pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian rehabilitasi & keperluan khas (icarehab)
roziah bt. sidik @ mat sidek;fariza bt. md. sham;noor alaudin bin abdul wahab;ermy azziaty binti rozali;suzaily binti wahab. (2024). aplikasi terapi muzik dalam menangani masalah kesihatan mental pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi susulan pandemik covid-19. - . .
noor alaudin bin abdul wahab;roziah bt. sidik @ mat sidek;nashrah binti maamor;zaini bin said;nur`izzati binti md. yusoff;nazrul anuar bin nayan. (2024). investigating the effects of dhikr on the neural response of afferent auditory pathways among healthy-normal hearing young adults.. - . .
siti aisyah mohammad tahir, che muhammad amir che awang, noor alaudin abdul wahab, mohd normani zakaria, suzaily wahab, nor haniza abdul wahat, nashrah maamor. (2024). exploring the effects of alternate auditory attention tasks on electromotility of cochlear outer hair cells in healthy normal hearing adults. - auditory and vestibular research. 142-151.
ahmad nazlim bin yusoff;noor alaudin bin abdul wahab;hamzaini bin abdul hamid;noh bin amit. (2024). optimum background noise stimulation enhanced auditory working memory (awm) performance via stochastic resonance (sr): an fmri study on secondary school and university students. - . .
siti aisyah mohammad tahir, noor alaudin abdul wahab, nashrah maamor, nor haniza abdul wahat, che muhammad amir che awang, mohd normani zakaria.. (2023). meneroka kesan tugas perhatian auditori silih ganti terhadap elektromotiliti sel rambut luar koklea pada orang dewasa dengan pendengaran normal. - persidangan kebangsaan sarjana muda (persada) 2023. 1.
yoong mei theng, suzaily wahab, noor alaudin a.wahab, hatta sidi, srijit das. (2019). schizophrenia and nicotine dependence: what psychopharmacological treatment options are available for the duo perturbationes?. - current drug targets. 173-181.
mohd normani zakaria, noor alaudin abdul wahab, mahamad almyzan awang. (2017). auditory brainstem response (abr) findings with click and ce-chirp stimulations in noise-exposed subjects.. - noise and health. 112-113.
mohd normani zakaria, bahram jalaei, noor alaudin abdul wahab. (2016). gender and modulation frequency effects on auditory steady state response (assr) thresholds.. - european archives of oto-rhino-laryngology. 349-354.
suzaily wahab, mohd normani zakaria, dinsuhaimi sidek, abdul hamid abdul rahman, shamsul azhar shah, noor alaudin abdul wahab.. (2015). evaluation of auditory hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia: a validation study of the malay version of psychotic symptom rating scales (psyrats).. - psychiatry research. 462-467.
yun ai wong, rafidah mazlan, noor alaudin abdul wahab, roslan jaafar, nurul huda bani and nurul ain abdullah. (2021). quality measures of a multicentre universal newborn hearing screening program in malaysia. - journal of medical screening. 238-243.
mohd normani zakaria, wan najibah wan mohamad, noor alaudin abdul wahab, nashrah maamor. (2019). auditory localization performances in subjects with simulated unilateral conductive hearing loss. - journal of audiology and otology. 1-2.
noor alaudin abdul wahab, mohd. normani zakaria, abdul hamid abdul rahman, dinsuhaimi sidek, suzaily wahab. (2017). listening to sentences in noise: revealing binaural hearing challenges in patients with schizophrenia. - psychiatry investigation. 786-794.
mohd normani zakaria, aw cheu lih, noor alaudin abdul wahab. (2016). the dominance of ossicular route in sound transmission. - clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology. 282-283.
noor alaudin abdul wahab, suzaily wahab, abdul hamid abdul rahman, dinsuhaimi sidek, mohd. normani zakaria. (2016). the hyperactivity of efferent auditory system in patients with schizophrenia: a transient evoked otoacoustic emissions study.. - psychiatry investigation. 82-88.
siti aisyah mohammad tahir, che muhammad amir che awang, noor alaudin abdul wahab, mohd normani zakaria, suzaily wahab, nor haniza abdul wahat, nashrah maamor. (2024). exploring the effects of alternate auditory attention tasks on electromotility of cochlear outer hair cells in healthy normal hearing adults. - auditory and vestibular research. 142-151.
