prof. madya dr. nur zakiah binti mohd saat

pensyarah universiti

pusat kajian kesihatan komuniti (reach)

   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Nur Zakiah Mohd Saat, PhD is a senior lecturer of Biostatistics and Public Health at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She is currently conducting a research on the quantitative aspects of physical activity, risk factor of cardiovascular disease, health status among children, economic burden of parent and caregivers among children with autism and cerebral palsy. She has a long standing interest in large database and has managed database since first project with Nestle in year 2000. Since then she was invited as co researcher developing questionnaire with Ministry of Health , SEANUTS Malaysia, Vision Screening Programme in KEMAS preschool and Felda Wellness . In qualitative study she has involved in the interviewing flood victims regarding the burden of post flood waste in 2014 until 2016 collaboration with Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Corporation (SWCorp) . She has published many articles in WoS, Scopus, ERA , peer-reviewed journals in the area of statistics, public health, social science and education.

  • kasmawati abu bakar, azly sumanty ab. ghani, zariyantey abdul hamid, nur zakiah mohd saat.  (2024).  correlation of d dimer level with demographic dan comorbidities risk factors in terengganu covid-19 patients: a preliminary analysis.  - malaysian journal of pathology.  169. 


    nur zakiah binti mohd saat;masne binti kadar;siti aishah bt. hanawi;mahadir bin ahmad;nor farah binti mohamad fauzi;hanis mastura binti yahya.  (2024).  hubungan antara masa tayangan, aktiviti fizikal, diet harian, kerisauan, kemurungan , kesejahteraan remaja sekolah di selangor.  -


    n.z.m saat , siti aishah hanawi , hazlenah hanafiah nor m.f.farah , siti hanisa awal.  (2023).  relationship between physical activity and musculoskeletal symptoms among educators in kuala lumpur.  - scope.  891-900. 


    asma' 'afifah shamhari , nur zakiah mohd saat , farah fatin ab. manam , jamilah hanipah , mardhiah mohd zain , md gezani md ghazi , nurul afiqah md saironi , nur ashikin ms prasanthini nahendran , shazrina ariffin& shereen song magallanes.  (2023).  stress level among parents in klang valley during covid-19 outbreak and its contributing factors.  - gading journal for social science.  12-22. 


    n. z. m. saat , siti aishah hanawi , nurul hasanah hasmuni chew , mahadir ahmad , nor m. f. farah , masne kadar , hanis mastura yahya , nor malia abd warif and muhammad khairuddin md daud.  (2023).  the association of eating behaviour with physical activity and screen time among adolescents in the klang valley, malaysia: a cross-sectional study.  - healthcare.  1-13. 


    n. z. m. saat , siti aishah hanawi , nurul hasanah hasmuni chew , mahadir ahmad , nor m. f. farah , masne kadar , hanis mastura yahya , nor malia abd warif and muhammad khairuddin md daud.  (2023).  the association of eating behaviour with physical activity and screen time among adolescents in the klang valley, malaysia: a cross-sectional study.  - healthcare.  1-13. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, siti aishah hanawi, nor m.f. farah , hazlenah hanafiah, anis afiqah zuha.  (2022).  relationship between physical activity and musculoskeletal disorders among low income low-income housewives in kuala lumpur : a cross sectional cross-sectional study.  - plos one.  1-13. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat , siti aishah hanawi, nor mf farah, hazilah mohd amin, hazlenah hanafiah, nur shazana shamsulkamar.  (2021).  relationship between physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors: a cross-sectional study among low-income housewives housewives in kuala lumpur.  - international journal of environmental research and public health.  1-12. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat , siti aishah hanawi , nor m.f. farah. , hazilah mohd amin , hazlenah hanafiah , thavamalar selvaraj.  (2021).  associations of physical activity, sleep quality and cardiovascular risk factors in university students.  - sustainability.  1-13. 


    a. h. nur atikah , lei hum wee, m. s. nur zakiah, caryn mei hsien chan, n. m. mohamed haniki, j. s. swinderjit and ching sin siau.  (2019).  factors associated with different smoking statuses among malaysian adolescent smokers: a cross-sectional study.  - bmc public health.  1-8. 


