory brainstem response. - . 1-28.
nashrah maamor. (2024). clinical implementation of cortical auditory evoked response audiometry for enhanced auditory assessment. - . 1-23.
nashrah maamor. (2024). otoacoustic emission. - . 1-26.
noor alaudin bin abdul wahab;roziah bt. sidik @ mat sidek;nashrah binti maamor;zaini bin said;nur`izzati binti md. yusoff;nazrul anuar bin nayan. (2024). investigating the effects of dhikr on the neural response of afferent auditory pathways among healthy-normal hearing young adults.. - . .
tali rotman, nashrah maamor, curtis billings. (2024). age and hearing effects on cognition and speech-in-noise recognition. - 2024 american auditory society scientific and technical conference. 1.
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