maziah romli, shiuan tze wee, mohd fadzil nor rashid, ahmad aidil arafat dzulkarnain, noor alaudin abdul wahab, mohd normani zakaria. (2022). is transient evoked otoacoustic emission (teoae) suppression test ready to be used in clinical settings?. - international journal on disability and human development. 299-306.
noor alaudin abdul wahab, najihah mohamad, muhammad fidaiy nazi nadin, nazrul anuar nayan. (2022). investigating the effects of dhikr stimulation on auditory brainstem response: a case study of a healthy normal hearing adult. - international journal of islamic thought. 84-92.
roziah sidik @ mat sidek, siti nur adilah awang, ermy azziaty rozali, fariza md sham, noor alaudin abdul wahab, suzaily wahab. (2022). covid-19 and its effects on mental health - case study for higher learning institution students in malaysia. - international journal of advanced research. 366-371.
najihah mohamad, muhammad fida'iy nazi nadin, zaini said, nazrul anuar nayan, shafiq imran annual, noor alaudin abdul wahab. (2021). preliminary findings of auditory brainstem response using dhikr stimulus on a healthy normal hearing adult. - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences. 116.
ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, saadah mohamed akhir, normah che din and et..all. (2016). basic biostatistics for health sciences. - . 86.
mohd normani zakaria, nor ellia che deraman, nik adilah nik othman, suzaily wahab, wan suhailah wan husain, noor alaudin abdul wahab and wan najibah wan mohamad. (2021). tinnitus assessment and intervention: clinical studies and case reports. - . 13.
mohd normani zakaria, wan najibah wan mohamad, nik adilah nik othman, wan suhailah wan husain and noor alaudin abdul wahab. (2021). tinnitus assessment and intervention: clinical studies and case reports. - . 8.
akmaliza ali, aw cheu lih, chong foong yen, elin fariza selamat, marina l alisaputri, marniza omar, mohd. normani zakaria, noor alaudin abdul wahab, nurul ain abdullah, nurul huda bani, sarah rahmat, siti suriani che hussin, wan syafira ishak. (2023). pure tone audiometry: recommended procedure. - . 40.
mohd suhaimi mohamad, zoraini ibrahim, zaleha yazid, ida rosnita ismail, mohd nasir selamat, nadia noor awal, norazlin hassim, harishon radzi, che abdullah che ya, harith faruqi sidek, siti nora mhd isa, noor alaudin abdul wahab, muhamad alias md jedi, sa. (2022). kamus kompetensi generik. - edisi pertama. 1-59.
mohd suhaimi mohamad, roslee rajikan, kadir arifin, shahrul nazmi sannusi, noor alaudin abdul wahab, anuar ahmad, wan mazlina wan mashhor. (2021). pelan pengurusan krisis pelajar universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 40.
ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, saadah mohamed akhir, normah che din and et..all. (2016). basic biostatistics for health sciences. - . 86.
ahmad nazlim bin yusoff;noor alaudin bin abdul wahab;hamzaini bin abdul hamid;noh bin amit. (2024). optimum background noise stimulation enhanced auditory working memory (awm) performance via stochastic resonance (sr): an fmri study on secondary school and university students. - . .
noor alaudin bin abdul wahab;roziah bt. sidik @ mat sidek;nashrah binti maamor;zaini bin said;nur`izzati binti md. yusoff;nazrul anuar bin nayan. (2024). investigating the effects of dhikr on the neural response of afferent auditory pathways among healthy-normal hearing young adults.. - . .
roziah bt. sidik @ mat sidek;fariza bt. md. sham;noor alaudin bin abdul wahab;ermy azziaty binti rozali;suzaily binti wahab. (2024). aplikasi terapi muzik dalam menangani masalah kesihatan mental pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi susulan pandemik covid-19. - . .
che muhammad amir che awang, nashrah maamor, siti aisyah mohammad tahir, mohd. normani zakaria, suzaily wahab, mawarni mohd. ridzuan, noor alaudin abdul wahab. (2023). integrating alternate auditory attention (a.l.a.u.d.i.n) tasks in contralateral suppression otoacoustic emissions: a potential objective approach in assessing cognitive deficits among schizophrenia patients. - 7th amdi & informm postgraduate international research and innovation colloquium 2023. 63-64.
nurulafifah mohmmad, rafidah mazlan, nashrah maamor, noor alaudin abdul wahab. (2023). knowledge and attitude of nurses and nursing students toward hearing loss in babies. - kolokium prasiswazah audiologi 2023. 25.
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