    kasmawati abu bakar, azly sumanty ab. ghani, zariyantey abdul hamid, nur zakiah mohd saat.  (2024).  correlation of d dimer level with demographic dan comorbidities risk factors in terengganu covid-19 patients: a preliminary analysis.  - malaysian journal of pathology.  169. 


    mohd yusof halimi, nur zakiah mohd saat, sazlina kamaralzaman, siti aishah hanawi.  (2019).  physiology response with different type of digital game among typical children.  - journals of mechanics of continua and mathematical sciences.  139-147. 


    hesham h rashwan, nur zakiah n mohd saat, dalia nadira abd manan.  (2012).  knowledge, attitude and practice of malaysian medical and pharmacy students towards human papillomavirus vaccination.  - asian pacific journal of cancer.  13:2279-2283. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, sazlina kamaralzaman, norshafarina shaari & farida zurina mohd yusoff.  (2011).  association between dialysis dose and biochemical blood parameters.  - sains malaysiana.  40(5):467-473. 


    kasmawati abu bakar, azly sumanty ab. ghani, zariyantey abdul hamid, nur zakiah mohd saat.  (2024).  correlation of d dimer level with demographic dan comorbidities risk factors in terengganu covid-19 patients: a preliminary analysis.  - malaysian journal of pathology.  169. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, ruzita abd talib, sami f alarsan, nesreen saadeh, ghada shahrour.  (2023).  risk factors of overweight and obesity among school children aged 6 to 18 years: a scoping review.  - nutrition and dietary supplements.  63-76. 


    n. z. m. saat , siti aishah hanawi , nurul hasanah hasmuni chew , mahadir ahmad , nor m. f. farah , masne kadar , hanis mastura yahya , nor malia abd warif and muhammad khairuddin md daud.  (2023).  the association of eating behaviour with physical activity and screen time among adolescents in the klang valley, malaysia: a cross-sectional study.  - healthcare.  1-13. 


    n.z.m saat , siti aishah hanawi , hazlenah hanafiah nor m.f.farah , siti hanisa awal.  (2023).  relationship between physical activity and musculoskeletal symptoms among educators in kuala lumpur.  - scope.  891-900. 


    prasanthini nahendran, siti balkis budin, nur zakiah mohd saat, mohd faeiz yusop, tengku norita tengku yazid, nur najmi mohamad anuar.  (2023).  haemolytic of newborn diseaserelated red blood cell alloantibodies.  - jurnal teknologi.  1-6. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, chong pn, b omar, z manaf, i ishak, n ramli, jayusman a, zailan n, zaki mzm, rasaei b and nasrudin nf.  (2012).  knowledge, perception and practice on the usage of e-learning among health students in kuala lumpur.  - procedia-social and behavioral sciences. 


    yanti rosli, hidayatulfathi othman, ismarulyusda ishak, syarif husin lubis, nur zakiah mohd. saat, baharudin omar.  (2012).  self-esteem and academic performance relationship amongst the second year undergraduate students of universiti kebangsaan malaysia, kuala lumpur campus.  - procedia - social and behavioral sciences. 


    ismarulyusda ishak, nurul farhana jufri, syarif husin lubis, nur zakiah mohd saat, baharudin omar, rifina arlin, khairul hazdi & nihayah mohamed.  (2012).  the study of working memory and academic performance of faculty of health sciences students.  - procedia social and behavioral sciences ukm teaching and learning congress 2011. 


    nor haniza abdul wahat, nur zakiah mohd saat, chee kai ching, lim ya qin, goh choon may, nurzila omar, sakinah che ros, fatimah sheikh mohd, tan mon ping, siti sarah omar.  (2012).  time management skill and stress level among audiology and speech sciences students of universiti kebangsaan malaysia.  - procedia - social and behavioral sciences. 


    ahmad rohi ghazali, ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, rifina arlin zainal arifin, asmah hamid, yanti rosli, zainora mohammed, mohd sham othman & firdaus kamarulzaman.  (2012).  students` perception on lecture delivery effectiveness among the faculty of health sciences lecturers.  - procedia - social and behavioral sciences / ukm teaching and learning congress 2011. 


    bariah mohd ali & nur zakiah mohd saat.  (2022).  kesan covid-19 ke atas tingkah laku dan kesihatan komuniti.  - 149. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat.  (2022).  kesan covid-19 ke atas tingkah laku dan kesihatan komuniti.  - 4. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, nasrudin subhi, nor malia abd warif.  (2021).  pengurusan sisa pascabanjir: pengalaman bersama komuniti dan pelaksana.  - 8. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, nor malia abd warif & muhammad ikram a. wahab.  (2021).  pengurusan sisa pascabanjir: pengalaman bersama komuniti dan pelaksana.  - 70. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, muhammad ikram a wahab & nasrudin subhi.  (2021).  pengurusan sisa pascabanjir: pengalaman bersama komuniti dan pelaksana.  - 6. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat.  (2022).  kesan covid-19 ke atas tingkah laku dan kesihatan komuniti.  - 4. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, bariah mohd ali.  (2022).  kesan covid-19 ke atas tingkah laku dan kesihatan komuniti.  - 149. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, muhammad ikram a wahab & nasrudin subhi.  (2021).  pengurusan sisa pascabanjir: pengalaman bersama komuniti dan pelaksana.  - 6. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, nor malia abd warif & muhammad ikram a. wahab.  (2021).  pengurusan sisa pascabanjir: pengalaman bersama komuniti dan pelaksana.  - 70. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, nasrudin subhi, nor malia abd warif.  (2021).  pengurusan sisa pascabanjir: pengalaman bersama komuniti dan pelaksana.  - 8. 


    bariah mohd ali & nur zakiah mohd saat.  (2022).  kesan covid-19 ke atas tingkah laku dan kesihatan komuniti.  - 149. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, muhammad ikram abd wahab, nor malia abd warif.  (2021).  pengurusan sisa pasca banjir: pengalaman bersama komuniti dan pelaksana.  - 70. 


    ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, saadah mohamed akhir.  (2020).  manual book: biostatistics for health sciences.  - 111. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, ismarulyusda ishak, saadah mohd akhir.  (2020).  practical spss book: master and doctor of philosophy health sciences.  - 70. 


    nor zaidah zulkifli, sazlina kamaralzaman, nur zakiah mohd saat.  (2019).  kanak-kanak palsi serebral: keberkesanan program dalam meningkatkan keupayaan tangan.  - 96. 


    nur zakiah binti mohd saat;masne binti kadar;siti aishah bt. hanawi;mahadir bin ahmad;nor farah binti mohamad fauzi;hanis mastura binti yahya.  (2024).  hubungan antara masa tayangan, aktiviti fizikal, diet harian, kerisauan, kemurungan , kesejahteraan remaja sekolah di selangor.  -


    nurul hasanah hasmuni chew, nur zakiah mohd saat, jyh eiin wong, ilse khouw and bee koon poh on behalf of the seanuts ii malaysia study group.  (2023).  sociodemographic differences in eating habits amongst 3-to-6-year-old preschoolers in peninsular malaysia: findings from seanuts ii malaysia.  - maso scientific conference on obesity.  75. 


    nurul hasanah hasmuni chew, nur zakiah mohd saat, jyh eiin wong, ilse khouw, bee koon poh.  (2023).  dietary patterns and association with overweight/obesity among 3-to-6-yearold preschoolers in peninsular malaysia: findings from seanuts ii malaysia.  - 2023 international congress on obesity and metabolic syndrome (icomes).  2. 


    nurul syuhada azman, nur zakiah mohd saat, noraidatulakma abdullah.  (2023).  coping self efficacy among students of the faculty of health sciences, universiti kebangsaan malaysia.  - 13th malaysian symposium of biomedical sciences.  1. 


    nur zakiah mohd saat, milla zulkifli, anis afiqah zuha, nur shazana shamsulkamar, nor farah muhamad fauzi, and siti aishah hanawii.  (2023).  impact and rationale of the health status of housewives in low-income urban communities.  - sulam innovate showcase & symposium (suiss) 2023.  1.